NoMeGustanLosNiggers ago

Capitalism wins again

Fischer_King ago

Simple supply and demand, folks.

Z.O.G. supplies the Muzzies, we demand they leave one way or the other.

LarryBagelstein ago

I'd prefer one with "Kebab Remover" on the side.

anamazonslittle ago

Part time

whiteboyday ago

Uncomfortable silence

iLuvJews ago

Feels like I missed out on an opportunity to profit off of the dead.

Oh well.

mrfetus ago

User name checks out.


iLuvJews ago


Suck my dick then bend over.

Adminstrater ago

That is actually, really, very, hilariously, seriously funny.

The market hast spoken!

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?

whiteboyday ago

that scene was the best.

Hartman: Who the fuk said that!

ginx2666 ago

Can you check Benelli M3? I don't use Steam because I'm not a good goy, so I've no idea if it even exists in CSGO.

theoldones ago

apparently CSGO replaced this with this?

looking up that for skins all i find is a USP-S or an M4A1-S

Seventh_Jim ago

God bless Adam Smith's giant invisible hands!

Camulos ago

lol fuckin' brilliant