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Tallest_Skill ago

dumb coons had no culture so they invented a bullshit holliday. Happy Wakanda day to all the kangs

Maroonsaint ago

One day in the rubble of a better civilization they will tell the tale of wakanda and how once upon a time they wuz kangs

Tallest_Skill ago

Picture if you will a future where whites have been eliminated from the planet and the crumbling remains of white infastructure and americam cities are completely filled with blacks. In the back of a deserted Best Buy they find a DVD of 'The black panther' and a laptop still in the box. Both are in excellent shape and not damaged. The finders are very excited in this find as most every thing from the time of the whites has been destroyed. They send it to the government where top black scientists examine it and are detrermined to figure this out. They see that there is a black hero on the cover of the DVD and they remember tails of old tech where movies were stored on disks and something called a computer was used to view them. The top black minds spend their waking hours on getting access to the history of the black people on the DVD.

After several years the greatest black scientists in the country figure out that the dvd is indeed a documentary of when they were kangs. Unfortunately they could not view the dvd though as they have no electricity since the whites were killed off and all attempts to power the dvd have failed. They tried voodoo, yelling at it, praying and sacrificing chickens, nothing worked. They were out of ideas and there were no whites left to help them thus the history of the negros will remain a mystery, but a mystery that is sure to prove that they were kangs……..someday.

0rion ago

Funny as this anecdote's actually sad because this probably isn't far off from what the future holds.

Cunty84 ago

One day there’ll be a biological weapon worse than Aids and Ebola to wipe them off the face of the earth, something that only attacks dark melanin creatures

alele-opathic ago

dumb coons had no culture so they invented a bullshit holliday.

Jews invented it for them. I'm starting to entertain the idea that all black culture is jewish in origin and / or that the Jews had contact with Africa before the rest of us. As an example, the concept of sacrifice, which is the idea that something innocent can receive the punishment intended for a guilty party, is only found in cultures touched by Jews (it's common in Africa). It's also literal symbolism, where one represents the other, which is a classic theme in Freemason-Jewish occultism.

Another clue was this classic text:

Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.

This was written in a book that was published in 1905. Diamonds only have value in two sectors today: in industry (which uses synthetic diamonds), and in (((jewelry))) (which they are desperately trying to keep attached to relatively inferior natural diamonds. However, diamonds were not used in jewelry until a half-century later, when (((Edward Barneys))) returned from the war and led a massive campaign to convince people to see diamonds as the gemstone for doting on women. This push was led by their stooge, Marilyn Monroe, in 1949.

Or, in short, neither industry existed when this passage was written. This is a clue to me that the first "white" people in Africa were actually (((white))). At the time, the only demand for diamonds would have been from Jews, since they've had a love affair with them since time immemorial (and they admit to it too). BTW, diamonds are Israel's number one export (read carefully; they opened a diamond polishing facility 11 years before Israel even existed) and JEWlery didn't get it's name by accident (lost cite for this - will try to find). There is so much more to this story, implicating the (((East Indian Trading Company))) and even describing the first settlements there.

There are additional clues, but I am out of time. I've got circumstantial clues, such as those coming from my researches into the (((takeover))) of music in the late sixties, and cultural clues, tracing from the odd similarities in certain unique features of both African and jewish culture.

vastrightwing ago

You mention that diamonds are Israel's number one export. I disagree. I believe it's "sad fishing" or victimhood. When I look around me, I notice taxpayer (local denizens) funded hall of cost museums, memorials, programs, lobbying offices, NGOs all over the world, all funded by the host taxpayers. Americans are even coerced into paying Israel's nuclear military because as we all know, Israel is America's most important ally.

The hall of cost is an industry like no other: it offers no value. It feeds on white guilt using parables, much like the religious establishments jews create. Indoctrination, lies, parables, monuments, museums, movies, books, you name it act as reinforcement of the parable. Anyone who stops to analyze the parable and call attention to the indescrepencies and out right lies, is immediately attacked by the industry leaders. Germany is actually a model victim because they pay reparations.

Maroonsaint ago

Diamonds do other stuff like go on drills.

alele-opathic ago

Hey Maroon.

Diamonds do other stuff like go on drills.

Diamonds only have value in two sectors today: in industry (which uses synthetic diamonds), and in (((jewelry))) [...]

I mentioned this.

To reiterate, I want to point out that diamonds have ONLY two uses, in industry and jewelry making (cite is my original link in my passage quoted above), and neither existed at the time - the synthetic diamond wasn't invented until 1955. Read the extended reading I linked, as it explains clearly (((their))) problem: diamonds were entirely unused in America, and thus, worthless.

Maroonsaint ago

Ok. Send me a picture of your dick

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