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fightknightHERO ago

Context matters nigger

Dortex ago

Yeah. Which is why I've given everyone the entire conversation so they can see it. Kike.

theoldones ago

and you still got more context afterward you fucking fail to mention.

Dortex ago

That seems to be more your problem than mine.

theoldones ago

libel like you're fucking pulling i ought to sue you in real life.

Dortex ago

I know it looks like I'm being flippant, but these have been serious invitations. Sue me. I fucking dare you.

theoldones ago

oh i'd need to know where you live then. do feel free to tell me :)

Dortex ago

Nope. You'll have to find out yourself. ;)

theoldones ago

read my my post text nigger

you accuse me of asking for CP when that was to make the other guy prove that he would act like the guy he was defending, and he declined for obvious reasons. do you even know how arguments and making someone prove their point work.

Decidueye ago

The context that began it that was your inability to properly define what is CP and resorting to pilpul kikery. So I correctly assumed you stretch that definition as you see fit. Aged is a disgusting degenerate, but he's never posted CP.

theoldones ago

"jailbaitanon" sets off a few red flags, idiot.

Decidueye ago

You're doing yourself no favors by being so inherently deceptive.

theoldones ago

deceptive about what? Aged posted in v/jailbaitanon and anyone who says that sub doesnt exist as a porn sub skirting under the radar and rules is a goddamn liar

Decidueye ago

You're trying to substitute defining CP with jailbait again, despite everyone being quite aware of the difference. There's a very clear distinction between the two.

theoldones ago

well then as soon you post to v/jailbaitanon seeing as just said it's legal i'll believe you.

Decidueye ago

Jailbait in and of itself isn't illegal. It's a waving red flag, though. But back on topic... Define what CP is now, jew. Or kill yourself. That works too.

theoldones ago

you just said

Jailbait in and of itself isn't illegal. It's a waving red flag, though.

don't move the goddamn goalposts here, you just admitted red flags are waving.

Decidueye ago

Quit projecting your bullshit. You've been called out by others as it is for twisting definitions to suit your own ends.

Maggotbait88 ago

Can you type a fucking coherent sentence please.