dp007since09 ago

Made me smile.

LettItBurn ago

...subscribed to v/johnnyrei now.

Godspeed in your endeavors.

johnnyrei ago

Hey! Thanks a million! Have a great weekend!

praump ago

Technically the first question would be "Where is the emergency?"

green_man ago

I left my dog in a locked room once, the bastard literally put a hole in the drywall trying to get out. I believe it was thunder that spurred this behavior. There were 2x4s on the other side of the drywall so he didn't get far, but he made a valiant effort to get out. He's a determined bastard, so I got him a nice metal kennel in which he has no chance of escape. Problem solved.

thelma ago

Replace "dog" with "imprisoned women in my basement" and I know what you mean !

Thingsarenotfriendly ago

Happens all the time!

thelma ago

That's what you get following the "Feminist Meeting Calling for Mens' Destruction-This Way" signs.

Thingsarenotfriendly ago

Lol true

16828600? ago

You too!?

eongoat ago

That have these vests called thunder vests (thunder shirt/anxiety vest) that are supposed to keep dogs afraid of lightning calm. Friends tried it and it seems to work

green_man ago

I got him a thunder shirt because I didn't want to spend the money on a kennel that would actually contain him, it didn't work. Honestly there isn't a replacement for a metal box kennel.

eongoat ago

yeah theyre not 100% effective

CharismaticWeirdo ago

Those vest work wonders IME. Had a former stray that would shit, vomit and shake during thunder storms but between the vest and a dark kennel with a towel for a door she would just chill.

wonderful_ ago

I’m on it Ruff!