SearchVoatBot ago

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MinorLeakage ago

Just check this guy's account. One child abuser defending another. What a joke.

assdfasf2324sdc ago

you are a spammer in my perspective

3 years and notover 3k cpp

hyping bans on "free speech" platform cause muh self dont like um, fucking nigger get a life @puttitout the future of voat, buh mu bans

theoldones ago

fucker keeps spamming incomplete slander he's already gotten a rebuttal for, and if this was IRL i would be fighting him.

jksdfhkasd7834897234 ago

i know you are legit, too many jews on voat... i actually like of your shit.... keep the fight we will win when people start to notice

im giving putt a second chance, every old goat has left or barley touches this place. the rest are the PV goon squad. steadfast warrior, cause i aint giving up ...

i know youre legit, msm lies, who is the angel.... where are the old goats reddit 2.0 @puttitout

Grospoliner ago

Seems like it's getting to be that the number of Jews on voat is exceeding the entire world population of them. Damn this yiddish hive of degenercy.

larryhuston ago

Hi, Dial.

jksdfhkasd7834897234 ago

shit alt @puttitout

larryhuston ago

Hi, Dial. Again.

theoldones ago

none of these new fuckers have any goddamn principles.

Dortex ago

It's true. You don't.

jksdfhkasd7834897234 ago

its alright man, this a war choose to do. there is a select group maybe 20? but (im being conservative here) 2-3 allts a piece

not my recent ban , previous group..... i dont even to this., there was a dramatic shift @puttitout a couple months ago

this site no different than reddit inretro .... who the fucking angel, tell me if im wrong 2020 election i got a theory

fucking whatever.... i cound further i diont futher dead

Dortex ago

And you're the most textbook case of a /u/theoldones alt I've ever seen. Now stop begging for child porn.

CantBuySkills ago

Fuck off bro. Stop calling for fucking banning people. You all sound so retarded. And for fucks sake, if you're going to try and talk shit to people, make sure you're doing everything right first... like posting shit in the right sub. I see you edited your post commenting on this, but it was too late. You fucked up. Im all about this whole thing dying and no longer being a thing, but fuck me... banning people is what got this whole thing started.

Dortex ago

Stop calling for fucking banning people.

No. He's literally breaking the spam rules. Probably even manipulating votes. And begging for child porn. This isn't some hoity toity moralizing. It's literally calling for the rules to be enforced, albeit in the wrong sub.

I see you edited your post commenting on this, but it was too late.

Yeah, that was my bad. :(

Still refuse to turn on CSS, though.

CantBuySkills ago

He's not breaking spam rules though. None of his posts were repeats. You have no proof of voat manipulation. Or proof that people are begging for child porn. Is there a new thread somewhere that I missed where people are calling for pedophilia to be normalized. I'm not saying your hoity toity, you're just wrong... plain and simple. He didn't break any rules.

As for the misposting... I don't really give a shit... I just had to throw a little jab in there cuz I'm a prick ;-)

Decidueye ago

They aren't spam, but posts like this one and the others asking for bans violate rule #1.

sdjasdlkfa789289134 ago

shit alt...

CantBuySkills ago

Who? Me? @dortex? Or you? I'm confused...

Obrez ago

That's dialindicator he's actually crazier than theoldones. the guy makes hundreds of alts a month to spam inane shit like this and confuse people and farm SCP the two giveaways are the random alpha-numerics in the name and the phrase "shit alt"

sdjasdlkfa789289134 ago

gont fusk with me you fucking ccp manip @puttitout this person

ipissing alot off now

CantBuySkills ago

Da fuuuuuck...

Seriously though... can you please pick one language and type in only that one. I really don't understand what you're trying to say.

I like that song though.

sdjasdlkfa789289134 ago

Da fuuuuuck...

all i read i know you a nigger

CantBuySkills ago

You can't even speak english... pretty sure we all knew who the nigger was before you.

sdjasdlkfa789289134 ago

seanbox alt

CantBuySkills ago


Dortex ago

He's not breaking spam rules though. None of his posts were repeats.

That raises an interesting question. What is spam? In my mind, he's spamming since he's obsessively posting off-topic, about the same topic, for days on end.

You have no proof of voat manipulation

That is true. But none of this passes the smell test. Aged was doing fine until this loser got his panties in a twist about the ban reversal. The posts received lukewarm support. Nothing's changed between back then and now save for the drama. And considering he's always there when Aged posts, and everyone he disagrees with consistently gets -2, I can't help but put two and two together.

Or proof that people are begging for child porn.

I've been spamming this post where he's begging for child porn for hours. Nobody else actually posts or asks for child porn in all of this.

As for the misposting... I don't really give a shit... I just had to throw a little jab in there cuz I'm a prick ;-)

You little rascal you. <3

CantBuySkills ago

His topics weren't and aren't off post though... they are legitimate videogame characters. Kind of a super autistic workaround if you ask me. And as for the frequency of his posts, that is limited inherently by Voat... not sure if v/gaming has some kind of stop measure for this.

As for the rest, I completely agree with you... I actually made this last night, but didn't post it because I don't have proof.

I now see what you're saying about him begging for child porn... I confess, now I'm retarded. I confused you with him for a second... the mental gymnastics I have been doing with these people is making me lose it!

Dortex ago

Bro, i was talking about u/theoldones. You've completely missed the point of this thread. Aged is our canary. The other guy's been spamming the sub trying to get /u/Aged banned again. HE'S the one that's been off-topic. Take a breath. I know this is all a big clusterfuck.

CantBuySkills ago

I know... I realized that... sorry... you're right. And honestly at this point, he should be warned by @puttitout because he IS actually breaking a rule and appears to be doing so intentionally. Then if it continues we go from there. He's not killing anyone or anything super serious, which is why I feel a stern warning is in order first.

Dortex ago

You know, that's a perfectly fair, and reasonable position. I would personally be fine with just resetting his CCP. Make him earn the right to post again. If he keeps spamming up the place, the downvotes will bring him under the threshold immediately and the behavior will rectify itself.

theoldones ago

spam is you leaving 100 outdated links ive already addressed that people clearly hate because they already know about it, and by now also know what my response is

Dortex ago

You know what? You're right. I should be more tactical. With my links. There are so many other threads you've taken part in. Why am I limiting myself to this one? There are plenty of people who don't know what you've done.

SearchVoatBot ago

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theoldones ago

you've spammed it far and wide enough thank you very fucking much.

Dortex ago

Why are you thanking me? I'm literally lying in wait now to post it at the most damning possible time. You've turned low-level trolling into big peepee, master-tier trolling.

MinorLeakage ago

Posting sexualized images of minors is literal pedophilia and is illegal in the US. Fuck off with your bullshit, faggot. You and /u/Aged both deserve to die in a fire.

fightknightHERO ago

i don't care if they post cartoon pedophilia in their OWN degenerate subverses

but keep gaming out of that Trash, the spam rule is in place for an obvious reason.

Dortex ago

Nope. Perfectly legal. There's no argument here. You're not into it so you want him gone.

MinorLeakage ago

You are absolutely wrong. Which State are you licensed to practice law in, faggot?

18 U.S. Code § 1466A. Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children

You clain there is no argument, but that's because you're fucking moron, and you have no argument. It is illegal, and contravenes Voat's rules. He should be banned. You are allowed to defend him, and don't deserve to be banned. You just deserve to die in fire for defending abusers of children.

Dortex ago

You are absolutely wrong. Which State are you licensed to practice law in, faggot?

None. You?

18 U.S. Code § 1466A. Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children

I see your citation and raise you an Ashcroft v Free Speech Association. Twice, for good measure.

MinorLeakage ago

Now suddenly it's a nuanced argument, that required the Supreme Court to weigh in on the issue? Not to mention, that is an older case from a different law than what I linked. And that case only deals with drawings, whereas /u/Aged also posts suggestive pictures of actual real children.

This is not a "canary in the coal mine" for freedom of speech. That is a specious argument. Yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theatre is not either. These are crimes completely unrelated to speech.

This isn't about your little recent squabble with him and /v/gaming. The dude is a literal pedophile, who could be banned for the illegal content he posts, simple as that. Just because no law enforcement agency has had the time, money or motivation to stop him specifically, does not mean that what he does is legal by US law.

Dortex ago

Now suddenly it's a nuanced argument, that required the Supreme Court to weigh in on the issue?

The Supreme Court weighs on issues of constitutionality. Of course they would be involved in this. And they ruled against your position explicitly.

And that case only deals with drawings, whereas /u/Aged also posts suggestive pictures of actual real children.

So you mean to tell me he has posted naked children in sexually suggestive poses? That's a pretty serious allegation.

MinorLeakage ago

You are completely incorrect. You responded to nothing substantive because you know you're wrong. Then you act incredulous about the only thing this conversation has ever been about.

Yes, pedophilia is a serious allegation. At least you're finally waking up.

Dortex ago

You are completely incorrect.

So he's not posting naked kids in sexually suggestive positions?

Help me here, man. It seems you think this counts as child porn. Which is so hilariously wrong, I don't know that you'd be physically capable of understanding laws in general. You honest to God may not be found competent to stand trial if you were ever arrested. What is the legal definition of child pornography?

Also, no. This conversation has never been about child pornography. It's ostensibly about Aged "spamming" the gaming sub with fan art. But it wasn't spam. Putt didn't quite get what was happening, so he gave a knee-jerk reaction he had to fix. But everyone in "the know" knew that was only an excuse. You don't like Aged. So you want him gone. Fuck off to Reddit. This place isn't for you.

MinorLeakage ago

Also, no. This conversation has never been about child pornography. It's ostensibly about Aged "spamming" the gaming sub with fan art.

Then we are having two different conversations. I couldn't care less about the recent ban, related to spam. This is about literal CP, not drawings.

/u/Aged has been posting literal CP. That's my only point, and the only reason I stopped by.

Dortex ago

I asked if he's been posting naked kids. You've ignored the question because it's an obvious "no". You have no idea what "child porn" even is. Are ypu going to answer the question, or you going to keep rationalizing?

MinorLeakage ago

The answer has been an unequivocal yes each and every time. Yes. He posts literal child porn, illegal under US law, in contravention of Voat's rules.

Dortex ago

The answer has been an unequivocal yes each and every time. Yes. He posts literal child porn, illegal under US law, in contravention of Voat's rules.

I asked a specific question. If there are naked kids, in sexually suggestive poses, then we have a crime on our hands. But we don't. You're just not into the stuff he posts.

MinorLeakage ago

Just stop trolling already. You say the same thing every time.

The only argument you have in your favor is that the US Supreme Court has previously ruled that drawings are not children. I am happy to concede that one detail.

That is not the only thing this poster posts.

We may well disagree about where the legal limit is, but the user in question purposely attempting to blur that line of legality. My opinion is that they are well beyond it, and we shouldn't be risking this place defending actual pedophiles on principle.

If you seriously cared about this issue or free speech, you would actually engage any of the people who called this out. Instead you just play dumb, pretend to misunderstand the point, then insist on answers to inane questions that don't pertain to the question at hand.

Dortex ago

We may well disagree about where the legal limit is, but the user in question purposely attempting to blur that line of legality.

None of this is important. Pictures of clothed, pubescent minors are not illegal. Any complaining past this point is moralizing.

My opinion is...

Worthless. You're not a judge, a lawyer, part of any active Jury in any case related to this, or a lawmaker. Your thoughts on the legality of these pictures is as relevant as your thoughts on the legality of drawn lolis.

You know there are no naked children in sexually suggestive poses. Hell, i doubt Aged has posted naked children period, even though that would fall squarely within the bounds of protected speech.

You want me to engage you, but the core of your argumentation is that you feel ways about pictures of clothed minors and that these feelings translate to some kind of legal statute or precedent that suddenly makes all this illegal.

Well guess what: I don't care about your feelings. Im literally too Autistic for this shit. So either answer my questions, or shove your feelings up your ass so nobody has to hear about them anymore.

MinorLeakage ago

You are the one who started this thread, crying your little eyes out. Go back to doing it alone now, faggot. Or with your pedophile buddy.

Dortex ago

I think you git my point. Take your moralizing back to Reddit. They banned these subs ages ago.

MinorLeakage ago

You really are dumber than a pile of shit.

theoldones ago

he's not into it because it's literally pedophilia. dumbass.

Dortex ago

Then you should be banned, since you keep begging for child porn.

theoldones ago

i explained this already, take your explanation and shut the fuck up.

Dortex ago

"If you can't be satisfied with my excuse then I guess I'll have to beg for child porn. somewhere you can't see me"

theoldones ago

stop being a broken record.

Dortex ago

I will when you stoo begging for child porn. But since you're still keep begging for child porn., I have no choice but to keep going.

theoldones ago

and this you've gone past sanity into spamming shit.

i gave you a fucking explanation, take it

Dortex ago

It just bears repeating that you're constantly begging for child porn.

theoldones ago

no it does not. you've made your point and i made my mine.

look at your fucking comment scores on this as time goes by, you idiot

Dortex ago

Yes, it does bear repeating that you kept begging for child porn.

As for my comment scores. I've got thousands, and I onky need 100 to post. What does this matter to me? And you've been hemorrhaging points since yesterday. Has this stopped you?

SearchVoatBot ago

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MrBunnyVest ago

So that's where we're at, defending pedos and attacking the people who complain about them?

Decidueye ago

TheOldOnes asked me to post pics of naked kids. So I'm suspecting the faggot doth protest too much.

Fambida ago

No, we're defending free speech, even for pedos. If that distinction is too subtle for you, well, you're probably retarded

MrBunnyVest ago

Defending pedos and name calling, what a compelling argument

Fambida ago

You're free to read through my comment history for more nuanced views. I'd elaborate on them here except that I don't think you're arguing in good faith.

but hey, if you are actually serious about this discussion give the ol' @fambida here a clickydoo and read what i've said before. I consider free speech to be of ultimate importance, even if it means letting fuckstains like aged through the cracks.

MrBunnyVest ago

Not arguing in good faith? Wtf have I said that lacks sincerity? Look, I understand everyone's fears, I get that we're all looking for the canary in the coal mine, watching for the slippery slope and a million other very realistic concerns. But the fact is that we have already seen enough groups, organizations, cultures, whatever, get destroyed from the inside because they were too afraid to reasonably police themselves. Today it's aged, but like attracts like and if you are too afraid to band together with reasonable people and protect more than one ideal, freedom of speech yes, but what about protecting your family, your culture, what about valuing truth, beauty, and reasonable debate? All the things the left is tearing down? If you can't come together and protect what you value, others that aren't so restrained will come and take it.
And once again, there is a large gulf between saying ''you can't post child shit here'' and ''you're banned for disagreeing'' we need to find a middle path or it will have a significant cost.

Fambida ago

Not arguing in good faith?

Niggalo, you attacked me instead of my arguments. That's signal fuckin one for bad faith. Ignoring your blatant ad hominem, you've failed to convince me that I should abandon my support of Aged's free speech. I hate that nigger and hope he dies in pain, but free speech matters.

MrBunnyVest ago

If you feel attacked maybe you should stop defending pedos, and apparently free speech matters except when you call for banning others. I'm done, good luck.

MinorLeakage ago

Just take a look at OPs most downvoated post. It will answer all your questions.

Dortex ago

The more interesting thing is that goats, having been banned off every other platform for having naughty, yet perfectly legal, thoughts, turn around and try the same thing in their sanctuary. It really is true what they say about migrants: They bring their problems with them.

MrBunnyVest ago

Migrants bring pedophiles, and leftists bring arguments defending degenerates. It's ok to have a minimum objective level of morality. I would like to think everyone can agree that pedophilia is bad, maybe not you since you think these pictures are just ''naughty''. We can find a balance where we aren't banning for any slight but also not allowing shit little that. Saying it's not technically wrong sounds like every shyster lawyer that screws over anyone they can, every politician saying why you should allow shit in your neighborhood and every lefty telling us to shut up about the faggot pedophiles reading at our local library.

sdjasdlkfa789289134 ago

shit altjkhasdjklasdjklfasdfuhkl;


Dortex ago

Migrants bring pedophiles

They bring more than that.

and leftists bring arguments defending degenerates.

Leftists bring censorship. I think you forget where you are and why we're all here.

Take everything you're saying later in this post and replace "pedo" with "racist".

MrBunnyVest ago

They've stretched the meaning of racist to the point that it has no value anymore, pedo still has some integrity as a true social negative. You're so scared of being a redditor that you'd rather be a pedo, if it comes down to the least of two evils, I know which side I stand on. Maybe you need to examine your own internal works if a.) You can't tell what's REALLY right and wrong or b.) You can't control yourself enough to ONLY take control when absolutely needed to maintain the integrity of something greater than yourself.

Dortex ago

They've stretched the meaning of racist to the point that it has no value anymore,

Replace. The fucking. Words. The only difference between the two is you're dead set on rationalizing the pedophile angle. Post drawings? Pedo. Post pubescent girls? Pedo. That's not how this works. That's not what that word means.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/gaming comment by @theoldones.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @theoldones.

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MrBunnyVest ago

Whatever man, you obviously have a personal stake in this argument. There's a difference between saying ''this is wrong'' and ''everything I disagree with is wrong''. Good luck.

Dortex ago

We all have a personal stake here. It always starts with canary. And once the canary is dead, everyone is dies soon after. You've been here so long, you've forgotten.

theoldones ago

holy shit you legit think a racist word is the same as fucking a kid.

wow. no. you need to die for that.

Dortex ago

Why is the guy that constantly begs for child porn talking to me about needijg to die?

theoldones ago

you are ommiting my response here

Dortex ago

Yes I am. Sucks, don't it?

theoldones ago

makes you a dishonest fuck, and i can now always bring up your deliberate omission to ruin the truth of any claim you make

(claps for you)

Dortex ago

I don't see how linking to the full thread is omission. How's that lawsuit coming along? Ask your lawyer what "judgement-proof means.

theoldones ago

Leftists bring censorship. I think you forget where you are and why we're all here.

you are currently asking for me to be banned.

you seem like the leftist here.

Dortex ago

You don't tolerate the intolerant. When someone means to undermine something as important as Free Speech, you aren't obliged to stand there while they shit it up..

theoldones ago

"Yo, Putt, can we ban the spammer already?"

go ahead and tell me whose being intolerant.

Dortex ago

go ahead and tell me whose being intolerant.

You, Faggotkike. Now stop begging for kiddie porn and castrate yourself.

theoldones ago

and yet you're tearing into the guy calling out Aged.


Dortex ago

Kill yourself and stop begging for child porn.

theoldones ago

you kill yourself and fucking stop this nonsense.

Dortex ago

I will when you stop begging for child porn.

theoldones ago

you got your explanation for that shit, you idiot. how many time do i have to tell you it.

Dortex ago

Goy, it's okay. I have an excuse to beg for child porn.

theoldones ago

yet perfectly legal


do you know what the word jailbait means?

Dortex ago

Sexually attractive girls under the legal age of consent. Do you know what "irrelevant" means?

theoldones ago

do YOU know what that means?

"Sexually attractive girls under the legal age of consent."

sexual interest means fucking those kids

it's very goddamn relevant, he wants to fuck jailbait, you idiot.

Dortex ago

sexual interest means fucking those kids

I think you need a dictionary. And a Thesaurus.

it's very goddamn relevant,

No it's not.

he wants to fuck jailbait, you idiot.

That's a Tautology. It wouldn't be jailbait if nobody wanted to fuck them.

theoldones ago

I think you need a dictionary. And a Thesaurus.


That's a Tautology. It wouldn't be jailbait if nobody wanted to fuck them.

holy shit you're stupid.

you just accused me of something then in the same response, you, wow, you ate lead paint as a child.

fucking kids is wrong. you need to be shot for some of the things you're suggesting.

Dortex ago

holy shit you're stupid.

And you're begging for child porn on the internet.

fucking kids is wrong. you need to be shot for some of the things you're suggesting.

Then stop begging for child porn

theoldones ago

And you're begging for child porn on the internet.

which i did only to forcibly make the other guy who was defending the pedo, decline to act like a pedo when pushed to

you have to be a fucking troll, how many times do i have to explain how arguments work

Dortex ago

which i did only to forcibly make the other guy who was defending the pedo, decline to act like a pedo when pushed to

I've got your number

theoldones ago

i am not clicking on your virus laiden shit.

is my number "make the other dude decline to hold up his side of the argument"?

SeanBox ago

Actually, he is getting upvoats because everyone hates aged.

Obrez ago

I don't think OP disagrees that everyone hates aged, the issue is one of them is spamming content that isn't against the rules and the other one is spamming ban requests unrelated to v/gaming. I want to see aged's "content" disappear from this board too and all that would take is a simple rule banning low effort smut posting, and defining "low effort" in succinct terms for this specific use case; the alternative is lowering the bar of responsibility, credibility and capacity for recourse from the community against moderation like on reddit (think how they stretch terms like "off topic" to shut down shit they don't like).

I also firmly believe the people with their undies in a bind over this whole thing wouldn't be one tenth as purterbed if it weren't for theoldones, who has been provoking the issue but is also clearly playing games using the issue if you aren't aware of who he is and what sort of shit he does here"s my experience with him: frankly he's a bigger threat to voat than any smut peddling faggot.

Decidueye ago

Well, @theoldones might be getting the banhammer soon. He's trying to dox @Dortex now after being repeatedly called out by him for breaking federal law for soliciting child pornography multiple times.

theoldones ago

he drops libel and lies because i already addressed that shit.

go see my fucking explanation post, suck my dick otherwise.

Decidueye ago

Your explanation is complete hogwash, since it's dependent on your intentional misinterpretations of definitions and false equivalencies.

theoldones ago

it doesnt matter one fucking iota you think of it.

what matters is i said it, and yet you fucking two keep pushing the old claim repeatedly to the point of harassing my good name.

if the motherfucker wants to play the game of harassment and accusation then i'll play it. perhaps he should have thought about that before making his own decisions.

if @puttitout has a goddamn problem with me questioning his legal status within the united states, then i think he ought to also tell the spic to shut up with repeating his accusations as well.

Dortex ago

claim repeatedly to the point of harassing my good name

I don't think people that beg for child porn get to say they have a "good name".

theoldones ago

oh fuck you, i have addressed this.

this is why i'm doing the same shit to him, and you're just keeping the dumpster fire going.

if putt wants this whole thing to stop he better get the spic (and you as well) to back the fuck off.

Dortex ago

oh fuck you, i have addressed this.


this is why i'm doing the same shit to you.

You were doing something to me? What was it?

you are a federal criminal, its 100% fair game to have ICE on your ass.

Bitch, you think ICE is going to deport me? In your dreams.

if putt helps you evade ICE, he's aiding and abetting a criminal.

Oof. Maybe dont libel Putt's good name?

theoldones ago

oh now you're worried about libel? how convenient.

Dortex ago

Well yeah. Putt's the owner of the site. With an "angel investor". Who knows what kind of legal team is behind that. I'm saying this for your own good. I am unaffected by any libel suits that may come your way.

theoldones ago

ICE is gonna drag your ass back to taco-town, and you started this with literal, real libel.

you deserve the shit happening to you from me. you, set it off.

Dortex ago

As opposed to fake libel? I'm confused. Is the ICE thing a lie then? I don't know what the point of comparison is.

theoldones ago

you know damn well i have a response written

you then ignore it existing and push only your evidence. you knowingly lie by omission.


i called it slander at first but you corrected me and pointed out thats libel

by your own definition, you commit libel.

Dortex ago

you know damn well i have a response written

Yes yes. You dindunuffin wrong. Youz a gudboi who never aks for kid porn.

you corrected me and pointed out thats libel

I'm still waiting on that payment for my legal services.

ignoring its existence is the source of the libel charge.

Are you going to sue me or not?

theoldones ago

you declined to give any information that would let me sue you, so instead i'm quite to happy to have ICE probing your butthole then tossing you back to mexico instead.

Dortex ago

But you need more information to report me to ICE than to sue me. I know you're stupid, but it's still surprising how stupid.

theoldones ago

-your first and last name




-date of birth/age

i'll wait.

this ICE reporting form wont fill itself out.

Dortex ago

Why would I do your work for you when I can just show everyone you beg for child porn? :(

theoldones ago

because that alone is lying about the situation by omission. you damn well know this, and at this point i have to assume you're just trolling

you picked a heavy damn subject to troll with though

i can tell you right away ive already seen one dude ask you why you're accusing people of having CP as a joke.

that dude will probably not be the last.

Dortex ago

you damn well know this, and at this point i have to assume you're just trolling

I'm just letting everyone know you beg for child porn.

i can tell you right away ive already seen one dude ask you why you're accusing people

And then he found out you begged for child porn.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No, I found you saying explicit drawings are not porn. u/theoldones could hardly believe you thought that and demanded you provide examples that weren't porn, which you refuse to do, and instead go around calling him the pedophile.

Cut your fucking bullshit.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Dortex ago

No, I found you saying explicit drawings are not porn.

You may want to phrase that better. Of course explicit drawings are porn. Anyone not closely following this will scratch his head and wonder why you're asking for porn that isn't porn.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I didn't ask for anything. Link us to where you misread it.

You gonna start calling me a pedophile, too? Is that what you do to everybody who doesn't do what you want?

Dortex ago

Buddy, I have no beef eith you. You're some random guy who's just not seeing the big picture. I dont know that you've ever begged anyone for child porn. I think you're getting too heated up over someone else's problems .

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Anyone not closely following this will scratch his head and wonder why you're asking for porn that isn't porn.

You JUST said that.

Cool pilpul.

Dortex ago

I'm confused. My guess is you're saying "porn" when you mean "child porn", and charitably rephrasing old's requests as requests for loli stuff.

Anyone else reading understands his requests as ones for child pornography and reasonably declines to oblige his degeneracy. See how much better things are when you speak clearly?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh it's clear, you're confused about a lot of things.

He never asked for any porn and you're a liar. It's pretty simple. You painted yourself into a corner and now you're having a tantrum at being dound out.

Dortex ago

I think you're just picking sides. This exchange is over.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

My side is actually directly opposed to what u/theoldones is saying.

You're just such an idiot liar you make enemies out of people with the same opinions as you.

This exchange is over!

More tantrums.

theoldones ago

wow, that was the slimiest, most underhanded, most jew-faced comment ive ever seen typed on this website.

Dortex ago

Almost as slimy as those times you begged for child porn.

theoldones ago

this motherfucker needs a habenero shoved up his ass.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

His butthole is spicy enough already.

theoldones ago

I'm just letting everyone know you beg for child porn.

bullshit that's your intention.

And then he found out you begged for child porn.

no. he then told you to cut your fucking bullshit.

Dortex ago

bullshit that's your intention.

Can we really know the mind of another?

no. he then told you to cut your fucking bullshit.

Must be thinking of another guy.

theoldones ago

Must be thinking of another guy.


clamhurt_legbeard's take was very clearly

if im reading that correctly didnt you just link to a post where you are describing what is very specifically not child porn

and he challenges you to produce something you claim to be legal but he feels is disgusting regardless of court rulings

makes it sound like youre the pedophile and hes calling you out

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Pretty fuckin' clear.

theoldones ago

frankly he's a bigger threat to voat than any smut peddling faggot.

he said, then casually walked away

assdfasf2324sdc ago

notorious downvoater, and fucking moron

Dortex ago

1.8 hour account. No ccp or SCP. Hi, /u/theoldones. Done begging for child porn?

theoldones ago

cunt i just called him out for being an alt too.

are you fucking high?

Dortex ago

"It's okay, goy. I called him out. That totally means he's not an alt. Now can we forget about that time I kept begging for child porn?"

assdfasf2324sdc ago

dont fuck me fuck face, i could take you out in second post you shit alt. And those that know me my words and they will say back the fuck off

as you fucking should you bitch mutt

Dortex ago

Look, look. Buddy. We know it's just your alt, u/theoldones. Just stop begging for child porn. I'm not asking for much here.

jksdfhkasd7834897234 ago

Look, look. Buddy.

dont call me buddy you fucking shit alt, i will dismantle in way you cannot understand. but maybe with you I will take my time, cause you are really starting to piss me off

@puttiout, caught one

Dortex ago

Buddy, buddy. Calm down. We're all buds here. No need to cry.

sdjasdlkfa789289134 ago

i really dont think what what im capable.... and this is where shit get scary

jksdfhkasd7834897234 ago

No need to cry.

again you shit alt if you think them first rodeo, go backing to fucking sleep seanbox

Dortex ago

I think your syntax program broke. I suggest a reboot.

theoldones ago

hi, old ones here. stop smoking crack. who the fuck are you even talking to.

Dortex ago

Your alt. It still hasn't begged for child porn yet.

sdjasdlkfa789289134 ago

shit alt

assdfasf2324sdc ago

I called him out

HAHAHAHAHA whats that mem gary li meme you call calling out?

lmao, you shit alt

assdfasf2324sdc ago

ive been on here longer than you fuck face, not a fucking gand argument

I could eviscerate you in any conversation, you spineless fucking cunt.

just so you how serious i am this listing to punching your face into the pavement, anti free speech "muh banns"

fucking shit alt @puttitout

CantBuySkills ago

You have been here 3.6 hours. Man up and get on your real account if you actually have one with gusto around here.

theoldones ago

said the guy who

user for 1.8 hours

hi there, brand new account, who the fuck are you?

larryhuston ago

Dial. The phrase "shit alt" is the give away

theoldones ago

Aged is a pedo that jacks it to jailbait. he needs to be dead.

SeanBox ago


Dortex ago

So do people like Aged when his posts go negative?

SeanBox ago


sdjasdlkfa789289134 ago

awesome comment +3

Dortex ago


SeanBox ago

Dude is a fucking pedo. He has been hated for years.

Dortex ago


See how that looks?

fightknightHERO ago

Nice strawman Jew

Dortex ago

I think you're confused in all if this. Wouldn't be the first. I'm the guy saying we shouldn't ban Aged because he hasn't broken rules or laws. I'm also the guy saying we should ban u/theoldones because he is breaking rules and/or laws.

fightknightHERO ago

what rules is he breaking?

Obrez ago

Spam and he's been getting away with it for months, not just here either but over in v/protect voat, whatever and spamming users with pings in his eroneous "bot checks"

He regularly picks users users he disagrees with to harasses by gaslighting people and using them to sick mobs on them, he'll go after other users who are proved to be shitbags to make his intentions seem more noble but it's realy just a ploy called "preaching to the quire" to farm SCP, attract people to his subs, and garner supporters who he can use to flame against people later. He's not even a troll he's doing all of this shit because he just doesn't have anything else in his life. it's more than his hobby at this point.

He frequently asks for Dox even though People like me showed him mercy on this front, he frequently requests other people dox and murder people, even if it's against aged it's still against Voat's rules and is far more likely to get Voat into hot water than anything aged has posted.

He has also requested CP numerous times, he frequently ask users who disagree with him to post CP to "prove their point" which is a common tactic on 4chan and other image boards to bait out CP.

Dortex ago

Spam. Only so many posts you can make in a week begging for someone to get banned, shilling ypur redundant sub, and telling legitimate users to kill themselves before someone calls it spam Also, I've got a hunch he's manipulating votes, since Aged is suddenly getting WAY more negative ones. Not to mention a bunch of obvious alts are coming out of the woodwork just now.

Lastly, a suspicious number of my comments are getting -2. Specifically -2. Either two people are salty enough to go through all my posts to downvote them, or he's getting on his alt to try to bury my CCP.

fightknightHERO ago

AFAIK i know anti-aged comments always get an equal value to negative votes to positive ones

not the other way around

you know what would be really useful to Voat? if we could see who upvoted the comments (similar to Disqus)

Dortex ago

not the other way around

So positive zero instead of negative zero?

you know what would be really useful to Voat? if we could see who upvoted the comments (similar to Disqus)

I'll grant useful. It'd be funny to see who actually crawls through Aged's posts to downvote it. But wouldn't that be intensive for the servers?

SeanBox ago

Uhhh... that’s a little different there bro.

Dortex ago

No it isn't. It really isn't. You can come up with whatever rationalization you want, you're no different than the people who ban you for pointing out niggers don't deserve to live.

theoldones ago

fucking a child and saying nigger are two different things entirely.

Dortex ago

Talking about fucking kids when nobody has fucked a kid is a Freudian slip.

theoldones ago

Aged literally posted somewhere named "jailbaitanon".

jailbait gets fucked. Aged is a smoking-gun pedo

theoldones ago

if Aged is getting downvoted to shit thats because he's dumping hentai art in a gaming sub.

Aged is the fucking one to be running bots and he runs them to stay out of the negative.

theoldones ago

oh wow, everything you just said i have every goddamn objection in the world too.

SimonWest ago

90% of your posts I see are in 'all' and you're crying like a bitch in a subs that aren't related to what you post because you hate another user. so.. I agree with him. quit the spamming.

Dortex ago

i dont spam goddamn hentai, motherfucker

No, you just beg for CP.

i dont fucking use alts, Aged is just that hated.

Don't worry, goy. Your cheque is in the mail.

sdjasdlkfa789289134 ago

shit altsdfkhsdkjfasdjkfhasdjklfasdjklfjkasdhfjksdhfjkasdjklfasdjklfjklasdfjklasdhfjkasjilkdfauilwevbr7qbw75p;0 2397rqp4rt7nva0eru;hnfuasrfab;oti;7bva;hrjasdkfh;vbhilfab. ,dfhzsbi dla.shdfn.afa

thats my interpretation on @dortex aka @seanbox @puttitout

theoldones ago

Don't worry, goy. Your cheque is in the mail.

first all of, are you aware that Aged is a known pedo?

No, you just beg for CP.

secondly, i aint touching your accusation with a ten foot pole. if you mean comment points, never once have i begged for points. if you mean CP during the argument dumpster fire, then that was baiting the other guy into following the same path he was defending, and he declined to do so.

  • i wonder why.* you couldn't see a shittest if you shat it yourself.

Dortex ago

first all of, are you aware that Aged is a known pedo?

That's both libelous and irrelevant. Kill yourself.

. if you mean comment points, never once have i begged for points.

We both know I mean Child Porn. You constantly beg for child porn, you disgusting animal.

if you mean CP during the argument dumpster fire, then that was baiting the other guy into following the same path he was defending, and he declined to do so.

"No, it's ok, goy. I wasn't really asking for child porn."

theoldones ago

dumbfuck i just told you

...if you mean CP during the argument dumpster fire, then that was baiting the other guy into following the same path he was defending, and he declined to do so.

i wonder why. you couldn't see a shittest if you shat it yourself.

Dortex ago

dumbfuck i just told you

"No, no, goy. I seriously wasn't begging him to show me some sexy baby cock. I just wanted to make a point. Stop looking at me like that".