Smallest_Skil ago

bullshit on President Trump. OP has quite the large nose.

Sosacms ago

On this this thread:

People who clearly weren't paying attention to the downward trend going on after Regan.

Trump isn't a white nationalist so he's just as bad as the America hating globalist presidents than continued those downward trends.

AdmiralEnchilada ago


danjo_kandui ago

Lol. This shill post is stupid.


Wow, very insightful Rabbi! Tell us more?

danjo_kandui ago

Lol. Zionists shills are stupid. This would be the last place you would want to be if you really hated Trump. Unless you get paid.


Trump is a tool of Lucifer and so is the entirety of the US Government. Bread and Circuses! Enjoy the show.

danjo_kandui ago

Ya ya ya. Let’s not research anything. Time to go back to sleep.

goatsandbros ago

They want you to think any one of the three. If only we all knew how bad things really are.

green_man ago

I figured that's what it was based on. Yeah, obfuscation is a good tactic to help anonymity, probably shouldn't have said I wasn't British.

green_man ago

Nope. Guess I'm "multicultural" to the point that I get confused as such. At least I'm getting confused as another type of white.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

getting downvoted here and people completely missing my context. you are all fucking faggots if you think the jew problem is going to be solved with one magic second coming of hitler. you are naive to think that jews dont own the game, the field, and the rules. voat cunts have this petulant tendency to consider everything short of nuking tel aviv makes one a jew shill agent of mossad.

megalon ago

Maybe a collapse or singularity is our only hope.

thirdright ago

Defend Whites. Aggression against all non-Whites.

megalon ago

We must into space.

thirdright ago

Holy shit that made me laugh. Wait, I got something ...

LOL, space

Hyst ago

"What two month old accounts want you to think."

Brigade me, bitch.

HesComingInTheClouds ago

The truth is theyre all TRANNIES

PizzaphilePodesta ago

“shill” here. one of these it not like the others. trump green-lit the military to clean up obama’s isis nigger mess, told mattis to pound sand when he wanted to neocon bomb some more, and blue-balled our duel-citizen kike congress on iran war. its important to notice things, but you are all smoking crack if you think you have the numbers and clout to back up a president who straight-up names the jew and the jew problem.

Judasrope ago

Lol, you are in denial. The Jews literally own Trump. What will it take for the American population to rise up against the Jew parasite. What will it take?

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Amount of wars Obama started for Israel: 7

Amount of wars Trump started for Israel: 0

This meme is shit. If Trump were truly such a zio-shill we'd be at war with Syria, Iran and Russia today.

AbrahamShekelstein ago

And how many of those Obama wars were started before re election?

Holy fuck what low effort shilling on your part. Not to mention the countless signs that Trump is a zionist.

He is a zionist. Not an apologist, not a gatekeeper. He is the enemy.


foltaisaprovenshill ago

Go suck a jew dick fucking JIDF cocksucker.

Meanwhile Trump also destroyed ISIS, the kikes' greatest allies.

AbrahamShekelstein ago

You are a special kind of stupid eh

clovelace ago


Signs? Like how all these baby dick suckers are punching in peach mints? GTFO jidf d+c longnose N1663R.

Pizzalurker15 ago

If Trump is wholly part of the status qui then the status quo has decided to switch up their plan. Trump is not following the NWO agenda.

tzitzit ago

Then you don't understand the agenda.

Pizzalurker15 ago

What i am saying is Trump is changing Global Trade hes changing immigration. Hes gutted the FBI among other things. So either he represents a new direction OR the powers that be have changed (((their))) plan

Dalai_Llama ago

The real shill activity is grouping Trump in with these other fucks.

thirdright ago

Trump is a jew boot licker.

He is good enough for the moment. The end is fire.

Paradude ago

Amen, there wasn’t a contingent of never trumpers in the Republican Party for no reason. This lousy post ignores the FACT that Trump has fought to de escalate foreign wars and been met with false flag attacks (Syria chemical attack), violation of treaties (nuke armaments by Russia), and media interference in negotiations with budding nuclear states (NK and Iran). Wake up people

Sosacms ago

How is going from conflicts in a dozen countries to barely involved in 2 countries and 90% troops brought home, "escalating foreign wars"?

Glipglup ago

straight-up names the jew and the jew problem.

Quote Trump naming the Jew. I dare you to do it.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

i never said he did, you short-attention spanned faggot. i said youre a naive retard for demanding trump do anything short of that is going to accomplish anything other than to put your cause back another 20 years.

Glipglup ago

"but you are all smoking crack if you think you have the numbers and clout to back up a president who straight-up names the jew and the jew problem."


who straight-up names the jew and the jew problem."


names the Jew

Then why did you write this?

PizzaphilePodesta ago

in all of that, i never said trump ever named the jew, and you completely missed the point of what i was saying. eat shit.

Glipglup ago

You're right and I apologise, but I do believe your comment could have been structured a lot better for clarity.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

fair enough. sorry for not being clearer

Glipglup ago

who straight-up names the jew and the jew problem.

But you wrote this sentence.

PsyOp ago

Donald Trumpstein names the jew? I demand video evidence of this!

PizzaphilePodesta ago

sweet jesus we have some lazy readers in this thread.

Glipglup ago

Hey I realized what you said not, you're right, you didn't say Trump named Jew, so I apologise for that. But you worded it very poorly and it was confusing to read.

Glipglup ago

who straight-up names the jew and the jew problem.

Why did you write this sentence?

Inquisitioner ago

trump green-lit the military to clean up obama’s isis nigger mess

This is total BS, we were still providing air support for ISIS against the Syrian Army up until Assad, not Mattis, reduced ISIS to the point our bankers saw no more utility in them, so we put the SDF in charge of the ISIS territory (Leninist Kurds), despite the fact that they completely fuck over wherever they go, ban traditional languages, etc.

If he were really fighting ISIS, or just wanted stability in the middle east, he'd be supporting Assad, not calling him a baby-gassing monster.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

so what was your solution?

thirdright ago

What is your faggot solution. My solution is to kill.

zxcvbnasdf ago

I don't really give a shit about him naming the jew. What I care about is he's literally stealing the Democrats' racial platform (constantly bragging about "jews for trump", "women for trump", "blacks for trump", "gays for trump", "hispanics for trump", "asians for trump", etc), while constantly pandering to these groups specifically (e.g., early release which resulted in deaths, loans for minority/women owned businesses only, pushing women into the wok force further destroying the family, calling blacks, hispanics, and asians the true elite, etc.).

Then you talk about the troops? You mean when he promised to pull out of Syria but ended up putting more troops back in? When he bragged multiple times about defeating ISIS yet we still see them alive? When he sent more troops to the middle east to defend that region for some reason, but can't send troops to the border to defend against the fucking invasion there?

Then when I point out that the only difference between him and a Democrat is he's doing what they say they want to do (privileging minorities over whites, continuing to push anti-white rhetoric and policies, continuing the hatred of whites), I get told that "Americans have no skin color".

I find the lying and duplicity gauche, especially when I get attacked as a racist homophobe for pointing out the complete destruction of the Republican party as such, being remade to have positions (e.g., gay marriage) that the Democrats couldn't get away with in 2008.

No one has had any arguments for this other than mockery, which really shows how strong their position is and that they're not grasping at straws. Really shows that they're not just turning down the heat on the frog so he boils more slowly, so replacement migration can be realized and Agenda 21 can be finally realized.

Sosacms ago

Trump uses their identity politics against them and causing civil wars in every demographic, he's even turned the left against Isreal in many ways.

Trump recalled 95% of the Troops and you act like he's just as bad as the 4 presidents that have each taken their turn expanding the wars and training the next president's terrorist excuse to expand the war. Conflict in 1 country, became 2 countries, until it reached nearly a dozen countries. Hillary would have used ISIS to expand the war effort even more. Trump reversed that t tend of expansion down to 2-3 countries so far.

Under Obama ISIS went from roaming bandits in a few countries to a well armed and funded army in roughly 20 countries, controlling oil fields, and using CIA built tunnel systems for drug running and human trafficking. Trump MOAB'd them back to being a roaming band of bandits.

Yes, Trump isn't a white nationalist. But to say he's just like the rest because he only reversed most of their destructive agenda... Come on. Even my Hillary supporting Trump hating Boomer mother has a better understanding of Trump and the downward spiral of America since Regan.

Neon_daemon ago


zxcvbnasdf ago

Trump uses their identity politics against them and causing civil wars in every demographic, he's even turned the left against Isreal in many ways.

Right. Fundamentally this gets at the question I asked of whose side Trump is on. If he's on the side of angels, this is what he's doing. If he's not, then he's just furthering division in the US and waiting for minority-majority at which point Agenda 21 and replacement migration would have succeeded in destroying the country.

This is my major point that I think you've missed. I don't claim to know the answer. I'm just watching a movie and trying to figure out what side people are on, since it's not clear to me, and I have no one to talk to this about.

Trump recalled 95% of the Troops and you act like he's just as bad as the 4 presidents that have each taken their turn expanding the wars and training the next president's terrorist excuse to expand the war. Conflict in 1 country, became 2 countries, until it reached nearly a dozen countries. Hillary would have used ISIS to expand the war effort even more. Trump reversed that t tend of expansion down to 2-3 countries so far.

"Just as bad"? In what way?

Again, to be clear, what I'm annoyed about is we literally saw caravans of invading forces coming to my border and more troops were sent to the middle east, rather than the border. Yes that annoyed the fuck out of me. I will absolutely concede that point. Does that make him worse than Bush, Clinton, Bush, or Obama in terms of directly what they're doing? No. Does he have to be as bad as them to complete their plan? No. Not even a little bit, and that's the part that I think you're missing.

Under Obama ISIS went from roaming bandits in a few countries to a well armed and funded army in roughly 20 countries, controlling oil fields, and using CIA built tunnel systems for drug running and human trafficking. Trump MOAB'd them back to being a roaming band of bandits.

Do we have to talk about where ISIS comes from and gets their funding? It's a fucking US/Israeli invention. Flynn showed how Benghazi was used as a staging area to get weapons to ISIS. So I'd fucking HOPE that he could fucking cut that off.

It's not a particularly difficult accomplishment.

Yes, Trump isn't a white nationalist. But to say he's just like the rest because he only reversed most of their destructive agenda... Come on. Even my Hillary supporting Trump hating Boomer mother has a better understanding of Trump and the downward spiral of America since Regan.

I've never asked for a white nationalist. Show me where I've asked for that? I've asked for a country of Americans, and I don't see Trump giving me that. I see him continuing the same Democrat rhetoric, and it grates on my ears, because it continues to ignore the absolute genocide that's going on, and I have to pretend like it's not happening. And yes, that does make me angry and quite fearful that I'm being lied to, like I've been lied to by every other politician.

Sosacms ago

The only lines of division I've seen Trump draw has been between Americans and non-americans. The Women for Trump, blacks for Trump, and all that is just saying "stop thinking Democrats are fighting for you" to all these groups. Now they are questioning why they vote Democrat when it's only gotten worse under their control

Yes, ISIS was created, armed, and trained by the CIA. Then came Trump and he smacked them down to barely existing. At the very least hitting their revenue stream hard. He's definitely hit human trafficking harder than any president.

I agree I would have liked seeing troops on the border, but he is constantly getting blocked from doing anything at the border. But he's not sending troops to the middle East instead of our border, he brought the troops home and got Mexico to guard our borders. I really wish the border states would get in on this fight and start demanding the national guard.

I'm far from a Trump worshiper but at age 35 I'm seeing a lot of trends I've been watching my whole life suddenly getting reversed. So he does not belong next to those other 4 presidents. Especially when I think about what Hillary would have done it she carried on the torch of destroying America like she was meant to.

I've very interested to see what happens this year and in Trump's 2nd term. Depending on how Democrats react we might end up with a hardcore Law and Order candidate and a dead Democrat party.

zxcvbnasdf ago

The only lines of division I've seen Trump draw has been between Americans and non-americans. The Women for Trump, blacks for Trump, and all that is just saying "stop thinking Democrats are fighting for you" to all these groups. Now they are questioning why they vote Democrat when it's only gotten worse under their control

It is absolutely grating whenever he goes off on "lowest black unemployment, lowest asian unemployment, lowest hispanic unemployment, lowest female unemployment" spiel. It is such obvious pandering, such obvious anti-white bullshit. I've heard it my whole life, and it just sticks out like a sore thumb. I find it disgusting when anyone does it, and it's fucking impossible to not notice anymore. Especially after the funerals I had to go to. Not to mention that it's getting to the point where I'm not sure if it's possible to reverse the trend and get the country I was promised.

I too am very interested to see what will happen. I have no other choice. I can only hope and pray that it turns out well, because unlike the Democrats I don't want the fucking country destroyed just to destroy the man.

What's funny is in meatspace I'm considered a Trump defender. Here I'm considered an apostate.

Sosacms ago

I dunno, I guess I never saw it as anti white but as anti Democrat. They are the "party of minorities", yet he's been making things better for minorities (and Whites) than Democrats ever have.

It's a decent defense against "Trump is racist and dividing the country." He's just trying to make things better for all Americans. The walk away movement will shatter the Democrat party. Even his Pro Isreal garbage is causing an interesting anti-isreal reaction.

Unfortunately I don't think Americans will ever go for rounding up and kicking out the Darkies, especially the legally American Darkies. But maybe, just maybe things will get bad enough for the president after Trump to get us going in that direction.

zxcvbnasdf ago

I'd settle for starting with the traitors. Once they have been destroyed, the rest becomes easy.

Sosacms ago

Yep. We are making progress and I think better the reaction to Trump and the internet, we are speed running through 20 years of political swings in 4 years.

All I know is, for the first time in decades, I'm seeing some trends being reversed. Not as much as I would like, but definitely a step forward.

Hyst ago

First point, he brings up blacks for Trump and Women for Trump to highlight the lies of the Democrats. They constantly try to paint Trump as supported strictly by White men. Highlighting that lie damages Democrats reputation. It's more of a reaction. Democrats when they do it is just pandering. It's not defensive. No one is accusing them of racism and bigotry.

Syria? Only 400 troops remain. We pulled out of Syria. I'm not sure what your comment is about to be honest. ISIS lost 95% of their territory and their top brass. I mean yes they're still alive, but it's practically a religion over there. I doubt anything Trump had done would change that. He pulled out the vast majority of our troops though.

I just straight up disagree with your third point. You're going to have to do more to explain that one. You definitely provided no evidence or even anything to really debate.

What duplicity and lies? I don't like this trend lately where people just throw out insults with no substance. What has he openly lied about that bothers you? I'm not even going to say the guy has never lied, but painting him as a serial liar isn't exactly fair either especially in this context because now instead of giving you my genuine opinion about it I have to guess and ask you to elaborate.

There are plenty of arguments against your points though and you're straight up lying when you say no one has an argument for them because I've seen your argument made several times here. I've seen people give their perspective on it.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

When he initially pulled out of Syria, all of a sudden there were "gas attacks". Media then makes this an issue 24/7, causing him to send missiles to some warehouse.

I think people fail to see the Presidents position is mostly about optics in order to gain public support.

zxcvbnasdf ago

First point, he brings up blacks for Trump and Women for Trump to highlight the lies of the Democrats. They constantly try to paint Trump as supported strictly by White men. Highlighting that lie damages Democrats reputation. It's more of a reaction. Democrats when they do it is just pandering. It's not defensive. No one is accusing them of racism and bigotry.

Well I find this disingenuous. First of all, a lot of people accuse them of racism and bigotry, they're just ignored and treated as irrelevant for some reason. Secondly, one can't say they're for all Americans, but then only pander to the exact same demographic that Dems pander to. You can't say "patriots have no skin color" while putting in programs exactly based on people's skin color/gender/sexuality. I just find this way of pandering duplicitous and no different than how the dems buy votes of those constituents.

Fundamentally this is not a long term solution, as it really does create separate Americas and Americans with separate rights and responsibilities based on their skin color, race, religion, gender, and sexuality. That's something I have been against since forever. So I just fundamentally can't support it. But somehow that makes me the bad person.

Syria? Only 400 troops remain. We pulled out of Syria. I'm not sure what your comment is about to be honest. ISIS lost 95% of their territory and their top brass. I mean yes they're still alive, but it's practically a religion over there. I doubt anything Trump had done would change that. He pulled out the vast majority of our troops though.

I guess I don't know what part is confusing. My point was he promised to pull out, and you agree he hasn't. I disagree with that. He then says "ISIS is defeated", but you agree not only are they not defeated, they can't be. Then you even concede that not only are they not defeated, but they can't be.

And you wonder why I question him claiming victory? I don't get this at all to be honest.

I just straight up disagree with your third point. You're going to have to do more to explain that one. You definitely provided no evidence or even anything to really debate.

The third point was an expounding on the first point. Sorry for not being clear. But he pushes criminal justice reform, and then people get let out of jail, and then they kill people. All to pander to a race. I find this part of "anti-white rhetoric", because by legitimizing the claim by the left that the only reason these people were in jail was white racism, more white people were victimized by the criminals when they got let out. I find that disgraceful.

When he gets on stage and says "asians, blacks, hispanics, you're the real elite" at his recent campaign event, I find that disgraceful. White people built this country and were hospitibale to everyone coming here, and their history, achievements, and generosity are completely ignored to pander to some minority voters, a majority of whom won't vote for him anyway. So while their percentage of the population rises (the head of the ADL who tracks these numbers says by 2040 whites will be a minority), Trump is continuing the polarizing racial rhetoric and advocating for the same policies the Dems are to marginalize whites. And if South Africa is a model to go by, we know how this ends.

What duplicity and lies? I don't like this trend lately where people just throw out insults with no substance. What has he openly lied about that bothers you? I'm not even going to say the guy has never lied, but painting him as a serial liar isn't exactly fair either especially in this context because now instead of giving you my genuine opinion about it I have to guess and ask you to elaborate.

Sorry if I wasn't concrete. The specific duplicities I'm talking about are:

When talking to any minority group, he praises them for their minority status, builds them up, and claims they're the true elites. When talking to whites, he says patriots have no skin color, and racism is bad. I find that duplicitous.

When he says "ISIS has been defeated", and you admit ISIS hasn't been defeated? I find that duplicitous.

When he says he wants bilateral trade deals, but also wants USMCA, I find that duplicitous.

There are plenty of arguments against your points though and you're straight up lying when you say no one has an argument for them because I've seen your argument made several times here. I've seen people give their perspective on it.

Then please share them here. I'd love to hear them. I'm sorry that you took my statement literally rather than seriously. I appreciate your comment as it actually sought to address my points. Thank you.

Hyst ago

First of all, a lot of people accuse them of racism and bigotry,

Right but the issue here is that minorities vote for them enmasse. So while we can make the argument that affirmative action is actually a soft bigotry, and be morally correct, the people that it is racist towards don't view it as racist and continue to support them in very large numbers. There is no public opinion issue. With Trump there is, and it's compounded by the fact that it's actually inaccurate. There are minorities that support Trump. There are women who support Trump. Those are important things for the country to be aware of. I don't feel it's disingenuous but I do feel that this is more or less going to be a matter of personal opinion rather than something I can prove to you.

Secondly, one can't say they're for all Americans, but then only pander to the exact same demographic that Dems pander to.

I don't even feel like he's pandering to them. I think he's just, rightfully, highlighting that he does in fact have their support. The ways that he has pandered to say the African American community is by promising to do something about inner city youth issues. Which is actually something that benefits us as Whites. We don't want crime in our cities. Trump found a way to speak to these people and tell them that he will help them in a way that I really don't feel is pandering but actually an honest appraisal of the situation we're in. There are serious issues in Black communities. Democrats have after decades of acting like Blacks allies done absolutely fuck all for Blacks. Trump points that out. He points out the state of Black communities and says we should expect better. I don't know, I don't think I'm being purposely stubborn about this. I think it's what any honest politician would say regarding Black communities and Black voters. I feel that it's the way it should be addressed.

But specifically regarding "only pander to", I just outright disagree with that phrasing. I mean I disagree that he even really panders to them, but let's say that ok he is pandering to blacks, for me to accept that I would need to change the definition of pandering a bit and at that point he would definitely be pandering to whites and other groups as well, so I just can't agree with that he only panders to certain groups. I think he plays it smart though, and doesn't burn any bridges unnecessarily.

I guess I don't know what part is confusing. My point was he promised to pull out, and you agree he hasn't. I disagree with that. He then says "ISIS is defeated", but you agree not only are they not defeated, they can't be. Then you even concede that not only are they not defeated, but they can't be.

This is where I start to question where you're coming from. Are you denying that the vast majority of troops were withdrawn? Are you denying that the vast majority of enemy territory has been pushed back? Are you disagreeing that their top brass has been killed off?

It's not wrong to say that ISIS in Syria has been defeated. Losing 95% of your territory and your leadership is a loss. The funny thing is that the only way to get rid of the remaining 5% would be to not withdraw troops. Yet you're criticizing him for not withdrawing every single troop. Yet you're criticizing him for leaving that remaining 5%. So basically from your perspective anything Trump does at that point is a negative. Meanwhile this wasn't a war Trump started, and he managed to solve the vast majority of the problems while withdrawing the vast majority of our troops. I really don't understand how you're still trying to paint this as a negative. Then instead of giving me an honest response you give me this? No thanks.

Not going to waste my time on deceit.

zxcvbnasdf ago

One last thing.

In the real world, I'm surrounded by 2 types of people. The majority or TDS suffering Democrats who think I'm insane. The other are Republicans who are tired of seeing all the corruption and don't think anything is going to change.

I try to maintain some kind of positive spin with these people, to let them know things are happening. I'm not saying I always suceced, but I try. Because there's no other choice right now. This is the only space I have to air my concerns, so I do. I feel like that's fair.


affirmative action is actually a soft bigotry

Redistributing wealth via a racial-caste-based education is not "soft bigotry"

it's globalist boomers giving away their children's future income, so the migrant- masses don't invade their McMansions

zxcvbnasdf ago

Right but the issue here is that minorities vote for them enmasse. So while we can make the argument that affirmative action is actually a soft bigotry, and be morally correct, the people that it is racist towards don't view it as racist and continue to support them in very large numbers.

Yes. But he's implicitly accepted their framing, and as such conceded the point. That, to me, is throwing people under the bus who don't deserve it.

There is no public opinion issue. With Trump there is,

No, you've just defined the public in a way that that is true. If you considered Trump's base "the public", and the lying fake MSM "the fringe", then exactly the opposite is true. The entire point here is about framing.

But specifically regarding "only pander to", I just outright disagree with that phrasing.

Does he have programs solely for black, hispanics and asians? Yes. Does he do that for them to vote for him? Yes. Does he have programs solely for white people? No. I feel like my characterization is fair.

at that point he would definitely be pandering to whites

Can you give an example? I gave examples of:

  1. Early release of felons.
  2. "opportunity zones" targetting the black community
  3. The "rap battle" meme thing (probably the most hilarious form of racist pandering)

And I'm not even disagreeing that what he's doing isn't working. I'm not disagreeing that what he's doing isn't better for the black community than what the Dem community is. I agree that he's doing better for them. I wouldn't care if he was consistent and spoke consistently.

My birthright was a country of Americans, not a country where you get pandered to based on your race, sex, gender, and sexual orientation. I just don't see that.

This is where I start to question where you're coming from. Are you denying that the vast majority of troops were withdrawn? Are you denying that the vast majority of enemy territory has been pushed back? Are you disagreeing that their top brass has been killed off?

Ok let me be very clear: I don't give a flying fuck about what happens in the middle east. Not even a little bit. Let them all kill each other, or hopefully love each other. I don't care. I'm tired of Americans dying there, while our country is being invaded. That is my problem. No deceit. Just honesty here.

Now, I concede I don't know what's actually going on. But if no one is going to tell me, then I'm going to assume it's all bullshit propaganda power games, and I default to the above position. If things change, and can be proven, then fair enough. Absent that, I don't care about ISIS one way or another. But you don't get to go around waving it as the eternal boogeyman that requires US troops to me anymore. They're not as big of a threat to me as the enemy already in my country. When we can deal with that, then we can talk about the rest of the world, but I have no ambition for an empire. None. I just want to have my own house and my own land and be left the fuck alone, and am willing to give everyone else the same courtesy.

I really don't understand how you're still trying to paint this as a negative. Then instead of giving me an honest response you give me this? No thanks.

Not going to waste my time on deceit.

Because the above is what I want. I realize it's probably too radical, but it's not a lie. It really isn't a lie.

I've never once seen what you're describing here.

He did it in his last rally. Do you watch them? I find them hard when he goes off on stuff like that. Gone to too many preventable funerals this year.

I call it a bargaining tool. Are you even aware of the people Trump has to deal with? He'll say all sorts of stuff. Watch his actions...

I'm very aware of who he's dealing with on both sides. It's why I don't like the multinational agreement.

Hyst ago

That, to me, is throwing people under the bus who don't deserve it.

I guess to me it's just dealing with the reality of elections in America. It's by no means perfect, but I don't feel it's fair to really pin it on Trump when he's simply trying to play the game in order to effect some change. He wouldn't be able to create anything of difference within the system if he didn't play along with it to some extent.

As far as pandering to Whites, I mean much of his campaign has more or less been directed at Whites. He points out that things the benefit whites also benefit minorities, for sure. But I mean from my perspective much of his talking points in general are pandering to whites. The thing is I don't even really see it as a negative. He often evokes nostalgia and utilizes pride in order to get a response from people.

Regarding troops, I'm not going to say I'm some expert, but from what I understand he's withdrawn something like 95% of the troops that were there. He's managed to avoid bringing more troops in as far as I know, but has not completely withdrawn 100%. I remember when he started withdrawing, the media framed it as him abandoning the other NATO countries that were also operating alongside the US.

I don't give a fuck about the Middle East either. I'd prefer if we withdrew 100%, that being said, I see what happened as a net gain and a positive over how things were when he became President. I try to be realistic about how much of the bullshit he can solve. The ZOG have been preparing for this exact moment for decades. Or hey, The Powers That Be. Whoever they may be, Zionist or otherwise. It's my personal opinion that the main issue is Zionist influence though. I don't think Trump can fix everything. I hate that people throw him under the bus because he can't fix everything. We're never going to solve our problems if we base our decisions on such short term gratification psychologically.

I think he's objectively better than all other options. And if everything is rigged and it's all a farce, he's still better than all the other options so why not pick him over someone that will start WW3. I don't know. I just can't really understand the argument against him.

zxcvbnasdf ago

I guess to me it's just dealing with the reality of elections in America. It's by no means perfect, but I don't feel it's fair to really pin it on Trump when he's simply trying to play the game in order to effect some change. He wouldn't be able to create anything of difference within the system if he didn't play along with it to some extent.

The part about this that annoys me is I'm banned from twitter, reddit, etc., for making factual statements. Trump hasn't done anything. But when Trump gets attacked I'm expected to help. It feels very one sided and requires a lot of trust by me of him, and I'm just frankly not that trusting of a person.

As far as pandering to Whites, I mean much of his campaign has more or less been directed at Whites. He points out that things the benefit whites also benefit minorities, for sure. But I mean from my perspective much of his talking points in general are pandering to whites. The thing is I don't even really see it as a negative. He often evokes nostalgia and utilizes pride in order to get a response from people.

And that's where I guess my main disagreement is. I see it as pandering to American patriots. If you want to say that that's white people, you can, but that's not what I'd say, and my main point of contention. When dealing with whites it's "my fellow Americans", when dealing with minorities it's "look how awesome of a minority helper I am!". It grates on my nerves and sets of alarm bells in my head.

Regarding troops, I'm not going to say I'm some expert, but from what I understand he's withdrawn something like 95% of the troops that were there. He's managed to avoid bringing more troops in as far as I know, but has not completely withdrawn 100%. I remember when he started withdrawing, the media framed it as him abandoning the other NATO countries that were also operating alongside the US.

Yeah the media and a bunch of generals freaked out. It could all be part of the plan to root out traitors and execute them. That's why I said, if new evidence comes up, I'll be on board. But as long as I'm not important enough to know, I have my default position. And if this is just more excuses to lower the troop totals while the heat on him is high (he had a LOT of public pressure to pull out, in spite of the media cries), to then put them back when the public falls asleep? I'll be watching for that too.

I don't give a fuck about the Middle East either. I'd prefer if we withdrew 100%, that being said, I see what happened as a net gain and a positive over how things were when he became President. I try to be realistic about how much of the bullshit he can solve. The ZOG have been preparing for this exact moment for decades. Or hey, The Powers That Be. Whoever they may be, Zionist or otherwise. It's my personal opinion that the main issue is Zionist influence though. I don't think Trump can fix everything. I hate that people throw him under the bus because he can't fix everything. We're never going to solve our problems if we base our decisions on such short term gratification psychologically.

Frankly, the thing is my opinion means less than dick. Me complaining I don't like his methods because he looks like a democrat he was until the election doesn't change anything. It's just a way of me to vent frustration and try to better understand the plan that is in effect. To track the progress and ensure he's on track and isn't fucking us. Quite obviously his supporters don't care (although him throwing them under the bus with the "send her back" really pissed me the fuck off too considering how often he gets thrown under the bus but gets their support), so good for him. He's winning. The question is, was, and will be, what is the goal?

I think he's objectively better than all other options. And if everything is rigged and it's all a farce, he's still better than all the other options so why not pick him over someone that will start WW3. I don't know. I just can't really understand the argument against him.

In 2016 there wasn't a single person, much less a mainstream democrat or republican candidate I would have voted for. I've been watching this country die, and been called out as a horrible person for saying it. I've called out our entire tech industry being sold to India, China, and Israel. Watched all of the IP being stolen. Watched all of our universities subverted with leftist propaganda. Watched them shit all over hardworking Americans because they're white, training foreigners to take the high paying jobs. Watched immigration squeeze the people from the bottom, resulting in a pincering of the society so there was no where left to hide. I'd quite frankly given up, because I didn't see a way to combat it, since most Americans I know have been brainwashed not into not seeing it, but to attacking anyone who points it out and desires a true America First platform.

So to see Trump ape parts of the platform while continuing the assault is personally painful. To watch congress pass even more H1B visas, and Trump to call for even more immigration?

If he's playing the game? Great. Shame on me for believing him. If he's not and just a stretching of the plan? Well shame on me for not saying anything.

I'd rather be the former person than the latter.

123456788 ago

First anti Trump comment out of hundreds I've read on this site that actually gives specific reasons. Most other people screech like a fucking blue haired dyke, "stupid boomers supporting jew loving Trump".

I'm still pro Trump for now, but if any of you vague, unspecific screechers are reading this, and want to actually be effective at changing other peoples minds, take a page from this guy. Also, sources are necessary to change intelligent peoples minds.

zxcvbnasdf ago

That's because I'm someone who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 because I'm to the right of JFK (I protest voted in a state that was solid blue). I'm just an actual patriot with concerns that Trump doesn't seem to care to/be able to address.

Is he better than the Dems? Obviously, unless he isn't for the reasons I stated. I was happy as fuck when he won because maybe, just maybe, the corruption would be fixed, and all hope wasn't lost.

I don't know what the end game is. I don't claim to. I can only say what I see, and considering the response to me is always to call me fucking evil, my hope has waned as the definition of "soon" was constantly stretched.

123456788 ago

At the end of the day, not a single one of us knows the full truth of Trump or Q. Remain skeptical, keep researching and thinking for yourself, and we shall see how this shit show plays out.

zech7 ago

I generally agree with your criticisms of Trump. One thing I will say, helping blacks is helping everyone. low unemployment in the black community = less poverty, less violence, less welfare, less crime.

BushChuck ago

Holy shit.

Smash your tv, your mind is rotting.

Hyst ago

There are a few that give reasons but they're generally about nonsense. Check my response to buddy.

LurkedForever ago

I'm not pro trump at all, although he seems to be better than the last 4, that's a very very low bar indeed. However, your point spot on. The vast majority of anti-trump messages don't have any coherent reasoning behind them.

tokui ago

You forgot to crop, faggot.

smokratez ago

If the Don was a jew dick sucker, you mossad faggots wouldn't be shilling against him.

PsyOp ago

Donald Trumpstein just signed an executive order banning antisemitism, you stupid fucking prick!

RoundWheel ago

You are literally retarded.

How do you establish foreign influence against cryptos who can change shape? You force them to take a shape.

You shills are so stupid.

smokratez ago

Yeah, he's keeping the jews fooled. You inbred faggot.

YouAreASlave ago


YouAreASlave ago

Notice how he didn't have to "consider taking action" on that one, just as he didn't with recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital.

Chimaeric ago

donald is zog but the united states has recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital since the 80's because Jerusalem has been Israel's capital since the 80's.

trump moved the embassy there. he didn't "recognize Jerusalem as the capital". Jerusalem is their fucking capital, dip shit, and America doesn't have any say in that.

YouAreASlave ago

Aren't you a venom-spitting little kike inbred?

The US has NEVER officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, hence the outrage and opposition within the Shabbo in Charge's own ranks when he did.

Only a jewish genetic fuckup like yourself would argue otherwise.

Chimaeric ago

i stand corrected, though it is interesting that the zionist controlled UN opposed recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital.

i didn't realize other nations had any say in another nations' capital. seems like silly kike bullshit, to me.

YouAreASlave ago

I don't give a fuck about Israel or the UN. My point is that one of his first major orders of business was to recognize Jerusalem as the capital which benefits no one except zionists like Adelson.

This is not some throwaway, symbolic gesture no one gave a shit about. It means a lot to the kikes and to the rest of the sandniggers claiming jerusalem and does nothing but to out Trump as the kike lackey he is.

YouAreASlave ago

His presidential campaign was bankrolled by virulent zionist (((Sheldon Adelson))). He was bankrupted owing hundreds of millions. Trump's ample ass belongs to (((them))).

PizzaphilePodesta ago

who’s campaign wasn’t bankrolled by jews? all viable candidates are bankrolled by jews. that is the game. if you don’t play the game, you get nothing.

green_man ago

That's a bad take, Trump is a jew shill but the jews don't like his optics or the fact he was once a symbol for white identity therefore he must be removed. He's too over the top with the "I love jews" bullshit which they fucking hate because they don't like being named. Put yourself in the shoes of a jew, you have some obnoxious and loud goy doing what you want him to do but he's announcing and bragging about all of the shit he does for your tribe, he's exposing how much control your people have over him. It's not a good look because you don't want the publicity.

goodbyehorses ago

GWAGWA1WAG Trust the plan #MIGA

thantik ago


smokratez ago

Only jews talk about optics.

green_man ago

Wrong, jews and jew aware people talk about optics. The saying goes the only people that actually know what's going on are nazis and jews. Looks like some jew nerve was hit by this thread, there is a blanket downvoat going on.

smokratez ago

Nope. Literally only jews use the word optics.

green_man ago

Are you fucking with me or do you actually believe that? I think you're fucking with me at this point.

Glipglup ago

Liberals like to LARP as right wing trolls so they can point at themselves as examples of "the right" being crazy and unstable.

Conservatives do the same thing, pretending to be an sjw to get a rise and then other dumbshit conservatives use it as a real example.

People are fucking idiots.

green_man ago

I'm rather shit at trolling, to me that guy just seemed like a retarded normie-con trying to start a circle jerk over zion don.

HesComingInTheClouds ago

Donna is a woman. Looks like youre the shill, smokratez.

smokratez ago

I know all about the satanic trannies. Calm down bro.

HesComingInTheClouds ago

I told you i dont take advice from freemartins.

People who know about the trannies who arent trannies themselves dont call donna trump don and he.

smokratez ago

I told you I am not a freemartin. Keep poisoning yourself with the pasta dumbass. lol

There are lots of normies on voat. You have to pick your spots. If you would stop eating pasta, you wouldn't be such a massive autist, and understand this.

PizzaphilePodesta ago


Glipglup ago


smokratez ago

Who is us? All your inbred jew incel buddies?

PizzaphilePodesta ago

bring it on you fucking peabrained faggot. getting all upset thinking i said something i didn’t. HOLD ME TO IT!

PizzaphilePodesta ago

you are a gigantic fucking faggot. give me the context where i said trump names the jew, you short attention spanned cocksmooch

goatsandbros ago


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