wild_injun ago

this is art... removing bonderies and expressing the quiet thoughts of others.

ShreksAssholeIsHoly ago

Who cares ppl of couleru suck anyways am i right guys ?

2Pac4FamilyGuy ago

my wifes boyfriend is a nigger, dont tell shjit about him he bought me a switch u fucking jew

ginx2666 ago

The irony of asian kike-nigger hybrids being called racist for comparing niggers to animals...

NoKiddin ago

I think they took them off on demand in the end.

Podge512 ago

Lol out loud!

bracercrane ago

I've been slamming Duolingo courses just to get proficient enough to visit chinese forums. I want to be able to talk about nig nogs with the ching chongs.

raytheater ago

I hate chinese tourists but I love racist chinese.

Afrowasp1 ago

Not 1 Chimp is on welfare.

A_Clockwork_Kubrick ago

I for one welcome our Asian overlords.

boekanier ago

Yes, but there aren't niggers in China, they can make a joke of it. But we, we're stuck with them, and that's not a joke.

Hebrew-Virus ago

I like how they have to tell you it's "racist".

In other words, they must think people will see the comparison and naturally think: "Oh, yeah I see there are similarities between niggers and monkeys."

washingtonpanther ago

Based chinks degrade chimps.

Sara16369 ago

Cute dog walking like humans See his video on link below Just try to control your laugh whole watching I am sure you can't .https://funlandtube.1msite.com/

uvulectomy ago

Put a loaded pistol in your mouth and pull the trigger already.

YamaMaya ago

NO ONE POINT OUT HOW UGLY AFRICANS ARE!!! Nooooothing to see here move along these chinese are such bigots!!!

ArielQflip ago

Ugh. The Chinese are objective to the point they have no history. Dam. Goats get real.

newoldwave ago

China doesn't have any Negros to complain about it

binrobinro ago

If the had used a white man, people would complain "Why are there no "People of Color" in this photo?"

GritD2 ago

China gives no fucks. You are Chinese or you arent. Fuck you and your feelings - china

jj351 ago

The chinese are so lucky to not have semitic shapeshifters that look like and identify as them when it's convenient or they'd be just as fucked as white people.

Hentai ago

This is to be naturally expected from the Chinese neo-Imperialism in Africa. Just as white had their "human zoos" and racial caricatures back in the 1800s, the Chinese are having their moment of awe at how different Africans are from you and me. As the Chinese move in as administrators and quasi-rulers, they need to be reminded that Africans are a different breed, and they should not be messed with. Truly, the average Chinese in Africa will rub shoulders with the worst of the worst when they're in Ethiopia or Cameroon extracting metal and oil, and they need to be prepared for that.

I guess the west got lucky in that when we showed up, Africans were just shirtless dudes with sticks running around in tribes that could easily be subjugated with whiskey and beads. Now the Chinese have to deal with corrupt class structures in regions armed to the teeth with roaming gangs of militants armed with Cold War weaponry. They're going to need all the luck (and propaganda) they can get

twinmold ago

We should put Chinese next to pictures of insects in our museums

con77 ago

Can I find that exhibit online?

Helbrecht ago

incredibly racist

They misspelled "realistic"

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Where are the Africans?

NymphantTree ago

Haha, ooga booga, haha

Civil_Warrior ago

The Chinese know the fucking Jew tricks. Neither a nigger nor a Jew is human. They can only imitate a human.

worldofmadness ago

You guys are funny. "the chinese know the fucking jew trick", oh really now? Is that why they full on embrace communism? First foreigner to be nationalized in China was a freaking communist jew so you might want to look into how much control the kikes have over that country.

Civil_Warrior ago

Didn't you hear the news?

China is deemockrazee

Btw no Jews in China. No aipac. No fealty to queen Israel


worldofmadness ago

You sure about that? Look up who was behind the communist revolution in China and who put Mao into power. Mao was just a figurehead of the jewish advisors he had and to this day China has a very cozy relationship with Israel because they are still run by them.

The Chinese are fond of the jews, look up what they have to say about them, even though the Chinese should hate the jews because of the flood of opium in their country by the hands of jews, the opium wars started by the jews and the communist revolution orchastrated by the jews. Obviously they are being exposed to pro-jew propaganda while at the same time the facts about jewish history in China is being suppresed which indicates significant jewish influence in the chinese media and academia.

They own that country, it is just not as obvious as it is with the U.S.

Civil_Warrior ago

I know they own canada but china has no holocaust guilt and jews cant shapeshift yellow so good

worldofmadness ago

Oh yes they can, Look up Kaifeng jews. You can bet a lot of chinese government officials in high positions are cryptos.

Civil_Warrior ago

worldofmadness ago

yes, that's just low-level jews, what's your point? Even in Bolshevik Russia during the hayday of jewish rule, some low-level jews were persecuted as well, lost their land and businesses to the jewish controlled communist government.

Civil_Warrior ago

Those are the only jews in china.


Gringojones ago

How do you misspell hilarious as racist. Spellcheck maybe?

mrgreenjeans9 ago


Norm85 ago

This is one my chinese colleagues taught me: 黑色人都是傻屄!

BentAxel ago

How is it racist? Is this Racist? No. Its just coincidental that the owners look like their dogs. Can we help it if the boy on the left looks like an angry Chimp?

FloridaGuy ago

I'm starting to like those Chinks.

Gargilius ago

The funny thing IMHO is that such juxtaposition is only racist to whoever holds racist prejudices - would they have made the same comment had the picture shown some white folks next to apes? nope, they never complained about Dian Fossey pictures for instance (that I know of); reminds me a bit about the uproar that star trek triggered when they first introduced the Ferengi :-)

puggy ago

remember when the left constantly pictured Bush as a monkey and no one cared?

YamaMaya ago

I member

AndrewBlazeIt ago


Windmill_of_Peace ago

I wonder if this is the same Alex Linder from VNN Forum.

OccularIrritant ago

Well, they're not wrong.

poopdawg15 ago

(((Linder))) is the name of a top Bolshevik if you ctrl + f here: http://mailstar.net/wilton.html

cishetwhitemale ago

very chimp-like hand movement

FH_Rileys_MaitreD ago


con77 ago

holy shit! You win the internet for the day!

Civil_Warrior ago

They are just like us

uvulectomy ago

That picture's not entirely accurate. An antifa wench would be 250lbs minimum.

theoldones ago

i love the smell of offended niggers in the morning.

Civil_Warrior ago

Butt, do you really like the smell!??

zit ago

I hope he was joking. Niggers have a peculiar smell, and they said its from coconut-vanilla scented hair relaxer products. Even male niggers relax their hair.

The products to relax nigger hair in Wal-Marts that bother carrying them, are easy to spot : they are the only ones hidden behind security plexiglass cases to prevent theft.

Its only black products in the case, and many lawsuits were over the fact that its only black hair relaxers!


Civil_Warrior ago

Why did God make niggers smell so bad??

So blind people could hate them too!!

performance ago

Oh it won't be niggers that are offended. It would be SJW whites. Niggers know exactly what they are.

NeverRealNames ago

White women to be exact. The literal downfall of the white race.

YamaMaya ago

Saying "nigger" sets off the chimpout program in your average negro.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

But the smell of long pig roasting is even better

theoldones ago

oh hello again, person whose head i live in rent-free.

you have been visited by the ghost of immigration and customs enforcement

performance ago

Racist only means you notice things.

Lucky12B ago

Looks like an ad for ancestry.com

Enchanted ago

Really? I would have just thought it was an eharmony matchup.

GritD2 ago

After I stop laughing I'm gonna downvoat you. Or not. My attention span is really sho-

thelma ago

Looks like same pic .. just a bit of different lighting.

Smallest_Skil ago

Thats just wrong, those chimps are not niggers. They should not degrade the monkeys.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Africans stole the land from Chimpanzees and owe reparations.

LightestHour ago


Smallest_Skil ago

BoBo dindo nuffin ;)

A_Clockwork_Kubrick ago

Amy from Congo claims he raped her.

ShreksAssholeIsHoly ago

My man i was about to updog but then i saw the iFunny Watermark thats a nono i have morals

Civil_Warrior ago

Give my internet dollars to a nigger that's how niggers make money. Gibs .

2Pac4FamilyGuy ago

dumm monkey dont even pay taxes lo. fuk niggers

TheTrigger ago

That's a fucking work of art, right there.

con77 ago


PHXSunlight ago

Yeah, Chimpanzees don't steal your car, mug you, or break into your home. They also don't whine and incessantly accuse you of racism while demanding endless gibs.

LightestHour ago

IIRC, gorillas are capable of stealing hubcaps, so it's a close run.

The_Ghost ago

That’s only because we don’t allow chimps to live among us.

TheKalergiFan ago

Aw dude niggers and chimps are both equally shitty

Smallest_Skil ago

ya know Coco the gorilla had a higher IQ than most niggers. Like seriously Coco was tested to be 85-95 IQ compared to human (white) at 100 so not bad.

The average nigger in the USA is 75-80. So yea the only reason niggers are not in zoos is because they have semi-human vocal cords and can get a basic grasp on human language. Without the vocal cords, niggers would not even be pets.

shmuklidooha ago

I think Coco's IQ was tested using a children's test, so it's held to a lower standard than a regular test.

475677 ago

It's not the vocal cords or ability to speak in general. We marvel at parrots that can understand and talk back to us. What it is is a lack of body fur. If they were covered in fur like the other apes we'd fully put down their actions to their animalistic nature but because they're hairless like us and we can breed with them we consider them underfunded humans.

Smallest_Skil ago


idle_voating ago

Since the chimps can do sign language I think that they can grasp human languages. They just don't have the vocal equipment for it and their command of sign language is limited because their hands have less dexterity than a human's.

Smallest_Skil ago

Bingo. The gorillas are more like us than people want to believe. truth be known they would be better neighbors then niggers :)

Wapchinkqk ago

Harambe's legacy at work

Octoclops ago

You'd have to be completely ignorant of Chinese culture to think this is racist. Kind of ironic really.

Civil_Warrior ago

Racism is the idea that one race is superior to another race. The Chinese are brutally racist, god bless their yellow midget asses.

curiouserdude ago

Well they look up to Jews actually. They call the Hakka people "The Jews of the Asia". Have I created a disruption in the great race debate of Voat!!?

Civil_Warrior ago

And none of them are Jews. They got the nickname by being migrant workers.

GritD2 ago

Or muslims. Try and bring islam to china. Fukin smart Chinese. .

Enchanted ago

And then put them in their place.

Civil_Warrior ago

Which is manning the Chinese buffet or giving happy endings in massage parlors. And teach us (good)kungfu for free

One-Way_Bus ago

Oh I once saw a mural of what Chinese think of Africans mid-2000 in central China. The artwork was hilarious and yet spot on. Niggers with plates in their mouths, neck hoops and mud huts.

DrHatchetWound ago

Reminds me of this vid that I will never not laugh at, I lose it at the tapping on the glass every time "sup guuuurrll, hay gurrll" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqsBhE5QmF4

Civil_Warrior ago

That's why I don't go to black clubs They don't have the decency to use the glass wall.