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cthulhu69 ago

Op is not funny, he's reddit cancer;

smokratez ago

He went against Crensch and they tried doxxing him already. Are you sure he's cancer?

insectacide ago

went to see if you were right and looks like you are right. that's pretty low. @Crensch I don't know you but if that's true, you're the biggest fucking queer bag on this website hands down. check LGH's comment history. the guy seems alright.

srayzie ago

[–] smokratez -1 points (+3|-4) 4.2 hours ago

He went against Crensch and they tried doxxing him already. Are you sure he's cancer?

You coming to the rescue...

went to see if you were right and looks like you are right. that's pretty low. @Crensch I don't know you but if that's true, you're the biggest fucking queer bag on this website hands down.

Where is your proof?

insectacide ago

an actual doxx attempt. since these mongoloids decided to start attacking me because I got sick of the spam from LGH and the other guys, I wanted to see what it was all about. then I find this

Shawn_Lepore ago

You can't dox a business dumbass!

srayzie ago

I reported it

Mumbleberry ago

And lgh's alt account