ch3f4554551n ago

Idiot sophistry, logical fallacies and rhetoric over objective reality. ANYONE who survived public ed in the last 40 years has been mentally crippled, and abhors reason.

...if the programming didn't send you running, then IT WORKED on you.

BreadmanOnVoat ago

Howdy Chuds. Enjoying your hugbox?

I see the site is dead as ever over here. Boring and lonely racists, what a surprise.

AlfonsHilter ago

Ever tried not sucking nigger dicks you niggerkikefaggot?

BreadmanOnVoat ago

Yawn, you losers always say the same thing. So boring. Get some friends.

NoseSubversion ago

Too bad he didn’t stick around long enough to be called a niggerfaggot.

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

Good, hope that obvious Jew stays away.

Donjee ago

Love that map

wipeyournose ago

Ruquss sucks. The site takes like 20 min to load each page. The contingency seems like a bunch of clueless fucks. They got ousted from Reddit because they thought they were oppressed. Then they come here are are like “eww that’s what its like when people speak their mind openly and freely?”

Yup. They are sheltered little faggots who just want to post in waterniggas and lost screen shots of other 13 year olds calling each other fags on Twitter.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Bahahaha yeah it's probably the first time that faggot saw a fact in print form

AhmaudArbery ago

Good God I have spent some time on there and even though it's full of civ nats retards I think many of them are convertible.

smokratez ago

I'll go check it out. Thanks.

noob_tube ago

Q willl be how voat dies. Just like how /b/tards fucked up 4chan.

Gorillion ago


God, that even looks gay.

beefartist ago

WTF is the deal with showing front page without logging in? Seems like kike bullshittery to me but I still don't know a better "social media" site than this (that I haven't been banned from)

AhmaudArbery ago

"but muh based black and Hispanic maga hat wearing trump supporters.". That sums up ruqqus civ nat faggots but maybe we can convert some.

Derpfroot ago

We're all literally Hitler.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Facts are shocking!

Khash36 ago

It is much easier to be blissfully ignorant than to dutifully seek the truth behind the vast entanglement of lies.

Khash36 ago

Yeah those universal truths are just so fucking wrong! Omg natzis Hitler bad! It is there fault for being so willfully ignorant, people here are well informed on true history & impervious to jewish lies and revisions

kissmywhitebooty ago

Ah, good old Chapo Trap-lovers.

skullfuku ago

will i ever be quoted on reddit?

Kclineman ago

If we're being honest, I can't believe we're still here. This place is a riot, never change


This is no longer a laughing matter...we've got three generations of lost souls who've been taught that true democratic values are defined by fairness and equality and group mentality all the while totally oblivious to the perpetually evolving definition of the term " equality " as in " some people are more equal than others ". As for the group " collective " mentality, it's only a matter of time before they eat their own as was evident with the chop and chaz circuses. Three generations out to destroy themselves and take down the rest of us all through a democratic " right to vote "...DEMOCRACY WILL BE THE DOWNFALL OF THE WEST...if discipline isn't instilled right now the Western 1st world is done like a slug in the middle of an asphalt parking lot in Death Valley. History always repeats itself, we are headed for an Autocracy one way or another, either through jewish subversion or a benevolent dictator who still understands the importance of freedom and inalienable rights while aware of the terminal reality requiring immediate attention through temporary dictatorial powers..." sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet ", I'd instinctively go with a benevolent dictator immediately because it's the filthy jew he's fighting against. It's the filthy jew that is solely responsible for the irreparably permanent damage done to the minds and bodies of the last 35 years of youth. The
'' long march through the institutions '' has paid off for the Frankfurt jew, minds have been destroyed and bodies have been mutilated...only an Autocrat with the character of a Caesar or a Tsar can right this debauched will not be enjoyable for those who need to be disciplined, without a doubt there will be a number of " omelets " cooked up in the kitchen.

In ten years 70% of the skilled workforce in the 1st World will be retiring. It takes ten years to school and train the average individual to be proficient and productive in the skill, trade or discipline they're being trained for....4 years of post secondary schooling means nothing, a person still needs the practical exposure and hands on engagement. I see so many lost, worthless and useless individuals today and they're that way simply because they lack discipline, mostly because they don't have to worry about mandatory discipline. We could change this mess around starting tomorrow if the source of this mess was constrained and encapsulated followed by widespread deprogramming of the brainwashed masses, the rehab facility will be situated in the 1st farm field requiring attention along with a whole lot of other forms of rehabilitative measure.

Clock's ticking.

anotheronelikethis ago

Come here with a low key ad for ruqqus? Fuck outta here with that shit.

Womb_Raider ago

That's clearly an SBBH account desperately trying to make this website relevant again so they can further indoctrinate people to further their agenda... how stupid and obvious are you people?

GoyimNose ago



Like Oh My Gaaaaa

templurker ago

I'm black and I love this site. Some people don't like facts. Funny post.

noob_tube ago

Kys nigger

templurker ago

Listen newbie. You're going to have to do better than that. Fucking kike.

ActualPendragon ago

True or not, doesn't really add to the state of the game. Sitting around preaching about one group's superiority over another is exactly what the left does and you see where it's gotten them. Do not simply disparage the lesser man for his foolishness. Help the lesser man become a greater man.

prairie ago

"I'm glad to be back in an echo chamber with you guys so we can all talk about how bad Voat is."

capicua ago

wtf is ruqqus? if you can't say fag, nigger, or kike, it's just another reddit

boekanier ago

Yes, voat should have a warning: to enter on your own responsibility.

SexMachine ago

memik ago

you got banned from a sub or the site?

SexMachine ago

That sub and that thread.

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

This is so racist and wrong and racist and omg like why?!?

friendshipistragic ago

Map? Does he mean the bell curve?

Mustard_Monkey ago

Oh OP is a eight month old account, and feebly attempting to advertise for a third wannabe Redditard light website? GTFO.

ArielQflip ago


TrueGoy ago

Lmfao guy sounds like a jewgroid

qualityusername ago

Hitler was pretty great.

Chimaira92 ago

Its funny until you realise that most new people get bombarded with Qshit. Maybe look at making it so the Qstuff doesn't show to new users seeing as they spam the "All" page

ketoll ago

First time hearing of Ruqqus. "Free of Censorship" - is that true or mostly bullshit?

jewer ago

Try naming and outing a Jew, find out, and then let us know.

Even Gab admins hates Jew namers.

he_found_wepon ago

Ruqqus is laggy as shit.

Polic3Stat3 ago

And stay out!

Jujubean ago

I have a fake Facebook account as a black woman working for the department of social services. I send niggers here all the time. It ain't fun if you can't poke em.

j3wish_fabl3s ago

MFin_Looter_Kangs ago


ChimpEvader ago

That's a great way to redpill... "I just went to voat and wow can you believe they had videos of a guy reading old newspaper clippings saying that the holocaust never happened" those people disgust me!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/8chan comment.

Posted automatically (#119926) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ChimpEvader: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)


Noooohh! really? what a shocker that must have been! Those damn goats!

selpai ago

What's a ruqqus?

Warnos44 ago

For some reason it sounds a lot like discus. And we all know how free speech they are.

Intrixina ago

This is going to eat at him the next time that he, or someone else close to him, gets culturally enriched.


bingo. Either he will double down and become a marxist degenerate or he will turn towards the sun.

Intrixina ago

Redpilling is all about asking leading questions to make others redpill themselves, or alternatively planting a seed so that it flourishes later on.

BigFatDaddy ago

They'll be back.

Burn-my-eyes ago

Peoples heads would explode if the knew how fucked up the world really is. But that's how you can find the mentally inferior.

ZenoOfElea ago

The map doesn't "prove" anything, it's visualizing data. 'Blacks have low IQs, are more like to rape and murder people' was the conclusion they reached from interpreting the data. So who's the racist?

Answer: me. fuck off, nigger.


I'll bet you this happens a lot

worthlesshope ago

Do you get paid for posting this ad? also how does someone get paid for posting ads on forum websites

Voah ago

This is literally a Ruqqus shill post, fuck off

MrBateman ago

Is this some sort of ruqqus promo?

uvulectomy ago

Like that JIDF kike, flyfisher?

MrPim ago

Mmmm maybe Ill start hanging at Ruqqus for kicks. My acct is already set up. It could be fun.

HistoricalHawk ago

This conversation took place in the ChapoTrapHouse guild, but most of Ruqqus is slanted to the right.

MrPim ago

Im wandering around their site. Its laid out all fucked up. At first I could only find that guild. Now I see some others. Their UI sucks balls. Whoever made this thing is retarded.

AhmaudArbery ago

Yea I don't get it either

MrPim ago

I figured it out after a bit, but good UI doesn't require me to poke around to figure out how to comment. You also have to join a guild to comment. That's stupid. I don't have to join a sub to comment.

AhmaudArbery ago

I shouldn't be confused when I land on a site like that.

Gimmethelolz ago

Keep up the good work boys. I see the immune system is strong as ever

therage96 ago

Voat is great because the words nigger, kike, sheboon, etc. only offend the kind of people that aren't wanted here anyway.

If you so fragile that words affect you, you're not wanted here.

SouthernCracker ago

I like voat. It's not quite a complete echo chamber (fuckin' q niggers) but it's home.

qualityusername ago

This place does seem pretty free of annoying niggerkike sheboons. It's pretty much the only place on the internet left.

mehwah ago

True, but this is ALMOST as much an echo chamber as leftist sites are.

The Internet was nicer when you could read stuff from all kinds of people in the same place.... and watch them argue in the comments

douk_nokum ago

I miss the days when internet had an IQ requirement to participate as it wasn't just plug and play.

mehwah ago

yes....thank Steve Jobs

qualityusername ago

To be fair most of those debates until 2016 were just Christians saying God is love and fedoras saying ur retarded. In 2016 things got a lot more flavor and being edgy and controversial was looked up upon but nowadays if you say anything that goes against the grain you'll get dogpiled by people in a panic screeching NOOOOOOOO UR IDEAS R 2 DANGEROUS WHAT IF SOME 1 DECIDES TO AGREE WITH U!!!

mehwah ago

True, but it was more fun and the REAL hate was maybe 1/4 of what it is now.

Even atheists back in the 2000's were JUST people who did not believe in God and actually could argue about ideas rather then act like social justice weirdo's.

I blame tablet PC's and phone making it easy to get on the internet.... all the actual retarded people suddenly got access to the net and then got brain wiped by social media

CowWithBeef ago

The rise of atheism didn't happen on its own. You're wishing we could reignite debates that are downstream of intelligence agencies and other organizations opposed to the strength of a unified USA/west. Ultimately centrism can only exist with limitations on the scope of acceptable topics sources and conclusions. Rewatch Yuri if you need a reminder that subversion is the primary goal of intelligence agencies.

Find a group of atheists capable of competing with the fertility of the Amish or the unity of a sect of Islam. If you can't, it should be obvious that atheist civilizations are doomed to extinction by failing to compete.

mehwah ago

True... I often wonder if the glowniggers reading this site know the future their masters have planned for them and their kids?

Or maybe they think their invited too, LOL

qualityusername ago

It's not the phones. It's the big liberal social media sites that didn't become so influential until around the time smartphones became popular. If those people found the internet through a normal laptop they'd still be brainwashed idiots all the same.

mehwah ago

Your right that they would be as easy to brainwash, but I don't think most of them had the brains or interest to get online if it took even a tiny bit of thinking about...and before real social media most would never have had the urge anyway.

Before THEY got on line 'social(ist) media' could never have become a big thing because the market numbers were not there...those people would have just stayed useless TV watching 'tards instead of the Tec giants rage zombie army.

I really think the Internet was planned to be like this from almost the had DARPA and spook money poured into it almost fro the start and Big Tec is just another arm of the deep state nowadays. Esp. when you think that 'Tecnocracy inc' was talking about monitoring every shoe and sock and bite of food back before there even WERE computers

UlyssesMcGill ago


Maybe the most important word here.

Say nigger with vitriol. NIGGER. Goddamn that felt good. Sounded even better.

KIKE. Kike kike kike. So succint, so pleasing.

SHEBOON. Sheboon. She-boon? Shu-boon? Doesn't sound that great.

But it stuck.

It's so accurate, we use it even though the word isn't great.

Shotinthedark ago

The word makes me see the pick of trayvons ape friend in the court room. With lipstick on like it was people


white people voted king nigger into office to prove they weren't racists after decades and decades of 'but your racists' bullshit. king nogsicusmaximus was suppose to fix whatever ailed the black community and what did he have to show for it in the end after 8 years? he built a fucking king nogger museam in detroit about himself. Hahaha

mattsixteen24 ago

Never heard of ruqqus. Any good?

HistoricalHawk ago

It's just exploded after the last Reddit ban wave, you should sign up - We need more people dropping red-pills over there.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

These are what Yuri would call completely subverted people. They no longer yave the ability for rational thinking. When presented with facts they will completely gloss and ignore them.

CryptoBard ago


GoyimNose_1948 ago

Is this supposed to be a viral marketing ad for Ruqqus?

bonghits4jeebus ago

More like a viral marketing ad for voat on Ruqqus.

memik ago

no it isn't supposed to be a viral marketing ad. it is supposed to be a screenshot i captured while visiting that website.

tankingwrong ago

Ah, good, those type of posts are doing exactly what they're supposed to.

Hodor123 ago

There has been lots of non voatish post of late. Lauding NPR/PBS. Are we getting the after wash of another Reddit enema?

MarauderShields ago

Good news. We still got it.

tanukihat ago

This dude hasn't been to Ruqqus since all the conservative subs got banned on Reddit. It's Voat Lite on Ruqqus now. "Oh no we banned all the conservatives so they went somewhere else, what can we do about it!"


kike mods from T_D unable to gate keep acceptable opinion. Time to redpill patriotards on israels attacking the US sailors.

douk_nokum ago

MIGAfags from T_D went to .win. They have no reason to go to Ruqqus.

AhmaudArbery ago

I would be interested to see what sub reddits comprise cost.

tanukihat ago

Trust me, redpills on jew kikery are welcomed on Ruqqus now. I mean, I won't abandon Voat, but it's nice to see a site with more posters sympathetic to our cause.

jewer ago

NOT TRUE!!! here is proof :

Ruqqus HATES links to factual images of Newspapers on the Jewish Holohoax from many years prior to WW2 :

see? It caused a massive Jew Ruqqus there!

So much for Free speech on Ruqqus!

This image set off the jews that run Ruqqus :

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @tanukihat.

Posted automatically (#120674) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@jewer: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @tanukihat)

tanukihat ago

That image was posted on a tiny leftist subRuqqus, and it was mocked and downrepped to oblivion.

Is that your only example?

jewer ago

downrepped or MOVED by admins to censor it on a different area?

Lots of other solid facts that upset jews are attacked.

Do a global search on "jews" and learn

tanukihat ago

Did you miss the part where it was posted to a LEFIST, JEW-LOVING sub? Let me show you the description of the sub:

This is a place where we post and relentlessly mock garbage that has been posted on Ruqqus by racists and morons

Of course it was downrepped. It's a kike sub. You're not paying attention.

jewer ago

I seriously doubt posted and mocked himself into TRASHCAN!

I bet a mod moved his post there. Look at all his other posts!!!!

You are wrong and defending the jewing going on at that site.

tanukihat ago

He clearly posted it there to troll the sub. I'm obviously no friend of the heeb, and I have the post history to prove it. You're a 3-month-old account telling us what's jewish and what isn't. It's pretty clear who is the slider. Give it up, go back to Reddit, your personal campaign has failed. And also kill yourself, queerboy.

AlphaOmega ago

Ruquus? What the hell is that? I’ll bet they censor. If it hasn’t turned into a voat or 4chan, it’s guaranteed they censor.

Secret555 ago

I have started an account there to push the Voat narrative a bit. So far there has been little pushback. The comments have been quite polite and even entertaining. You can tell it is a Reddit ex-pat situation by the politeness of titling and posts but it might develop into quite an alternative platform. I do not like the way the site works at the moment. Certain UX/ UI tweaks would vastely improve the experience.

ArielQflip ago

They use a trashcan for banning reptiles. Advocate or GTFO. Lmao

qualityusername ago

Lol, 4chan is full of censorship. Gamergate there was what started the whole censorship thing across the web.

invisiblephrend ago

i miss raids. some of my best memories of 4chan were the fucking raids.

sivsta ago

They probably will for words like nigger and kike. Seems like they are trying to forge a centrist site. It's going to get bombed from bots and ddos. Only time will tell if it stays afloat

Fambida ago

Ruqqus is the new reddit alternative that's trying to grow out of the latest wave of reddit censorship. It doesn't censor AFAIK, but is new enough it hasn't gone full right yet. It'll either start censoring, or join us in the long run.

steven_feelsperg ago

That's helpful. Ruqqus is essentially Voat's Reddit filter.

AhmaudArbery ago

It looks like it's moving in that direction based on the comments.

Misskylie42 ago

Interesting to see which way they turn. Freedoms or ‘progresssiveness?’

ketoll ago

I say we all get a second account over there and start posting pizzagate stuff. Put it to the test and all.

Ocelot ago

I'm going to post digestible redpills instead. Pizzagate has already been canonized as ludicrous bullshit to those faggots. If they learn the other truths they will eventually learn that one.

SendMeYourTitties ago

As the CEO of reddit literally tweets that they all knew about Maxwell pimping out kids...

CowWithBeef ago

If you just give them bits and pieces without calling it pizzagate, their conditioning won't trigger.

It says here Obama has a hot dog stand in Hawaii. Does anyone know if it's still open?

Afterlife ago

4chan censors

Remy_ ago

Yeah, after the Christchurch massacre 4chan has been red flagged.

lurker99999 ago

Yeah, 4chan censors. If you haven't been 404ed you're not pushing the bounds. Try commie hunting there some time, your posts will start to disappear.

shifty_pete ago

Niggers BTFO again.

realmonster ago

but they could just come here and call us all retards while trying to change our minds with facts. theres a couple of massive faggot mods here, but generally you can say whatever stupid shit you want.

valleysunshine ago

Then they get negative comment points and can't respond.

realmonster ago

negative circle jerk bucks dont silence you

Shotinthedark ago

That's why I'm happy here. And the Tyrone comics

eulogyjones ago

Yeah but they might have to see something that hurts their feefees in the process


That's why they installed word filters, so they can make it bearable by filtering out the k!ke words and not give these nignogfaggots tier mods ptsd from hurtfull words topkek.

HulkJizz ago

Is Voat the ugly chick?

jimibulgin ago

Beauty is fleeting and charm is deceit, but a woman who hates jews and niggers is worthy to be praised.

Xantha ago

Beauty fades, stupid is forever.

AlphaOmega ago

Yea, but the thin one that will lay down her life for her family, have 8 of your white babies, and die by your side when you’re 90.

Vhaine ago

It just occurred to me that my ideal wife shares many of the most ideal traits in a good dog...beware of cat lovers. Closet leftist they are.

kreepyasskraker ago

"The truth doesn't agree with my world view WTF!!!"

smokratez ago

I know right. That's how globe heads react every time they learn the truth about what shape the Earth is.

Misskylie42 ago

Lmao right? They must release thoughtcrime

iDontShift ago

your views are that of satan. congrats!

ChiCom ago

They even have a graphic with four color-coded maps and the UN statistical sources cited at the bottom proving that blacks rape and murder.... WTF!!!

Brawndosaurus ago

Lol I want to go play dumb with them. "They're producing fake maps?!?! That's terrible! Can we find the real ones and post them in response? "

Literally-Oppressed ago

Lmao you can lead a liberal to knowledge, but you can't make it think

ChiCom ago

Hate maps

registeretakes10s ago

hate facts!

godamn ago

Hate economy

DeviSmokes ago

Whites rape and murder though...more than black people..yall just have the justice system on your side. knowing that your demographic makes up the largest percent of this country how could you honestly believe a group thats 13% of the country commits more crimes than you? That basic math doesnt even add up

SomeGuyYouKnow ago

"Whites rape and murder though...more than black people"

"how could you honestly believe"

"13%" can't

yergi ago

None of what you say is true. I say this because there's not a single reputable study that backs up what you are claiming.

Think about it: would you rather live in a black neighborhood, or a white neighborhood? Why is that?

Khash36 ago

Hahaha the justice system is on our side? No everything now is controlled by jews, and jews hate whites more than anyone. Do you know what a goyim or gentile is? If you knew how little the world leader jews think of every other race you would join us in our struggle against the false masters. But I disagree with the whole teaming up with niggers platitude, we don’t need help this is our struggle. After overtaking the satanists all races would be more harmonious and have our own nations for our own separate peoples. Jewish domination is hurting niggers more than you realize & white rule would treat you with more dignity, freedom and sovereigns. We don’t want slaves jews do.

Reinhart ago

You don't think that crime rates are in a 1:1 ratio or something, do you?

DeadFox ago

Yeah the basic math wouldn't add up, if you guys weren't violent low IQ savages

blighty ago

Are you fucking for real? Do you seriously believe we pulled that stat out of our ass? It comes from the FBI database.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

how could you honestly believe a group thats 13% of the country commits more crimes than you?

As someone who went to a largely Black high school, dealt a lot with a subsidized housing development as an employee, and spent a fair amount of time in a number of cities... yes, I absolutely believe that. I would assume something like that just having seen firsthand the way a lot of you act, even if I hadn't seen the statistics. You're right, the math shouldn't add up and you all should be ashamed that it in fact does.

That's not even the statistic that should bother you. How about the 70% of Black fathers not being there for their kids? 70%! Even I had trouble believing that one at first. 70% is disgraceful! The majority of you don't even have the impulse control, foresight, and empathy needed to stay with your own children. That being the case, how do you assume that any of your other statistics are going to look good? If you somehow got your own ethnostate, how would you possibly maintain a country if you can't even maintain a family?

You all are so fucked up that the last thing you need to be doing is looking outside your race. You seriously need to sort your shit out.

MisterIdealInLead ago

They did get their own ethnostate though. Its called liberia. I hear its a lovely place.

dassaer ago

You hear wrong brother. It's a fcking aids infected human flesh eating shit hole , populated by ooks that still actually practice witchcraft and spirit possession, even VICE has trouble sugarcoating with white guilt that abomination ...

WhatsThatSkaSong ago

Sarcasm wouldn't go over your head as easily if you didn't duck.

dassaer ago

whoflungdung ...

Cockboy ago

60 IQ nigger detected.


godamn ago

Bet you love a good stable, eating apples, and being brushed for your long flowing hair. Good horses need tender care and you are a good horse.

CockSlappingMassacre ago

I would point to countries that remain primarily white and their lack of crime. Areas of America that are primarily white and their lack of crime. I would also point to South Africa whites are a minority and they are persecuted, yet their "criminal justice" system is still dedicated to black rapes and murders. And to your point on basic math, a cursory knowledge of basic math would put your questions to rest. The portion of the population that partook in the American Revolution was relatively small, the smallest tax bracket in America pays the majority of the taxes. Just because you don't have a big boy brain doesn't mean you have to be stupid.

godamn ago

No criminal statistics because the gang was the state.

ChiCom ago

13 percent do more than 50 percent of the crime!??

Math is raaaaacist!

Fatbreaker ago

VIolent crimes

UlyssesMcGill ago

Your sarcasm isn't good enough to translate we...

5 days

Are you a nigger?

Notimportant36 ago

That's the best you can hope for when dealing with people who actually believe their opinions are self-evident facts.

Misskylie42 ago

Agreed. Opinions have taken over facts for far too long

Sernie_Banders ago

saying "you are wrong" with nothing to back it up is a valid argument to those people.

beefartist ago

It isn't as if you don't see it here plenty

Shotinthedark ago

You're wrong! Sheeeeit.

Sernie_Banders ago

as a woman, my opinion holds special privileges, and I say you are wrong.

Shotinthedark ago

Well sister im a black trans lesbian. So my lady dick says I win

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

No. I win as a gender fluid extraterrestrial dragonkin.

Shotinthedark ago

You got me. I just transitioned into a deer

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Becareful and tell your trans bunny friends about "bunny Ebola."

Shotinthedark ago

Rabbits are racist as fuck. I would be too if the Africans kept trying to fuck me

Sernie_Banders ago

I found a trans-jogger with a physical handicap to support my opinion, she says "ugdthnvffhjjhhhjnhhhh" which translates to "up yours nigger"

ddtourist ago

This is very ironic. Voat is so much worse than reddit for that. In fact, people don't usually even bother to tell me I'm wrong here, I just get called "faggot" or "kike" when I try to debate a point.

MaxVonOppenheim ago

You fucking nigger

Kekistani_SS ago

Whatever your argument, it doesn't get memory holed on here. So others actually have a chance to engage.

Cletusaurus ago

Well, it depends on how you phrase it. If you’re an asshole and tell the other person “you are wrong and I’m right. I’m not going to listen to you” obviously you’re gonna get called a niggerfaggot— because that’s what a niggerfaggot acts like.

If you ask where they got their info, I’m sure plenty of the people on here would love to link you to some stats, figures, essays, or books. Just don’t be a niggerfaggot.

Shotinthedark ago

How very kike faggish of you to mention that!

Sernie_Banders ago

there has been a recent influx of banned redditors who are "getting their jollies out" and relishing once again in the novelty to call someone a "niggerkikefaggot", ahem /u/HappyMealBullshit, but overall your chances of having real discourse is higher on Voat than Reddit.

ddtourist ago

That has not been my experience

Splooge ago

Scoffing and repeatedly saying “Really?? I mean... really??” in a condescending tone is a valid response to all points.

”I’m a good person, therefore everything I believe is true and correct.”

Sernie_Banders ago

something something, let that sink in, there is a lot to unpack here, yikes, etc, etc, etc

shittersfull ago

Problematic, opining blablabla

gazillions ago

Yet, they are obedient to fucked up statistics and throw them around with ease.

Shotinthedark ago

Did you know that the most dangerous terrorist groups and the right wing ones? I mean they only killed like 3 people in the last years but they're definitely worse than boko haram

Sernie_Banders ago

"The ADL says"

Yeah, right wing terrorists are the most dangerous group of people in the US.... conveniently excluding black murderers because those don't count as terrorist.

Ive been told that, and its on the ADL site, dead serious.

Shotinthedark ago

Blacks also make up more mass shooters and serial killers. You won't find that either

Sernie_Banders ago

"I feel you are wrong", or "thats racist", but nothing actually contrary. No one wants to talk about black income inequality likely stemming from single mother households. To those people anyones upbringing is just as good and valid as everyone elses. They are so utterly brainwashed or stupid or what, I dont know, that they dont even see the problem nor want to talk about it and come to a solution.

It doesnt matter what the topic is, black violence, poverty, over-representation of a certain group, the Fed fucking things up....anything

I used to frequent /r/AskMen and try to help those pathetic young men into doing what they need to do to better themselves and get that girlfriend they so desperately want. I was told countless times how "wrong" I am to point out that women want a tall fit man with social/financial status.

they truly believe that a woman should want them without having to do anything. First of all that is a womans perspective, and secondly, they dont believe there are differences between sexes. They are absolutely helpless and they will never be able to solve their problems because they wont even address them.

gazillions ago

The entire social service industry (which is predatory) is based on the idea that "your mom failed".

Africa is full of blacks who's moms failed. Maybe the difference is genetic and Africa is full of square pegs being shoved into round holes, like the blacks in America.

You're focused on the wrong kind of holes.

The idea of income equity is what teh Geni scores that socilist fuctards rely on is based on. It was intended to be global when it was contructed by a an asshole in the early 1900's. People in India live unless than a dollar a day. That's not a fucking problem. Your grandpa lived on that. What the fuck are rural Indians supposed to spend money ON? how much does a bag of rice cost in rural India.

INcome equality wasn't about blacks buying sneakers.

It is however about getting 7 billion people to buy Nikes wih credit cards and not a lot more. What do people want money for? How much do they want and what will they do to get it are all better questions.

nonanonanon ago

I don’t know if it’s changed, but Sowell in Ethnic America shows pretty clearly that the income disparities virtually disappear once you isolate the age groups. Problem is the white population median age is in the prime of earning potential while the black are just beginning their careers. I should say one of the myriad problems, nevertheless it’s helpful for argumentation.

Maltherian1 ago

Omg free speech is horrifying! Save me mods with your sweet sweet censorship.

jewer ago

Hah! so funny and true, did you notice THIS is what made him enraged :


refers to my post of ...

MAP of SKIN COLOR proven related to IQ:

I triggered a libtard with IQ facts ! IQ and DNA are the science and banned on YouTube, Twitter , Facebook, and all kiked media!

True! look at bottom of this list of IQ from composited science paper research :

Those are each composites based on numerous precise IQ studies. In fact... the LOWER the IQ, the more often it is remeasured out of amazement!

DNA of course is the reason negroids are born retarded on average.

Doglegwarrior ago

fuck an A dude that made me laugh out loud for real. and sadly so true


Notice that they didn't say there was anything untrue about the post, only that it bothered them to see it.

AhmaudArbery ago

Ruqqus full of civ nat retards

DankSniper ago

If someone is here from voat I just wanna know why you hate black people. I think dogs are less then me, but I dont hate dogs. even if black people were less (Which they arent) they should still be treated as equals.

I can't pick out which part of this I find the most retarded.

Misskylie42 ago

Facts are the enemy of the narrative it seems


Does that mean she treats dogs as equals?

BrennKommando ago

For starters he's grouping in all species of humans with all breeds of dogs, whereas we are making distinctions when it comes to niggers and pitbulls.

Shotinthedark ago

I can say that I like dogs alot more than I like niggers

DankSniper ago

That's not even what I mean, although that much is also obvious. Do they mean that we should treat dogs as equal to humans as well? If you know that something is less, why should they still be treated as equal? Why do they imply that blacks are currently not treated as equal, even though they already get special protections under the law and in other areas as well?

Shotinthedark ago

because rayciss and they don't want equality they want equity. Niggers are like giant greedy,handicapped kids. They want it all but don't understand how"it" works or even what it is.

tallarn ago

Isn’t the real question, why does Voat hate the Jews?

invisiblephrend ago

'EY TON...

itssomatic ago

RQ: Jews exist?

UlyssesMcGill ago

Isn't the real question, why don't others hate the Jews?

jewer ago

Isn't the real question, why don't Jews hate the Jews?

UlyssesMcGill ago

They do. They all hate each other, and themselves.

ArielQflip ago


memik ago

"I'm sure the information on voat was twisted to fit their agenda, but there is a 15 point average gap on standard IQ tests between blacks and whites. For example, the average IQ in Somalia is 68." sits at +12 and 3rd highest comment

Frenlygirl ago

Lol now it has 18 points! Then they try to link it to socioeconomic status...

jewer ago

NOT TRUE!!! My map they hated is 100% accurate and source-able to well measured national IQ averages!

THIS is what made him enraged when he wrote...

"A MAP PROVING THAT BLACKS HAVE LOW IQ!!" Reeeeeeeeeeee! a Map!!!

refers to my post of ...

MAP of SKIN COLOR proven related to IQ:

It is solid science.

The darkest skin are BELOW IQ 80 and frequently retested by scientists out of shock at the values.

refer to often banned science videos here :

DeviSmokes ago

The education system is nothing to marvel at. And its no question whites have better access to proper schools.

mehwah ago

Thats true...because ghetto blacks are making their schools bad places to learn in. The issue of IQ is less important then the issue of schools where toxic black culture makes even the smart blacks keep their head down , a culture that glorifies violence and crime.

That culture is going to start leveling the life outcomes by fucking whites up to something like the same level soon if they dont get a handle on out of wedlock births and social breakup.

Belrick ago

Schools don't increase iq though son. And note that blacjs migrated to white communities and lowered the schooling standards

jimibulgin ago

If that's true, I wonder if the same gap will exist if you adjust for socioeconomic status.

One of the sub-comments.

Where is that chart of SAT by income?

ArielQflip ago

Lmao! VOAT is a right leaning hate filled race circkejerk, Reddit will tip over for the lefty dissonance, Ruqqus is for these supposed centrists!

Lmao. One commenter reminded all about thier trashcan for narrative banning.


Pattern_Blind ago

“right wing circle jerk”

I blame all you niggerfaggots.

dassaer ago

“right wing circle jerk”

Well at the least on a positive, it does sound like everyone gets to have a turn ....

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

Damn free speech making everyone so racist

ArielQflip ago

Oh noes, my right arm is so much bigger than my left!

Have I been watching "Batin' " or "Ow My Balls" on VOAT???

cuts a steak with a pedicure...oooh

racistbadger ago

ow my balls is a masterpiece. i bet it'd even be certified fresh on (((rotten tomatoes)))