FortyFourFore ago

So that's why Asian Martial artist can break bricks so easily.

aaronC ago

I spent a month visiting a friend who was teaching overseas to learn a lot about China. It's a zero-trust society, this construction is just an example. When you go to the grocery store, you're scared of what to buy because you don't trust it. They're all terrified of baby formula and import it from Hong Kong because they don't trust Chinese companies to make safe baby formula. If you see an old woman struggling with luggage on the stairs, no one helps because they're not sure if they're trying to scam you.

Imagine a society that somehow manages to have zero individuality yet zero trust in everyone else.

CinderBiter ago

Laowhy86 describes the situation where he treated restaurant servers with respect, only to be thought of as a low value person for doing so because the idea that everyone is human and equal doesn't exist. Also death is not taken very harshly. theyll laugh at dead bodies in the street

aaronC ago

Experiencing it was a real wake up call to what makes Western culture so much different than the rest of the world. Watching videos just isn't the same, I love Laowhy86 and China Uncensored but there's nothing like actually experiening seeing someone struggling with something and absolutely no one coming to help. Especially when you live in a rural area in the West and people are overly friendly.

Kaige ago

That reminds me of the bridge in Shanghai that collapsed and they found it had been filled with garbage instead of concrete.

Pissed_Mapleboi ago

If all races are the same, why is China known for stealing designs and then re-creating them in the worst way possible, with the worst materials? Imagine buying a German or English tool and finding out its made of cadmium. Oh what's that? You can't?

PriMerovingian ago

You think they'll build war machines any better? They can't even do a fucking AK correctly...

CinderBiter ago

Paper Tiger army

Target_Renegade ago

It's going to be hilarious when they're gigantic Bridges start crumbling.

Rockfish1000 ago

It's all so tiresome.

rob_white ago

This is so common in China that they have a name for them, Tofu buildings. The property sector is one of the most corrupt sectors in China and that is saying something seems that corruption and fraud is massive in their system.

CinderBiter ago

What's the other name, there are nail-houses? ones that will stay up through some corruption - like they will build a highway AROUND this building because they can't/wont tear it down

sivsta ago

You'd have to be crazy to live in their high rises. Many of those were put up at breakneck speed with govt mandates to be done by dates marked on a calendar

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Yeah Chinese are fucking turbo jews. They pride themselves on ripping other people off rather than doing quality and having a good reputation.

Rockfish1000 ago

Kinda puts the whole Rape of Nanking into perspective, doesn't it? It seems like the chinks are just cheap rip offs of the Japanese, and that's why they hate them so much.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

I wouldn't set foot in chinkland if you gave me a free vacation at a 5 star hotel

Sanpa33 ago

The Jews got to catbox. It's down.

CinderBiter ago

Shit, literally posted asking for alternatives earlier. Will be using pic8 from now on

Heartdisease ago

Reminds me of a video where everything is made of cake.

drhitler ago

they literally cant do anything right, that why all the other asians hate them and why they have been basically pushed back to live in a wasteland they never expanded from for over a millennium now, literally all the genetic waste of the asians lives in china

BadBoyBubby ago

wow, impressive

GutterTrash ago

Even their virus fizzled out. It has gotten so bad that they have to rely on their propagandists to keep whipping fear into people. Normally a competent virus would not need any prodding to instill fear

Landrictree ago

You never made Sand Castles?

Firinmahlazer ago

Has anyone told chinese people they're supposed to mix the concrete powder with water?

gosso920 ago

Water? You mean, like from the toilet?

CinderBiter ago

Yes. Ching chong bing bong

Methacat ago

When some people just cant understand that by building fast and cheap you have to compromise on quality... a lot.

CinderBiter ago

Saw a shill post on /pol "chinese building houses for $4,000 what is america doing for sustainable houses? LOLOL

an_old_friend ago

You guys don't be racist, Chinese people are from another planet with lower gravity originally. These construction methods are actually extremely over-engineered by Chinese standards. Gravity is just racist on this planet.

kawyzoqau ago

Apartment buildings built with the materials of mud huts. What could possibly go wrong?

albatrosv15 ago

These people can definitely hold the quality of airline industry without the help of higher biological quality.

whambamthankyouham ago

A lot of scammers out there producing junk advertised as goods. Too greedy.

wonderfuldonut ago

A falling property market, in more ways than one

Risen_In_3 ago

This is what you get when you're told you're going to be a bricklayer and all you wanted to do was be in a band.

Lots of people unhappy in their jobs.

totes_magotes ago

It finally makes sense, all those stories about digging your way out of prison with a spoon.

CinderBiter ago

It finally makes sense, all those stories about digging your way out of prison with chopsticks.


500five ago

Their military is made by their lowest bidder.

CinderBiter ago

It's made by Alibaba

Plavonica ago

Like many commie chinks, all face, no substance.

LoveDeadNiggers ago

The unfortunate part is that chinks are still outbreeding the rate at which they kill each other.

rndmvar ago

The oncoming famine will fix that.
The floods wrecked their farmland.

prairie ago

Those guys in the video are brave to be chipping away like that.

Also fuck, take China off my vacation list, unless I'm in a small village with no tall buildings.

CinderBiter ago

You think rural chinks are smarter than city chinks?

prairie ago

A falling single-story house poses less of a danger. A falling build can affect people a good distance away.

mrnicegoy ago

three gorges dam is still holding....for now...

JoesLegHair ago

These buildings aren't falling apart because the builder was incompetent its because every person from the supplier to the builder to the engineer will cut corners to the extreme to save a buck. Three gorges dam was a high profile state project, so the people involved cut corners but not to the same extreme.

CinderBiter ago

It's funny that it's some bastion of hope. The whole complex is burning down, but the fire wing is still good lmfao. all of china is flooded, but the dam is still holding!

Interruptedagain ago

But, they all passed code!

Germ22 ago

I knew it was bad, didn't know it was that bad.

Haywood ago


That's quality 2 sack slurry they're using...

puggy ago

Sum Ting Wong

RushYYZ ago

Ho Lee Fuk

25752713? ago

Ding Dong Oww!

nosejobsforequality ago

and it's claimed they have a superior IQ.


You beat me to it. Superior intellect my ass.

WD_Pelley ago

They cheat, that's why.

nosejobsforequality ago

rook rike brick. work rike brick.

kingE ago

China is basically communism mixed with capitalism, and choosing the worst of each category.

Olivefigs ago

That description fits the entire non white world

squiremarcus ago

Worst for who? The Chinese government is choosing the best capitalist traits to enrich their war chest and the best communist traits to expand and keep power over the population.

CinderBiter ago

Based. Huawei is a perfect example. Overreach to try and control assets in the US. Good business plan? No, all government

jqueso ago

These are the best sand castles I've ever seen.

TheSeer ago

No wonder they like to buy North American real estate so much.

CinderBiter ago

Ching chong bing bong all fall down

TheSeer ago

These idiot college students want free this free that. Free money, free college, free housing, well, guess what, this is what your free housing will look like! And free college? Just 4 more years in a high school! Except none of the fun stuff, gym class, music, history, etc.

CinderBiter ago

I don't mind free schooling as an idea. I'm honestly fine paying taxes be around people who are fucking literate. How its done is very different story. Also, Covid is showing all of these teachers are coming up worthless.

Yeah, it really is 4 more years of HS. That shit was really easy and I learned more partying and fucking off than I ever could have with classes.

TheSeer ago

4 more years of indoctrination, is the problem.

And if it is 'free' you know the catch will be that you don't get to decide which school you go to.

CinderBiter ago

You're right, and with government they will spend 100x the money than a private company would for a shittier product.