WickedVocalist ago

Awesome, now they and their children are ready and clean enough to share a husband and a big house.

Blood-is-Nature ago

That is just more division propaganda based on the jewish lie of feminism, which is based on dividing the family units. They just obfuscated the jewish origin by letting some white girls vent against Islam. They are helping the so called jews.

jimibulgin ago

What bothers me most about this is the off-center "is".

stonewallphysics ago

Yeah that should cover it.

Drunkenst ago

morons as magnets.

uab ago

End women's Suffrage

ronis_yorgos ago

Muslim explodes.

WhateverJesus ago

No it doesn't.

i_scream_trucks ago

Well that would explain why everyone that worships allah is so unstable...

boekanier ago

Yes, feminism finally on the right track

Rand01 ago

That's very brave of them to do that in Saudi Arabia.......what's that, they did that in America? Not for long.

TreeMan32 ago

I mean... shirt says so, so it's true and cheeky.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Now they should hike through the middle east telling them about this great news. Or Minnesota

ALIENS2222 ago


SparklingWiggle ago

That photoshop is well done. They got the curves of the shirt captured well.

SpunRecord ago

Chick 2 is stacked.

Drain0 ago

Allah this dick in yo mouth.

Long_sofa ago

i met allah. she's black

Deceneu ago

A black disabled translesbian.

WickedVocalist ago

Its not her fault a cleric severed her weiner and testicles at birth. Now now, their religion cannot even allow for a toke or splash of sherry in the gravy.

She was born that way. Dont be suicidal. Overdose us better.

ALIENS2222 ago

A black disabled translesbian... nazi

Reverse-Flash ago

A black disabled trans-lesbian nazi wearing a "ain't no virgins up here, sandnigger" t-shirt.

SparklingWiggle ago

I would like to think you made that up but I'm sure you didn't.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

A white female apparently. Fucking racists.

Crikes ago

They'll regret this photo.

Deceneu ago

It's a photoshop.

SparklingWiggle ago

They will still regret it.

JohnGaltApproves ago

If we were as crafty as some, we could get #allahisfemale trending with a competing hashtag of #islamrightaboutwomen.

FannyCraddock ago

Allah is a female pedo then.

puggy ago

C'mon girls, take it to the next level: Allah was lesbian

ALIENS2222 ago

Like Big-Mike Obama?

SparklingWiggle ago

He was a pedo for sure!

Doglegwarrior ago

this actualy makes some sense.. allah likes to get fucked by dirty sand niggers so he she is probably a woman

WickedVocalist ago

Theyre all competing for Arab chad.

beefartist ago

It is RIGHT up front in the bible guys...lead your women or they will lead you to damnation. They are the greatest gift the lord ever bestowed upon man but read the terms and conditions!

WickedVocalist ago

As a bitter PMSing bitch I agree with you. I am but a cut of a mans rib, only a percentage of a males actual human existence.

beefartist ago

I think you are being a sarcastic bitch but by the sounds of it you may not be fully in control of your faculties. The second part plenty of men ignore is that Adam is standing RIGHT FUCKING THERE and goes a long with it. It is as much to say that men need to lead and provide boundaries while recognizing that women are prime influencers on a family in many ways. It isn't degrading to be "woman" (of man) it is connecting. Does it matter if the chicken or the eggs came first? This relates to drugging children as well...female education of feminism led to females being rampantly prescribed hormones and mood altering drugs, which led to children having the same done to them

Drunkenmoba ago

Check out the noses

spaceman84 ago

Check out the milkers on #2 tho

bdmthrfkr ago

The definition of a self-correcting problem.

con77 ago

Walk through London wearing that

Drunkenst ago

Or many an apple is

BrennKommando ago

Or Tehran. I'm sure the locals will understand the message behind and act accordingly.

DirectPressure ago

Fucking retards. Every one of them.

slwsnowman40 ago

They all have Jigsaw cheekbones...and the one on the far right, who would get that disguise nose in place of their real one?

WickedVocalist ago

They also all have the same shitty haircut and toilet brush fake nails.

slwsnowman40 ago

I didn't even notice how similar the hairstyle is.

chirogonemd ago

Try this in Baghdad. You'd need two pictures if you wanted shots of their heads as well.

hwong ago

Spread this around. I once drew a picture of Muhamid and I got a fatwa put on my head. I could only imagine the hell these chicks would go through... (and maybe we could get some better star wars stories if this on chick was out...)

SparklingWiggle ago

fatwa put on my head.

Is that like being teabagged?

hwong ago

Sorta, but think of hundreds of thousands of islmists are doing it and whoever get there first gets my head!

Butterbread ago

I like looking at the second shirt from the left.

Deceneu ago

The shirt is nice. The face is not.

ChiCom ago

I want to send this to every Muslim. They should feel our pain.

WickedVocalist ago

I see no problem with allowing them to enjoy the same ugly Muslim brownie.

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HiJoker ago

So would they cut their heads off one at a time or would they do them all at once?

HiJoker ago

Such a waste of pretty girls, what's the context of that? Was it those two that got jumped a while back?

How come we didn't vaporize the entire region just for touching white girls?

WickedVocalist ago

Because they hug everyone they see out of pure spite. Muslims included.

WickedVocalist ago

Theyre all big nosed yentahs with a history of selling their ass and being incest molested.

You wanna go to their support group in my place tonight? I might kill one if I go back.

HiJoker ago

You want me to sub for you at a harpy meeting? They'll go "REEE! Man!" and attack on sight. Or flee. Probably flee. Unless it's a drunk butch bull dike, they sometimes forget themselves. I had one pop me upside the head. I said "Do that again, and you'll land down the block after I punch you." She fled.

ALIENS2222 ago

They were european girls traveling to north africa on a vacation to meet their online muslim boyfriends or similar. videos of their gang rape and beheddings were sent to their families streamed over their phones once they got there... It was buried ofcourse. How could you not know this... it was buries ofcourse.

HiJoker ago

Wow, no wonder it got buried. We should glass any country with muslims in them.

SparklingWiggle ago

Have you ever seen the videos? They would bind their hands and feet behind them and saw their heads off with a hunting knife.

WickedVocalist ago

Since im not a lesbian who is a nazi about other peoples beer nights, I am fine with that.

SparklingWiggle ago

I was just illustrating that they would do them one at a time. They have no method of simultaneous head removal.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

This photo needs an actual bomb.

SparklingWiggle ago


Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Fun fact: That was originally a Greek war cry that got appropriated by the Arabs.

Butterbread ago

afraid to upgoat

Lagmonster ago

I wish they would wear those shirts walking down the street instead of at a controlled photo shoot.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

They should repeat this pose in Tehran.

OvenBakedGem ago

It's fake, original has shirts saying "the force is female". Its kathleen kennedy the star wars producer

GnosticPizza ago

This canadian guy tried telling people in South Luton that Allah was a Gay God and was banned from the country.

WickedVocalist ago

Allah is gay. He tried to hit on Jesus with a sober hug and went to hell.

Deceneu ago

Kek. Canadian Human Rights Commission would be proud !

HarrisonBergeron2 ago

she have luck.... Muslims will kill her or even worse.

TheAntiZealot ago

It's photoshopped. The title even suggests that this ought to be, but isn't.

xExekut3x ago

I wish they'd visit the sand niggers in their home countries while wearing those shirts. That would rid the world of a few more idiots...

skanderbek ago

Their home countries? I don't think they'd even survive going down London or Paris.

HeavyBrain ago

Hiking through the middle east to show how kind people can be the 4th or is it the 5th?