Larp ago

Some things have to happen

In any timeline

i_scream_trucks ago


Deceneu ago

Low energy Jack.

cthulian_axioms ago

This is beyond brilliant.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Antiseed117 ago

Thanks Voat bot! ^_^

whambamthankyouham ago


Ps37-27 ago

A disgraced nuclear physicist and his relationship with a male teenage neighbor.

Nothing weird about that!

Neskuaxa ago

Were they even neighbors?

Bridgeheadprod ago

Twist ending they are standing on top of a van

Blood-is-Nature ago

Well, snatch some more plutonium from Libya, ride the DeLorean back to the past, start filling up the massive, empty cellars under the towers, and be surprised what happens to a magic trick without the trapdoor.

ex-feminist ago

the funniest 9/11 post yet, keep it up

TheTrigger ago

Lol, first thing to get me to chuckle in a while. Thanks for that.

0011000100100111101 ago

they forgot to go back and abort Barry Soetoro

wanderingblade ago

Barry was just a puppet. You don't even know the names of the real people in power most likely. Even soros and the rothschilds are small fish I would bet

Nosfewratsjews ago

The real answer is going back and making sure Hitler wins.

0011000100100111101 ago

wouldn't it make more sense to roll back further like during rome times or one of the first times they got kicked out.

you wouldn't of even needed a hitler the guy would of been an artist with one nut.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I think Hitler was the first one to get the whole white-eugenics ethnostate with no Jew banking usury ideology right. Imagine the entire world run like that, we'd already be colonizing other star systems by now.

0011000100100111101 ago

niggers in space :(

Nosfewratsjews ago

Hitler would have gassed the niggers.

0011000100100111101 ago

he had africa and didn't :(

SIayfire122 ago

Or go back farther to ensure there was no need for Hitler to rise to power. Not sure what single event you could choose though. Perhaps something to sabotage national/global banks?

Wahaha ago

Remember when Egyptians chased them out instead of systematically eradicating them? But then you'd need to figure out how to speak ancient Egyptian on top of inventing time travel. I'm pretty sure it's easier to just use time travel to go back a week or so to make a shit load of money and being twelve steps ahead of everyone else.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Nah, I think Hitler was the first one to get the whole white-eugenics ethnostate with no Jew banking usury ideology right. Imagine the entire world run like that, we'd already be colonizing other star systems by now.

DillHoleBagHands ago

Replace them with Rick and Morty to trigger normiefags.

clubberlang ago

Troof dis

Antiseed117 ago

Did you just make that up or is there a massive following of jews who watch Rick and Morty?

Derpfroot ago

0rion ago

Considering that Rick speaks the truth about Israel when he's drunk, I don't see the issues people here have with the show.

kidcip16 ago

Because it pushes degeneracy and nihilism and is created by a Pedo?

Yamau ago

Whats wrong with nihilism

Grunge ago

probably because the creator is a fucking pedophile

0rion ago

I would love to see a source on Justin Roiland being a pedophile. He seems like a suicidally depressed faggot sure, but not a pedophile. Feel free to prove me wrong though, I always remain open minded.

kidcip16 ago

All cartoon creators are pedos. This is established fact.

Deceneu ago

Here's a pointer to that. I remember the outrage when that happened. Up to you to do more digging on it if necessary.

Grunge ago

wasn't he the one that posed with a baby doll or something naked on a couch fucking it? Would indicate he likes to fuck kids.

0rion ago

Again, if you have a source I would love to see it. I had not heard that before, and can't seem to find anything on it.

Grunge ago

fine, there's a video of it. You can also look up him going on crazed rants about how all Trump supporters are nazis and need to be killed or beaten. It's Dan Harmon

jewsbadnews ago

The Jews, Morty....BURP they killed Christ, Morty.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Now, that made me chuckle.

Hugo_Mungus ago

I like where this is going

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Well, there are a couple of israel related jokes in the show, one which seems to imply rick knows about the JQ:

Ocelot ago

Kikes drop hints like that because they like to rub it in our faces.

WokieDokie ago

Whitelisted regions: AG, AI, AQ, AR, AS, AU, AW, BB, BD, BL, BM, BN, BO, BQ, BR, BS, BT, BV, BZ, CA, CC, CK, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CW, CX, DM, DO, EC, ER, FJ, FK, FM, GD, GF, GP, GS, GT, GU, GY, HK, HM, HN, HT, ID, IN, IO, JM, JP, KH, KI, KN, KP, KR, KY, LA, LC, LK, MF, MH, MM, MN, MO, MP, MQ, MS, MV, MX, MY, NC, NF, NI, NP, NR, NU, NZ, PA, PE, PF, PG, PH, PK, PN, PR, PW, PY, SB, SG, SJ, SR, SV, SX, TC, TF, TH, TK, TL, TO, TT, TV, TW, UM, US, UY, VA, VC, VE, VG, VI, VN, VU, WF, WS aka no access for germany

Glipglup ago

Show is written by a Jew, it's just self ribbing rather than anything actually critical.

CouldBeTrump ago


By the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

justin roiland or dan harmon? Or are they both jews?

Glipglup ago

Yes they are both pedophiles.

muzzieniggerjew ago

based and wubbalubbadubdub pilled

DillHoleBagHands ago

Morty! The wooden doors, Morty...

Splooge ago

"Aw geez Rick, have you been drinking again??"

"Only... *urrrrp* only every time a merchant rubs his hands together HAHA GET IT WUBBALUBBADUBDUBBBB!"

Nosfewratsjews ago

Sadly this is real news.