Jabilukka ago

King Lear in Shakespeare is a play about a king who surrendered his kingdom to his daughters.

King Lear Quotes Showing 1-30 of 203

“When we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

tags: cry, fools, newborn, stage552 likesLike

“Nothing will come of nothing: speak again.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

349 likesLike

“As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods.

They kill us for their sport.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

tags: classic, insignificance245 likesLike

“The prince of darkness is a gentleman!”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

tags: insanity, irony229 likesLike

“Many a true word hath been spoken in jest.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

207 likesLike

“Who is it that can tell me who I am?”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

181 likesLike

“This is the excellent foppery of the world, that,

when we are sick in fortune,--often the surfeit

of our own behavior,--we make guilty of our

disasters the sun, the moon, and the stars: as

if we were villains by necessity; fools by

heavenly compulsion; knaves, thieves, and

treachers, by spherical predominance; drunkards,

liars, and adulterers, by an enforced obedience of

planetary influence; and all that we are evil in,

by a divine thrusting on: an admirable evasion

of whoremaster man, to lay his goatish

disposition to the charge of a star.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

172 likesLike

“The weight of this sad time we must obey,

Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.

The oldest hath borne most: we that are young

Shall never see so much, nor live so long.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

170 likesLike

“Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

159 likesLike

“Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.”

― Willilam Shakespeare, King Lear

tags: love140 likesLike

“And worse I may be yet: the worst is not

So long as we can say 'This is the worst.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

tags: hope, king-lear, motivational, worst116 likesLike

“How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child!”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

99 likesLike

“No, no, no, no! Come, let's away to prison:

We two alone will sing like birds i' the cage:

When thou dost ask me blessing, I'll kneel down,

And ask of thee forgiveness: so we'll live,

And pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh

At gilded butterflies, and hear poor rogues

Talk of court news; and we'll talk with them too,

Who loses and who wins; who's in, who's out;

And take upon's the mystery of things,

As if we were God's spies: and we'll wear out,

In a wall'd prison, packs and sects of great ones,

That ebb and flow by the moon.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

92 likesLike

“I am a man more sinned against than sinning”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

83 likesLike

“In jest, there is truth.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

79 likesLike

“This cold night will turn us all to fools and madmen.”

― William Shakespeare, King Lear

minx88 ago


DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Where was all this outrage when they grenaded a baby in the face during a no knock warrant? As a matter of fact, did antone on the swat team get charged??

ToxicWhiteMale ago

What a fucking surprise!

BabyBabyYoda ago

Please don't link to WaPo. It requires disabling ads, and uhh, It's Wapo

everlastingphelps ago

(Wrong post. Whoops.)

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

WP is really emphasizing that she's the only black legislator. They are probably thinking this will cause people the think the arrest is racially motivated, but i think the take away for most people will have is that she's violent because she is black.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

They want to create more problems so they have more fear to sell to people

Bintemcflinty ago

I can't see links from the washington post

CC39 ago

You're not supposed to capitalize the word "black".

minx88 ago

nigger ebola monkey Sub species of ape

Demonic orangutan

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

I just copied and pasted it from the headline of the article

DontBeRacist ago

Million dolla go fund my ass an sheeit


GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

You know I bet you're right.

Smallest_Skil ago

niggers will nig


They're all ducking criminals. Every single nigger. It's just a matter of if they'll get caught.

minx88 ago

Knickers and Muslims and Jews are the same shit back into the ass of the demon that squeezed you out

smokratez ago

Faggot. Archive the washington post. It's jewed.

SearchVoatBot ago

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binrobinro ago

"You can't arrest me! Don't you know who I am!?"

Frumunda ago

Where is the archive link?

Nesano ago

Why would I be surprised?

AntiMason ago


King_Leopold_II ago


FreeAnalExpressions ago


0rion ago


Frumunda ago


nazifluidhitler ago


Footnote220 ago


Scyber ago


Nuffin ago

“Breonna’s Law,” which would force police to knock and verbally announce themselves, also requires a judge to approve the use of violent entry when issuing the warrant. Additionally, officers would have to activate their body cameras when serving the warrant.

“Five minutes before you serve that warrant, and five minutes after, those body cameras better be on,” Scott said when announcing the bill in August.

Scott also included a provision that police must be screened for drug and alcohol following a deadly incident or after firing their gun while on duty.

“Frankly, I’m surprised this is not already standard operating procedure,” Scott said”

I don’t disagree with any of what this nigger says here. But he should still be jailed for chimping out like a feral mongrel.

40KFTAGLView ago

Sounds, ... Reasonable!

bonghits4jeebus ago

Yah, libertarians, as much shit as they take around here, have been saying this for a long time.

ChiCom ago

I do like putting the explicit call for violence on the judge's head. Credit where credit is due.

DavidsHogg ago

Fuck this nigger, fuck most cops too, but there’s nothing wrong with those rules being implemented. Actually that’s the most sane recommendation I’ve read. If a cop has a problem with any of those things they shouldn’t be a cop. The drug testing would literally be a once in life thing as most cops never fire their weapon on duty.

Nesano ago

All that except the D&A test just sounds like standard operating procedure.

FreeAnalExpressions ago

This law would be based on a lie. The police DID knock and verbally announce themselves. The police department issued a statement explaining this, and they have an independent witness to back it up.

The only thing I agree with is the use of body cams. It's often the only thing that will exonerate a cop that acted appropriately. As for requiring a judge to approve the use of violent entry, give me a fucking break. Are the cops supposed to just give up and go home if no one comes to the door and offers them a glass of tea?

buckhorn ago

Yeah, cams and drug screens make sense. The judge thing seems pretty redundant. That's what warrants are: a judge has reviewed the available evidence and assented to a non-ordinary procedure of compulsory admittance into the home.

Government is force/violence. Too many people get confused and think it's about education or healthcare. Here in what remains of the West, we place limits and due process on the powers granted to government. At the end of the day, though, when all of the 'i's have their dots and all of the 't's have been crossed, some violence is necessary and should be expected.

The people that are concerned about Breonna Taylor should be less focused on the police and more focused on how the warrant got approved for the wrong address and how we can gather accurate information without violating the 4th amendment. It's not as easy as shouting 'fuck the police' but it's not wrong for our cares/fucks to be proportional to the rationality of the proposal either.

FreeAnalExpressions ago

I agree with the majority of what you said, however, one correction, the warrant was not approved for the wrong address. A statement provided by the police department said in no uncertain terms, that the warrant was issued for Taylor's residence and they DID have the correct address listed.

buckhorn ago

Taylor's name, birth date and social security number are listed on the warrant, alongside the names of the narcotics investigation's main targets, Jamarcus Glover and Adrian Walker.

In the affidavit for the search warrant, Jaynes wrote that he'd seen Glover get a package from Taylor's home and that he used Taylor's address as his own on documents.

"verified through a U.S. postal inspector that Jamarcus Glover has been receiving packages" at Taylor's apartment.

Maybe it's just hindsight begin 20/20 but none of that justifies a search warrant to me. That's enough to interview the ex for as much information as you can get out of her and keep her place under surveillance but not enough to...

The search warrant for Taylor's home includes her street address, apartment number and photos of her apartment door, which police later broke using a battering ram.

Taylor's apartment was considered a "soft target" with minimal threats.

"They said they did not believe she had children or animals, but they weren't sure," Mattingly said. "Said she should be there alone because they knew where their target was."


buckhorn ago

EDIT: this was a reply to a comment about it not being the 'wrong address'. In one sense it was not the wrong address but the phrase can apply in the right context.

The police who conducted the raid were at the address listed on the warrant--they did the right thing given the information they had.

But, if Glover was the 'main target' of the investigation and investigators "knew where their target was" and expected the girlfriend to be alone, then the 'wrong address' got placed on a search warrant.

I suppose there should be room for uncertainty, though. Maybe they could have contingencies and conditions placed on warrants. E.g., you can secretly surround the girlfriend's apartment while another team raids the much more likely place but you can't move in until the other place has been cleared.

That article I linked also mentions some potential police fuckery with the recorded timestamps for the raids and arrests.

FreeAnalExpressions ago

Not really arguing if the warrant was justified or not, based on that I'm not so sure it was. Just pointing out that they didn't have the wrong address, as so many are falsely claiming that they did.

ketoll ago

This law would be based on a lie. The police DID knock and verbally announce themselves.

Shhh don't tell the BLM chimps that this is standard protocol already. Just name it "Breonna's Law and the dumbasses will think they made a difference." - Pretty much what I imagine happened here.

Nuffin ago

Body cams and drug and alcohol screening are givens.

The only thing about the judge specifying it being ok in warrant To enter violently is just another level of protection for the police. Hard to cry about PD actions if a judge grants prior approval via warrant.

FreeAnalExpressions ago

Fair point. Though I will say, regardless of what a judge grants, you will still have the REEEing masses cry foul if shit hits the fan.

ReAwakened ago

She's probably from Louisville and they'll just elect another one that looks and acts just like her.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Because they are woke. Fucking idiots get what they deserve.

Nesano ago

Truth. It'll get so bad they'll flee and vote for the same shit that got them into that mess.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Back in the day there were lots of people that warned that giving women and blacks unfettered, unqualified, unconditional political power would be a disaster for Western, i.e White, Civilization.

They were 100% right.

40KFTAGLView ago

Repeal All Constitutional Amendments past the Bill of Rights.

The Rest were illegitimate. E.g., 14th passed while the South was under Martial Law! Impossible to legitimately ratify in 2/3 states otherwise!!

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Yes, the 14th Amendment was the camels nose in the tent. I can understand ending slavery (although there were very good reasons to keep but you won't hear about those these days) but to make all those millions of Africans instant US citizens and therefore all their offspring instant citizens was a fucking disaster. Even Whites had to go through a process of naturalization before becoming a citizen and prove themselves in court. Those fucking Radical Republicans were literal, actual Marxist Communists no different than the Antifa/BLM aiding and abetting SJW Democrats we face today.

Credible_Hulk ago

That's like giving a bartender a government job with no experience.

40KFTAGLView ago

$190K/year, too!

BentAxel ago

You win the internet today sir. And so early in the day.

mleczko ago

The kind of comment you'd see on reddit.

BentAxel ago

That comes form YTMND. You are admitting you are a reddit faggot.

mleczko ago

Project whatever you want. I used to be on it but that was years ago. My point still stands.

BentAxel ago

Member for five years here and only about months worth of posting? Sounds like you're on reddit a lot more than here. Who's projecting? I nailed you for the faggot you are. Keep deflecting. Go on back to reddit and tell your story.

mleczko ago

Are you fucking retarded or something?

BentAxel ago

Obviously you are. Because you're crying like a cunt. Thank you for sucking on my balls lil boy. Back off to reddit, you have lost.

mleczko ago

If you are white, act like it. If you're not, get lost, nigger.

spaceman84 ago

Almost five years and this faggot hasn't changed his ways. He should just go back already.

ketoll ago

Women literally destroyed Sparta.

minx88 ago

stop giving the blame to women there’s plenty of women who are very strong that helped create by supporting men real strong women are supportive of the patriarchy stop listening to the fucking to you it’s the Jew that pushes the communism that made these women behave like psychos and putting them into positions of police and military which weakens the structure women can be strong and build society without having authority positions

ClaytonBigsby313 ago

And Egypt. And the pre Roman civilization called the etruscans.

WD_Pelley ago


I didn't know that. I knew about how they basically turned Sparta into a feminist dystopia but damn, poor Etruscans.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Men and woman are biologically designed to play certain roles in life. When you ignore that things fall apart as we all can see.

minx88 ago

as A woman we can say that feminism is cancer because it is communism you don’t you can be a strong woman and have a job and still have children or you if you can’t have children you can have a job and still be a wife

And it’s the fucking Jew that has been brainwashing these girls into thinking that they can’t have both career and job for hundreds of years women have actually had successful jobs in literature science and art and still have children it’s only the Jew who is brainwashing the girls with his girl power shit

And because of that you have women and the Jews are doing that putting them in the positions of military and police force and judge and politics but women should not have these positions of authority

it doesn’t mean that they have to be submissive and stupid there are a lot of strong women that are against feminism there are a lot of strong women that were against the vote for women it’s just the Jew and the manipulation tactics because it’s a psychological war that we’re in right now it’s war the Jews are bringing in hundreds of of these thousand of these Muslims and putting them into hotels because we’re being invaded and occupied get rid of the fucking Jew And there a rabid cockroach Muslims and rabid Abella monkeysthat’s the problem and then everything will be better

DontBeRacist ago

Whites and niggers are biologically designed to play certain roles in life. When you ignore that, things fall apart as we all can see.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

We definitely ignored it.

voatuser1128 ago

Men and woman are biologically designed to play certain roles in life.

Which is why I hate how intent Trump is with selecting a woman for the Supreme Court. Women are not suitable for law or government.

Amy coney barrett and her sister also adopteed 2 niggers each. Niggers are biological weapons like the orks in Warhammer 40k. They just bring violence and destruction to whatever location they are in. By bringing them here, Amy has proven her nonfitness in any position that requires logic and reason.

minx88 ago


GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

He's doing the same thing Biden is which is a sign of weak character. He is bowing to the mob and political correctness. I would definitely pick Trump over any other candidate though. He's not nearly as bad as anyone else in politics from what I've seen.

Nesano ago

Equality is a failed experiment.

veteran88 ago

It wasn't an experiment it was sabotage.

These Jews knew it was bullshit the whole time.

Check out the protocols of the learned elders of Zion.

DishingShitLikeA ago

200% correct

imakulate ago

Where are the Israeli women of power? Ill wait...

King_Leopold_II ago

Muh women are the problem.

Fuck off. It's the fucking jews. Without their subversion, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Giving women political power is Jewish subversion, simp. For 99% of human history woman were kept out of politics and for very good reason.

Christ's blood, white knighting for women is bad enough but white knighting by blaming the Jews for the inherent nature of women is total cringe.

King_Leopold_II ago

political power

No one has this but the jew. You're right, women do not belong in politics, but blaming them is like blaming a handgun for murder.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

I don't blame them for anything any more than I blame a bear for crapping in the woods. Women are what they are and its disaster to put them in charge of anything of consequence.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

The jew can only subvert a willing populous. I'm all for blaming them for what they're guilty of, but they're not all powerful. It's weak men with no standards who are actually to blame.

Orthalyx ago

So the individual has no liability? No responsibility?

King_Leopold_II ago

I'm not saying they don't, only that we as a White people have been (((programmed))) to think in a specific manner. If an individual commits a crime, it's still a crime. I just don't like it when women are blamed for soceity's problems.

Orthalyx ago

They were subverted by jewish propaganda for sure, but when they refuse to be women as God intended they're willfully, as an individual being defiant.

King_Leopold_II ago

Yes but the comment I replied to was about political power.

Orthalyx ago

Women wield considerable power since the 19th Amendment.

King_Leopold_II ago

Why would the jew let anyone like you or I have any actual political power?

Orthalyx ago

They won't, Look around.

It's time a heed the warnings of Our Forefathers and learn from history; they need to go.

ReAwakened ago

Women are very good if you keep them good and they're rotten if you don't.

ReAwakened ago

You're right. It's 100 percent the jews, but he's right too because women and niggers (not sure what "blacks" are..) are the tools of choice for the jews.

King_Leopold_II ago

Yep I just don't care for when White women are blamed for the ills besieging Our soceity.