Bigwhistle ago

March 31st, 2015. Seriously?

DrHatchetWound ago

I remember when this story came out, on another board someone dug up a story about him getting the heart when he was 14 or so: The docs or some type of transplant review board were initially denying him the transplant since he already had a violent record and they didn't want the heart going to waste on someone who had a high likelihood of getting killed during commission of nigger-shit, buuuuut, a bunch of niggers and probably white and "white" sjws did the muh racisms thing and here we are.

Ulfghar ago

He's dead now. Died in a home invasion

invisiblephrend ago

no, he died in a car crash while running from cops.

Ulfghar ago

Burglary and carjacking. Such a waste of good organs.

Sackajahweeda ago

Guess she wishes for the first time in her miserable life likely that she had kept her fucking mouth SHUT I bet.

bfriend13 ago

Doubtful she is smart enough to feel shame or learn from this. If anything she feels even more entitled and full of even more hatred for Whites.

Sackajahweeda ago

She likely saw the gun pic and was like das muh sexy mfker regalatin. Then waited the rest of the day for his 6 dollar phone call from jail.

Eualos ago

No one would ever see it because they would never have invented the camera, so in a way yes it is racist

AinzOown ago

Oldie but a goodie.

kammmmak ago

He smart. He oppressed by whitey. Normal to want to kill. Poor victim.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Sheit; dat nigga dindu nuffin but fight against his oppressors. Now gibs him dat reparations n' sheit.

Nigloo_Dismantler ago

That reporter is cool in my book.

Sheboon: "Why'd youz be usin' dat picture? He got other photoz wit clothes on and shieeet, stoopid bitch!"

Reporter: "Fine here's another picture of him with his clothes on" posts a picture looking even more niggerish and thuggish with a handgun


invisiblephrend ago

what's crazy is that she likely chose the least niggerish photo she could find of him to avoid controversy and that was it.

HeebyKneegrow ago


harmlessgryphon ago

Looking like he lost his dentures.

HiJoker ago

I miss the old days when the internet was complicated and niggers were far too stupid to be on it.

Improbablyanasshole ago

It was better when it was just for "nerds".

Butterbread ago

Now "nerd" is considered cool and instead of meaning you're a smart but pathetic loner it means you're a stupid faggot.

Dagobert1488 ago

All niggers need to be sent back. Life is would be so much better.

HiJoker ago

Sent back? Fuck that, fertilize our soil with them. The planet is better off with each dead nigger.

Niggers ruin everything.

All niggers must die.

BlueDrache ago

You're glowing.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Nice try Kike

sonofjacob ago

What a waste of a good heart.

thebearfromstartrack ago

GET RID OF NIGGERS for the GOOD of the UNIVERSE! PLEASE GOD HELP US! Put niggers on Uranus where they can be happy!