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whiteshower ago

If they weren't allowed back I would literally donate for them to go.

lanre ago

Yeah, it would still be unjust to make us pay for it but I honestly wouldn't mind. Would save so much in the long run. Have you ever lived in an area without them? It's amazing, like it's a completely different world.

Shotinthedark ago

I love it here. Where few niggers are.

lanre ago

Sometimes I think we should all declare on the census that we're black now with black kids. Then when the next incarnation of Obama tries to dump Somalis in our islands of normalcy they won't know where to.

Shotinthedark ago

Maybe if we erase them as a minority the gibs will dry up.

lanre ago

Well unfortunately you'd be fighting against the Mexicans, the Jews, the Indians, the Arabs, the Blacks, and most importantly, the majority of whites if you tried that so it doesn't seem very feasible.

whiteshower ago

I have lived without them. It was great. You almost forget how bad they are and then you'd see one acting like a monkey and it would all come back. Now I have man around. Some are perfectly nice but overall I'd prefer to avoid them.

lanre ago

Literally my first day back around some of them I saw one chimp out. It's amazing. Sad thing is, I've met too many people in these societies that would throw it all away. The women are convinced they have bigger sicks so they're fascinated by them, and some men would throw away their own culture and intelligence to act like a gangbanger.