lorlipone ago

We need to push the Trad Chad meme.

FreeSpeechForever ago

Does anyone have an evolutionary reason as to why we find sluts repulsive? I know I find it disgusting innately, however when the lefties start saying "What's wrong with it? you don't like sex?" I have a hard time explaining WHY I don't like it.

Interestingly women get very offended when you call them out for being sluts, so even they know, to some level, that it is repulsive. Women don't try to be better, they work on trying to look better.

Wahaha ago

Evolutionary since you can't be sure who the father of your children is. Wife of Caesar has to be above suspicion, you know? Men who didn't find this repulsive obviously had a high chance of not actually being the father and thus didn't leave as many offspring behind.

EnsignPossible ago

COMPLEX equation, involved timing and presence of alcohol/drugs and perceived/exhibited habits and values and choices of the so called slut. Don't you find that sluts are equally disdainful of you for being god fearing and prudent usually? If you want to "land" one you have to APPEAR to be a "bad boy" yourself. Evil hates good, just as good SHOULD hate evil. CHOOSE.

FreeSpeechForever ago

It means number of sexual partners.

Zoldam ago

Sort of like how jews get offended when you call them out for being jews, so even they know, to some level, that they are repulsive.

happycutie ago

For both genders: stds, disloyalty, lost ability to pair bond, emotional cuckoldry. For men: Chance of getting cuckolded and his genes will be lost forever. For women: She has to share her man's resources with other women and possibly other women's children. She might have to divide her man's protection. Both of these increase the woman's and her children's risk of dying and her genes being lost forever.

"What's wrong with it? you don't like sex?"

What the hell do they mean what's wrong with it? If liberals do not understand that you don't want the person you are in love with to have been in bed with someone else, they're mental. Why don't I want my husband/wife to have slept with other people? Oh maybe I have feelings for him/her??? Liberals have gone insane.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Greater risk of STDs

Inability to pair bond

Greater likelihood of cheating

They can fine for a throwaway fuck but they make bad mothers.

DrHatchetWound ago

Does anyone have an evolutionary reason as to why we find sluts repulsive?

female %mammal% can get pregnant x # of times per year so it's supposed to be in her drive to be selective what dna hers mixes with, male can impregnate y # of times per day so its in his drive to spread it as far as he can, yes some will be deformed but his dna is in all kinds of other offspring that aren't.

mleczko ago

Wholesome. I like it.

happycutie ago

I like how the man has 0 too. That's really important.

yewotm8 ago

Expecting virginity from either sex in the current year is unrealistic. Yes it's definitely preferable, but you're wasting time if you're specifically waiting for one.

Nukethenarrative ago

That's bullshit. Just because it's too late for you doesn't mean it's "unrealistic".

DeseretIndustries ago

It’s realistic if you’re Mormon.

The average number in Utah is 2.6, compared to a national average of 7.2. (The highest average number by state is 15.7 in Louisiana, probably because of all the niggers there.)

happycutie ago

Don't lower your standards.

Korinthian ago

Not really. More important is that he doesnt have dependents.

Bodycounts mean nothing for men. But stupid whores that think that men and women should be equal get upset when men can fuck all they want without consequence and women cant, so chastity is just one of those ways to quiet the shrill screeching of the miserable harpies.

britt121 ago

As a young woman I stayed away from all the guys who banged a lot of chicks. I did not feel like those guys were trustworthy and I thought they probably had diseases. Men should not be whore makers either.

Korinthian ago

Men should not BE ABLE to be whore makers. There are always going to be niggers and scoundrels. Always going to be slutty daughters rebelling against their parents. Making sure your daughters understand the importance of chastity always is and always has been a better use of time than telling men not to fuck an easy girl.

britt121 ago

I understand- I'm just saying that a man whore will repel a lot of good women because he seems very unstable and possibly diseased.

Korinthian ago

I dont necessarily agree with that, but I dont want to countersignal that kind of thinking. Id liken it to santa claus. Not exactly the truth, but a good story that encourages commendable behavior.

Pointing out red flags like instability, vanity, or slovenly behavior in whoremongers is always a good thing. Making sure your daughters can recognize those flags is important, and likewise important to ensure your sons dont exhibit those same flags.

britt121 ago

It's certainly much worse when a woman does it, but I also think it can gross out a lot of good woman who are aware a man is doing it.

happycutie ago

Women will opt out if their husbands are not virgins. They just don't care anymore. You're forgetting the reason women were convinced to be sluts in the 1970s was because "The men are doing it. Why do you have to save it? He's not saving it for you." It's worthless if the man isn't a virgin. No one cares anymore. It's gross, it's unloving, the partnership of two people will be gone. You either have a beautiful marriage together, or you don't. It's imperative that both people are virgins. The only reason it might happen that a woman will accept a non-virgin is she's either an emotionless, empty thot or she's desperate for resources. Women will never agree to save their virginity if the man they love had sex with other girls. It's too heartbreaking. Women will say well I might as well go screw around, whatever. Men are not excluded from morality.

Also if you don't want to talk about relationships, morals, and women's reactions to manwhores, let's just talk objectively. Stds still exist. Out of wedlock pregnancy. And unless the men are faggots, they're doing it with women, so it's already breaking the rule that women can't. And what about degeneracy? We can't have that in our culture. Men must be virgins.

Korinthian ago

In my first post

stupid whores that think that men and women should be equal get upset

Your response

"The men are doing it. Why do you have to save it? He's not saving it for you."

Your reading comprehension is shit. I know damn well how stupid the whores are. I know the justifications theyll come up with for why they should get away with zero consequences. Men and women are different. Men can do things that women cant.

I addressed out of wedlock pregnancies as well. No dependants is more inportant. STDs are negligible, ontop of the vast majority of STDs being transmitted by fags or druggies, if hes got an STD it doesnt matter because either hes the only man youre ever going to fuck anyway, or hes already got a score of red flags because hes stupid/desperate enough to fuck a DISEASED whore.

Ill make this simple. Men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos. Women prefer strong providers with bright futures. Thats it. Anything beyond that is mostly just wishful thinking. You can say a godly man thats adheres to chastity is indicative of a bright future, but thats tangential. Manwhores can reform into good husbands. No whore has ever made a good wife.

But thats mostly beside the point anyway. Womens opinion on men should mean fuckall to start with. In the good old days, suitors would petition the parents, and they could use their experience to sort the wheat from the chaff before a boy got within a mile of the girl herself. Thats what the standard needs to be set back to.

In addition, that method made a scoundrel out of any manwhore, because he ruined a girl without marrying her. This is why shotgun weddings were a thing. Men should live under the threat that if they fuck a girl without intent to marry her, theyll never be given the opportunity to marry ever again, on pain of death. A stolen chastity used to be worth a mans life. But its not anymore.

trackmeplease ago

Good point

happycutie ago

I already responded to everything you came up with. You might as well just reread my comment.

A manwhore will never be a good husband. He deserves to be shot. He already proved he doesn't care about being a good man, husband, or father. You are a detriment to civilization pushing this anti-family anti-marriage agenda. Women couldn't care less about saving their virginity if the man they love didn't. No one cares anymore. It's done. And you wonder why we have such serious problems with promiscuity, low birth-rates, and every issue we have that can be traced back to bad family structure.

Korinthian ago

Your reading comprehension really is garbage. Serves me right for trying to talk rationally to a bimbo, but whatever I guess.

The reason we have any problems with birth rates and promiscuity is because of sexual liberation pushed on women. There was no movement telling men to fuck sluts. Men did not change their behaviors. Men do not need to change their behaviors, no matter how much a stupid harpy like you might cry about it. Women need to change back to how they were. Thats it. Egalitarianism is horseshit, women are not men, women are not equal to men, the rules do not apply to men and women equally.

But youre too stupid to figure this out on your own which us why you think im anti-family or anti-marriage. Im more of a proponent for those than you are, you useless hole.

happycutie ago

See how mad you get because someone mentions virginity?

Women will not go back to being virgins unless men do. Women couldn't care less about being virgins if men aren't.

Korinthian ago

Youre projecting your own mercurial emotional state.

Women shouldnt have the choice of being virgins or not in the first place. Either you are one, or youre disowned by your family. Simple as that. What women care about doesnt matter. Your emotions are fickle and meaningless. Dont worry though bimbo, any father worth a damn should well make sure no whoremonger pursues his daughter. Im sure this is confusing and upsetting to you, and that doesnt matter either. Just dhut the fuck up, and stay out of your own way.

happycutie ago

It sounds like you're agreeing with me. Your anger is clouding your reading.

Korinthian ago

Ive only ever disagreed with your insistence that men and women are equal. Its taken you this long to see that, to get out of your own way.

happycutie ago

Men and women are not equal. I never said anything like that.

Korinthian ago

women were convinced to be sluts in the 1970s was because "The men are doing it.

Women will not go back to being virgins unless men do.

Thats egalitarian. Trying to ensure equality of treatment. "Men can do it, so why not women", and youve merely flipped the script. "Women cant do it, so men cant either"

Men fucking sluts is dependant on women being sluts. Before womens sexual liberation, we didnt have this. Men never changed. Women did. Women need be changed back. That is all.

happycutie ago

Men shouldn't murder. Women shouldn't murder. That's not "egalitarian." That's just saying humans should not be sickos.

"Men fucking sluts is dependant on women being sluts" is much too low of an opinion on men. Men are better than that. It depends on them.

"Women cant do it, so men cant either"

This is absolutely retarded. Men can't do it because people are not supposed to be filthy scumbags.

I told you the reason women will not be virgins if their husbands are not. They don't want to. It's sad and it sucks. It's currently their choice, and they're not going to make the choice to be virgins if men aren't. Unless they are somehow forced to be virgins WHILE men are not. And if they are forced to marry non-virgin men, the family quality will be trash because of the unhappy marriages and society will suck. It's also sick and immoral and our culture does not need that. Just be a virgin. Men who whine and protest that too much will be jailed.

The way society needs to be is people will be virgins as normal but the sickos will be punished. Simple.

Korinthian ago

too low of an opinion on men. Men are better than that.

Gamer girl bath water.

They don't want to. ... It's currently their choice

Which is part of the problem, as Ive said. Women consistently make poor choices. And those choices affect men as well. Women putting off marriage, women welcoming in immigrant hordes, women pushing for egalitarianism. The less choices women have, the less mistakes they can make.

But I will tell you the simple solution. Encourage younger marriage. Dont give young men the time to find a whore. Dont give young women the choice of putting off marriage. Just get hitched. Find the one when youre young and be done.

Though we're also going to need to make divorce as painful as possible, so a dissatisfied whore cant try to find a sugar daddy later on.

happycutie ago


963189_137 ago

Right, that means he isn't going to bring disgusting nigger POZ to you and contaminate you for life and give STD's to your kids through your vaginal canal.

It is super important. Manwhores are just as disgusting and female whores.

happycutie ago

Exactly. Any man that does that to his wife and kids is disgusting garbage.

mudbear ago

God i need to hear this more. With all the zio shit glorifying manwhores as the standard man its hard not having your worldview tainted. The automatic responses programmed into you from years of tainted media really fucks you up.

This is what i believed my entire childhood, manwhores disgusted me as much as womanwhores did, but the constant barrage of the glorious manwhore just eroded my perceptions for years and years till i made the concious effort with my now wife and turning back to the lost righteousness of my childhood.

Its better to be hated and righteous than loved and depraved, for loving youself is more important than any love anyone else can offer.

gazillions ago

That's wonderfully creepy and very effective.

shitstartercarter ago

Being a whore was never, and will never be an attractive triat for a woman. Being a whore when you're a woman is easy, just spread your legs. Even some pathetic sap will come and bang you no matter how ugly or fat you are.

With guys it's different. But some of us have enough sense to know that a slut is just that and in no way relationship material. They want to be used up and thrown away, let them. Meeting a woman of quality is worth a million times more.

Which just leaves me wondering why so many women these day embrace being sluts, bitches, "nasty", and all around not good people? I blame all the kike brainwashing, but ultimately the responsibility lies on them.

All in all be faithful to the ones you love. The rewards are so much greater than living a pathetic alone life filled with listless strangers.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

I think it's hard for both young men and women in the last 60 years, due to all the input telling them traditional living is outdated and sleeping around, "free love" and "finding yourself" is more important than self respect for yourself and your future spouse. I'm no different in this...

It's conveyed at an age when their bodies are wanting that stimulation because that's when families can start, our society has changed that along with promoting promiscuity.

The good news is that we can teach the youth the right way. Not just telling them to save it for marriage but why. The best question I've found is asking them if their future children deserve a good mother/father. They say yes of course. "Make sure you're very careful who that person is then, including having them in a good environment, being in a marriage first."

This, "their going to do it anyway, make sure their safe", copout is an insult to our children and their ability to become adults.

mudbear ago

Attention vs respect. Availability vs exclusivity.

Its not just women, its also men who are brainwashed by the moist flaps of loose women.

Women need to compete with very attractive and very available women who concede all decency to the alpha males, the dumb fuck alphas take these prize whores as status points and toss aside the 'i dont fuck on the firstvdate' exclusive ladies.

Women are brainwashed by power, so they all want the popular alpha chads, so they concede all they need to to get the attention and focus of the chad, and once they get it they start working their way back to the moral standard they previously held (which is why the first few months is amazing for guys followed by insane controlling manipulative cunt)

If they fail to reel in the chad she bwcomes just another attention seeking readily available whore.

Men are lazy as fuck and conditioned to focus on numerical supremacy rather than exlusivity, deep down the whores feel amazing and boost ego but leave a rotten taste in the mouth and a sense of unfulfillment. The whores take less effort though and have the more immediate rewards.

Agree completely though, be faithful and devoted to your SO. Real relationships require investment, dont expect to reap anything without sowing anything.

Notimportant36 ago

Was fun; my wife was a virgin when we met, her sister was not. One day her sister asks about the double standard, so I told my favourite analogy.

A key that opens many locks is a master key, but a lock that opens with any key is broken.

She lost her shit... Now she's got her dog with its own social media that she updates regularly, never a dude around for more than a short time, and she won't say it, but she's miserable.

Nukethenarrative ago

Awesome analogy.

MarauderShields ago

This is worth a post of its own. Magic.

happycutie ago

Manwhores are bad.

Notimportant36 ago

Manipulative, untrustworthy, silver tongues. Yes. When the conversation came up, it was something of an embarrassing admission.

happycutie ago

I don't really know what your comment means but it's always the whores who think men can have pre-marital sex. Virgin women are against that.

Notimportant36 ago

I mean you're right, manwhores are bad. I mean, most guys thinks that's what they want. I was embarrassed when I had to admit how much I slept around before meeting the girl I married. Let's say above average but less than an average rockstar.

She wasn't entire pleased at the conversation either. I'm older than her, somehow that worked in my favor.

mleczko ago

The only thing women should be responsible for, is children. Everything else puts them out of their element.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Women are terrible parents and mothers without the support of a man.

mudbear ago

Women offer love, men offer respect. Children need authority in order to measure up to anything, thats where women fail, they cannot command, they just nag. Everything they do is from a position of weakness, even the bossy bitches who act tough dont command respect.

Then solo mum boys wind up with inflated sense of authority that they dont deserve.

TheWorstImaginable ago

They definitely shouldn't be driving

britt121 ago

This is dumb. I can't get groceries and take my kids on playdates at the park?

TheWorstImaginable ago

I would prefer you didn't. Most of you can't even walk down a supermarket aisle without getting in the way and acting entitled like you actually have the right to impede traffic.

britt121 ago

I dunno- young men certainly have sky high car insurance rates because of increased accidents. Hmmm....

TheWorstImaginable ago

We take opportunities and are seen at fault when retarded people run into them. That being said, lots of guys are retarded too, obviously. Women are a menace on the road regardless.

britt121 ago

Anytime I see a car dangerously weaving in and out of traffic, it's a guy. I've also lost several male students to reckless driving accidents. I do think there'a a lot of variation on bad drivers.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Women are retarded. I've seen 3 examples in the last 30 minutes.

britt121 ago

I legit thought of this conversation today while I was driving my kids around running errands. It was raining and I saw a man and a woman get into a minor accident.

A guy was signalling that he wanted to merge into the middle lane (right lane had construction and he had to merge). The woman was not being courteous and refused to give room to merge. He kept on merging assuming she would bend and let him in. Nope. They bumped and got some dents.

I suppose legally he was to blame but she really should have been a decent person and let him merge. Lol, was an interestingly timed observation given this exchange.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm not reading your shit. You shouldn't be allowed to vote.

britt121 ago

Unless you are a net taxpaying head of a family, you shouldn't either.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Shut your mouth, broad.

Carl_Moore ago

Own land, grow your own food & farm your own animals.


britt121 ago

Dude, I live on a farm but still have places to go. Some of you guys are goddamn ridiculous.

Carl_Moore ago

Shit I just realized you’re a woman, and not some guy bitching about wOmENZ riTEs.

You probably can’t read this anyway though, so goodnight ma’am.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

she was probably driving while typing all of that

massiveprivilege ago


Korinthian ago

ultimately the responsibility lies on them.

That idea as well is kike brainwashing. Youre treating them as equal to a man again. They are not. They lack the sense of self to be truly responsible for their actions, which is why they werent given the freedom to be fuckups for the majority of human history. Muslims get this, this is why they do honor killings. When a your daughter, sister, or cousin is a whore, its your fault for not keeping a close enough eye on her, so you have to take responsibility and end her.

Do you blame a cat in heat that escapes and gets pregnant? Of course not, its only their nature. The same for women.

963189_137 ago

Fuck you 84 IQ subhuman semitic muslim boy fucking freaks...


mleczko ago

Bullshit. Islam is right about women and Jews.

963189_137 ago

Retard. Islam SUPPORTS JEWS and jews SUPPORT ISLAM. They work together to murder us.

Also, you must be a woman-hating faggot and not White.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Are you Jewish?

963189_137 ago

No, I am ethnically German. 100%

Approved ago

I'm whiter than you, but I know that Islam is right about women.

The same exact prohibitions against women being in charge of anything are in the Christian Bible too, if there were any Christians left who actually followed the fucking thing.

963189_137 ago

Why would you label yourself Christian and follow a Pharisee? If there is a hypocrite around here it is you. Those semitic kike traditions you speak of have nothing to do with OUR PEOPLE or OUR CULTURE or OUR TRADITIONS...those are sandnigger low IQ pedo goat fuckers traditions. You are not WHITE if your mind is semitic. Jesus warned you about the Pharisee jews and YOU DIDN'T LISTEN. You are the traitor and problem in White society...you are essentially a mongrel fucking jew with retarded semitic nigger ideas.

Approved ago


They're right about women... and they're smart enough not to import military-age males from incompatible cultures and give them welfare.

So that makes them smarter than the soon-to-be-replaced Swedes and Germans :/

963189_137 ago

They are not 'right about women'. The only reason why the kikes like them is because they BREED RETARDS via their culture and the kikes like that. They are trying to destroy European culture like they have for the last 1,400 years since the kikes founded them and unleashed them on Europe. If you want to live like a sandnigger...fuck off to a sandnigger nation.

You are a FUCKING RACE TRAITOR and if you said that shit to me in person I would mark you so that we could kill you on DOTR.

Approved ago

We? You sound like the kind of high strung wierdo who'd get accidentally fragged by his own group a week into any situation, because they'd come to realiw tgat you were gonna snap, so they'd better get you first.

963189_137 ago

Better than being semitic trash mentally like you. You are lower than a nigger because you aren't a nigger but you love semitic/nigger values. Stupid fucking trash. The goal should be putting you faggots down FIRST.

Approved ago

Better than being semitic trash mentally like you.

So, you admit that whzt I said about you is true. RIP, crazy dude.

963189_137 ago

I admit that you are mentally semitic and that you need to be exterminated just like the jew because you are one mentally which is the same as being one genetically.

Approved ago

Jesus, even your bosses at the NSA who pay you to gabble this nonsense are gonna start looking at you sideways after this rant.

963189_137 ago

They tolerate you.

Approved ago

They tolerate you.

Of course. I've been approved by all relevant deozrtments and agencies.

Also, I'm Chad and I'm boning the bosses niece.

Now get back to work, shelbaum.

963189_137 ago

You need to retake English since you are a sandnigger ESL POS.

Approved ago


English as a Second language?

Nyet, comrade. Is tenth language for Boris.

963189_137 ago

Oh so admitting you are Khazar then...a 'jew' by another name?

Fuck off, Boris. You aren't European and that is what matters to me. Also, it is obvious what you are really interested in and who you represent.

Approved ago

Boris have no more time to talk, must be trolling Indians on Facebook with sexy paintings from 1849.

963189_137 ago


blatent101 ago

The funniest thing about female empowerment is that it has turned "empowered" women into the exact opposite outcome they wanted - Sex Objects to be used and disposed of.

I don't date women over 30 because most are either fat, have kids, or have some sort of baggage.

Wahaha ago

You should make that 25 to adjust for deflation.

MockingDead ago

Or all three plus a complimentary STD!

Pronebone45 ago

Whats with the body count?

frankenmine ago

They mean sex partner count. It threw me off, too, at first. I thought this was an Arkancide meme.

Pronebone45 ago

The fact that the guy has a (0) over his head but "only dates younger girls" is what confused me.

frankenmine ago

Dating traditionally, also called courtship, doesn't require sex. The characters on the right side are traditionalists.

gabara ago

I'm out of the loop, who are those folks?

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

On the left is a typical washed up leftist whore, on the right is a traditional man and woman.

gabara ago

Yeah but why does it say body count?

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

I am assuming body count refers to how many people one has bedded. One zoomer kid I know refers to it as kill count, as does his friends. I suppose it's just some kind of new lingo that some of us are not aware of.

gabara ago

Thank you! Now it makes sense!

Napierdalator ago


Uszanowanko dla wszystkich ziomeczków.

bdmthrfkr ago

Translated as:

Respect for all homies.

Google must be wrong again or you are a vodka drinking niggerfaggot.

Napierdalator ago

It's a greeting for Poles that were tosting this meme some other place. Google is wrong. You are wrong too – I'm drinking whiskey today.

bdmthrfkr ago

Cats will be getting extra petting that evening and an extra bottle of wine will be enjoyed.