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anticlutch ago

Most of them already do.

The vast majority of "white girl takes BBC" videos are jewesses.

rabbi_yitzhak ago

Lol keep telling yourself that.

Your own president whored out his daughter to one of our sons. Meanwhile, your daughters are increasingly choosing to date black football players, listen to black music, fuck black men in general. Kek and you try to say they are Jewish lmao. Keep telling yourself that. It will hasten the suicide of your own pathetic race. While your sons shake their breasts on TikTok and jerk off to Japanese cartoons lmao.

AlabamaNigger ago

Yep. I bet half the men on here have daughters getting pounded and bred by niggers. Ready to pop put some shit sprog grand babies for you to tale care of cuz tyrones gone now jamals gettongs second gibs