grantorino43 ago

deshi basara

SearchVoatBot ago

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AgentSakura ago

Just had to share this work in progress and jump on the lol train, been putting this one off for over a year.

GoyimNose_1948 ago

"becomes super-leftie"

Nice observation.

Warnos44 ago

Why is his ass facing front.

Splooge ago

Are you unfamiliar with the Chad meme? That's not his ass, that's his crotch bulge.

Warnos44 ago

Oh lol. Yes I'm familiar but I guess I didn't notice the crotch on the other images. This one looked like his legs were on backwards.

Fuckinginsanegoat2 ago

This is it fellas, it doesn't get any better. Pack it up, the internet has been won.

Nekketsu ago

I am still, utterly, 100% disgusted that he called himself a medic. Imagine if someone unlike Kyle was there? They would've been tricked and fucking died.

But at the same time, you don't say "lmao hey man i'm a medic trust me" when the guy you're trying to "help" is still being beaten down and surrounded. At that point you just don't trust anyone.

AgentSakura ago

Tis a warcrime to pose as a medic and then engage in fighting unless fired upon. Although they "Antifa" were the domestic terrorists anyway and were conducting civil disorder operations against innocent civilians. He had everything and more coming to him.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Mainstream social media platforms are already doing a job on him, claiming he is part of a "far right militia" blah blah blah.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Top fucking tier.

petevoat ago

"...becomes a super leftie..."


SearchVoatBot ago

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blighty ago

Percentage is a nice touch.

hikedelics ago

That was the only reference I didn't get.



The 0.0003 is for the 3 people he shot?

Is there a statistic that 56% of all shooting are done in self defense or something? That would make sense, but I would have guessed it would have been a MUCH higher %

J_Darnley ago

I too would like that explained to me. Either notify me or I'll try to come back now I've made a comment.

service_account ago

edit: America's 56% white.. minus 3 amerimutt jews, not it's 56.000003% white

J_Darnley ago

Ah yes. /u/hikedelics see the parent of this comment.

LettItBurn ago

Alright then. ...

Mark your target. Wait for the signal.

Chimaira92 ago

I seriously think the kid is going to be hired to be a federal agent or something. His ability at only age 17, I think we got a glimpse of what Hitlers youth could do when they attempted to protect Germany.

UKD ago

He was a damn ninja off his back. I was surprised how fast he was to stop shooting when the attacker "surrendered", and then reengaged when the guy resumed attacking.

itssomatic ago

By him not blasting wildly all over, showed incredible restraint and emotional control. He swallowed that adrenaline dump and asked for second helpings.

Splooge ago

Do some research into tachypsychia if you haven't already. Odds are, time was fucking frozen for Kyle during much of that exchange. Personally, the two times I've experienced tachypsychia, time sped up and I sort of went into a blank autopilot.

dampkitty ago

The Hitler Youth was such a brilliant idea, too many Whites are brainwashed in thinking they are betas or trannies when they just needed someone to give them direction.

honk_atcha_boi ago

I've always advocated for Highschool aged national programs and post-highschool mandatory public works periods.

Rockfish1000 ago

Can confirm. I cringe at the wasted hours in front of the television and doing nothing useful.

Inquisitioner ago

It basically performed the same role that Boy Scouts of America did pre-kikening. A lot of the dissident right grew up with BSA and similar programs.

KingOfTheCorpses ago

Indeed. I recently bought a Boy Scout handbook from the first half of the 20th century and it talks about serving your countrymen above all else. All spiritual and practical knowledge without a single mention of diversity or any other faggot shit.

dampkitty ago

Yep, same here.

Clearly we are witnessing the end result of a generation of lost kids, who have had no one to point out the jew

LurkedForever ago

THIS is it. Why are there so many soy-boys now? Did our genes deteriorate that much in a few generations? I don't think that's possible.

dampkitty ago

It's mostly down to some long term thinking by the Marxists (something that China and Russia do so well).

((Intellectuals)) have little influence over the working class, but by slithering into education and local government they have exerted massive control over the minds of the youth. Conservatives misguidedly abandoned these areas because they didn't see this coming, and assumed that society would continue on a straight course if you just didn't interfere too much.

Also women have dominated both of these areas, and left unsupervised they have also been brainwashed by the Marxists into thinking that "social justice" was something they should get involved in.

They are too naive to understand that BLM = 100% Marxism, and has fuck all to do with saving the nigger from his own animal nature.

Nukeisrael ago

We’re breaking him out when it comes time for the 4th that will last 1 million years.

Brodude101 ago

Let's hope the young man doesn't get fucked over by the injustice system

AgentSakura ago

He will and they will try their hardest to make an example of him. Just watch, the madness will unfold.

Murder 1 charge already laid.

Splooge ago

I'm hearing rumors that he's gotten a (((public defender))) assigned to him already because none of the money raised (well over $120k at this point) could get to him, what with all the sites shoahing the pages for him.

MrNevsky ago

Lin Wood has said he will defend him that was just today though.

NCpatriqt ago

How epic would it be if 2 kids represented by Lin Wood completely fucked the MSM narrative forever...

prairie ago

He needs to get Massad Ayoob as an expert witness.

Nukeisrael ago

Needs to get sam-al-hayadi on the case. Dudes done like 30 mass shootings and walks every time.

Splooge ago

He.... he can keep getting away with it!

Splooge ago

Relevant note: if you're not a member of the ACLDN, get on it friends. Massad is affiliated with them and has testified for their cases (and won against all odds in some).

Xenxaytax ago

Clown World had to deliver the goods at some point.