88Kikeslayer ago

Does anyone know what this is from? I can't find any results on (((Google))).

Thelegend27tons ago

Is that Obama?

amlopoko ago

The kikes are the enemy of all races.

satisfyinghump ago

Does anyone know the book or source? Oh fuck it, I'll find out :)

oaf ago

Probably English version of the most infamous book in German history, resulting in writer and Publisher being EXECUTED after ww2!!!

“Der Giftpilz,” a children's book published by Julius Streicher. Julius Streicher was executed by (((allies))) in 1946 for being editor of "Der Stürmer", a publication that enraged Jews. In the book it stated :

"Jews often have an unpleasant sweetish odor. If you have a good nose, you can smell the Jews."

Read it yourself from that book that got the editor executed (Crimes Against Humanity as a Book Publisher!) for printing the truth on Jew Smell : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_Giftpilz

When you are executed for printing childrens books, you know you are over the target.

“Der Giftpilz"

justregtoasku ago

Did you find out?

klobos ago

Rounded knees is how I spot them.

El_Syd ago

I wonder which of these attributes Jesus exhibited?

Repent ago

Because Jesus Christ is Lord, and not all Jews are evil.

El_Syd ago

Exactly, they were even more middle eastern.

Repent ago

Middle-Easterners don't look like this. That was the point.

El_Syd ago

Was Jesus a Jew or not? If he was, he looked a lot more like the hand rubbing meme than the blonde, blue eyed guy in European paintings.

If you're going to downvoat, have the balls to tell me why.

mememeyou ago

Jews love to say he was a Jew. If Jesus was Apollonius of Tyana, he was Greek not a hooknose kike.

GrayGadfly ago

Good point. Who was it who claimed he was a jew? Was Jesus a jew? Strange how there are claims he is black, arab.. and when its 'white' he becomes jewish.

EnsignPossible ago

Not ALL bankers (where the CAPITAL is) are Jews you know. And a study suggests ALL executives are Psychopaths.

justregtoasku ago

Execs / psychos definitely interchangeable in my experience

EnsignPossible ago

When they are being cutthroat it doesn't appear to FAZE them, like they enjoy it, stoically. I don't LIKE hurting others or defeating others. So what if I'm better, let me just do my thing ALONE (well) and leave the others to their activities. I hate winning as much as losing. I see no reason to compete, especially for imaginary points.

aboutime ago

this shit gets old

Recyclops14 ago

Is this from a book?

JunOS ago

I'd like to read it.

justregtoasku ago

There's the artists signature right there, i can't make out what it might say though