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theoldones ago

(swoops in and out to remind everyone u/Maggotbait88 just tried doing the spam routine again in place of Aged)

Charliethebum ago

Is maggotbait an aged alt or someone else?

theoldones ago

ive suspected him to be so, because he always shows up as a defender

for the record he just showed up to spam-post in one burst, just like Aged is known to do:

Maggotbait88 ago

Because you have such a great track record at identifying alts and bots. You still haven't deleted all your comments where you're asking for child pornography.

theoldones ago

explain you posting these 3 items just now.

Maggotbait88 ago

First explain why you asked so many people for cp, that seems like a more pressing issue considering it's a felony.

theoldones ago


but rather then explain myself I'll just let you keep making mistakes.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You brought this upon yourself by spreging out and spamming /v/gaming AND /v/protectvoat with 15+ posts about /u/aged over a couple of days.

Then had the masterful, intelligence, and totally NOT retarded idea to win an argument by calling the other person a pedophile, then demanding they post CP for you, because that totally didn't backfire you then repeated this failure 2 or 3 more times with other users, asking them for CP and then getting mad when they didn't post it for you.

You lived by the spergout, you die by the spergout.

theoldones ago

you let Aged operate freely but wont let other get the same


Maggotbait88 ago

"Explain why you wanted pictures of naked children."


Pack it in boys he says he isn't a pedophile. GG

theoldones ago

maybe post a 5th spam pic to pack it in perhaps, yeah?

Maggotbait88 ago

Im fine with my current posts, pedophile

theoldones ago


Maggotbait88 ago

( ̄ω ̄)

Maggotbait88 ago

Im fine with my current posts, pedophile.

Decidueye ago

theoldones ago

you cunts already have your answers, responding to you is redundant

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You brought this upon yourself you know, by being a massive faggot who made (some would say 'spammed') 15+ drama posts over 3 days, accused numerous users of being pedophiles with no justification, then had the masterful idea to prove that anyone who disagreed with you was a pedophile by asking that they post CP... and threw a tantrum when they refused.

Just remember that you did this to yourself, you managed to make /v/gaming hate you more than we hate /u/aged.

theoldones ago

we have proof photos but still let Aged operate freely even its clear he's breaking the spam rule and is guilty of posting literally jailbait

its clear to me then, that you let people get away with that

voat needs to be more consistent, and actually fix this with a hard change but putt doesn't stay silent