capnflummox ago

Fake and gay.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Star of David is a tetragram spelling out King David's name in paleohebrew.

Thereunto ago

what does it matter so long as your pastors are preaching love of thy enemy

Why not let scripture speak for itself?

Why not kill your enemies?

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.” - The Art of War

There are many reasons not to attempt to kill. The Bible isn't the only source that agrees with that concept. Subdue opponents without fighting, where possible. Physical conflicts are costly.

And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.

Meaning: if you've lost a court case, and you have been ordered to pay a plaintiff compensation, freely give that compensation and more. Acts of generosity reduce the likelihood of further hostilities.

Thereunto ago

Love thy neighbor

'Neighbour' has a specific connotation in the bible. Luke 10:29-37 discusses that your neighbours are those who are compassionate and merciful to you. Not everyone is your neighbour.

Forgive thy enemy

Love thy enemy you mean? Matthew 5:43-48 It describes that stowing hatred and showing kindness helps reduce resistance and opposition to your causes. This builds on Proverbs 25:21-22, which says to be kind to enemies to induce cognitive dissonance in your enemy.

Turn the other cheek

Matthew 5:38-40

An eye for an eye for permanent damage, but turn the other cheek for temporary indignation/damage.

Bremertonbruiser ago

I don't hate Jews. I don't even believe in your definition of what a Jew is. I am a student of the bible which happens to be completely historically acurate. Anyway this planet/plane/reality we live in is just a simulation, a litmus test. A test to find out if you and I will choose a life with our creator and His father. Simple. He isn't going to bring wicked unrepentant sick predatory people into a presence with his father. You wouldn't bring a rapist to a daycare. This planet and everything that goes on here is like television for extraterrestrials. They watch us. They talk about us. Yeshua has taken away their ability to interact with us without His permission. My favorite sources are; Northwest Creation Network and Jason Lyle and Kent Hovind and Ron Wyatt for young earth creationism and Berean Bible Church pastor David B Curtis for Full Pretorism theology. It's not my place to hate anyone. I am working on our solution and I think the only way is a peaceful revolution. I appreciate the dialog here and I wish you all the best. Just because I don't hate Jews doesn't mean I can't recognize that Israel and others did 911. God bless the service men from the USS Liberty, may we never forget.

Anonz55z ago

Rabbi..... + T (jesus cross).... = Rabbit....

easter bunny.....

100011 ago

The Star of David comes from the symbol on the Magical Ring of King Solomon. A mystical ring in which King Solomon can control demons. But here's the thing King David & King Solomon never existed the Jews stole the story from Egypt. King David is really Tuthmosis III & King Solomon is Tuthmosis grandson

thebearfromstartrack ago

I don't think anybody welcomes someone like that, except liberals.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

But not genetically related to modern Jews.

LettItBurn ago

Somebody should convince her to tattoo her phone number next to it just in case she forgets.

powerranger21 ago

Believers don’t believe Jews are the devil. That is absurd for many reasons. Jews are human beings. The devil is something else. He’s a tempter, accuser, and enemy of mankind. We must hold people to account for their misdeeds, but we must be on our guard against the wiles of the devil because he a corrupter of good, and a liar. He deceives, confuses, manipulates, and lies. If you truly believe that a fellow human being is the devil just because of what race they belong to, you’ve accepted lies that were likely crafted by the devil.

Do call out evil, condemn injustice, enjoin righteousness. Don’t let people trick you or deceive you. These things are all right. Your challenge is to thread the needle between calling out evildoers (which is righteous) and blanket condemnation of ethnic categories.

Your racial makeup doesn’t make you right or wrong. Your thoughts, your words, your actions, and your intentions do.

RM-Goetbbels ago

tomaytoe tomahtoh

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Jews are devils so nobody wins but the sinagogue of satan

yob ago

Although an unpopular opinion... To me both symbols represent EVIL

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

unpopular opinion

You've been here 7 months, bro. Catch up.

powerranger21 ago

This is from Reddit.

That is not a Star of David, or Star of Solomon, or of Rephaim or whatever. That is a hexagram, because it is inscribed in a circle. It is a magic symbol, which many people seem not to understand.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

The seal of solomon is inscribed in a circle.

Anonz55z ago

HEX a gram....


Why are we taught




in school?

Herkules97 ago

Isn't it spelled cursive?

Anonz55z ago

the sword in the stone

the word in the tone

powerranger21 ago

Uh, no. I hate the devil. I hate sin. I’m trying real hard to love my fellow man. But damn if some of you don’t try to test my patience. Lord, please give me the grace I need to endure.

Lundynne ago

The Sigil of Solomon has a long history of use in the occult: several hundred years in fact. The Star of David has been in use as a symbol for Zionism (not Judaism btw) since 1897. It's a satanic symbol, and always has been.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Eh, it could be.. It's just their warped perception of what they want it to be imo.

Thereunto ago

Christianity ... promotes complacency and pacifism.

Scripturally speaking, this isn't true.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

In her defense, this demonic star is far worse, if that was her goal to begin with.

powerranger21 ago

Rabbi jut means teacher. It doesn’t mean he was credentialed. But he spoke with Authority and people recognized it. The sheep recognize the shepherd’s voice.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Exactly, used to make a passive slave race.

God, or something that could be perceived as god certainly exists. But, organized religion is for sure the work of the devil.

psilocyb ago

God help us all. There are people like this all over. Reproducing, voting, teaching.

dundundunnnnn ago

Star of Remphan

dirt_reynolds ago

It's still satanic, no worries.

Shitty execution though.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yeshua ben Yosef. From his own mouth, he claimed to have come only to save the lost sheep of the House of Israel.

Do you know who is not of the House of Israel? Ethic Europeans...Waking up Christcucks will probably be the most difficult but important thing we do.

Chimaira92 ago

It will be difficult but it is our only hope. The problems we face are directly caused from Christianity.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

Jesus is the King of the Jews.

powerranger21 ago

He said he came for the lost sheep of Israel, but immediately followed that up to say that many would come from the East and the west. In other words, yes he was speaking to the Jews but they rejected his message as prophesied (“he came into his own, and his own received him not”). And the message was explicitly universal. The great commission directs believers to go into the entire world and to preach the gospel to people all over the Earth. All of us are children of the most high God, he wants us to love him and each other. That doesn’t mean that you let people abuse you. It means that we regard all people as end in themselves, not means to some end, and we treat them the same way we would like to be treated. Yes, we must root out the evildoers in our midst. But we could turn this world into a paradise if we all followed the principle of loving our neighbors and doing what is right.

Save yourself. Lead by example and exemplify the limitless love of God.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Christianity is Judaism for Gullible Goyim. You cannot possibly believe that if a diety exists, it's a sandnigger desert blood god who has had, at one point, Chosen People whom he commanded to kill, rape, and enslave other people, who murdered his followers family and livelihood to prove how devoted the follower was, who sanctioned genital mutilation as a "covenant" with him.

I mean come the fuck on. Christianity is a fucking cancer eating us alive from within. Snap out of it, cuck!

powerranger21 ago

I believe there is a being who is responsible for creating all of the worlds. That is, he created this world, and others which we don’t have any concept of. Everything that exists is due to his work.

Because we are new kids on the block, being born with essentially no knowledge or understanding, and susceptible to believing that the sensible world is all there is, we are born basically clueless and would be extremely at risk from a type of being intent on leading us astray were it not for God, who not only is the creator of all but also loves us, who sent us his Word so that we can understand what we otherwise could not. He gave us a cheat sheet to get us up to speed. Want to develop the qualities of the most perfect being? Lucky for us, God n his mercy provided us a way to know what his will is. It’s kind of like a parent who is trying not to yell at his kids who are fighting in the backseat. We’re the simpletons who won’t exist in peace in this beautiful world we’ve inherited, because everyone is at the throat of everyone else. It’s not complicated, but evidently we have trouble with it. It’s a message that he sends us repeatedly, age after age, to every nation and people. I would liken this realm to kindergarten, but honestly it’s worse than that. This dimension is like special ed. Your soul is receiving remedial instruction. Are you going to learn these lessons and graduate, or are you going to choose to continue being a hateful retard who can’t see the big picture. This existence could be so majestic. Catch that vision because you don’t seem to be receiving my wavelength.

Anyway, I’m not a “Christ cuck,” which is probably one of the dumbest things anyone has ever said to me. I am a human being, I am a believer, I am a child of the Most High God, and I claim my birthright as such. Raise your consciousness, listen to your conscience, seek God, and ask for his direction. Your soul is in danger of being lost.

Thereunto ago

Do you know who is not of the House of Israel? Ethic Europeans

What are you basing this on?

BoomerHater1488er ago

Are you literally retarded? Jews are not European. Can that be any more plain? What part of it confused you?

Thereunto ago

12 houses of Israel. Not all of them are Jewish.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yes, they are. Or, rather, they're all Seimitic and none are European.

Thereunto ago

they are all descendants of Shem, none are European

What are you basing this on?

Do you have any comment toward this?:

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yes, I have a comment: the idea that Israel founded anything in Europe is a prime example of wishful thinking.

There is no archaeological, linguistic, or genetic evidence to even remotely suggest that.

Stop believing in some sandnigger fairy tales.

BB-3 ago

Yeah, because jews are Edomites and not heirs to the promise of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus is not a jew

BoomerHater1488er ago

Omfg you're cuckery knows no limits, does it?

BB-3 ago

Did you just say I am cuckery?

Bremertonbruiser ago

Actually the Apostle Paul expounds on what Yeshua said there. We (the body of Christ) have been grafted in to true Israel (Jesus). YHVH is not racist, it was never about your blood, but about your relationship with Him. He came to the New first and then the Gentiles, chronologically, not preferentially. You can keep on worshiping Hitler, a dead man, and I will keep worshiping Yeshua, the living son of God, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, our kindred redeemer, the Way the Truth and the Life

BoomerHater1488er ago

You're worshiping Judaism for Gullible Goyim and you don't even have the decency to be ashamed of yourself.

Wonder_Boy ago

How did Jesus win?

Anonfag ago

The devil got a moron in his grasp?

doginventer ago

He defeated death.

Rellik88 ago

When you dad is God. Is that much of a feat?

GiezCobbold ago

well, it must've hurt like hell either way

doginventer ago

Given what a hash the progeny of the rich & powerful usually make of things I’d say living a sinless life and sacrificing himself to save others is noteworthy.


1 of 80 gorrillion

realmonster ago

*the devil works hard and he won this round

philmchawk ago

Seriously the star of (((david))) is about 666 (6 points, 6 triangles and hexagon).

TheAntiZealot ago

It's a hexagram.


An 3 sets of laterals... Trilateral

Anonz55z ago

Speaking of which (and very related)

It's all connected!


Six lines, six points, six angles.

Phantom42 ago

Star of Remphan, if I recall correctly.

philmchawk ago

Thank you, I couldn't remember the correct name for it.

Phantom42 ago

No problem. Just remember you're taking the word of a fucking college kid, so trust, but verify.

Broc_Lia ago

I thought it predated 666, but I wasn't sure so I looked it up. Turns out they grabbed it from the Arabs during the middle ages and it didn't become a common symbol until the 19th century.

philmchawk ago

common symbol until the 19th century.

Sort of right, it was the rothschilds banking symbol above their bank (a red star of Remphan). It was only used as Israel flag because well Israel is the rothschilds nation.

Broc_Lia ago

It was also used by the Masons and a few other groups.

HbMcNutt ago

Wrong. You are not using knowledge of kaballah. Jewish mysticism has been using it for a VERY long time

Gottmituns ago

The symbol is older than that, it just went by different names. But yeah, it wasn't even widespread among jewish communities until the 17th century. It was pretty much pushed by a select group of super rich jews like the Rothschilds.

Maroonsaint ago

And if you take one six and remove it and turn the other upside down you have what I want to do with you tomorrow night

themarslemming ago

Take the center six and flip it vertically, what do you have now?

Maroonsaint ago

Idk what

themarslemming ago


Maroonsaint ago

And what is that supposed to be

themarslemming ago

6 million!

MyDrunkAccount ago


GenderPronoun ago

A+ for effort, but this is what you get when your initial premise is not checked. So the final result is a resounding fail.

BoomerHater1488er ago

How long until we all admit that tattoos are just dumb?

GenderPronoun ago

If by "we" you mean "me and you" then we're already there. Tattoos are fake virtue of life scars. Better to do battle and take a few scrapes because the stories behind them are real. Not that I'd advocate getting scars for no reason, but when they are a result of life experience and lessons learned they are meaningful. Tattoos are a narrative placed on your skin without the experience. In a way, tattoos are like bearing false witness.

BoomerHater1488er ago

bearing false witness

Get that kike shit our of here. Also, notice how it isn't, "Do not bear false witness." It specifically clarifies "against your neighbor."

Lying to non-Jews is fine; and make no mistake: Christianity is Jewish to its core.

GenderPronoun ago

Get that kike shit our of here

I think Catholicism is Jewish to it's core, but if you look into the history "Christianity" isn't. I value some of what is written in the bible (and also reject some) but I would not consider myself a Christian in the sense you're accusing. As you may recall, Adolf mentioned in Mein Kampf that there are three kinds of readers. I'm talking about reading the bible as in "finding truth embedded with lies". I think you accusing me of one that would read the bible an follow it blindly like most readers.

I interpret "Bearing false witness against your neighbor" to mean that you claim knowledge without validating or testing. I.e. gave testimony of second or third hand information as first hand information. This is a universal truth and is self evident so a valuable lesson for anyone, no matter who wrote it. This could be like saying "I'm sure the holocaust happened" (like many do, and are sure they're sure) when perhaps people haven't tested against that theory or looked into the alternate hypothesis. In fact, this is what I take it to mean and is why I made the analogy of the tattoos. Scars are experience with a story but skin-ink is a narrative with a story.

Shotinthedark ago

I met a chick who was so proud of being Italian she got the flag of Italy. Unfortunately neither her nor the "artist" knew which order the colors were in.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

So she branded herself a Mexican. All tattoos are fucking stupid, degenerate shit.

Shotinthedark ago


Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

It doesn't mean jew, it means pedo

sneaksnek ago

what's the difference?