Dial_Imitator ago

i stad by mu bro zyklon i am the iron frt and together we will DESTROY. You shit aly putt you call tis gfree speech no vota manipulaton fuck you al. gibem em back my account you sjot alt why ws i bannedd

we gt paid by how many white nationailsisy we run off sites. yej man.



goat4044 ago

I stand by my bros zyklon and dial because I'm a piece of shit too. Haha, i singlehandedly fucked up a dying woman's life. Sure showed her, an old dying woman was no match for me, because i'm so hard. Just like zyklon.

BethAmphetamine ago

Nah, they were modded to SBBH. They got the account

Rellik88 ago

Burn the Poal pay the Toll.

HoIomonic ago

Why is it considered amusing that the same old clique of unemployed addicts goes around destroying every platform? They shit all over internet forums, are allowed to continue the slander, threats and harassment for way too long before being banned, by which time they have run quality users off. Inevitably they are then reinstated a short while later - why?. And everyone thinks it's a laugh? Can you not see that they are stifling worthwhile discussion about important things that affect all of us?

Slander, threats and harassment are not free speech. If you can't see that what they do is organised and coordinated, there is no hope for you people. Why would they do this wherever they go? Are they benefitting financially in some way? Wake the fuck up.

SandHog ago


Qtards_are_jews ago

Never heard of poal. I just went there and a bunch of users admitted to being jews. So is that just jew roach gathering place or what?

Doglegwarrior ago

our zyklon_B the guy that used to be here?


How do people keep track of all the different users on different sites and their alternate usernames?

Nosferatjew ago

I for one would welcome Zyklon back to voat. I always liked the guy, but I knew not to take him too seriously ...unlike some other people...

SimonWest ago

Yeh nah. Fuck that.

Phantom42 ago

He's still around, just under a different name. Doesn't post or comment often either.

OutragedForNoReason ago

Some people just have no sense of humor.

Srayziestittys ago


TimMasson1 ago

This place seems like an episode of The Jerry Springer Show sometimes with all the drama.

m_1 ago

It was a busy day.

TimMasson1 ago

Hopefully it was a good day too!

bourbonexpert ago

@zyklon_b has consistently been one of my favorite goats. Good show! Haha

goat4044 ago

Yeh he's an addict just like me, hahahha. I like kids too, just like him.

Morbo ago

Well he is certainly better than @Crench.

FuggBenis ago

That's not saying much.

Fuckyounigger ago

My question is who from voat is running poal and how is it connected to all the dumbass “drama” that’s been happening these past few days

Maroonsaint ago

People who get into online drama make me sad. Why would strangers insulting you make you angry or bother you. Like why would sending your nudes bother you. So send your nudes you fuckin homo

m_1 ago

@clamhurt_legbeard runs Poal under the name PMYB2.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

And he's been banned on soapdox for much longer.

He's worthless.

Maroonsaint ago

You’re worthless. Unless you send me nudes. Don’t you want to be worth something? I want you to :) cause I love you. I love you more than your own mother does. I’ll look out for you. When you feel somebody watching you don’t worry, it’s just me, maroonsaint. Shining my light upon you. Heavenly protection. So don’t be worried. I’ll always have your back. Maybe I’ll even have your nudes

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ok fine

Maroonsaint ago

I was asleep but I just woke up

Cause I was withdrawing. It’s so fucking annoying

clamhurt_legbeard ago

drugs are bad mmmk

i was going to sent you tat pic of srayzie giving a blowjob and telling you the tiny sliver of visible dick was mine

Maroonsaint ago

Five hours, that’s how long I can make it before my body starts aching. Holy shit it gets old

clamhurt_legbeard ago

dont do drugs

Maroonsaint ago

I don’t feel like withdrawing. Iv done it before. I would have to take five days and lay in bed. And when I stop my thoughts get really bad. I get really uncomfortable. My body starts aching like crazy. It makes me very unwell. Five days is such a long time to feel that way

clamhurt_legbeard ago

as it is your body aches every five hours

Wowbagger ago

Today on shit that doesn't matter...

SearchVoatBot ago

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Armpit_and_Ass ago

voat drama at sites that are not voat

Die off.

NotHereForPizza ago

not knowing it's just shills trying to stir the pot

Armpit_and_Ass ago

caring enough to know

TopTierCIAShill ago

greentexting on voat

Armpit_and_Ass ago

thinking quoting is greentexting

>when the text isn't even green

TopTierCIAShill ago

downvoting someone just because you don't like what they said.


NotHereForPizza ago

If you don't tend to your garden, it stops becoming a garden and ends up just being another spot in your back yard.

Chempergrill ago

its the best kind of prestige

Landsberg15 ago

Is everybody on here 14 years old?

Maroonsaint ago

I hope not that would make requesting nudes weird. I only want nudes from 18+ like you. Send me your nudes

King_Leopold_II ago

I'm twelve.

cantaloupe6 ago


weak_penis ago

That would certainly make me optimistic for the future.

TopTierCIAShill ago

Me, you, and @landsberg15 are all 14.

I for one Sieg Hiel'd at the part where Anne Frank gets found out in her diary during class.

What have you done for the White race?

Rotteuxx ago

[–] Kushnerpuppet 1 point (+1|-0) 18 hours ago (edited 18 hours ago)

Well you're not going to answer me. You really should.

All I did, literally, was delete my account after realizing this is going to become a site where people call pedo everytime they get butthurt, and that aou was going to use his admin powers to air out personal drama instead of remaining professional.

Now, people send me messages saying I need to log on because people say I reported poal to ADL and others was going to kill someone?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Seriously, this isn't normal. When I delete my account, all of a sudden REAL LIFE consequences come my way, in the form of revenge for something you think I did and MURDER accusations.

I regret ever coming here actually.

Dang, Poal is seriously like Voat's oxygen deprived twin.

Girthcontrol ago

First I'd heard of the site.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

It was started by some former Voaters who wanted their own playground. Judging by their behavior on here, Poal was doomed from the start. Yeah, Voat has its problems (like everywhere else), but the crowd who started Poal were nothing but drama queens.

Heebro ago

Says the dude who was shilling for nigger rifle coffee a day before

m_1 ago

It is not a viable replacement for Voat.

blumen4alles ago

I like some moderation. I made a post to whatever though, and it was moved to Poaldev. Who moves posts from whatever? I can understand if you want to crosspost it, but whatever should be a free for all. I won't complain though, it isn't my site, but I would ease up and not be so nit-picky.

m_1 ago

I forgot to mention, when he moves something he also marks it NSFW.

HoIomonic ago

No, not while dial the insufferable drunk and pedo mate Zyklon are allowed to vomit all over it and harass users who actually contribute something - unlike they do

Nosferatjew ago

Never has been.

Vrblpollushin ago

Agreed. It's like castrated voat.

Maroonsaint ago

Yes. Voat has dicks and balls. Let me see yours to verify that you’re not a poal spy sent here to disrupt. SEND ME NOW OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES

oaf ago

Maroonsaint pefers to view large glistening balls swinging below a large cock in his photo albums, so a castrated ball-less poal.co is a letdown to Maroonsaint!


Maroonsaint ago

You suck dude. Here I am. Pouring out my soul, and the contents of my stomach, what do I get from you? SILENCIO. I’m cutting myself and it’s your fault. I’m not weird. I’m not WEIRD. YOIRE FUCKING WEIRD

oaf ago


<top kek>

Maroonsaint ago

Send me a picture of your dick

Maroonsaint ago

I feel like I need to verify that I’m not a liar so here’s my toilet https://ibb.co/TqHgfww woth fresh booze puke in it, notice that lack of solids. I was about to go to Waffle House and hit on the prettiest waitress working

Maroonsaint ago

Since you’re the only one awake I’ll talk you if you’re interested. Oh shit. I started typing this comment. And before I finished. I was praying to the porcelain god. Ahhhh I won at the casino. So I was going a little too hard on the booze considering all the other drugs I got in my system. I just purged though so I feel better. Ahhhh I’m way too used to puking from drug abuse. Do you wanna talk? Please

Rotteuxx ago

Just been lurking a bit, seems like there's a more snowflakes than here & the admins get involved in drama a lot.

m_1 ago

Admin reads every post. AOU will move your content. Everyone there has had content moved. Micro-managed. Completely 180 from Voat in that repect.

Maroonsaint ago

Do you think they’ll send dick pics or will they be fags like the people on voat. Barely anyone sends them it’s really upsetting to me.

antiliberalsociety ago

I'd never make an account there after seeing a permanent

Suspicious Behavior

badge attached to people's name. Each time all they did was question authority.

Maroonsaint ago

What would you attach to my name fag? Maybe you could attach your dick pics to me. That would be kewl

NotHereForPizza ago

Yes, this user is correct.

No one go there.

NotHereForPizza ago

Thanks for helping out.

Keep it up.

Morbo ago

I tried Poal for a while but left when AOU moved one of my posts out of Whatever to a dead sub. What is the point of having a Whatever sub if they don't allow "whatever" content? Rather than argue with AOU and get banned, I just stopped contributing and left. Poal is one small step away from being as bad as Reddit.

blumen4alles ago

I just made a comment, same thing happened to me. Whatever should be a free for all. My post was basically a thank you/ help out message.

What is the point of having a Whatever sub if they don't allow "whatever" content?


FurSuitCleaner ago

I dont wanna take all the credit but transvestigation spent some time on poal and their drunk ass admins spazzed out over it and eventually banned us. They were moving posts frantically and deleting, etc. They broke down.

TopTierCIAShill ago

Yeah, it's better be called slurs by random users than post shit where there's micromanasauruses as mods.

You fucking niggerfaggot.

Maroonsaint ago

If I was an admin I would make you send me dick pics. Or ban you forever. That would be my only policy. And in order to be a mod you would have to send me a picture of a cat you killed. Wow. That would be such a beautiful world. Maybe I should apply to the nsa.


Wait........so somebody named "zyklon B" threatened to report someone else to the ADL????

LightestHour ago

With a name like that, he probably worked there

HoIomonic ago

bourbonexpert ago

That’s what me LOL fucking gold

RM-Goetbbels ago

oh _b, can't you just behave for a little while. You gave Voat a bad name at Poal! They used to idolize us but now.............

rapedbyanape ago


m_1 ago

He went to bat for you to get un-banned...I assume you will return the favor???

Drstrangegoy ago

oh, zyklon.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Phantom42 ago

He took that shitpost a weeeee bit too far, I guess.

Drstrangegoy ago

he does that

Phantom42 ago

That's the fun part though!

Drstrangegoy ago


anticlutch ago

The issue I have with poal is it's more full of Qkikes and boomer scum than voat is from when I last went.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Idk, there's a lot of useless fucking boomers on voat.

Splooge ago

This was my experience as well. I hopped on, looked around, and noped right back out.

Smokratez2 ago

It's full of atheist faggots.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Well, technically YOU'RE paying for the lawyers of the biggest pedophile ring of the world. What I'm getting at is that YOU'RE the pedo fag, faggot.

Smokratez2 ago

jew slave

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Come on... do better.

Smokratez2 ago

I don't have time to waste on you.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Enough time to pray to your sandnigger god though. You're literally praying to a jew who tricked everyone to believe that he's god's son...

Anyway, take it down a notch with the pedo shit, okey?

Smokratez2 ago

Enough time to pray to your sandnigger god though.

I don't follow organise religion, like Christianiety and atheism.

You're literally praying to a jew


Anyway, take it down a notch with the pedo shit, okey?

Sure thing Isaac. Leave them kids alone ok.

Maroonsaint ago

Smokratz2? Are you the same as the other one. Will this version send me their nudes? If you did you would be cooler than the other one.

Smokratez2 ago

All faggots should kill themselves.

Maroonsaint ago

How big is your dick?

Smokratez2 ago

Get aids and die faggot.

glennvtx ago

so tiny then. figured.

Smokratez2 ago

I never think about other guys' dicks. That's why you're a faggot.

anticlutch ago

So worse. Ugh, glad I only went once.

Smokratez2 ago

I got ip banned. lol

TopTierCIAShill ago

Brave Browser + Open New Browser in TOR to the rescue.

Smokratez2 ago

They reverted it. However I don't feel welcome at this point.

Nosferatjew ago

Ouch. Wha happen?

Smokratez2 ago

They reverted it. They are ok over at poal. It's too small to reach enough people, so I have to suffer on voat.

anticlutch ago


Did you say something mean about jews?

OverlordOverdrive ago

What a whiny little bitch.

Maroonsaint ago

Hell yea. Whiny little bitch I bet they don’t even send nudes. Not like you. You’re certainly not a whiny little bitch. So pm me

70times7 ago

Must be nice having site staff.

blumen4alles ago

If Voat was like Poal, this post would be moved to v/meanwhileonpoal and then no one would see it...

70times7 ago

Barely anyone should have seen it anyway. It was artificially driven to the front page. Just like the triggy nonsense the day before. And all the porn the day before.

blumen4alles ago

Who/what do you think is behind the artificial driving? Please don't tell me SkyNet has become self-aware.

70times7 ago

The tavistock wannabe psychologists is a reasonable guess.


Enough of their members have accounts here to make it more then plausible.

blumen4alles ago

I just had the thought earlier how Poal reminds me of GLP as far as moderation goes. Then you mention Tavistock. Hmmm

Like GLP, it seems there are eyes looking at every comment and submission as they come in, and they are just waiting to moderate them.

Drstrangegoy ago

fucking social engineers.

kcamstar ago

I don't see it in the site logs: https://poal.co/sitelog

IsaacJan ago

Only Jesus at the wheel now mother fucker

pushthis ago


virge ago

Wah wah waaaaah.

BethAmphetamine ago

You're not virge.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

They're saying that he actually DID report them to ADL.

RM-Goetbbels ago

This place had waaaay fewer problems before the Qtards came.

Gas the Qtards.

Phantom42 ago


(Yes, that includes me. Kill me. Please. I've nothing to live for.)

Dave_ph ago

Okay, hang in there.

I've reported your announcement of your impending suicide.

A Jewish psychiatrist will be on the way to straighten you out

Phantom42 ago

Rodga dodgah.

RM-Goetbbels ago

ahahaaha! There were an unfortunate few who, by total accident, had to make accounts when the doors opened and that time just happened to be when the Qtards came.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Nice badge.

King_Leopold_II ago

It is a Scarlett letter.

Phantom42 ago

I said kill me, not rub salt in a wound.


TopTierCIAShill ago

pa pa peenis

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You can't handle the Quality?

weak_penis ago

I can't handle the "check out this BASED nigger who gaped my son's asshole, he's wearing a red hat! We sure do love our faggots, don't we folks? MIGA!"

m_1 ago

You hanging in the wrong sub.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

This Qigger wandered into the wrong neighborhoods