Nonymous608 ago

Isn't that the truth... She can't even be friendly to someone with an opposing political view without being chastised. It's fucking crazy!!

gabara ago

OMG! @Reverse-Flash, we were so wrong about that girl. You totally should have rogered her.

TheGrandMaster ago

You both should kill yourselves

123456butts ago

Has the Babylon bee addressed 9/11 at all yet?

ice007 ago

"Ellen Outed as a Zionist traider after she mingles with a Zionist war criminal who"

1. helped cover up the 9/11 false flag


2. lied America into a war for the sake of Israel that killed over 1 million people

whatever_12345 ago

Yeah, they wrote this as a clever article:

After Israel Destroys Three American Skyscrapers and Attacks Pentagon, America Declares Israel Greatest Ally

Five Dancing Israelis State Riddling USS Liberty And American Sailors Full of Holes Was Not Enough Friendship

Just kidding. Babylon Bee is ZOGed. They are still funny.