templurker ago

Faggot meme

Fullmetal ago


templurker ago

Your faggity post is promoting whoreism you kike.

Fullmetal ago

Jelly over pussy?

Sorry you're not getting any, but tearing other men down won't improve your life. Nor will it get you laid.

templurker ago

I'm happily married. Getting pussy is what weak ass men inffluenced by the kikes focus. And your post is kike to it's core.

Your post doesn't bring anyone real happiness in life.

You failed to bring the right message. Take accountability and accept or be a kike.

shitstartercarter ago

God I want a family so bad, why do all the women I meet seem to not want one or are whores? It seems they all want to ride the cock carousel until they're 30 or so then want to settle down. Sorry not going for that. No way I'd ever think of having a kid with a woman I know has been around an insane number of partners.

Fullmetal ago

No way I'd ever think of having a kid with a woman I know has been around an insane number of partners

You're an incel dumb-ass.

shitstartercarter ago

So you'd settle down and have a child with a women with such little self control that she has had dozens of sexual partners? I think that's a great idea if you want a whore as a mother who will rape you for child support or alimony.

Fullmetal ago

A woman can't make you cum if she doesn't know what she's doing.

prairie ago

Alternate unfolding:

3rd panel: she's died in her house and her pets are around her like they love her

4th panel: pets are eating her flesh.

xenoPsychologist ago

women never have to be alone. they choose to be alone.

Anson ago

So feminists should value sex over anythign else.

I feel like this contradicts another narrative being ran at the same time

keksupreme ago

they are lesbians....obviously

Anson ago

Then i re-submit to you my original comment

So feminists should value sex over anythign else?

(with period changed to question mark)

keksupreme ago

the point is that they cannot appeal to anyone because they are unnatractive and mean.

what they want or value is irrelevant because they cannot get what they want...which is ehy they become lesbians

Anson ago

the point is that they cannot appeal to anyone because they are unnatractive and mean.

So they should value sex over all else and feel bad because the couple is going to have sex and is therefore succeeding in life, because sex is how one should measure their worth.

Is that right?

keksupreme ago

no it's a realistic depiction of their despicable, sad social lives.

nice try jew shill though.

the most realistic would be her being a fat lesbian with another and them both not wanting sex because of how disgusting both of them are though

Anson ago

I think the average onlooker is not receiving the message you think

nice try jew shill though.

Are you crying out in pain as you strike me?

keksupreme ago

the message they should be getting is that you have nothing to respond with and you are a crybaby jew shill, crying for feminism.

the only savior for your pathetic globalist agenda which we all know is doomed to failure at this point

Anson ago

That's really cool

keksupreme ago

typical infantile feminist response....feminism is indefensible so they have nothing to do but cry

Sosacms ago

If feminists looked like they characters they draw themselves as, they wouldn't be single.

satisfyinghump ago

I would have made two more panels where the lonely feminist first yells at the pets "let's go fuck!!!" And the 2nd one shows them scampering away leaving her alone. Lol.

CrudOMatic ago

Now I feel bad.

tokui ago

We all know what white wamen do with their dogs behind closed doors.

CrudOMatic ago

We all know what arabs do with their goats out in the open.

bbqchipz ago

The couple needs about 100 more tattoos and the "feminist" needs to call them degenerate pieces of shit while she's waiting to find someone that will actually love and care for her.

keksupreme ago

i think you mean the exact opposite about thr tatoos.

also she has her fat lesbian fuck buddy that smells like diarhea and cheese i'm pretty sure

bbqchipz ago

Either context is bad. People parading around their ability to get laid because some people prefer to have meaningful relationships is bad.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

This looks like it was actually made by a woman

a_random_sith ago

This needs the 2nd image.

hankylanky ago

Just replace the feminist character with the average Voat user and this is set on.

keksupreme ago

replace the feminist with the average jew paod to post on voat by soros

CrudOMatic ago

Voat users wouldn't have a cat. Fake news.

Tranix ago

Shoulda drawn her fatter/uglier

MarauderShields ago

Wrong message.

I get it's just a meme, but hear me out.

The bonus for not being a feminist is family, a strong honest and hardworking man who loves you, cares for you, puts dinner on the table and puts babies in you.

The "let's go fuck" is for whores, or on occasion you and your wife when you're both in the mood and she likes to be called those naughty names.

Deathperception ago

A state approved relationship? Or can me& my fuckbuddy jump a broom or sumpin'?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago


draaaak ago

To be fair, you can't make a family without fucking.

Broc_Lia ago

True, but it probably shouldn't be the core of a marriage. If it is, that's not going to last long.

Fullmetal ago

This is true.

C_Corax ago

If you walk through life without doing at least a few stupid and careless things you'll have learned nothing!

Besides you don't throw a Stradivarius in the trashbin just because it shows sign of use. It all depends on the original value of the source material and what condition it is in now. Some start out with a better hand than others and some make sure to throw it away faster too. Such is life.

MarauderShields ago

Doing stupid things is a god given right. However it is surviving mistakes that triggers learning, not wantonly doing stupid things. Repeating stupid actions is what wins stupid prizes.

altident ago

The mentality and trustworthiness of a Stradivarius isn't very often correlated with the number of times it's been used, though. People don't hate on women for the sole fact that they've fucked a lot of guys, it's that women who have fucked a lot of guys tend to be the worst type of long-term partners.

Phantom42 ago

Such a weak position...

CrudOMatic ago

The guy searching for the perfect tradwife is just like the beta orbiter searching for 8/10 qt3.14 who would actually lower her standards for him. You're gonna have a hard time.

Just because it's been taken out of the package don't mean it is all used up. Remember - the former prostitutes of the Weimar Republic rediscovered dignity & decency under Hitler's Germany.

Phantom42 ago

Guess I'm dying alone then. Fuck it.

I'd rather not be guilty of bringing a kid into this hellhole anyway.

CrudOMatic ago

Just because a woman has seen a penis before doesn't mean she's useless. If cavemen had that same attitude, there would be no human race.

Phantom42 ago

Yes... Well, we aren't cavemen savages now are we?

Thousands of years of evolution. I do not ask, but expect, far better.

CrudOMatic ago

No, I'm just saying that your great x148,800 grandmother probably had little tread left on the tires.

MrDarkWater ago

Statistics argue against risking the used violin if your goal is to be with that violin and only that violin and raise a bunch of smaller violins for life.

Gigglestick ago

Holy shit.

petevoat ago

Feminist probably fuck their pets you know

Pronebone45 ago

How weird that you get a downvoat for saying the same thing the top comment is implying. Faggots gonna fag I guess.

Argle_Bargle1 ago

The Shilling is rampant today.

CrudOMatic ago

I didn't know we were all feminists here.

Fuck_SRS ago

Real feminists look like they ate six or seven of that girl, and are way more manly looking.

truthwoke33 ago

Skinny white cute with no tie dye hair? Only one cat? This is so innacurate.

facepaint ago

Twist-Ending: Feminist went and fucked too.


Pronebone45 ago

I know her. This one cuts me deep.

draaaak ago

Because she is you?

Pronebone45 ago

Shit I wish. Itd be easier than paying alimony to 2 ex-wives.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Holy shit, that's back from 2016.

CrudOMatic ago

Is that the real Murdoch Chan or just a random internet picture?

BoomTune ago

Can't say for sure, but here's another one: https://twitter.com/SladeWilson85/status/1096617631816261633

It's too bad I can't download these.

BoomTune ago