WickedVocalist ago

Good -- dont breed youre all ugly uniform pigeons of the same coloring faking representation of actual white women.

Wiglaf ago

Does that mean that they are parasites too as they lived in exactly the same way (as do all people at some point)? The upside is that you've got your warning to any men to avoid them if they have sense and don't want to live with 14 cats.

obvious-throwaway- ago

It would be cool if they stay friends for the next 25 years. That way, they can do a group suicide pick when they realize being a childless baron forever alone cat lady isn't a workable long term plan.

WickedVocalist ago

No they can just befriend one cute conservative girl and share the same soy boy.

LoveRight ago

Based and Redpilled, calling out the Jews like that!

Pointyball ago

So welfare recipients should not have human rights?

beefartist ago

A cunt like that deserves no dick, ever. Be strong you gamma fucks.

WickedVocalist ago

Im sure they also jump at a shot to fuck straight white men with strapons.

beefartist ago

You are a weird dude...put the phone in your drawer and go do something. After that find a woman and get married so you have something to focus all this weird pent up energy on

My-Name-is-Mud ago

And here ends their bloodlines.

JimSoddell ago

Hm, so these three women are calling for the death of all immigrants and welfare recipients. Interesting. Perhaps they should be reported for this hate speech.

WickedVocalist ago

So are they forming a new politico party now too???

Cant be pro choice and anti immigrant.

JimSoddell ago

Philosophical consistency isn't a strong point of the left.

  • Pro-justice: Favor death penalty of convicted criminals and against killing innocent babies.
  • Pro-life: Against death penalty of convicted criminals and against killing innocent babies. Possibly vegetarian.
  • Malthusian: Favor death penalty of convicted criminals, favor killing innocent babies.
  • Pro-evil/anti-justice/The Left: Against death penalty of convicted criminals, favor killing innocent babies.

newoldwave ago

You will not be able to get married, quit your job and live off your husband because no parasites allowed.

WickedVocalist ago

Lets face it they fought for womens 'rights' to work and owe child support like men.

Mainly because they have to work since theyre all ugly fat cunts.

WightRarebit ago

Parasites? You mean like the parasites who are on welfare or working in government jobs? Yes, I completely agree. They shouldn't have rights.

Soyboy69 ago

Oy vey, cool it with the anti-semetism ladies!

jthun2 ago

Ha ha, call a bunch of muslim immigrants on welfare parasites, they throw a fit.

Call their own child parasites, they agree.

AlphaOmega ago

The amount of pseudo-intellectual leftists who think this argument is valid, it too damn high. Shows just how scientifically ignorant they actually are.

bourbonexpert ago

It would be so wonderful to use them as my cum dumping units. If you have the money.... they will do anything.

TheyLie ago

I wish I could beat each one of them within an inch of their life while saying 'parasites must die'

SerialChiller ago

Is that an anti-immigration protest?

Sosacms ago

No rights for anyone on government assistance? Bitch, that's hard core... What about divorced wives? Surely they count as parasites too.

Damn girl, just removed rights for 80% of the global population.... based AF.

QanadaHere ago

They are parasites. Lets abort them. My Planet My Choice

anoncastillo ago

Woah, does this mean we can deny (((bankers))), (((socialists))), and their welfare queen pets basic human rights?

woadowl ago

so basically we are just parasites on ourselves

HansWithTheGas ago

Well played sir!

Obligatory... you're still a faggot

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Foodstamp parasites protesting. Oh my.

newoldwave ago

Nope, people on welfare are parasites.

Jfkthrowaway1 ago

Their parents must be so proud

saimne ago

I see a lot of cats in their futures.

ravensedgesom ago

cats deserve better owners than these amoral dipshits.

Morbo ago

And parasites too. Toxoplasmosis to be specific.

Kalergi ago

What group of people are the biggest parasites?

Shekel Suckers.

Who is in close 2nd place?

Gibs me dat.

Sellyoulight ago

New depth, breadth and scope have again been added to the meaning of the phrase “dumb cunt.” Leave it to the girls to outdo themselves yet again.

Truth_is_Extreme ago

Right, parasites have NO RIGHTS. And you know what? Women are literal parasites of society.

If a woman is not a traditional housewife, it is nothing more than a parasite on society. For example, that picture's vermins ARE parasites, hence does not have any rights at all.

Yuke ago

It's truly unbelievable seeing such things. These women have been brainwashed into being nothing short of evil, sadistic, callous little witches. They should be ashamed of themselves, but of course, they won't be. The world goes to the dogs this way.

WickedVocalist ago

World history says the inquisition and salem burnings was an excuse to destroy these homewrecking, marriage hating hos.

Mainiac ago

CDC says "A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host. " they say nothing about species.

Abortion should be legal until 18 years, when the fetus moves out of the house.

Steinmacher ago

Bernie supporters are parasites too...

J_Darnley ago

Nice. What else can we classify as parasites?

i_scream_trucks ago

Then why the fuck aren't you social parasites dead?


I'd love to kick them in the face. And then keep kicking them until their skull caves in. And continue mashing until it's just a gooey mess, and then spit.

WickedVocalist ago

Theyre lesbian binary today.

Tomorrows social workers.

courtjester1111 ago

Enjoy hell bitches.

WickedVocalist ago

They will get degrees to try and chance out a shot of having a blue eye or blonde hair baby to attract pedo men.

brokespanker ago

Where's the "My wallet. My choice" sign?

TheAntiZealot ago

Are you anti-semitic?

Do you not realize that your tax dollars go to fund the Jewish-owned privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank? Not to mention the billions we spend on Israel's wall and weaponry to keep illegal undocumented citizens out?

First you say something stupid like "my wallet, my choice," next you'll be seceding from the nation is some kind of confederate, states-rights coup, and finally you'll be literally Hitler!

Base311 ago

Let's skip the foreplay and go literal.

WickedVocalist ago

They are just dosing out reality: theyre average looking with the most common coloring on the planet and they cant expect marriage or kids anyway.

bubby963 ago

Absolutely fucking retarded

  1. A parasite by definition is of a different species you fucking morons

  2. Parasites choose to enter you for nutrition. YOU choose to have sex.

Also via that logic every human at some point in there life has been a parasite. Retarded.

allahead ago

A parasite by definition is of a different species you fucking morons

Maybe they are jewish?

beefartist ago

Condoms are rape!

vtusr2 ago

The way I see it, it is the (((jews))) who shouldn't have any rights.


alele-opathic ago

A parasite by definition is of a different species you fucking morons

Nope, though this is 'usually' true.

Also via that logic every human at some point in there life has been a parasite.

Yes. Typically, parasites (here excluding single-celled parasites) are only parasitic during certain life stages (usually just a single stage, at that). Depending on how you narrow the idea (e.g. 'parasitism' as a concept vs. 'parasites' etc [the latter being a tighter definition referring to organisms with life stages where they are obligate parasites]), kids (and any young net-consumer life form in general) do fit the definition.

In short: humans are parasitic when children, and later form hosts for a new generation of kids when they reach adulthood.

beefartist ago

Haha I came across your this post and was going to tell you to shit the fuck up...then I noticed I already did. Don't be a gamma faggot cunt...improve your shit

alele-opathic ago

Don't be a gamma faggot cunt...improve your shit

You should consider reading my other posts / submissions. I am one of the only people on this site who 'improves his shit'. As a whole, we are leaders.

I think the worldview of the 'normal' voater is broken, in that it is only marginally improved over that of the 'normal' netizen. This could be a launching point into an interesting discussion, or, you could tell me to STFU, in which case you can kindly fuck right off.

beefartist ago


beefartist ago

Shut the fuck up.

binrobinro ago

Thank you.

beefartist ago

I wish I wasn't so far removed from people in a way...young, childless men need humility and structure and masculinity in their lives.

alele-opathic ago

young, childless men need humility and structure and masculinity in their lives.

You lack introspection - childless men, as a general rule, are the only ones with all three. I don't know how much you've studied, but a man 'peaks' whenever he has kids. He will never again accomplish anything as great as his previous achievements. The geniuses of society, as a rule, have no kids, and most were even celibate.

I've worked out why that is (easy: they are competing interests), and further discovered that you can discover the childless on Voat (like you) through their unevolved views. Their views lack perspective: they have a romanticized view of having children that nobody with kids actually has (due to incompatibilities with reality - you literally can't have that view because of hormonal changes - I've written more on this elsewhere).

This is why 'nobody will do anything' - the only ones who do anything are bachelors, but the bachelors on Voat have dreams of being a warrior with a family. This is impossible. Having a family will pacify you, for reasons I've expounded on elsewhere.

I'm just writing this up in the case that you are a scholarly man, one of the lost attributes of masculinity.

beefartist ago

You haven't a clue about the true nature of life. I pity you. You are utterly and absolutely wrong and your arrogance and ignorance clouds your mind. I had accomplishments, accolades, trials, tribulations, conquests, successes, and failures as a single man. They were, fortunately for me, mere steps on the ultimate path. I climbed the ladder of business, participated in high culture, broke bones as part of a team, and was a professional stick fighter for a very brief period...all of it pales in comparison to having wanted children witha wonderful wife. The death of my father probably would have been devastating without my family; the urge towards frivolous pursuits intoxicating...it sounds condescending as fuck to ask people if they have kids before getting too deep into discussion with folks on voat but to be honest it is a gulf that cannot be xplained. I will give you one guess as to how many children I have, how many I would like. It is a rhetorical question as to how many you have, because to everyone reading it is obvious.

prairie ago

Literally that's their job: make babies and raise them until they are self-sufficient.

obvious-throwaway- ago

You act like that is what their bodies were designed for.

Derpfroot ago

They're talking about nigs in American society, right?

Ag47 ago

If not for the shirts, I would have assumed they were talking about illegal immigrants.

ex-feminist ago

cringe x infinity

Conway ago

But, when I say it, they call me a racist.

TestForScience ago

Imagine being such a deadheart cum sucking whore that you actually consider a baby a 'parasite.'
They abhor 'hate' of lesser species in an attempt to cover their own sick disdain for the sanctity of life.
And fuck the people that think if you're against the murder of babies then you have to be religious.
The only kingdom these bitches will ever see is 2' wide and 6' deep.

WickedVocalist ago

They also want to fuck polyamorous men and get away with destroying straight monogamous marriage.

Wooden_door ago

That's one way to talk about jews.

suhmachungus ago

Right, so human babies are parasites? These are the dehumanizing tactics they use to try to sooth their (probably already nonexistent) conscience. Why don't we just eliminate all humans because by that definition we're also parasites on earth, especially these women who contribute nothing to society.

beefartist ago

Imagine what kind of losers would fuck these girls, and how often...these cunts pretend they are too stupid for birth control...move to Africa, niggers!

AmericanJew2 ago

I thought they meant niggers.

Adrianmc ago

Disgustingly anti-Semitic. Look at their smug faces too.

billyvvinz ago

sounds like she wants to go back to land-owning white males having all the power.

goatmensch ago

If women are parasites, yes.

SparkS ago

thats the point... but but...cant be sperm considered parasite? cause... shitfuck.. well.. normally... even the ovules are organic matter thats the problem.. the sperm moves.. yea spermatozoids stfu... but ovules even the ovules moves... i gotta find a formula to consider sperm life cause its moving... i dont think theres one... gotta change the angle.. to fight this shit u ogtta be aggresive.. but on the long term its not working.. cause an aggresive act its practicalyl a spike... and its not agresiveness anymore if its a sustained act of supremacy... why cant they just leave us alone...