Tranix ago

except the terrorist said that memes caused it

Baconmon ago

More like: Now: Free speech caused the shooting! We have to ban free speech now!
It will never be blamed on the endless floods of forced invaders violently trying to replace the white race..

LDIP ago

Our "leaders" caused the shooting

Crikes ago

It's because we sincerely argue with their pretenses. If we settled the matter, saying nothing but freedom matters, and you can love it or leave it, they'd stop manipulating us.

Those who give up essential liberty for the illusion of security deserve neither liberty nor security, and end up with neither.

Sell your statist bullshit elsewhere!

As long as you are distracted by their pretenses, they'll continue to use them.

bruce1337 ago

Don't tread on memes!

iLuvJews ago

To be fair, look at the people who spend the most time playing video games.

Fat soy boys who virtue signal because they're become retarded beta cucks who watch too much porn.

Like me.

Scornful_One ago

Slightly unrelated, but it has to be said. After a new round of political censorship due to the NZ shooter, I'm back on Voat. I created an account a couple of years ago, but I had completely forgotten about it. It's great to be back. Voat is a breath of fresh air, memes and all.

purplebandit3001 ago

lol they banned /r/DoomEternalOfficial

jollux ago

yeah why

jewsbadnews ago


ronis_yorgos ago

Doom could be seen as a prophecy.

Hell in Earth ( or Mars, if you prefer), humanity on the brink of destruction.

Doom guy is /ourguy/.

Snoobia ago

He does take down all those dirty immigrants from hell.

ronis_yorgos ago

You're God damn right.

Just imagine a new Doom, with this slogan:

The Doom Guy. Killing undocumented migrants from hell since 1993.

Snoobia ago

Don’t get my hopes up now.

StandswithanAR ago

And a video caused Benghazi.

FreedomAboveAll ago

Anything but the real source will get blamed, as long as it means they can ban whatever is bad for (((them))).

iLuvJews ago

Mumbleberry is one of the many disinfo agents who've infiltrated this site and trying to shut it down sadly, as he helped do with WPD here when he's not on reddit, trying to ban/silence people.

Mumbleberry ago

Deleted his request to mod v/stonetoss , couldn't handle getting called a faggot for begging for ccp.

DeadFox ago

You're a subversive kike.

Mumbleberry ago

And you are roadkill.

fartyshorts ago

We can trace it all back to this one political cartoon from back in the day

KEVDOG77 ago

Looks like white privilege to me...

jewsbadnews ago

Long nose tribe poison land, no more food! Grug's tribe starve!

gazillions ago

evil patriarchal cave men. That's why women should everything. So everyone will stave to death and they can be raped to death.