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cthulhu69 ago

Op is not funny, he's reddit cancer;

insectacide ago

you fags are in this thread too! jesus fucking christ. can I not go into a thread today and not see you idiots? @cthulhu69 @lets_get_hyyerr @heygeorge you're ALL faggot dick sucking mongoloids. for the last time. no one gives a single shit about the baby drama you have going on. how hard is that to understand. faggots

heygeorge ago

no one gives a single shit yet I care enough to make a butthrt comment


insectacide ago

because every thread I have come into this morning, you degenerates have been in there bickering about shit no one gives a fuck about. all I want to do is drink some coffee and shitpost while its the morning lul of quietness. excuse me if your garbage spam all over voat is annoying.

heygeorge ago

I’m not garbage spamming all over Voat. Kindly stop being part of the problem with your whinging.

insectacide ago

what the fuck is this shit? you ARE spamming. all 3 of you jews are spamming every new post