libman ago

Always link to the archive, never to the commie site itself.


Good stuff, proud of him.

satisfyinghump ago

Holy cow.... not once is it ever an actual whitey... it's always the jeuden. Wtf though.

AngelofDeath ago

What?? Molyneux IS A "jew". Said so himself. Says they're smartest of all too.

LettItBurn ago

Moly iz da main.

Whoever would have thought?

jackofdiamonds ago

Her tits looked great in The Whole Nine Yards. That's literally all I know of this woman.

Alhambra ago

she misspelled "jewish nepotism" as "white privilege". it's a bizarrely common mistake.

THEx1138 ago

Hole E Shit that twit thread looks like Voat on steroids.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Yeah, that's what I thought. Maybe were not so alone afterall

Yuke ago

Ladies and gentlemen...we have another confirmed "Fellow White".

(confirmed in Twatter comments)

Koalemos_Grottesco ago


boekanier ago

That's what we are saying all the time: don't be jewish!

Adminstrater ago

Haha, the comments under the tweet that Stefan Molyneux is replying to are gold:

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Appears as a trap. He won't post a manifesto and get Twitter shut down. Think of all the debt instruments they acquire.

LiamOdinThomas ago

Ballsy Ballsy 10-4 Roger Roger..

ALIENS2222 ago

This man has gone from Jew dick-washer to literally hitler in the last 2-3 years. Its amazing to see.

MidnightTrain ago

He's come a long ways since dropping the lower tier red pills on the daily. I think you can only go so long at the beginner/intermediate level before just realizing the man behind the curtain. I'm glad that he actually calls it out. He's a fellow canuck and as fucked as we are up here it's nice to know we can at least spread some messages far and wide to help others.

RoxannaHardbutt ago

Stefan Molyneux @ Twitter, "Poland, Great Britain, France, India, Australia, New Zealand, Union of South Africa, Canada, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands all declared war on Germany, not the other way around.

SM is not telling the full story..

WW2 was meant to be lost it was a Zionist sponsored exercise in white genocide, Jews were pulling the political strings in Germany no less than in England, France and the Soviet Union.

Adolf Hitler and all of the senior Nazis were Jews post the murder of Ernst Röhm and the SA Brownshirts the non Jewish Nazis in the Night of the Long Knives Massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933.

Hitler arbitrarily Declared War on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's Declaration of War on Japan three days earlier on Dec. 8, 1941, in response to the False Flag Pearl Harbor attacks of the day before.

Insofar as Poland is concerned the Gleiwitz Incident was a covert Nazi False Flag attack on a German radio station on the night of August 31, 1939, which Hitler used to justify the German invasion of Poland the next day, which brought England and France into the conflict since those countries were bound by treaty to come to Poland's aid if it were attacked.

da_real_mvp ago

Name the kike, shame the kike.

Landrictree ago

He's been on a roll lately.

Negro_Nazi ago

Did anyone see his episode with that guest named "Elric"?

He ended up getting arrested while on the show.

ForTheUltimate ago


Negro_Nazi ago

Look it up, it was in November.

I know... Because I was that guest. Haha

ForTheUltimate ago

too wide a net for my caring

Negro_Nazi ago

I already gave a name and a time frame.

I am not trying to have people see it.

If y'all want to put in the work to find it you can.

Gorillion ago

Man, The Big Blue is getting harder and harder to watch. Besson is a total creep, Arquette is an open Shapeshifter now. I'm pretty sure Jean Reno is Jewish, but I've never seen any bullshit like this from him as yet.

Fun fact: Arquette's trans sibling Alexis Arquette joined the 40% last year (the death was announced in very coded language). Probably best known as the Boy George-looking band member in The Wedding Singer. So the pozz was strong inside the family too. David Arquette blasted his way through hundreds of Hollywood Harlots too by all accounts. Charlese Theron basically dated him to get enough reflected fame to kick-start her career. And she's currently at 3rd Level poz having not only at least one black adopted kid, but turned the kid trans too.

"Art Community Jews" are a special breed (Arquette's parents were both in the theater and other creative communities in NYC). They'll happily warp their own children to spread subversion (or create warped children to pander to their own mental illnesses).

Veridic ago

You guys know that he offers his books for free on his website:

Universally Preferable Behavior is good one in my opinion.

oddlike777 ago

I caught one the other day, which he immediately deleted.

Gimmethelolz ago

Gonna be a shame when he commits suicide by two shots to the back of his head

TestForScience ago

From six feet away.

Gopherurself ago

Exactly, with no powder burns on skin

Splooge ago

Because he duct-taped his hands together first.

VoatIsRetarded ago

Who gives a fuck what this piece of shit says

Damnpasswords ago

This racist think jews are more successful than blacks because they're smarter. Look up Kaplan #blacklivesmatter

Think of what this money could do for black communities.

They want us back in chains

v ago

He's literally naming the jew to a wide audience.

TestForScience ago

Last post 13 days ago? Don't care. Subscribed.

shitstartercarter ago

He never used to acknowledge the JQ. These days it's pretty clear he can't ignore it anymore.

shillaccount3344 ago

Could be fishing twitter for perceived enemies.

He has a large audience.

d3r ago

Worse than that, he used to justify Jewish supremacy by saying it's due to their "high IQ".

chrimony ago

Worse than that, he used to justify Jewish supremacy by saying it's due to their "high IQ".

There's evidence for that, just like there's evidence that asians are on average higher intelligence than whites, whites on average are higher intelligence than hispanics, who on average are higher intelligence than blacks. There's also the issue that Jews were pushed into areas like finance because of usury laws for Christians, and of course there's the issue of in-group preference.

What wore Stefan down is the every fucking time.

d3r ago

You are missing the point- the IQ argument covers for nepotism and Jewish supremacy. Their empire is not built on merit.

chrimony ago

You are missing the point- the IQ argument covers for nepotism and Jewish supremacy. Their empire is not built on merit.

All the arguments I just laid out Stefan laid out as well. He didn't say IQ was the only thing. He even acknowledged in-group preference. But to ignore IQ for jews is like ignoring IQ for asians and whites versus hispanics and blacks.

d3r ago

Fair enough. But if this part is two sentences buried in a 30 minute video about IQ it's still deceptive yellowwashing:

He didn't say IQ was the only thing. He even acknowledged in-group preference.

YouAreASlave ago

But he's (((ourguy))), right fellow goy?

Adam_Jensen_ ago

He is not our guy, but if you talked to a hardcore Christian or someone who is even part jew, they get offended if you say anything negative about jews.

Stefan is jewish, so he can criticize his own. Is this a tactic or game he is playing? I do not know, but I hope the brainwashed wake up.

GlowWorm ago

Well, he is naming now.

admin2 ago

He DID NOT WANT TO BE TOTALLY banned and deplatformed!!!

Many of his videos have been banned, and even he himself was basically banned from speaking in public in New Zealand last year.

He has to dance around the JQ

Zoldam ago

Those who don't are literally in denial, or outright brainwashed. They don't even hide it anymore.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

uhhh but he's a jew himself.

123456butts ago

It’s the preamble to the presentation of goodjew/badjew.

Goodjew/badjew is an act in reliance of western/white empathy.

When they hook you with goodjew/badjew they’ll follow up with transportation

Transportation gives birth to zionism

Zionism is a hideout for criminals

Criminals defend themselves with goodjew/badjew

It’s a circular trick

TIEMC0 ago

Find the exploit and squeeze it rather than earn it.

CameraCode0 ago

Inb4 shills try to create consensus that we should disavow him because his step-grandmother is Jewish (not by blood relation)

7e62ce85 ago

I was wrong about that, someone had a video source. His biological grandmother was Jewish (unless he just forgot to say the "step" part in the video).

I still think he is a decent guy with good content.

CameraCode0 ago

On the Twitter post he specifically says his step grandmother, and that the are not related by blood. It is very possible that he has changed his story, although at this point it's just his word against his own word. I have never seen any evidence beyond him just saying something, which I would prefer.

Charlez6 ago

He did himself absolutely no favours by muddying the waters with all his appeals for kike sympathy until he got really red-pilled and made the distinction clear. I'm sure there are a lot of good-faith people who are still confused.

GoyimNose ago

Inb4 SM shilled for kikes all his life and now has a "change" of heart, same with Owen Benjamin, oh wait they are both kikes...nah that's just a coincidence goyim

chrimony ago

You can chart Stefan's progression. You guys think you can go from normie to being redpilled on the Jewish Question overnight. It takes a long time to erode decades of conditioning.

GoyimNose ago

Stefan grew up around Jews most of his life

Prussian ago

You stupid shit, his father is jewish, he is jewish, his mother is jewish, he has admitted all this many times on video.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

interesting, you have a source for this? as far as i heard only his step grandma is jewish

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

I have a source for this. Which site should I upload the video to?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

bitchute? or catbox? or anywhere idgaf

VoatsNewfag ago

Where does it say that his grandfather and father are jewish?

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

Why does that matter? Jew blood is maternal.

Glipglup ago

To be fair, he did say his mother was raised in a very Jewish community. And he does tend to be overzealous and a bit greedy. Though I'm not saying people should ignore him for that.

YouAreASlave ago

Says the kike who supports (((Tommy))).

blit416 ago

i love that registration is closed. now they keep their heads down, or get found out!

GlowWorm ago

Glowniggers will be shoaed.

random128dsf321 ago

Whoh Goy.... um... fellow goat. Lets get not get crazy.

viperguy ago

True, and I wonder why they want to "divide and conquer". Naughty shills.

Though part of his bio heritage is jewish, he is NOT a brazen jew shill and all Stefan Molyneux videos are very good to amazing.

The best part is that he BOLDLY puts up scholarly videos on low IQ africans and their african DNA dooming black people!


Many infamous videos with scientists by Stefan Molyneux ( a person banned often on youtube (4x deleted), and even from New Zealand at a regional level) :

Dr Richard Haier : (famed scientist - Black IQ is well established fact)

The IQ Problem | Jordan Peterson & (((Stefan Molyneux)))

Race, Genetics and Intelligence | Richard Lynn and (((Stefan Molyneux))):

The Bell Curve: IQ, Race and Gender | Charles Murray and (((Stefan Molyneux))) :

The Science Behind Intelligence - Part 1 | (((Stefan Molyneux))) and Linda Gottfredson

[banned again: SPLC forced JewTube to shoah the video ]


The Science Behind Intelligence Part 2 | (((Stefan Molyneux))) and Linda Gottfredson

[banned again: SPLC forced JewTube to shoah the video]

Race, Evolution and Intelligence | Linda Gottfredson and (((Stefan Molyneux)))

Human Intelligence: The Flynn Effect | Dr. James Flynn and (((Stefan Molyneux)))

[banned again :]

Race, Genetics and Intelligence | Helmuth Nyborg and (((Stefan Molyneux)))

The (((Rubin))) Report - (((Stefan Molyneux))) on Race and IQ (Pt. 2)

Wrong About IQ? | Dr Russell Warne and (((Stefan Molyneux)))

In Search of a High IQ African Population - Do Africans Really Have an IQ of 70? (2013) :

Looking for a High IQ Black Population

AustralianRealist - Prof. Philippe Rushton - "Latest Research on Race"

Scientists are AMAZED that pointing out the absurdly low accurately measured IQ is forbidden to mention on a university campus !

Archive those if you ever want to see them.

Youtube already deleted most of the others.

PragerU channel gets its IQ fact videos shoahed :

Why Is YouTube Censoring 21 Educational Videos From PragerU?

Google has since doubled down on its decision to make PragerU’s videos inaccessible to many of its users, and warned AustralianRealist that the videos are hateful science

SPLC and Jewgle HATES the fact that most of africa has IQ < 70 and SPLC admits that it refuses to accept the concept of an IQ test!

TL/DR: PURE BLACKS HAVE VERY LOW IQs and someone should archive all those IQ DNA videos to bitchute and other sites soon.

18 Stefan Molyneux youtube videos remaining :


FullSemiAutomatic ago

Just tried to watch 2 of those that weren't marked banned.

Both removed.

Evidently, facts violate policies on hate speech.

logos_ethos ago

Interesting how the shilling is less now (at least in this post) that voat cannot be read without an account, and people cannot create new accounts.

Atkho ago

Oh so ((())) means our greatest ally against niggers that would be zero threat if they weren't being bred like cockroaches for some reason... Thanks for clearing that up.

Gopherurself ago


uvulectomy ago

The purity spiral shilling does get quite extreme around here at times.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Nothing wrong with "purity spiraling."

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

That's not purity spiraling. He's not Jewish by blood. Purity spiraling is good.

BlowjaySimpson ago

He's not the 100% Pure Bavarian Phenotype.

KoKansei ago

The price we pay for free speech. I don't think most goats take them too seriously.

uvulectomy ago

No, but it definitely seems to be a JIDF division tactic. "Oh no goy, you can't trust this person! Their cousin's stepmother's roommate's ex-boyfriend's former supervisor's secretary was a JOOOO! Everything they say is now hereby discredited!"

sherlock_holmes ago

I for one am unafraid of the men in tiny hats.

YouAreASlave ago

No, it's to ensure that kikes don't subvert opposition. You know how kikes like to pretend their white and on your side for the purpose of destroying you? Have you seen them do that once or twice throughout history?

Fuckle_Chucks ago

The term you're looking for is shape-shifting.

MrBoutros ago

this is one of those two times during the day that a broken old clock is right.


v ago

Wow, even consistently naming the jew isn't even enough for you. You're fucking glowing.

MrBoutros ago

address me as AgentBoutros.

also, put your hands behind your head and lie on the ground.

derram ago :

Stefan Molyneux on Twitter: "pleasedon’tbejewish pleasedon’tbejewish pleasedon’tbejewish pleasedon’tbejewish

dang… "

This has been an automated message.