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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Aren't you the ones who tells all the girls that's really 8".

No wonder we can't read a map.🤔

Deathperception ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Then why R U here, faggot?

auralsects ago

Oh my God I'm in love

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

My punctuation is deplorable

auralsects ago

Do you want to see what 8'' x 6.5'' looks like? The absolute ideal size? We both know to ask the question is to answer it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm not into sphincter shots. I told you cerebral passions.

auralsects ago

I'm not into sphincter shots.


I'm definitely in love. So this is what emotions feel like.

@auralsects you just punked by a girl, faggot

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


auralsects ago

Are you really German?

Ever been in America?

An American ever been in you?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


auralsects ago

Well you'll have to surgically restore your hymen because I only fuck virgins.

German healthcare should cover that.

Have them also widen your canal to accommodate my manhood.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

  1. Grateful

  2. Deutsche, dansk und svenska amerikanisch.


auralsects ago

ich verstehe nicht viele deutsch aber ich kann dir sagen genug: ICH LIEBE DICH SEHR

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't want you thinking about these girls at all -

If you must ponder such things, I would prefer this -

Her nose is too wide and waist too thick, but other than that, not bad.

auralsects ago

hard to take your judgement seriously without a point of comparison. Send body shots. I'll fuck you regardless.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

hard to take your judgement seriously without a point of comparison

I'm comparing the quantity of the first photo with the quality of the second. You can't see a difference?

Send body shots.

Why do you make me say no all the time?

I'll fuck you regardless.

luv u 2!

auralsects ago

I'm comparing the quantity of the first photo with the quality of the second. You can't see a difference?

but who are you to judge either of them? let's see how YOU look when youre 45 next year

Why do you make me say no all the time?

because every time you come closer to saying yes. They all do in the end.

luv u 2!


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

but who are you to judge either of them?

I'm the one you claim to love, gives me rights to choose your fapping material. Verstehe mich?

let's see how YOU look when youre 45 next year

By the time this occurs we might be having a PG reunion in some convention town, everyone would see me at that point. Or, we will all be dead. Too soon to tell but I'm leaning toward the later.

because every time you come closer to saying yes.

The eternal optimism of men warms my heart.

They all do in the end.

I'm a really good math teacher, if you would ever like me to school you on why this is a mathematical improbability, I will.


SchlongKeyhote ago

I'm the one you claim to love, gives me rights to choose your fapping material

no you PROVIDE ORIGINAL material. and I don't "fap", that is disgusting. I make sweet, sweet love to my (2) hands.

I'm a really good math teacher

fake news, women cant do math. as you prove the only class they like is DRAMA. and now the sub is more infested with Qtards by the day while you try to be friends with the ones inviting them. most typical female performance ever: irrational, interfering, and narcissistic -- it's the migrant crisis all over again

we had ways of dealing with that. now THAT I can fap to.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't "fap", that is disgusting. I make sweet, sweet love to my (2) hands.

Not with an 'ORIGINAL' cupped lovingly in your sweet hands you don't.

fake news, women cant do math.

You do much better when you deal with specific facts rather than general assumptions.

as you prove the only class they like is DRAMA


and now the sub is more infested with Qtards by the day while you try to be friends with the ones inviting them.


most typical female performance ever:

It's nice to be called a female, my stalker calls me a man. Like that is going to insult me.

irrational, interfering, and narcissistic

What are you mad at me about? Spill it.

we had ways of dealing with that, now THAT I can fap to.

I knew you'd find a replacement. Now I'm jealous.

SchlongKeyhote ago

You do much better when you deal with specific facts rather than general assumptions.

lol don't insult by attempting female psychobabble, it's beneath me, like you are in your recent fantasies. don't even try to deny it.


well standard practice around here is to call them niggerfaggots.

What are you mad at me about? Spill it.

I just told you. No decisive stances. All smiles. No nudes. Fuckin worthless. Go back to archiving and making coffee.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Just for you