observation1 ago

Like saying Hawaiians are obviously black

ThereIsAGoldenRule ago

Probably an ancient sportsball advertisement.

MrDarkWater ago

It's kinda true: there were abos in south America that looked like those abos from Australia. The mestizos nearly wiped them out though.

KarenSlayer ago

This statue looks nothing like a nogger

BentAxel ago

Rose and fell. Not surprising. How's Africa getting along? One of the oldest places of Homo erectus. Can they make fire?

ciaozuzu ago

Yes that and rudimentary tools ... then their evolution stopped. Everything else they got from conquerors, colonists & christians.

GrayGadfly ago

I need to remember to check the origins of that statue. Would be embarrassing if it was just a random statue head, or even something modern.

NoKiddin ago

Dey wuz alienz! Shieeeeeet!

i_scream_trucks ago

i dont understand the post.

the living nigger looks nothing like the islander statue.

ScientiaPotentia ago

The statue is clearly of a Polynesian. Black Africans have never mastered boat building or ocean transport. They can't swim either due to heavier bone density, shortened torsos and low lung capacity. There are Melanesian populations who migrated to islands but they got there over land bridges and became trapped on those islands such as Papua New Guinea. Africans, Melanesians, and Australoids are a separate species and have lived as animals did for thousands of years never making any progress.

itssomatic ago

Animals don't mutilate themselves like the filthy Abos do.

Have you ever wanted to cut a groove along the length of your penis and refer to it as your "little vagina"?

ciaozuzu ago


QueensNewYorkGuy ago


The real plot twist is that this is a statue from only 40 years ago and it is a tribute to a tourist from Atlanta who the natives found amusing because he always carried his own bottle of hot sauce

VAT ago

Black Africans have never mastered boat building or ocean transport

Black Africans never even invented a WHEEL!!! Or a bridge, or a written language. And you are bringing up ocean travel? You might as well talk about niggers inventing moon rockets in Wakanda.

Black Africans never even invented a WHEEL!!!

Confucious ago

It's an Olmec head found in Southern Mexico. We need to send BLM/Antifa down there so they confront the cartels about getting their land back!! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

elfmaster5 ago

literally the my ancestor meme

Killnigs3 ago

looks like a nigger but the jaw and skull shape are still mesoamerican

nosejobsforequality ago

that's a flat-face though... aboriginal/denisovan south pacific population. not africa black, more like cambodian.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Correct. South America was colonized by people from Southeast Asia, some of whom resemble that face. I've seen fat Filipinos and Indonesians with exactly those features.

Fuhrer1488 ago

Wow they carved a rock. No other race or culture has ever done that!

SparklingWiggle ago

Niggers didn't carve that. Wrong continent.

Repository ago

Kangs failed once, they will fail again.

capicua ago

lol, he ain't wrong, it does look like a nigger, much better logic than niggyptians story because images of ancient egyptians don't even look black

klobos ago

Plus the "civilization" collapsed repeatedly so that part checks out also.

nosejobsforequality ago

not a nig though... big-lipped SE-Asian. post-clovis migration... Olmecs weren't black.

stbelmont ago

There was a first time they were put on a ship that went to the Americas. Who can say when that was.

King_Freya ago

Hey soon enough with all the erasing of history weā€™re seeing, a new Hitler is bound to come about again.

NoseSubversion ago

No. Kikes will never let that happen. Everything White will be erased with exception of ā€œda shoahā€. Holohoax monuments will be erected in Mongolia, Congo, Thailand and everywhere across the world so everyone must feel sorry for ā€œda 6 millionā€. Of course with no history to corroborate, that number will surely be 666 gorillion by then.

King_Freya ago

Remember, remember the 666 gorillion number.

greydragon ago

I was thinking similar.

goatsandbros ago

But put him beside a gorilla and they call you racist.

ciaozuzu ago

Congrats, you look like a fugly statue.

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AntiMason ago

Is that the famous nigger head rock?

Panic-Now1 ago

No, It's Jimi Hendrix, a hard rock nigger.

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Maat4u ago

Itā€™s perfect. Dumb breed of worthless slaves hat cannot think for themselves, and can be violent very easily and you cannot get rid of the negro gene. They are the ā€œmasterā€ race. Meaning they are the masterā€™s race. White IQ and information is too much to manipulate. Niggers are much easier and can be controlled very easily. Before long. Rothchilds will have their small populated earth with low iq easily agitated negros.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

What role do white people play in this scenario?

Somehow smart af but not up to par with jewish wit is what you're trying to bring across here?

shifty_pete ago

Jews exploit white empathy, not white intelligence.

SparklingWiggle ago

Ding. Ding. Ding.

glassuser ago

You are familiar with the game, I see.

hollywood2020 ago

nigger always trying to make a history of greatness, when the same hut has been rebuilt in the same place for the same race for 100 million years. There are zero arts or statues from antiquity by the negroid

undertheshills ago

I saw a doc on the oldest hominid skeleton found. Nigs living in huts with broken AKs took them to the site. Id be sad thinking that I look like a monkey and live 200 yard from where my ancestors lived 10 million years ago or whatever.

Martingrass777 ago

Out of Africa theory is a lie.

FireCrackLover ago

You're not gonna like it, but humans evolved in china.

Martingrass777 ago

Where did you hear it was specifically the geographic region of China? It's interesting that 6ft+ 4,000 year old Indo-European and Tocharian mummies with blonde and red hair were found in Modern China.

alacrity167 ago

elaborate and spice it up with a link

ManchesterT ago

Nigs living in huts with broken AKs

There is no such thing as a broken AK:


hollywood2020 ago

nigger with an AK, shows how far we have come

irelandLost ago

Ha itā€™s a statue of Fentanyl Floyd.

Shotinthedark ago

Lips aren't big enough

greydragon ago

He was only stoned at the time.