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theoldones ago

oh wow, everything you just said i have every goddamn objection in the world too.

Dortex ago

i dont spam goddamn hentai, motherfucker

No, you just beg for CP.

i dont fucking use alts, Aged is just that hated.

Don't worry, goy. Your cheque is in the mail.

theoldones ago

Don't worry, goy. Your cheque is in the mail.

first all of, are you aware that Aged is a known pedo?

No, you just beg for CP.

secondly, i aint touching your accusation with a ten foot pole. if you mean comment points, never once have i begged for points. if you mean CP during the argument dumpster fire, then that was baiting the other guy into following the same path he was defending, and he declined to do so.

  • i wonder why.* you couldn't see a shittest if you shat it yourself.

Dortex ago

first all of, are you aware that Aged is a known pedo?

That's both libelous and irrelevant. Kill yourself.

. if you mean comment points, never once have i begged for points.

We both know I mean Child Porn. You constantly beg for child porn, you disgusting animal.

if you mean CP during the argument dumpster fire, then that was baiting the other guy into following the same path he was defending, and he declined to do so.

"No, it's ok, goy. I wasn't really asking for child porn."

theoldones ago

dumbfuck i just told you

...if you mean CP during the argument dumpster fire, then that was baiting the other guy into following the same path he was defending, and he declined to do so.

i wonder why. you couldn't see a shittest if you shat it yourself.

Dortex ago

dumbfuck i just told you

"No, no, goy. I seriously wasn't begging him to show me some sexy baby cock. I just wanted to make a point. Stop looking at me like that".