slickleg64 ago

" dominate me state daddy "

  • every leftist cuck

ScrewdriverOo ago

I mentioned on that other website a long time ago how certain people couldn't really quit their jobs in the Soviet Union. They downvoted me all to hell. Somehow the Soviet Union to them was some paradise and not some dystopian shithole where people had to wait in lines to get basic items, like food and toilet paper.

Walk1 ago

Its a society of bottom feeders and whites do all the heavy lifting and when they do not they still get shitted on completely.

bdmthrfkr ago

pic related

side note: I had to use this twice in a single day.

phillyjoe ago

I need this in HIGH Resolution!!!

For, uh reasons...

gabara ago

It says it all.

thebearfromstartrack ago

This is the ever growing price, over time, of liberalism, not prison.

Also, I think that NOBODY should be in prison for a "crime" that does NOT include a victim (REAL one, and NOT yourself). THAT is the problem with conservatives...destroying lives before they can (MIGHT) do it to themselves, if they don't wise up.

VoatBug ago

Answer: don't imprison the gays. Prune them like a disease

videocodec ago

Same thing with faggots siding with Islam. It's just an attack against white families and Christianity. That hatred is the only fuel behind their idiology. The fact that if they win they get thrown off a roof doesn't matter to them.

phillyjoe ago

They want to be thrown off the roof

One-Way_Bus ago

Childless faggots don't care or have a stake for the next generation's future.

Broc_Lia ago

In fairness, it was originally shilled by gays, druggies and people who don't want to work.

riffwraff ago

Stalin did that. Trotsky encouraged degeneracy. That said, Stalin attempted to racially homogenize the USSR by moving large populations of Turkmen to Russia.

lissencarak ago

broke: same ideology

woke: not actually the same ideology

There is a reason Stalin had Trotsky killed.

riffwraff ago

Stalin did still move large populations of Turkmen into Russia, Germany, and Eastern Europe to attempt homogenize populatioms, though. He was anti-degenerate, but placed no value on race.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Liberals do not like Tankies, Tankies do not like liberals. It is not like modern basic bitch liberals like the Soviet Union, they think it was not liberal enough.

gabara ago

For those having constant Crash to desktop troubles, I may have found a temporary (but working) solution:

  1. Go to your witcher 3 installation directory / bin/x64 (e.g. E:\Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64)
  2. Look for Galaxy.dll, Delete or rename it to another filename
  3. Run the game. You will encounter an error message but the game will still continue to run
  4. Enjoy the game!

riffwraff ago

Thanks bro!

MrShekelstein ago

If it's one thing communism is really good at doing its killing communists.

eronburr ago

Almost like people that don't want to work never go away.

Hetmann ago

Useful idiots

GoatSufferage ago

"True communism hasn't been tried before you idiot."

mudbear ago

i mean... it has in small scales hasnt it? like the amish (not sure of amish but a similar group close to where i live does it)? It ... works for them but it requires them to give up a LOT. Little free thought, little freedom, almost everything dictated by the leaders. It works there because they all have one religion, one race and it is VERY small scale and isolated, and its also an opt in environment with no drugs, alcohol or degeneracy. The thing is, it can work, but the people that push it would be the last people to actually want to live in it. It requires purges of those exact people because everyone needs to be productive.

These faggot leftists dont want communism, they just think they do. what they really want is for a slave class that somehow excludes them due to some assinine privilege to provide them with whatever they want forever. They want that slave class to be white men. their idea of utopia requires slavery, and they leap through hoops to try include who they want in their groups of special people, who are decided by degenerate sexuality, being female or being non-white. Actually it might be a good idea to coin these ideas into an actual political name to combat them with. These idiots arent progressives since that gas the connotations of progression, which there is none, they are not communists because ... well frankly communism would reject them, instead these are white slavers. They want to excuse minorities from work and make whites pay for them as if all minorities are the defacto slave owners and the tax paying whites are defacto slaves.

This is fucking opposite world, the unpriviliged are the privileged...

GoatSufferage ago

Yuri Bemenov is an excellent resource when it came to This. The only purpose of leftist garbage like these people is simply to push communism along and then be purged like the filth that they are.

Chad88 ago

There’s a reason communities are called communities. It is the natural mode of operation of small scale human interaction where people are closely connected. Communities should be strong but they crumble at scale.

mudbear ago

yes. I suppose communism is trying to upscale communities, but it doesnt work because swamp dwellers and desert dwellers dont need the same things. some areas need more resources than others, or can make much better use of resources.

winners_history ago

Exactly; 'It failed because those leaders were bad, but wait until our guys get in there..."

mudbear ago

The thing is, is that when it succeeds they dont like it so they ignore it, it has succeeded in small communities that are incredibly strict, but its completely totalitarian and antithesis to what they really want. they are really just children with no critical thinking.

Guardbuddy ago


gets gulag'd

Merchant_Menace ago

If liberalism is one of our enemies then the primary argument against communism cannot be that its previous iterations are not liberal enough.

sumdumgoy ago

My lawyer's Rabbi says that being anti-"liberal" or anti-communist, is exactly the same as being anti-semitic.

Really makes you think, huh goys?

Whitemail ago

Liberalism is the doorway by which all forms of communism and Marxism enter.

VoatBug ago

If we could expose where this progressivism is progressing to, maybe it would lose favor.

GumbyTM ago

Tons of people did that many years ago.

The trendy youth of the day chose to ignore their warnings about the impact of society because the messengers tended to be 'church folk'. Instead those who warned of this very situation were mocked and derided.

People couldn't put down their own pet peeves to see the bigger picture.

Just like today, divide and conquer, and those being exploited don't see it.

Broc_Lia ago

Liberalism or progressivism?

The former allows for gays, druggies and people who don't want to work, it just doesn't give them any special rights. The latter demands that everyone else pay for their lifestyles and go out of their way to accommodate them.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Progressiveness has now become more volitile then that of Liberalism. Both equally retarded, but one worse then the other.

Merchant_Menace ago

My point is that it's a poor strategy to implicitly accept an ideology you oppose in your arguments against another ideology you oppose. Formulate your arguments based on the implicit assumption of the validity of the ideology you accept.

Maybe something like "Communism resulted in 20 million deaths of my people or people of similar kind, therefore it is not good for my kind." You can make it pithy and clever in whatever way you choose but this is a better foundation from which to build your argument.

dudelol ago

Once demoralized to accept communism, the useful idiot is burned off, and also all the intellectuals who pushed communism. Radicals live in revolutionary action, like a tool.

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