WickedVocalist ago

Men are born with hair on their face. They don't need to shave it, chop off their hair, and have eczema on their face to impress you and your cuck mormon slut daughters.

ichlibejuice ago

If you're still on facebook, you're a fucking idiot.

stealthninjataliban ago

I neither shave nor have a FB account.

webster_warrior ago

Real men don't do Faceboook.

bourbonexpert ago

Is this real? How the fuck is that hate speech in the slightest.

hillbilly_guy ago

Don't have a FB, never did, never will.

erricravi ago

real ?

satisfyinghump ago

Danielle sounds like the kind of woman who yells at the kids to get under their beds and then gets the 2nd shotgun and quietly comes to meet you in the hallway, and waits with you to defend your home.

Broc_Lia ago

My kinda woman

AmaleksHairyAss ago

There is nothing funny about this.

HenryCabotLodge ago

I dropped FB over a year ago. Do not miss the drama. Sometimes miss the ease of connection. It RUINED the Internet.

Hand_of_Node ago

Imagine thinking faceberg users could ever be anything but the excess population that needs to go.

recon_johnny ago

Already have.

darkb ago


Doglegwarrior ago

When are they going to get off facebook get to the gym go to the gun range go for a job lift some weights and put on orange vest and start protesting the fucking jews trying to destroy america? Is that what you meant by leave facebook!???

Frostgrip ago

"Men are the protectors" has been labeled "biological determinism", or a cultural construct because, apparently a 120lb women with weak bones, wide hips that can't run shoulders that can't lift, climb or throw, high emotional nueroticism and a host of other genetic traits is just sexism. Hence...."hate speech".

Warm up the ovens, and load your rifles. The time is coming, especially if The Left gains power in 2020.

WickedVocalist ago

You need to compare the first portion of the last sentence in your statement and the end of your sentence and determine why it is the right won't acknowledge you except as an agitator.

Frostgrip ago

Don't be such a puss.

You don't speak for "The Right"


I threw out my mach 3 this morning. and bought a bic. Those feminist cunts can get fucked.

Broc_Lia ago

I got rid of Mach 3 years ago, they're honestly not amazing razors, and way too expensive. I found that I was reluctant to throw them out once they got blunt because they cost so much, and even after one use they'd clog up with hair no matter how much I rinsed them.

Have you tried using a double edge razor (aka safety razor)? They're really cheap and give you an amazing shave with the right blades. Plus the blades cost a cent each if you buy them in bulk, so you could use a new one every shave if you wanted.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Figured this out 20 years ago (though the Mach did not exist then).


Haven't yet. Will consider it. thanks.

Acerphoon ago

I am kind of disappointed that the comments became so weak. When it still had around a million views, most people were attacking jews and niggers.
Talking about crime statistics by the FBI and which race is the most criminal.

It looks like once again the Civ-nat cucks took over and now it's this watered down, extremely lame criticism.
They now control the opposition on the youtube video for the most part.

ALIENS2222 ago

There are no men on Facebook. Only Nonbinary Otherkin.

obvious-throwaway- ago

What's Gillette? Is that like Blockbuster or Digg?

Valkaria ago

Facebook needs to go to the supreme court for censorship. The more open a company is to the public, the more constitutional rights people invited in are allowed to have.

In Marsh Vs Alabama "The State attempted to analogize the town's rights to the rights of homeowners to regulate the conduct of guests in their home. The Court rejected that contention, noting that ownership "does not always mean absolute dominion." The court pointed out that the more an owner opens his property up to the public in general, the more his rights are circumscribed by the statutory and constitutional rights of those who are invited in."

They should legally have no right to censor people's freedom of speech.

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah... that ruling was also bullshit. The idea that property rights vanish if you get popular is just another marxist attack on independence.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Evil WANTS to outlaw hate. That is your ONLY (biblical) resistance to evil. It would FORCE you to tolerate it. The Bible is about good and evil AND you have to CHOOSE between them. HATE is part of the Bible:

Psalms 139 v19-24


God hated Esau IN THE WOMB (Jacob's twin brother). Because Esau (presumably) did not CARE about his heritage OR God.

RampancyLambentRaven ago












Broc_Lia ago

Why steam and valve?

99887766 ago

Fuck them Gillette cunts. I will never own another one of their products

ArcAngel ago

class action law suit time

Crackrocknigga ago

At this point the government needs to step in. We can say all these wonderful flowery things about lolbitarianism and rights of private companies, but the fact is this goes beyond simply business.

Facebook is deeply intwined in American culture and beliefs now, and they have a responsibility to allow free speech without manipulation.

Just like it is illegal for news agencies to publish slander, it should be illegal for social media to delete opinions they don't agree with.

These Jews must be reigned in forcibly. In a post 9/11 world, we live in a country of authoritarianism, so the legal precedent is set. We need a 21st century Kristallnacht to preserve the American way of life before international jewery delivers the death blow.

KrugOfTheHillPeople ago

... we live in a country of authoritarianism [government?] ... [rewind] At this point the government needs to step in.

E: Have to add this, do you not think between about 1700 and 1910 our society was "lolbitarianism"-oriented?

Systems don't magically work. lolbitarianism would not work in Somalia, or any part of Africa. It needs a successful tradition and culture (among other things) to ramp up the initiative, production, and wealth of the society. All that is lost now in America, and so while I realize lolbitarianism is the best, it cannot work in the current world environment, except maybe some Slavic states, and even that is questionable.

Crackrocknigga ago

Absolutely libertarianism can work in a homogeneously white society. However, most libertarian answers to immigration are laughable. They propose open borders and to allow millions of darkies to flood our society. Lolibitarians also refuse to address the JQ and think the "market" will take care of them.

The fact is, we need a little bit of authoritarian elements to protect ourselves from outsiders. Jews and Mexicans only want to take, which is harmful for any country.

KrugOfTheHillPeople ago

Agree with almost everything you just wrote. Minimal degrees of differences.

E: Actually, my main point of contention is "most libertarian[s]" ... all the libertarians I meet in real life are not like that, even with the JQ. Only on TV / cable and the Internet do I find these weird libertarians.

HellaRich ago

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Imgur can all burn in hell. Am I missing anyone?

Broc_Lia ago


Dark_Shroud ago

What's App, Snap Chat, Kik, & Mastodon now that a good amount of fags, trannies, and furries ran there from Twitter.

basser151 ago

I wish I could just copy and paste that on my shit

ViperCarbz ago

Pick up a safety razor, a brush, and some shave soap. Blades cost a few cents.

Napierdalator ago

If you faggots don't want to spend on a good DE razor right away, get the cheap black plastic wilkinson DE razor that comes packaged with 5 blades – it's considered a good piece to learn (and as a backup razor).

Hand_of_Node ago

a brush, and some shave soap

What would be the reason for not shaving in the shower? Infrequent showers, but still needing to shave for some reason? Or maybe a tiny shower that's dark, and no room for a shower mirror? It's mystifying.

Broc_Lia ago

Seconded. I have a beard now, but back when I was shaving that was the single best decision I made.

Pwning4Ever ago

Just today just switched Deodorant brands.

Was using Gillette, not sure if there was better shit out there but i didn't give a damn enough to Try out different crap. Fuck you Gillette. "Real men" have "Real Jobs" with "Real Money".

Dark_Shroud ago

For shaving cream try a can of Barbasol from the dollar store. If you prefer gel give Edge a try.

Two good deodorant options: Ban (owned by Kao) and Tom's of Maine (owned by Colgate-Palmolive), who also make some of the Emric's Essentials products including deodorant & toothpaste.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Just use some 'deep woods off' on the pits. That aughta werk?

ArcAngel ago

hoppes #9 nitro-solve.. if girl knows what it is.. shes a keeper

Pwning4Ever ago

The point of Deodorant is to help you get girls, not sure how a spray specifically made to deter blood sucking parasites will help me with that.

Hand_of_Node ago

The point of Deodorant is: To prevent body odor caused by the bacterial breakdown of perspiration in armpits, feet, and other areas of the body.

ArcAngel ago

it keeps the blood sucking parasites away... duh!

Pwning4Ever ago

I don't think it's possible to keep the government away

ArcAngel ago

i was speakig about thots...

foxtrot45 ago

Try removing facebook from your phone. If its a newer Android there is 3 facebook apps installed. There was a post on voat a couple hours ago with guy removing a rfid tag from his battery. Just about every reply on that post was completely wrong. Most where calling it nfc chip, or a wireless battery charger. That is how stupid 99.9% of men are with tech.

Broc_Lia ago

Why the heck would there be an RFID chip in your battery? Is it for stock tracking?

I have an old android with no sim card for an extremely limited number of uses. I feel no need to buy a newer one. My regular phone with a sim card is a nokia featurephone.

foxtrot45 ago

yes, most likely used for inventory or tracking during manufacturing. In fact newer cars have several rfid tags installed from the plant. Door panels, seats, etc.

rorRIMIRror ago

Facebook is great for boomers that consume a steady diet of fake news.

bloodguard ago

Can't drop what you've never picked up.

Logwarrior ago

I dropped Facebook 6 months ago, and never looked back.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

I here never trumpers talking politics.. my next question is how long have been using Facebook?. Almost 100% admit using Facebook.

Themooninthesky ago

And that was written by a woman. FB is totally fucking stupid in every aspect and mark zuckerfag is a billionaire. I hope the twins from Harvard take him out.

NassTee ago

I hope a sniper takes him out.

WickedVocalist ago

I hope the SEC or the IRS does it.

And I fucking hate the IRS.

HeavyBrain ago

It would be a wast aslong we don't know wtf that creature is and how to hurt it.

N0_NaMe_NoSNaM_aNoN ago

"Gillette! The best a Cuck can get! (If he could shave!)" New tag line - "Gillette! Why not shave, whilst he's Fucking your wife!?!?"

WickedVocalist ago

Low T dudes need to try and compete..

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

That's "Shill-et ... ".

N0_NaMe_NoSNaM_aNoN ago

Or is it.... "Too many Cucks, Spoil the Shaving Cream" "Too many Cucks, Spoil the froth"

muffalettadiver ago

The war is against white christian men. White christian men need to start fighting back. Against (((who))) though?

obamasinIaden ago

rhymes with "who"

jewsbadnews ago

Wow, this is fucked.

sbt2160p ago

but is it real?

Butterbread ago

Does it really matter? Facebook is shit

moviefreak ago

...signing on the dotted line to become members of the United States military? No thank you. I don't want to lick jew ass.

HillBoulder ago

I deleted that shit 2 months ago precisely because of shit just like this. Meanwhile, the african American defense league page openly calls for the murder of whites and never gets banned.

bagano1 ago

Facebook and Twitter declared war against their users. They are fucked.

Broc_Lia ago

Their users are the deep state. They declared war on their products and presumably forgot we were listening.

Bfwilley ago

goatmensch ago

She was quite respectful of men though.

Broc_Lia ago

Exactly, and that's considered hatespeech on zuckbook.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

I did the other day when they asked me for my photo id to be uploaded to log in to the account that I've had forever now. I never really logged in anyway but still had it as my wife does and a few friends and family but yep, done with it.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Facebook asked you for a photo ID?

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Yes and it will not, let me login until I upload a photo ID. It locked my account until I do so. It will remain locked forever now as far as I'm concerned. I tried to get around it, it won't let me. That's ever after changing my password through my email address I've had equally as long.

Dark_Shroud ago

When Twitter asked me for a phone # to "verify" my account to log in I gave them my Google voice number.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Yep, the only people getting my license and or phone numbers are people that are on a need to know basis. They sure as fuck don't qualify for that.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Woah..!! A photo Id. I wouldn't. They been selling and 'getting hacked' routinely. I just saw today something on how every single email and password was successfully 'hacked'..(sold).

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Exactly what I said. Not only that it would be like McDonalds asking me for my driver license to buy some fucking food. What the fuck does a messenger app need my fucking driver licenses for?

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

China?? Life score.. social scores..

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

You're probably right patriot. I been saying for about fifteen years or more we're headed towards Chinas ways and, here we are.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

The globalists are carrying on despite Trump.

gazillions ago

The end of the corporatocracy is nigh.

Broc_Lia ago

Holy shit, you actually used the right word and not corporatism. Good for you!

TestForScience ago

Nah. It’s a Hydra.
They have a hundred other brands ready to accept you (us) with open arms.
If you want to get conspiracy theoryesque with it, they could very well be doing this just to get the WrongThink™ funneled into a specific scope of products, for whatever reason.

gazillions ago

I don't buy any of their brands, and haven't for a long time. I shake my head at buyers. they just like to buy and don't really care what it is.

Frostgrip ago

You are immersed in PG products....our best bet is to simply not buy Gillette and try to control the market in some sense.

Hand_of_Node ago

One product from those brands, which is not immersed.

gazillions ago

I'm not immersed in PG products at all.

Once you're aware of what's going on it's pretty easy to shun the vast majority of consumer packaged crap. I've been through PG's list. They have nothing I need. Better still, they have nothing I want.

Broc_Lia ago

I don't think I buy any of them anymore.

RustyBull ago

'Hate speech' is another phrase that has lost its meaning.

ExplodingHead ago

Heresy, blasphemy, reactionary, wrongthink, hate speech – it's all the same concept.

Triple_Agent ago

Just another example of Hebrew word combos: take 2 unlike words, combine for twisted meaning: toxic Masculinity, alt-right, red-neck, ad naseum

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

I think their bigger trick is taking words in common usage and contorting their meaning. "Liberal" is my go-to example. If Voltaire was around nowadays, he would probably buy a shotgun and start executing people.

Lakswjnsiz ago

How can anybody hate speech. They dont like talking.. ?

3n0b ago

Put that on the list with "Assault Rifles"

Broc_Lia ago

If it had any to begin with.

BlueDrache ago

'Hate speech' had no meaning in the first place.

unlimitedrulebook ago

Exactly, from it's very inception, "hate speech" has meant "speech that I hate to hear from you"

nothofagus ago

saying men are good goes against cummunity standards, how politically correct can you get?

jackofdiamonds ago

I strongly suspect this has been photoshopped. Facebook is not even as draconian as reddit or Twitter, and this sort of soft-conservative comment can be found all over all three sites.

WickedVocalist ago



Trash_Panda ago

I kind of doubt this is real.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

Voat is the meeting of two extremes. You've got the people who can grow food, build guns, reload ammo, write slick code, and create a detailed profile of a total stranger from looking at their instagram

And then you've got the people who upvote a screenshot to the top of front

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Many fora allow x number of reports to autohide a post. This feature is abused by SJW scum.

Broc_Lia ago

I'm not so sure. I remember years back there was a group calling for all men to be culled. Someone made a similar group saying the same thing about women to make a point, it was immediately shut down. I reported the anti-men group to see what they'd do and they wrote back saying it was perfectly ok.

Venman ago

Just like 6 months ago facebook had a page called "genocide white people worldwide " and they wouldnt pull it when I reported it cause it was not considered hate speech...

Trash_Panda ago

I guess. Culling people is a little edgier than just saying 'men aren't so bad'.

Eualos ago

It's unfortunate that Poe's law applies in this situation.