Catbox is taking a beating with all the traffic

Wahaha ago

If only we had alternative sites left.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

First the joggers, now the medics...

What's your bet what's next?

AgentSakura ago

Our hopes and dreams have always lied with the youth. God help and guide them to victory.

TheTacoThief_YT ago

dude this actually made me laugh out loud nice video

jimibulgin ago





AgentSakura ago




0cra_tr0per ago

Oh noes some kid saved his life by using a scary fully semi automatic black tactical AK47 assault weapon to brutally wound an armed assailant!

CheeBooga ago

His bicep got Kyled

liberalscum ago

He shoots like Mossad.

con77 ago

pink mist

AgentSakura ago

by any and all means necessary

Zed_Leppelin ago

I hate my generation (millennials) we are worse than useless. But I have some hope in Generation Zyklon.

user9713 ago

I've spoken to many Gen Z and I can tell you that you're wrong about them. Most of y'all are fed the stories about the good ones, but don't have experience with them. It's like niggers: not all, but most, and certainly not how they're portrayed by media. That's ultimately what matters, but you will find out the hard way if you don't believe me.

On the flip side, Boomers are retarded, but they're just brainwashed and don't know any better. Gen Z are a generation of kids raised on the Internet, where there are no consequences for their actions.

DamonAxemaker ago

Gen Z are going to be a nightmare for Meillennials. Mark my words. It's going to be the biggest Hate My Parents generation you can imagine

VAT ago

I hope so! 14 year old already all laugh at holohoax wood door and love to tweet the two symbols to each other :


The 14 year olds and younger, will hate their democrat parents.

PHOTO of ARM 47 hours later!!:

Antifa arm saved by best orthopedic surgeons in Chicago via unlimited Democrat funds, shown 47 hours later here, 3 more years of surgeries await (tissue grafts, muscle relocation, nerve redirection, etc) :

WolvenWargod ago

It'll just get blown off again.

VAT ago

hah! just like those videos of crippled paraglider guys flying and CRASHING into ground again, after becoming crippled from paragliding accident a couple years earlier! Wheeeeeeee! "Look at me!"

He will not learn, and will charge a armed patriot to try and kill another teen.

WolvenWargod ago

Separate the wheat from the chaff

Samsquamch ago

Yeah and these dudes are alllll chaff

offender ago


Maroonsaint ago

Hey. What are you doing tonight

Warnos44 ago

I thought about taking a picture of one of my goats dick's when they were peeing on their beards to smell good for the ladies. Just for you. But I couldn't get over how weird that would be, and I didn't want my phone to get peed on by accident.

I thought of you, though. I did.

Maroonsaint ago

Take a picture of your animals. Not their dicks jist the animals. I like animals

Maroonsaint ago

Mm idk how to take that

Warnos44 ago

Mostly as a joke. I entertained the idea enough to laugh. Cause we're goats. And you want dick pics. And I have goats with dicks. Just not the kind of goat dick you want a pic of.

Maroonsaint ago

Do you have cows? Do you ever go eat the mushrooms off their shit? It’s pretty wild if you never tried it

Warnos44 ago

I don't. But we had a lot of mushrooms come up this week. I should look into what they look like so I know if I see one.

Did you know the roots of mimosa trees can be turned into DMT? We have them everywhere. I've been thinking about trying it.

Maroonsaint ago

I don’t know too much about making dmt but I have a friend who is hardcore trying to get me to help him make some. I would love to try it. The mushrooms on the cow patties are yellow on the top. Sometimes with a little purple. Blue on the underside of the cap. Sometimes the big ones have a little purple ring around the stem. Not always though. If you ever go walking through a cow field with the right amount of humidity and heat it’s crazy how many are out there. Like a magic field. Thousands upon thousands. Just make sure you flick them before you pick them so the spores can grow more. You don’t flick them eventually you can over pick and clear out the field. Not all fields have spores but you can order spores legally in 47/50 states and just spread them yourself. Did you know mushrooms are closer to animals than to plants.

Warnos44 ago

Yes I did know that. They're like aliens, and they're extremely healthy for us. A while ago I ordered extra mushrooms at this mom and pop Japanese restaurant. The old, barely speak English lady came out all excited to tell me I was going to live a long time and be very healthy bc I liked mushrooms. She was so funny and sweet. I have a book detailing a lot about them, but we moved recently and I have yet to unpack it or I'd identify what I have. I didn't see any yellow ones, though, on my property. I assume they only grow in cow poop? No where else? We have cow fields near us but I'm not sure how the cows or the owners of the property would feel about me looking. Thanks for the spore suggestion and the tips on finding them. How many times have you tripped on them and what ratio of good to bad?

Maroonsaint ago

Typically 3.5 for a nice beginner trip. Or you know 7-8 if you wanna go balls deep Hindu learning trip. Different amounts different intensity. I used to like to take enough to trip but now hard then play games and I was so good. Thinking crystal clear and just totally on my game. The thing I like about mushrooms more than acid. Acid can be a lot colder than mushrooms. There’s a certain love in a mushroom trip that I find lacking in acid. They feel almost like. Like the nature thing. Idk why that is but it is. You feel apart of the world.

Warnos44 ago

That's really cool. I would imagine anything synthetic is going to feel negative, natural is always a better choice.

Maroonsaint ago

Here’s a good list of seeds. I mean I’m sure some of them better than what I bought which was frm lowes. Probably covered in pesticides n shit. But really you should just go all in. Get 7 or 8 grams of shrooms. Dive bomb right in. The worst thing you can do with psychedelics is to go half way. You gotta go all out. I love talking about drugs. I know drugs

Warnos44 ago

Thank you. I thought mushrooms made you nauseated too. I was considering growing some. It appeals to my nature more knowing it grew with my care. Is there a best one to grow?

Maroonsaint ago

I couldn’t tell you. Iv only had a few different types. It’s all psilocybin. I’m sure some are better than others. Some people get sick but Iv never seen anybody get sick and Iv never been sick myself.

Maroonsaint ago

There’s a good beginner drug. A light psychedelic you can buy at hardware store. Flower shops whatever. It’s a seed. I forget morning glory’s maybe or some shit. You would have to look it up. It’s in a lot of bird food. It’s a trip I mean it really works the problem is the nausea is so incredibly bad. If you can make yourself lay in bed for 2-3 hours and not vomit then deal with the insane rls that comes with it it’s fine. It’s a real trip though. Feels just shrooms or acid. The same way meth and adderal feel the same. All the same class. Maybe if you got fresh ones online the nausea wouldn’t be so bad. Idk. If you never took a psychedelic before just make sure you got a trip sitter. Cauze it’s a very strange and intense feeling. I did acid alone and I thought I was gonna die. Acid hits so hard like a train to your brain. I went from feeling weird. To pouring sweat in literally about 5 seconds to the point where I had to change clothes. Anyways I thought I was dying like I said cauze I forget how hard it hits. Panic inducing hard. So I sat there said fuck it I’m not calling the ambulance I guess I’m gonna die right here. After I accepted j was dead that’s when the trips starts. That’s level psychedelics hit you at. You gotta be ready lol. Be ready. Know you’re gonna be fine, it’s only the come up that’s rough. Don’t fight it. Just let it happen. Breathe deep and let that brutal destruction of your ego happen. That’s why I might reccomend the seeds. It’s not nearly that intense. Mushrooms get pretty bad but not bad as acid. I forget what my point was

Warnos44 ago

Do you recommend weed to ease the trip?

Maroonsaint ago

Lol fuck no. Weed will kick it so hard into overdrive. I do recommend smoking it though. When you’re feeling really weird sometimes you just wanna ge t it started. Weed will get it started easier. It’s like going up a mountain. It’s a pain in the ass to get up the mountain but once you’re up there and the way down it’s amazing. The come up and the actual high feel completely different. Come ups are so unpleasant. That’s the test though. That’s what makes your trip. If you try to fight the come which is naturally what you’ll try to do, you’ll have a bad trip. Just gotta accept it

Maroonsaint ago

Idk how many times I’ve tripped. Iv never had bad mushroom trip. Iv had vwry intense come ups but that’s with all psychedelics. Iv had bad acid trips but never mushroom. The closest I ever came mr n my friend ate a bunch at my apartment and it was gettin so intense and I told him. Man I don’t wanna freak you out but this shit gettin hardcore. He said why don’t we go outside. As soon as we stepped on my porch pure bliss just washed over me. Pure bliss and love and relief and it was beautiful. Like the trees reached out to hug my soul or something. You gotta be one with nature lol. Hippy shit. Do you live in Australia though? Cause idk shit about mushrooms in Australia. Like I said though spores are legal and it’s very easy to grow them ina small space. They even sell ready made kits for it

Atkho ago

I never would have guessed this kid as a Bolshevik Slayer Rambo. I have a new respect for zoomer.

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