TheyLie ago

Donate to the Turkish life vest charity. Tax deductible.

MockingDead ago

I love it



spaceman84 ago

Roaches are not people.

Odin_NtR ago

Based Turkey

satisfyinghump ago

That is a well placed ad.

Steinmacher ago

company is probably owned by Jews... but if not... even better... Muslims screwing Muslim.

Smokybubbles ago

Do they make flammable sunscreen for the mexicans crossing our border?

John22 ago

The author is a Kaplan. They are Jews.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

which never conquered Europe

thecorn ago

the conquered the balkans and hungary.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

have you ever seen a map of Europe?

thecorn ago

yep and the balkans and hungary are apart of it.

tokui ago

Does it get any sicker?

I laughed so hard.

SparklingWiggle ago

Can I donate?

speedisavirus ago

They should be air dropping them all over Africa then sinking boats.

olltre ago

not our guys by any means, but a broken clock can be right twice a day.

Wonder_Boy ago


NPCGator ago

I think Armenians would say no.

downvoatmachine ago

The donkey carrying a load of sponges, I remember that one. I doubt the Turks are trustworthy.

Smallest_Skil ago

Thats fucking awesome.

Plant_Boy ago

No evidence, no problem!

Leveraction ago

Ha,ha,ha outstanding! Great idea!

metricisokay ago

Relatively cheap solution, you don't even need ovens.

rabbisucksbabycock ago

and of course sarah kaplan doesn't like it

SearchVoatBot ago

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Ketameenie ago

Turkey is based.

Doglegwarrior ago

you could had those idiots an orange cement life prederver and throw them over board with it and they would jump in with it.. who the fuck gets on a boat that cant fucking swim.. who the fuck cant swim in general?

GnosticPizza ago

If a ship sinks it may take a while for you to be rescued. How capable are you to be able to tread water for half an hour or longer.

Doglegwarrior ago

i think i could make it a pretty long time. i also know the trick of turning you pants into a life vest type thing... i wouldnt tread watee i would do the dead mans float and basicaly try to meditate... hold breath float... take in a breath and rinse and repeat as long as possible.

tokui ago

It's not natural to swim. I grew up in a port city and my grandpa owned an open sea fishing ship, one of those diesel 70ft industrial jobs. I couldn't even doggy paddle.

shifty_pete ago

Niggers can’t swim.

HiJoker ago

It's an endearing quality of theirs.

Samsquamch ago

Turkey is chaotic evil. They just do shit to fuck with their enemies, which is basically everyone.

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Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Even though this is undeniably funny... No! The turks are animals and certainly not on any side you want to be on.

DanielR ago

anyone killing niggers and kikes is "ourguy"

40KFTAGLView ago

Turkey was Troy, like in the Trojan Wars. Stole Helen, Trojan Horse, ... the 'Iliad' of Homer.

The Turks probably Hate being lumped in with the Billion Sand Niggers. Much more Westernized than the others. existed for Millenia.

PacifistRacist ago

"WE" are those who act morally. No way any trickster could be "one of us" what good is it to be white if you act like a nigger-jew.

TechDumb ago

Desperate times call for desperate measures. We've been treating them like honourable equals this whole time and look where it's gotten us.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Hahahh! Fewer to line up against a wall and shoot later. Nicely done.

VargIsMyRabbi ago


ChiCom ago

There are some good Turks.

Also a lot of jew Turks...

ALIENS2222 ago

Selling?! Gosh pay them to take them!


Put some powdered blood in them to draw the sharks in

rndmvar ago

Make sure it's pig's blood.

blackzetsu ago

Underrated comment

Splooge ago

Based and jawspilled

ALIENS2222 ago

I like the way you think...

Grospoliner ago

Turks are still Muslims. There can be no cohabitation with your enemy.

Steelwarrior1 ago

Am sorry bro.... your intel is low iq. Turkey is mostly controlled politically and economically by Donmeh Jews and Freemasons. Originally many tracing their life lines to Muhamed via Mardin.

dirt_reynolds ago

The enemy of my enemy is a useful tactic.

Just remember your enemies are enemies, not friends.

Saint_Clementine ago

"The enemy of my enemy is my temporary friend" usually works well until the enemy is gone

0fsgivin ago

Before the founding of is real we had two minor wars with 170 years. Or any Muslim nation for that matter.

They can't come here. But we shouldn't be bombing them.

Grospoliner ago

We've had thousands of years of conflict with them. Nothing has changed. They are not compatible with Western Civilization and should be eradicated as such.

0fsgivin ago

Europe for Europeans, Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians.

Grospoliner ago

Were they to abide by such then that would be fine. However only the naive would believe any would.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

We should nuke the entire Middle East to glass. There isn't one redeemable person in the whole region.

0fsgivin ago

Sure thing Rabbi.

doubleanalbypass ago

nukes cause little more than regular sunburn, and gamma ray can be shielded with plastic or cloth. the whole radiation scare is a bureaucracy stunt. you pay 10 to 100x too much for electricity. without this scare, you'd shut up and pay what (((they))) want.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Timur9000 ago

Muslims fought with nazis in ww2 retard.

Grospoliner ago

As if Nat Socs are an ally to anyone? They're socialist scum statists just like the communists, democrats, and neo-cons. I'd execute them along with the Muslims given the chance.

And before you go parroting them as "Champions of the White Race", I'll remind you that Germanics killed more indigenous European Whites than anyone else in history.

Timur9000 ago

Ok Jew

Grospoliner ago

Try harder kike.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

You going to suck their pedophile dicks because of it, cuck? Fuck off.

Timur9000 ago

I wouldn’t know but maybe you would know given your priest fucked you in the ass and made you gay.

black_trash ago

Even the enemy can be useful, especially if they're idiots. But you shouldn't forget that they're the enemy.

GoyimNose ago

muslims are not the enemy shitskins are, if the shitskins coming over to europe were Christian or Catholic it would be just as bad as it is now. A lot of the mexican illegals that come over are catholic and still cause havok.

dirt_reynolds ago

Wrong. South Asian Muslims are the enemy too.

GoyimNose ago

South Asian Christians/Hindus/Mormons are the enemy as well. Don't be a brainlet, blood over ideology

Leroy_Antoine ago

Muslims fight with Muslims daily in their own countries.

GrayGadfly ago

They are also a seperate country. A formerly white country that needs to be reclaimed.

Repent ago

Formerly Christian first.

Amaka ago

the only way you reclaim turkey as white is to kill the entire population and move some whites in there...

Charilko ago

A formerly Christian country. When the Muslims took it over, they raped nuns in the street and desecrated the cathedrals.

zuck ago


CowWithBeef ago

There are still white folks* in Istanbul.

*by American standards

Repent ago

Yes, because the Turks raped the Greek women there in unbelievably large numbers. Read Sword and Scimitar by Raymond Ibrahim.

GrayGadfly ago

You say as while you are being smug, white European women are being fucked by subhuman filth flooding into your home. Perhaps before you smug at the US you should tend to your own infestation.

Eualos ago


Agrianian_Javelineer ago

this guy actually thinks greeks are white... lol

chromaticalpaca ago

The craddle of European and Western civilization isn't white? Good luck with that.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

(((Civilization))) isn't aryan, its a system that allows the weak to survive and usurp the strong.

fellowkikepeople ago

Greeks (who are genetically indistinguishable from middle easterners)

You got a source on that that isn't 23andme?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

What is the dominant y haplogroup in greece?

MinorLeakage ago

This guy actually thinks Greeks weren't white and that modern people living in Greece are actual purebred Greeks. At best they're mixed-blood Ionians.

Go read some Homer or Herodotus and tell me if they describe tall blondes and redheads with fierce blue eyes or brown-skinned brown-eyed people.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

  1. clearly you have no idea what "Ionian" means

  2. Herodotus describes the Achaemenid empire, not greeks

  3. Most people in the iliad don't have blonde hair, only ones i can even think of that are explicitly described with "honey colored hair" are achilles and ajax. Whenever greek/roman sources described hyperborean barbarians like the scyths, or blonds like Augustus they would freak then fuck out because they were blond, and that wasn't normal in Hellenic society.

  4. The greeks of modern day greece are the descendants of the ancient population.

Eualos ago

Doubtful they are more than direct descendants with very mixed bloodlines

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

they arn't mixed. there has been no major population movement in the aegean since the dorian invasion.

Eualos ago

Greeks have been conquered several times, the natives raped, their strong men killed and enslaved and the prettiest women taken to the capitals of the conquering empire. SPQR and the turks both took Greece as have many other nations for a very long time

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

You think just because Turks ruled Greece at one point, that must mean all Greeks were slaughtered and replaced with Turks? You are retarded.

By your logic, every english person is a norman, and every asian person is a mongol. You are so stupid.

Why do you think the Turks enslaved christian boys and forced them to become jannisaries? They didn't have any manpower, they were NEVER a numerous group! They always relied on jannisaries and allied armies. Mass cultural and linguistic Turkification didn't start to happen until the 1700-1800's, even during the Balkan wars, only ~50% of Turkey's entire population was Turkish.

Eualos ago

No you nincompoop, it means the turks put their genes into the Greek population and took some of their genes out. Genetic mixing occurred for a fact and the Greek gene pool became more mixed and less purely Greek.

I didn't say complete replacement ever, I was saying mongrolification.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

If that was true we would expect a large Asian element in the modern Greek genome. Except we don't

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

The romans were more aryan than the Greeks ever were, and besides, roman settlement of greece was concentrated mostly in macedonia. The roman settlers never really merged with the greeks, they are still around today, they are called Aromanians.

Turks didn't settle the aegean at all. Turks didn't even settle ANATOLIA in large numbers - Modern day Turks have extremely little asiatic DNA.

there are Turkish minorities north of greece, in yugoslavia for instance, but there was no turkish settlement of hellas. Greece reached population capacity in the 300's BC, there was NEVER enough food or room for newcomers. Hence why they constantly were founding colonies, even as far away as the pillars of hercules and gaul to the ferghana valley.

Eualos ago

I really like your perspective on this. Do you have any advice on books I can read about Greek Balkan history or northern Mediterranean history?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago


MinorLeakage ago

Helen herself is blonde, right off the bat. Menelaus, her husband, is red-haired, Diomedes is "of the flaming hair", Athene is "of the grey eyes", Achilleus is blonde and blue eyed, etc etc etc.

Only a literal retard would argue Greeks today are descendants of the "ancient population". The Hellenic people weren't even descendants of people from that area. They all knew they were newcomers from the north, and never came from the local darker-skinned Pelasgians.

Go back to mouth-breathing, faggot.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

You are taking a fucking epic tale where the gods have full conversations with humans, and acting as if it describes reality.

You're just retarded.

The greeks portrayed gods and heroes with blue eyes because they fetishized them.

MinorLeakage ago

Your stunning proofs of "WE WUZ GREEKS" has truly swayed me, oh wise one.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Why did the Greeks make such a big deal out of anyone that had blue eyes?

Because it wasn't normal to them, at all. Some greeks had them, the elites and nobles. Alexander for instance.

But they wern't the majority of the population. The last time there was a significant impact on the genetics of the Aegean was the Dorian invasion.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Athene is a god, and the rest of those people are not real.

Real people in ancient greece were rarely if ever blond.

MinorLeakage ago

They just described themselves and their heroes and gods as being that way. Good thing we've got you to tell us otherwise. They were all beautiful black African women, who reproduced asexually without any need for men, right? Toxic mansplaining Europeans stole their story and culture and pretended it was them.


Agrianian_Javelineer ago

They didn't describe themselves that way actually. A few of their fictional heroes were described like that. (((Civilization))) is an eastern invention, Greeks themselves are genetically closer to middle easterners. And they always have been. Therefore it makes sense that it was the greeks to bring (((civilization))) into the Aryan world.

15MAR ago

Make İstanbul Κωνσταντινούπολις Again.

rejectedfromreddit ago

Did the Eastern Roman empire use Greek script?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Byzantium did yes, for about 500 years before the Muslims raped it. Before that they used the Roman alphabet.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

The Turks are certainly nationalist.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

So are the Israelis... What's your point?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

it wasn't ambiguous - learn to read

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

You're pretty dense for someone who thinks it's adequate to choose such a user name.

Empire_of_the_mind ago


maaaxheadroom ago

That’s awesome