Ghislaine Maxwell, America's Pimp, becomes concerned when nurse shows up unexpectedly in prison to administer "medication"... (
submitted 4.7 years ago by Uncle_Knuckles
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englishwebster 4.7 years ago
stupid and time wasting fact: that image is from a movie called "one flew over the cookoo's nest" One of jack nicholsons best movies.
The woman in the image before it was photoshopped into hillary clinton was louise fletcher - star trek nerds know her as kai wynn from Deep Space 9.
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englishwebster ago
stupid and time wasting fact: that image is from a movie called "one flew over the cookoo's nest" One of jack nicholsons best movies.
The woman in the image before it was photoshopped into hillary clinton was louise fletcher - star trek nerds know her as kai wynn from Deep Space 9.