Scablifter ago

What 13th C chronicle was this? He don't say that do he? Its 300 years to late anyway, Alfred the Great got rid of the Danes in 900 odd, way before the Normans screwed Britain over.

Drunkenst ago

Self sustaining feedback loop - took better care of themselves, got more pussy. No fools them old horn hat wearing white boys.

ShitPostMcGee ago

They were niggers with ships.

The negro spends way too much time and effort on his hair and clothes as well, which leads to him stealing from those better off.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

old europe being full of savages and rapists is a lie.

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Othmar_Regin ago

So the "myth" of the clean Pagan and the dirty Christian is true after all!

ShakklezthaKlown ago

christians did to the pagans what islam is now doing to christianity

Othmar_Regin ago

They where at least 10x worse but only because they could, if Muslims get their way they will catch up eventually

wt1984yb ago

Wotan mitt uns.

Lucidboss ago

Most of the English women are not attractive here in Nigeria.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

inb4 the pagan circlejerk

oops, too late

Lucidboss ago

This comes very helpfully to me. But on like Africa where you see an English woman being the stereotype ones, not quite an easy touching.

hallmack ago

Yes, i agree with you. but this could have not being possible if they had dark skin

Lucidboss ago

Nicely talked!

LightningAndTheSun ago

Always remember that the Jews love when you deny your real (pagan) heritage and instead worship Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef instead.

Jews may say they hate Christ and Christians, but when did you ever trust what they say? It's the heritage-conscious pagan they fear.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

death to the Nazarene meme. for the memory of the old gods.

Zoldam ago

A majority of European history we are taught is a lie.

TheKingAndTheLandR1 ago

Because they didnt bother much with written records suprisingly little is known of Viking's daily life, usually descriptions came from their enemies. Just about the only account that wasnt was by a traveling Muzzy Ahmad ibn Fadlan. Nearly all movies pay some tribute to his writings which have led to our modern perception of them.

At heart they were craftsman and farmers, that's why they favourded the battle axe. Take a look at the axe skill here:

I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy; they wear neither tunics nor kaftans, but the men wear a garment which covers one side of the body and leaves a hand free. Each man has an axe, a sword, and a knife, and keeps each by him at all times. Each woman wears on either breast a box of iron, silver, copper, or gold; the value of the box indicates the wealth of the husband. Each box has a ring from which depends a knife. The women wear neck-rings of gold and silver. Their most prized ornaments are green glass beads. They string them as necklaces for their women. Ibn Fadlan, on the Rus merchants at Itil, 922.'s_account

Ibn Fadlān says that if a poor man dies, his fellows build a small boat into which they put the body, before setting it on fire. He then gives a detailed account of the burial he witnessed of a great man. In such a case, Ibn Fadlān says that a third of his wealth is inherited by his family, a third pays for the funeral clothes, and a third pays for nabīdh (an alcoholic drink) to be drunk at the cremation.[24][20]

The dead chieftain was put in a temporary grave with nābidh, fruit, and a drum, which was covered for ten days until they had sewn new clothes for him. Ibn Fadlān says that the dead man's family ask his slave girls and young slave boys for a volunteer to die with him; "usually, it is the slave girls who offer to die".[25] A woman volunteered and was continually accompanied by two slave girls, daughters of the Angel of Death, being given a great amount of intoxicating drinks while she sang happily. When the time had arrived for cremation, they pulled his boat ashore from the river and put it on a platform of wood.[26][20]

They made a richly furnished bed for the dead chieftain on the ship. Thereafter, an old woman referred to as the "Angel of Death" put cushions on the bed. Then they disinterred the chieftain and dressed him in the new clothes. The chieftain was sat on his bed with nābidh, fruit, basil, bread, meat, and onions about him.[27][20]

Then they cut a dog in two and threw the halves into the boat, and placed the man's weapons beside him. They had two horses run themselves sweaty, cut them to pieces, and threw the meat into the ship. Finally, they killed two cows, a hen and a cock, and did the same with them.[27][20]

Meanwhile, the slave girl went from one tent to the other and had sexual intercourse with the master of each. Every man told her: "Tell your master that I have done this purely out of love for you."[15] In the afternoon, they moved the slave girl to something that looked like a door frame, where she was lifted on the palms of the men three times. Every time, the girl told them what she saw. The first time, she saw her father and mother, the second time, she saw all her deceased relatives, and the third time she saw her master in Paradise. There, it was green and beautiful and together with him, she saw men and young people. She saw that her master beckoned for her. Then she was brought a chicken which she decapitated, and which was then thrown on the boat.[28][20]

Thereafter, the slave girl was taken away to the ship. She removed her bracelets and gave them to the old woman. Thereafter she removed her anklets and gave them to the old woman's two daughters. Then they took her aboard the ship, but they did not allow her to enter the tent where the dead chieftain lay. The girl received several vessels of intoxicating drinks and she sang, before the old woman urged her to enter the tent. "I saw that the girl did not know what she was doing", notes Ibn Fadlān.[29][20]

Then the girl was pulled into the tent by the old woman and the men started to beat on their shields with sticks so her screams could not be heard. Six men entered the tent to have intercourse with the girl, after which they laid her onto her master's bed beside him. Two men grabbed her hands, and two men her wrists. The angel of death looped a rope around her neck and while two men pulled the rope, the old woman stabbed the girl between her ribs with a knife.[30][20]

Thereafter, the closest male relative of the dead chieftain walked backwards, naked, covering his anus with one hand and a piece of burning wood with the other, and set the ship aflame, after which other people added wood to the fire. An informant explained to Ibn Fadlān that the fire expedites the dead man's arrival in Paradise, by contrast with Islamic practices of inhumation.[31][20]

Afterwards, a round barrow was built over the ashes, and in the centre of the mound they erected a post of birch wood, where they carved the names of the dead chieftain and his king. Then they departed.[32][33]

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Wow. Even modern blacks aren't that savage and stupid.

friendshipistragic ago

Those whores

mother19 ago

yes its rAT

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Vidarr30000 ago

As a teenager vacationing on the beaches of Spain, we'd have a point system for women who'd you get to first, second base with (intricate system really but beyond this comment). Basicaly, Italian women scored the highest, because of their high moral standards. English women were scored at exactly 0. Which times the base you got to, would always result in 0.

CuntyLegbeard ago

Italian women scored the highest, because of their high moral standards


Zizara42 ago

To be fair, the sorts of English women you'd find on holiday in the beaches of Spain aren't exactly shining examples of the breed. I'm from the UK and there's a very specific set of stereotypes associated with the people who head to Spain each year, honestly I'm surprised you didn't award negative points for landing a chav.

Vidarr30000 ago

lol yeah true

StagOfMull ago

I lived in the UK for 5 years and most English women really aren't attractive

P33psh04h ago

I've noticed this. Probably due to thousands of years of inbreeding.

Zizara42 ago

It depends a lot on where you lived and what neighbourhoods you frequented in the UK while you were there.The British class system is still very much in place it's just subtle and not immediately obvious to foreigners - you're more likely to meet those on the lower end who can absolutely be goblins. Then again, I'm from Scotland where the Celtic and Nordic influences are far stronger and largely uninterrupted by migration etc, so maybe my perspective is skewed.

StagOfMull ago

I lived in Scotland specifically. Most attractive Scottish person I met was mostly Australian. And still she was like a 7 in the USA

Neon_Scrotum ago

A thing to be aware of is that for centuries the act of bathing was held in very low esteem by Christians because of the perceived depravity of the Romans, whose debauchery was associated with their lavish, decadent public baths.

NymphantTree ago

Nords be stylin on them brits.

Lucidboss ago

Well, it so unfortunate that the English women have been easy touching quite a few decades, with some fascinating fact involved.

hallmack ago

Great article, but most people will not come to terms that they it was civilized then than now

Merlynn ago

Once you begin to understand how the media lies to you,it's easy to begin questioning what else they might be lying about. Once I realized how much Odin and viking culture shapes the world,even to this day,you start to realize maybe the vikings weren't the horrible savages we keep getting shown. The angry negros on TV don't seem anything like the calm,quiet black people I see in real life. And,being a gamer,I've been personally lied about by the media.

In the end,nothing is as it seems on the Electric Jew.

Ocelot ago

The angry negros on TV don't seem anything like the calm,quiet black people I see in real life

Are you for real? Every nigger I see has a bestial glint in the eyes, and I can feel the uncertainty and instability in the air when I'm around them as when one is around an unpredictable dog.

Moreover, every negro I see on the Talmud Vision is cultured, intelligent, and manlier than the lowly whites on TV.

You sound like a nigger lover.

And,being a gamer,I've been personally lied about by the media.

>>>>identifying as a gamer

Merlynn ago

Nervous is not the same as "bestial". I've seen some crazy niggers but they're not like most. I also have no doubt niggers steal. I worked retail for a while and I've seen enough torn up packaging to know there's a lot of thieving fuckers. But at the same time,it could be scummy white people too.

In the end,most blacks seem like nice people going about their lives. So at the very least,they keep their shit bag tendencies out of sight. I realize a majority nigger area is probably very different,but at the same time,I wonder how much of that is media influence and how much is actually genetic. Also,there's some of these chimp out videos where the "horror of black violence" is overplayed.

And.knowing full well jews want a race war,it's hard to deny feeling like we're being manipulated.

I don't "identify" as anything. I am a gamer and I will ruin your asshole in any game you care to pick,faggot.

Zizara42 ago

Absolutely! Pisses me off to no end to hear people saying that the Pagan religions are dead and gone, because they simply aren't and still hold massive influence, and the only reason people say otherwise is due to propaganda that has become so commonplace that they won't question it even when the truth is staring them in the face.

It survives in 3 main forms: religious practices that have had "because JESUS" lazily slapped on top. Think celebrations like Christmas, Easter, and Halloween for the most obvious examples. The western conception of Christianity is far less "Christian than people believe - scratch the surface and you'll see paganism staring back at you in no time.

Others were recontextualized as folk tales about ancient kings and heroes who just so happened to have God like powers rather than being explicitly religious. Collections of myth like the Ulster cycle or Arthurian legend (which is especially interesting as it has actually gotten more pagan as time has passed), usually with some sort of prediction of the coming of Christianity tacked on as justification - ie some tellings of the end of ragnarok have pretty clearly been set up as a lead to Christian creation myths.

There are countless other smaller traditions that have survived just as "things people know" or do. In my country every year there's a big celebration where people build a Viking ship and burn it to celebrate the passing of winter, in Ireland many people will still refuse to pave over Faerie rings, in many Europen countries the tradition of whipping women with birch branches to imbue them with natures fertility in spring remains, on and on.

Merlynn ago

I think most people know about Christmas,Easter,and Halloween. More,the non-pagan holidays,like St. Patrick's Day and Thanksgiving,always feel a little tacked on or forced. They just aren't as robust and fleshed out.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

As a parting question to anyone reading this, ask yourself this: Why do people hang mistletoe? It's such an omnipresent and well known tradition that no Christmas scene is complete without it, but what reason would a good practicing Christian have for doing this? Why mistletoe specifically?

No Christian cares about mistletoe. And around here I hardly ever see it at Christmas time.


Teach me sensei, or link me to the best sites.

Zizara42 ago

take the vargpill

Varg knows his stuff about European Paganism in general (and there is a lot of crossover and blurring of the lines) but understandably he skews towards the traditions of his native Scandanavia. Understand that "Paganism" is a catch-all term encompassing all all traditional European religions/cultures that were not Christian, and that (speaking in broad terms) the Pagan religions are a sort of ancestor worship where the tales, philosophies, and religious practices all represent the combined wisdom of your forefathers. Not everyone has the same ancestors though so it's important you look in to the traditions of your people.

So for my part while I do read up on the other European cultures, being Scottish I'm primarily interested in the "celtic" traditions of Scotland, Ireland, and the British Isles as a whole. If you're interested then the best advice I can give is to start researching the traditions of your ancestors, the traditions that connect so deeply with you that they're imbedded in your blood. If like me your Celtic then engage with that part of your history (I can reccommend "Celtic Reconstructionism" and some books later if you like), if you're Scandanavian then research Odinism, Germans should research the Germanic tribes, Greeks should research Hellenism, etc.

One of the best ways to learn is in person - go to cultural festivals, try and get your hands on some traditional dresses of your people (if you're a woman you'll look stunning in them, trust me), learn from the people who have lived the traditions and kept them alive to pass on to people like you and I. Just engage with your roots in person! It's not enough to simply learn about them in theory - while books and scholars have their place they're often spectacularly biased in favour of Christianity and the modern culture.

StagOfMull ago

Were Christmas, Halloween and Easter literally pagan festivals from different areas that christianity adopted to convert people

Trousersnake1488 ago

See, all the black people I see in real life are like animals. But that's when I have to pass into the city.

Merlynn ago

Communism does terrible things to people.

Edenz ago

Austin Powers teeth

Gorillion ago

Vikings and Celts wore a lot of bright colors and bling. Spent a lot of time on their "dos".
Ran around in their sea hot-rods, with shields in place of shiny rims.
The image of freedom and adventure.

Meanwhile, regular Anglos played the "dress and behave" modestly, work hard, be respectful etc role.

Same shit, different era. And yes, it's female attraction to novelty, alpha swagger/narcissism and shiny things that damages the greater social stability required to build lasting civilizations.

This is why Vikings aren't around anymore, and the Eternal Anglo still is (...just).
Bad Boys don't build anything. They're glorified raiders of other's organized resources, not "rebels".
Of course they had time and energy to devote to dressing up like a metro-sexual medieval hipster faggot,
essentially old timey PUA "Peacocking", they didn't have jobs to hold down or civilizations to run.

icuntstopswearing ago

Brilliant analysis! The stalwarts got rid of the preeners...and thier nasty little protection racket - the Danegeld.

i_scream_trucks ago

This is why Vikings arent't around anyrmore, and the eternal Anglo still is

The Eternal anglo is very much viking, William the Conquerors people were the cousins of the Danes that they fought out of england.

Vikings didnt disappear, they evolved into the founders of or assimilated into almost every long running white sovereign nation you can think of.

DeadFox ago

A fellow Norman!

i_scream_trucks ago

Indeed :)

satisfyinghump ago

As many of us know, the image of.vikings in movies as unclean savages is bullshit. I rememeber watching a movie where vikings all used the same bowl of water to clean themselves in the morning, including spitting and cleaning their noses into it ans THEN washing their faces with it. No. That was not what happened.

apathy_meh ago

That was 13th Warrior; a good book but shit movie.

wt1984yb ago

That is an account from an Muslim historian actual. He also described a funeral by burning a woman alive in a Viking longboat. The story could very wel Ben accurate.

WhitePaladin ago

That was 13th viking,a good horror movie, but totally not historical accurate

apathy_meh ago

You misspelled shitty movie.

WhitePaladin ago

It wasnt that bad. In fact its a good no brain movie.

Talpiot_Bot ago

The 13th Warrior with Antonio Banderas lol

srgmpdns ago

The book, by Michael Crichton, was better and more plausible.

Vikings + 1 Arab vs. the last Neanderthal.

The movie was pretty much an abomination, but the book was a lot more historically grounded, describing the Viking settlements in the Slavic and Baltic areas.

Talpiot_Bot ago

Sounds pretty good

srgmpdns ago

Real title: Eaters of the Dead

Whiteflighter ago

They had their own version of clean.

Pretty sure that scene is more or less true, if you believe primary sources.

Whiteflighter ago

Those are Danes, and it's from the 13th century.

You are trash who doesn't know anything about anything.

Flour ago

tfw the dirty northerners are cleaner than the civilized Christcucks

i_scream_trucks ago

man even their pagan stuf still actually makes sense, thats the difference between christianity and some pagan religions, and the halfwits that come up with shit like aboriginal dreamtime stories.... most of the european stuff you can actually understand mostly how they came to the conclusions they did.

as an example... we think they were horrendous people for spreading crops with the blood from sacrificed animals just as much as they were horrified by people growing food with shit. Life of a living thing going into the ground where you want stuff to grow not only makes sense, buuuuuut... guess what blood and bone is.

Gopherurself ago

fuckn niggers

irelandLost ago

They spent months together in large groups on ships. Anyone who has even been on a week long sailing trip with all mod cons knows the importance of personal hygiene and hair care in such environments; even a dose of nits will spread through a naval crew like wildfire.

GrandNagus ago

Especially since they would be wearing fur and wool coats and blankets to not freeze to death. And as we know mites and all kinds of horrible shit tend to live in such natural clothing if it is not washed and cleaned regularly.

Muh-Shugana ago

Well, this does fuel my hypothesis that ancient nords were far more civilized then we are allowed to know, and that our history is even more full of lies than we already presume.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

they were. no need for a long winded wall of text to tell you that.

variable ago

It's a similar story regarding Neanderthals. Compared to Homo Sapiens, Neanderthals were way more civilized. They made jewelry, cared for the elderly, buried their dead, and used advanced tools for their age (Mousterian). I always found that kind of interesting.

squiremarcus ago

Seems the neanderthals main downfall had to do with their lack of tribalism. They we're family centric and lived in groups of 5-20. Whereas homo sapians traveled with their extended family, in groups of 100-500

Even though neanderthals we're smarter and stronger they were not as good at committing genocide.

VoatsNewfag ago

I can see some modern parallels.

squiremarcus ago

Then again maybe the documentary I watched was bullshit. Who knows

i_scream_trucks ago

the normans are where we get almost everything we are as europeans from.

  • Specially marked by cunning, despising their own inheritance in the hope of winning a greater, eager after both gain and dominion, given to imitation of all kinds, holding a certain mean between lavishness and greediness, that is, perhaps uniting, as they certainly did, these two seemingly opposite qualities. Their chief men were specially lavish through their desire of good report. They were, moreover, a race skillful in flattery, given to the study of eloquence, so that the very boys were orators, a race altogether unbridled unless held firmly down by the yoke of justice. They were enduring of toil, hunger, and cold whenever fortune laid it on them, given to hunting and hawking, delighting in the pleasure of horses, and of all the weapons and garb of war.

Goffredo Malaterra, 11th Century Monk and Historian.

Scablifter ago

The Normans were hated by the rest of what is now France, they were forced into Brittany and would have dissapeared from history if they hadn't invaded Britain. They bought the English class system into being which is still here to this day and carved the country up into fiefdoms run by rich families who still do this. The Cecils, The Howards, The Grosvenors and others of that ilk.

capcapcap ago

It is not like they were conquered and their history erased. Ton of the things written from year 800 has survived until today (they didn't have paper so they wrote on skin that has survived to this day with the writing intact). So I am not sure exactly what advancements they could have made that we don't know about, and how come we don't know about it if we have all of them books from their time.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

i wonder what kind of ideology would remove so much "blasphemous" history from the record...?