christophoros ago


Lucifer is the light bringer and the light is Christ

Lucifer is as such the herald of the light and Satan is the darkness ( looks like Satan is the God of the Jews and Islam), not the same being as Lucifer. It is so annoying the amount of people with a platform who think that they are different names for the same being. The three temptations of Christ clearly shows that Satan and Lucifer are not the same being. Even idiots such as Albert Pyke were clearly satanist but thought Lucifer was their God. It seems Satan lies, who knew?

WickedVocalist ago

Yes, he did pick the married, chaste woman on the left over the 12 year old slut on the right pretending to be a virgin.

blumen4alles ago

Yep. This was #5 on controversial posts yesterday because of the Christians. This has been going on for centuries and every group that has tried to point out the truth about their "god" (not Christ/Jesus - talking about Jehovah/Yahweh/Samael/Yaldabaoth) has been heavily persecuted.

It just amazes me how blind they really are.

blumen4alles ago

Because it is not a god as made out to be, but a demented alien being.

blumen4alles ago

Good for you for reading the comments. Lots of feathers were riled up by that article.

FederalShill ago

That nose is nightmare fuel

beefartist ago

Most Christians haven't read the bible, let alone smug dumb fuck atheists

blumen4alles ago

I am not an atheist. The closest classification I would apply is Gnostic.

Did you know there were books removed from the bible? Have you read those? Check out the Gospel of Thomas for example...

Draco777 ago


blumen4alles ago

Maybe, but I doubt it had a title as triggering as mine.

manoccas ago

Incorrect, god didn't choose khazars, he chose a people who have long since dissipated.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Kikes are chosen of satan.

WickedVocalist ago

No that would be Mormons and Islamic folks

yewotm8 ago

Though it is likely from looking at the photos that you would determine the fathers, sons, and brothers of the woman on the right to be more virtuous than those of the woman on the left, he would never choose his people based upon the criteria of the women at all. An important distinction to make.

Blue333 ago

That's photo-shopped - anyone can see it -just saying.

Fuhrer1488 ago

He chose them to contain all the evil in the world

blumen4alles ago

It chose them to enact it's evil will upon the world.

PoquitoMojito ago

Heil Odin! Wotan mitt uns!

LoveRight ago

The Original Israelites were White.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

They were Arab.

Kikes and mudkikes are identical. Both are child rapist subhumans.

LoveRight ago

Ihatesports ago

Why is God allowing them to control us?

WickedVocalist ago

They aren't controlling you, the devil is

Captainphilcaptain ago

Maybe “chosen” doesn’t mean what you think it means.

kidcip16 ago

Christians are God's chosen not kikes or pagays

WickedVocalist ago

I guess you never realized your blue book was translated off the Islamic book to Engrish

blumen4alles ago

Why did you become a Christian? I bet you were born into it.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Imagine being so dumb and inbred that the only way to convince your people they have any value at all is to lie to them and convince them that they are special and god wanted them to look like goblins.

WickedVocalist ago

How many jail bait daughter do you have?

I guess you were aiming for 17 to 24 dependents and a 1200 stimulus for each one, no wonder you put them up to find fuck at work so fucking often, ugly old man in a white starch collar

blumen4alles ago

This comment should be at the top. Well said.

Yuke ago

Half shekel snatcher, half Toucan.

Kwaaa! Oooh, Gold!

MrDarkWater ago


4ntychrist ago

I shouldn't be laughing this hard...

anticlutch ago

Sounds to me like (((OP))) trying to push the well proven lie that jews are the chosen ones when they aren't.

But that's okay.

The kike has a jewish surname in his voat name.

WickedVocalist ago

If you're such a Christian why do you talk about the people of Israel like that?

Found the Sodom and Gommorah

anticlutch ago

Because jews are from no where near Judea. Judea is historically a Christian state.

But you're a dumbass and believe kike propaganda and do no research on your own to educate yourself.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

@blumen4alles is German, meaning "flowers for everyone" and has overtones of "Deutchland uber alles" everytime I see it. Yes, Bloom or Blum is a common jewish surname, but not in this case. OP, correct me if I'm wrong.

blumen4alles ago

Yes you are correct, that is exactly what it means and what I meant it to mean. It is based on an alias I created about two decades ago when I wanted to send someone flowers. I did not want to use my real name at the florist, so I had my alias memorized in advance. Florists don't check ID.

I gave my last name as Blume, which is German for flower. The first name I got from a deodorant brand name I was using at the time. Also makes me thing of the movie Real Genius because the main character has that same first name.

This isn't the first time someone has suggested the name is jewish. It is German, and many jews have German last names (because the Germans forced them to pick one). I have yet to be presented with an example of a jew having the last name of Blume/Blumen though.

The kike has a jewish surname in his voat name.

@anticlutch if you can provide me one example of a jew using that name I will admit you are correct

TrialsAndTribulation ago

William Blum, who wrote about CIA crimes and frequently criticized US policy, for one. It's also used as a suffix for other names, such as Goldblum. I remember a 1973 movie called "Blume in Love" where the lead character was played by George Segal, who was cast for his obvious jewishness.

I see @anticlutch's mistake, but he's way off base. The clue is the use of "alles" in your user name. No jew would EVER use German words in their name.

Heh. Real Genius. Loved that movie. Interesting how the most neurotic people in that movie (electroshock boy, hyperactive girl, hermit genius) are all jews, both in the movie and in real life.

blumen4alles ago

Once I became aware of the jewish problem it really dampened my enjoyment of movies. Good observation on the neurosis.

I had a friend with neurosis growing up and later I figured out his mother (who died before I knew him) was probably a jew. They are more likely to have mental illness. I also worked for a jew at my first job and she ended up killing herself, before that she was on pills for depression and other mental illness.

Thanks for the William Blum info!

I have German ancestry and I get quite pissed off how that country has been treated in the past (and the present). That was probably my biggest inspiration for the username and it fit in with my alias.

In that Blume in Love movie how is his last name said? Is it said the German way (blu-mah) or is it said like "bloom"?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I think I began to be aware of the jewish neurosis thing very early as a teenager, and picked it up from other sources later, from reading Jules Feiffer cartoons, listening to Woody Allen, reading about the novels of Phillip Roth' ("Portnoy's Complaint" among others) and Thomas Pynchon ("V" has a chapter called "In Which Esther Gets a Nose Job") and just generally paying attention to how jews acted. This was well before I was red pilled on the JQ.

jews were in Germany for hundreds of years and never managed to live cooperatively among their hosts. To show their appreciation to their host nation, they destroyed Germany, beginning in the 19th century. Using a combination of anarchy, socialism, communism, and zionism, their repeated attacks eventually destroyed it and put it under their covert control. You have a right to be angry, and General Patton recognized it too.

Blume is pronounced as bloom. It's similar to the character in "The Producers", Leo Bloom, played by Gene Wilder in the 1967 movie, who is also, not coincidentally, quite neurotic. "Blume in Love" a play on "Love in Bloom", which was Jack Benny's theme song on his radio and TV shows.

anticlutch ago

I don't really give a care about mincing slight differences that are completely irrelevant.

jews are gene thieves. With that comes name - family/surname - thievery.

If you truly believe just because it's a German last name, it's not been jewed then you're as misguided as a blind man at a stop light.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Ease up. I'm not attacking you, and I'm not defending either jews or OP, just giving my interpretation of what I thought his user name means. Don't be such a belligerent asshole.

Smokybubbles ago

But God has a plan, didn't you know? But pray, in case he doesn't have a plan and is counting votes instead.

Dauphin ago

The god of THIS plane/world is Lucifer... and yes, those are his chosen.

CrudOMatic ago


That_VoiceOver_Guy ago

Yeah, when your nose has its own ass crack, you know it's time for a nose job.

GeneralDisposition ago

Jews are under the curse. Mathew 27:25. If they don't turn back they will be cast out. mathew 8:12. The one one the right can become the new child of GOD. Ephesians 2:11-13. Many people will mock GOD. jude 1:18-.. None of this will make sense without the original king james version. Fair warning.

DanielR ago

Thats because God chose the right one and Satan picked the left one

Markzila ago

Are nose jobs Goy-Appropriation? Or same as whites doing blackface?

TheSeer ago

I've always thought so.

Caliope ago

(((That))) is one fugly (((judenscheissuntermenchen)))

Three bags, one over (((her))) head, one over mine, one over both.

Wait! A fourth bag over anyone watching.

ChiCom ago

This compromise is how they have infiltrated...

AllInAllNo ago

I think it's clear who was blessed.

Phantom42 ago

Us guys who are fortunate enough to have the chance to get with the right one.

AllInAllNo ago

Easy: fitness or money.

Phantom42 ago

Or luck.

AllInAllNo ago

That does seem to happen too.

Phantom42 ago

The occasional act of God is pretty helpful as well. Probably what it's gonna take for me. 😂

AllInAllNo ago

You are in my prayers, brother. 😉

Phantom42 ago

Nonono, don't pray for me. Pray for the ones that have to deal with a crazy wife or in-laws.

AllInAllNo ago

I'll pray for us all. I've had my share. 😑

Phantom42 ago

😂 Go right ahead.

applefarm ago

A very weird argument for atheism.

blumen4alles ago

I am not saying there is no Creator, I am saying the ignorant & malevolent being that calls itself Jehovah is not a god. It has many names, but a god it is not.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

God repented his decision of making the jews his chosen people, which is why he sent Jesus to make salvation universal for all men.

One has to understand the nature of the people who wrote the Hebrew scriptures in order to understand the god of the Old Testament. Those people wrote and re-wrote their scriptures to reflect themselves more than anything else, and it's filled with lies, exaggeration, self-serving fantasy and platitudes, some of the most horrible behavior they attribute to their god. Jesus describes a God of love, of forgiveness and mercy, who wants all his children of all nations to know him. This is the God of the Bible, even though the Israelites mischaracterized Him for two millennia.

Have you ever read "Letters From The Earth" by Mark Twain? It's a little like that. I'm not making the case for Satan, just making the case that the god of the Old Testament is an imaginary jew god made in their image. One of the reasons for Jesus' appearance was to set straight what man knew about God and to formally repudiate the jews and their blasphemies.

Rockfish1000 ago

Letters From The Earth is some of Twain's greatest and most underappreciated writing

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Clemens was an American treasure, one all our own. That piece was prevented from publication for long after his death in 1916 and was first published in 1962 after Henry Nash Smith helped change his daughter Clara's mind. I think she was right to withhold it for so long because the public wasn't ready for that side of her father. Sadly, Clemens was very bitter and disappointed with his life toward the end for a variety of reasons and lost his faith. But I agree, underappreciated.

Rockfish1000 ago

Yeah. He is by far my favorite writer. Definitely had an interesting life.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

He certainly did. Went out and grabbed it by the tail. He had a great deal of disappointment in a time called "the gilded age", when he should have been stupendously wealthy. He made some unfortunate business decisions that brought him down. Look up a book by Richard Zacks, "Chasing the Last Laugh", about the exhausting performance tour that Clemens conducted to pay off his substantial debts. Terribly sad ending for such a good man.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Sorry some of you guys disagree with that, but believe it or not, I'm a Christian. This means I follow the word and teachings of Jesus and not the jews.

It's obvious to anyone familiar with the development of the Hebrew scriptures and religious history of the area, from Asia Minor to Egypt, that belief was in flux, as were the people, and from about 1,400 BC the people who eventually became Israel had numerous religious practices that were pagan including dualistic male and female deities, not to mention Moloch, who demanded child sacrifice. jews went to considerable trouble to remove mentions of female deities in the scriptures and sites of their observance, but vestiges remain.

If you don't believe this, find out why their god is referred to by so many terms, including at different time el (god) and elohim (gods, plural). Remember also that they say "let us make man in our image". This was not a royal "we", it's a plural "we".

Having a priestly class meant they were only once who had access and control over their scriptures, which gave them control over the message. Being the narcissistic people they were and are, they systematically re-wrote scripture (and destroyed old copies) to capture the current thinking, which often justified their behavior and made it approved by their god. They at least got right with the Babylonian exile, which was God's wrath and punishment meted upon them. Unfortunately, that was when they started their "oral tradition" that developed into their Talmud.

WickedVocalist ago

You're LDS and to me that is not Christian

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I'm definitely not LDS, and I don't know where you got that. I know a number of Christians who are LDS and I know of their beliefs, but nothing could could be more alien to me, other than that recognize Jesus as the son of God and our savior.

TheSeer ago

Not just wrote and re-wrote, they follow an ORAL TRADITION. So they just kept SAYING different shit, depending on what the situation required.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

They eventually wrote down their oral tradition, which they describe to gentiles as "commentary" on the Torah, which is a lie too because whenever there is a reference to or a citation from the Torah, it's always out of context, misquoted, or meaningless, and always used to justify some bad behavior, like cheating gentiles or raping children.

glassuser ago

Nah. That thing is the ethnicity that replaced them.

Inaminit ago

I want to plunge my cock into that nose on the left...

WickedVocalist ago

Then do it, please - no straight woman really wants to fuck all those other women you fuck

Inaminit ago

The fuck you on about? Nasally raping the huge schnoz on the left is a wet cream come true.

Monarch981 ago

I wonder how many lesbian women want to fuck themselves with that thing.

Inaminit ago

Gives new meaning to the term "nose-job"...

pcdude ago

The Israelis of the Bible would have been ethnically most similar to modern Persians. The Ashkenazi we are left with today are from a region thousands of miles away from Israel.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Ancient Semites were from the same branch as Europeans. The statue of Joshua has pale skin, red hair, and blue eyes.

You have to also consider the regions of the middle east are vastly different, they were more lush at one time.

History is full of migrations of peoples. Most of the middle east was filled with offshoots of the Scythians (call them Goths if you want) which share the same root as Europeans.

glassuser ago

That is definitely supported by linguistics. It's a lot harder to directly support with genetics, because the assertion is basically that we have no baseline to test with, but there is significant indirect support.

Helena73 ago

What, no. The persians were indoeuropeans like the celts, and greeks, and italics, etc. The israelites were like the canaanites and phoenicans and arabs. Same gods, like molech, baal, yahweh. Similar language.

glassuser ago

Nah, you're right. Aramaic (ancient Hebrew), Phoenician, and Arabic languages are all semitic and derive from the Afro-asiatic language family, which so far seems to be completely unrelated to proto-Indo-European (the family of which includes languages such as greek, celtic, Italian, English, Germanic, etc).

Interestingly, origins of monotheism are associated almost exclusively with Afro-asiatic language speaking ethnic origins, and not at all with proto-Indo-European origins (except in cases where it was clearly borrowed or taken up from Afro-asiatic-speaking groups).

Helena73 ago

Hinduism is really the closest thing to a living pagan I.E. religion, and Buddhism is its offshoot. Maybe Zoroastrianism as well.

Judaism doesnt really become monotheist until the 5 or 6th cent BC. You can tell cause they have all these instructions in the O.T. like, “Don’t throw your baby on to the fire to please Molech!” and whatnot. Lol. Keep in mind the Indoeuropeans were also doing a shit ton of human sacrifice well into the Iron Age. Some Voaters seem to gloss over that when romanticizing their paganism.

The Hittites were I.E. I learned recently. There language was written in cuneiform and initially translated a few decades ago. So were the Galatians , who basically spoke welsh. Food for thought.

beefartist ago

A bunch of knowledge drop sounding shit and you use there instead of their...what are we to think?>

Helena73 ago

That I was typing fast and got sloppy?

DeadBeatNigger ago

Jews still worship strange Gods, however, it appears that they have a pantheon, but only worship one per Jewish sect. They actually practice something called monolatry.

glassuser ago

Yeah the hittites were weird. Modern science basically denied they existed until the 19th century. Then a string of discoveries showed that the hittites of the bible really did exist, and they were able to link them to other contemporary records. IIRC their language was derived from PIE, but written in semitic cuneiform script. Which I guess you just said.

Helena73 ago

I dont think cuneiform is actually semitic, though I think the semites borrowed it like the hittites did.

glassuser ago

Yeah, from what I can figure out, the Sumerians invented it, and they were not semitic. The Akkadians, who basically replaced the Sumerians and kept using cuneiform, were semitic.

MrDarkWater ago

nah, nigger.

the Israelites became the Celts, Greeks, Romans, etc

Europeans are the children of Israel

glassuser ago

No, the Israelites were largely exterminated by Babylon after they rejected Yahweh, and the few survivors were rolled into Babylonian ethnicities.

MrDarkWater ago

This ignores the 10 tribes to the north, who were displaced by the Assyrians. They never saw the Babylonian captivity.

Keep reading, you'll find it the truth.

randomfuckingidiot ago

We've been getting the fuck out for thousands of years... we're out of places to retreat to

MrDarkWater ago


Helena73 ago

You sound like the hoteps.

ant_earth ago

jews always play both sides today and they did two thousands years ago too. the biblical jews were ethnically the same as the pharisees. the difference is one group is the 'good jews' and the other group is the 'bad jews'. same as always.

Panic-Now1 ago

Exactly. Now please explain this for others. Thanks.

glassuser ago (or PDF warning:

Basically that demonstrates, from a perspective of linguistics, that modern "jews" have a heritage that is almost completely from Turkic khazars and Iranians, after jews mixed with them and then slavs and spread the jewish religion to the elite (who had practically no ethnic jewish heritage).

Even before that, during the period of the kings, you might remember that Israel was broken into several tribes or states, and was constantly at war with neighboring nations. That was nothing special - war was basically the summer sport of men in the entire region. But one of their perpetual opponents was Edom. Near the end of the united kingdom, after Israel split into Israel and Judah, just before the Babylonian captivity, there is clear evidence (both archaeological and genetic) that the edomites were winning a "cold war" with the kingdom of Judah. Basically, the edomites moved in, displaced, eliminated, and/or mixed into the jewish population, and effectively conquered them that way. I believe (but can't immediately cite) that when the Babylonians dealt with Israel and Judah after they broke an alliance with them, a huge part of the kingdom of Israel were killed and most of Judah (now mostly edomites, who didn't bother with outright rebellion because they didn't consider the jews of Israel to be their people) was taken into pretty comfy "slavery" (i.e. they were taken from their land and spread through Babylon so they would integrate). So the "jews" that were taken into slavery in Egypt were mostly Edomite (non-Jewish semites) who were slightly interbred with Babylonians (also semites, but even more distant from jews than edomites).

Oh, and don't forget that just before the Babylonian siege, tradition and narrative hold that God was angered by the Israelites and most of the Judeans turning from Him to pagan polytheism and punished them by proclaiming that their nations were forfeit and allowed the sacking by the Babylonians. Depending on how you interpret it, that was the end of the people of God, and anything that follows is just an imitation of the previous greatness.

Panic-Now1 ago

Excellent! Edomites were force converted by High priest Hyrcanus. These converts flooded into Judea and were the ones who caused all the crap for Yeshua (Jesus). The Assyrians had hauled off 95% of the reeal Israelites/Hebrews and when Assyria soon collapsed, these captive Israelites fled north into the Caucasian Mountains. Five hundred years later, numbering in the millions, they crossed into Western Europe, and the British Isles. They are - us. And if the Bible is to be believed, the false Jews will be eliminated in a war, then the true Israelitres get called home just in time for the BIG battle.

DeadBeatNigger ago

If I remember correctly, Ruth was a Canaanite, and started a trend of Jews mixing with non-Jews. This doesnt take into account the Assyrians wiping them out, the Babylonians wiping them out, the Persians breeding them out, the Greeks Hellenizing them, Titus and Vespasian wiping the out, Quietus wiping them out, and finally Hadrian finishing off any remnant what-so-ever. The Jews havent6existed for a very, very long time.

Shituar ago

so which is it.... theyre behind the scene pulling all the strings and preparing the world for their NWO domination.... or they haven't existed in years?

DeadBeatNigger ago

Nice try, heeb. Jew is just a title given to them to distinguish them. A more accurate name would be, "Molochites", or "Synagogue of Satan". However, it's just easier to say Jew, and already be awoken to the JQ.

beefartist ago

khazarian tricksters.

glassuser ago

Surely it's different THIS TIME.

TheSeer ago

They broke the covenant a number of times. For some reason the Bible doesn't really specify how and when. Almost like it was edited out, or proclaimed apocryphal.

Charilko ago

Most of the Old Testament is literally the story of the Jews fucking up again and again. One of the key themes in the New Testament is how hard most of the Jews fought against the revelation that the Messiah came to save all of us, not just them.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

The Bible shows again and again the Heavenly Father choosing those least likely to succeed at something in order to show His glory.

The apex of this concerns the jews, taking the most prone to evil and corruption to bring about the new kingdom.

AntiMason ago

That's wrong. It clearly explains it.

Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and reigned fifty and five years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hephzi–bah. And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord , after the abominations of the heathen, whom the Lord cast out before the children of Israel. For he built up again the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed; and he reared up altars for Baal, and made a grove, as did Ahab king of Israel; and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them. And he built altars in the house of the Lord , of which the Lord said, In Jerusalem will I put my name. And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord . And he made his son pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the Lord , to provoke him to anger. And he set a graven image of the grove that he had made in the house, of which the Lord said to David, and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever: Neither will I make the feet of Israel move any more out of the land which I gave their fathers; only if they will observe to do according to all that I have commanded them, and according to all the law that my servant Moses commanded them. But they hearkened not: and Manasseh seduced them to do more evil than did the nations whom the Lord destroyed before the children of Israel. And the Lord spake by his servants the prophets, saying, Because Manasseh king of Judah hath done these abominations, and hath done wickedly above all that the Amorites did, which were before him, and hath made Judah also to sin with his idols: Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle. And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down.

2 Kings 21:1‭-‬13 KJV

TheSeer ago

" And he made his son pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the Lord"

I wouldn't say that is 'clear'. But I do appreciate the reference, thx

glassuser ago

Well, gee, why would they do that?

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