JoRoy ago

Don’t worry about the GOP taking your contraceptives. We sure don’t want you making a “mini me”.

handytechnologist ago

"If you stop me from being a slut, I will scream at you and dye my hair purple."

Getbackinyourcloset ago

You gotta fucking love James Woods

TsunamiZone ago

That's some funny shit! That's the best way to combat her kind.

12840931 ago

Mine with pickles please!

colway4 ago

Put a big smile on my face...…..keep it comin James!

DeltaBravoTango ago

I find kitchen/sandwich jokes lazy, but that's just me

oneeyedwonderweasel ago

What an empty threat.

How could modern, liberal women get any worse?

Barbarian ago

Yeah, and women in Iran used to wear dresses and shit. Look how that turned out.

bagano1 ago

He doesn't give a fuck anymore and I don't blame him. Get that fuck Jack to ban you forever...

shitstartercarter ago

Feminism exists because men allow it. Try some lysystrata crap, men will not tolerate it. From the folks I've spoken to they're at the end of the rope with this shit. Feminism is cancer to the family and culture.

hankylanky ago

If only more than the 37 idiots on Voat would give James "Ol' Pockmarked" Woods the attention so desperately needs ever since his c-list career folded.

i_scream_trucks ago

Compliant sex? The compliant sex?

Fuck i hate hypocrites.

poptical-illusionist ago

Looks like a great time to invest in dildo manufacturing companies!


Just use condoms.

speedisavirus ago

These stupid bitches. Find me something regarding strength the median woman can do that the median man can't.

Mikel777 ago

LOL woods is an absolute epic troll

GhostSkin ago

I love the guy.

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

Hasn't that been declared a fake account?

shrink ago

we are NOT the weaker sex

"And in other news, tons of Hollywood whores and women across the country are speaking out about sexual assault"

Guess you weren't strong enough to stop that.

ShadowWatcher ago

James Woods is my favorite actor! And I don't know a single movie he's ever been in! But he still my favorite actor!

stray502 ago

White house down, Once upon a time in America, COP, Casino, Video Drone, Any given Sunday, he also was in The Sopranos and many other movies and shows.

ShadowWatcher ago

Cool a bunch of those movies were very good. I guess I am a James Woods fan for real!

fluxusp ago


coucou ago

Calm down! Now here is the vacuum cleaner! All men are evil blah blah blah yawn!... Ferme ta gueule pétasse!

14334213? ago

They deleted it for him.

prairie ago

We have been the compliant sex

I think she misspelled complainant.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

She's a kike

Repeal the 19th amendment

AlphabeticalAnon ago

With under 400 retweets and less than a thousand likes, she's rather goddamned pathetic with math! Where's she get the 1/5 from? OH that's right, her ass!

sulkembo1 ago

How did 1/5 of the population vote him in then? They must have special voting powers..

l_voated_today ago

The people who voted for Hillary only get 3/5 of a vote.

Glenn007 ago

I'm ok with that given that they must only have 3/5 of a brain to vote for that criminal

lord_nougat ago

Ooh, I am so very intimidated by her bravado!

uvulectomy ago

That sounds an awful lot like a threat that the Secret Service should look into.

draaaak ago

Secret Service must be pretty busy these days...

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Sounds like we maybe should bring some troops home to perform actual American safety services.

kevo7777 ago

I'd love to beat the shit out of the thing she had as a "father" if she thinks we're so out of shape.

draaaak ago

She's just projecting.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Maggots always do.

bezobrazan ago

Empty threats from a delusional cunt.

draaaak ago

That's just called being a woman.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

No, it's called being a delusional cunt.

draaaak ago

That's just called being a woman.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Riiight. And what do we call you? A Clintonite Soros Sore Ass Asshole? Why yes! Because that is what you are! Get lost! Your mind games won't work on me, you cunt.

draaaak ago

^^Found the woman

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Are you attempting McCarthyism here now? Tell me, Clinton ass sucker, if you remember when Trump won? Do you remember that night? Wasn't it hilarious that you worms couldn't get her into the power she so craved? I can still hear her screaming over the course of remote brainwaves that tuned in to hear and see the utter defeat of such a worthless, smelly witch like her. I'll bet you fell to the floor to your knees because you knew you would go to prison first when they "hang" you all.

draaaak ago

Was there something wrong with McCarthyism? Seems to me that calling out commies is the right thing to do.

Why do you presume that I would be a Clinton supporter?? lol Women are not fit for power, especially psychos like Hillary. Scroll through my comment history if you want to see what I'm like. If you keep ranting about me supporting Clinton though, you will only be proving my original claim that women are delusional cunts, by being a delusional cunt.

I'll bet you know all about being on your knees 8=======D O^:\

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You screamed, didn't you? You were the one in that video clips screaming NOOO when Trump was announced president, weren't you?

You see, shill, I know your game. You want to divide and conquer. Only a putz would troll a gender or a race in a forum to keep the division ripe. But I see through you, shill. Instead of taking your bait, I will continue to mock Hillary (the one you worship but distance yourself from until the coast os clear) and watch you squirm every time I curse her and her husband's name. And as far kneeling to powers, only God is great. Not you. Not Clinton and not the wealthy Soros soon-to-be-the-poorest-and-imprisoned Scrotum Face pack of pimple puss that you are here working for.

draaaak ago

Oh, I get it, you're not just a woman, you're also a Jew. Only Jews project like you. Welcome to the list, (((bitch))).

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So now it's the Jews who are being carted out as bait. LOL you just have at it. Khazarians you mean. You missed the mark so much that all sides of barns across the country feel safe! Lousy try, though. I'm actually a Taoist, but whatever Clintonite Shill. Your mind games won't work on me.

draaaak ago

Because you, like all the Qtards, have no mind? lol gas yourself Steinberg.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Better a Qtard than a Retard. LOL at your pathetic trolling. I'm amazed you hadn't picked up on the fact I'm Asian. There's your next line of attack to divide and conquer, under Hildebeast's orders. And you can take Steinberg and Suckerberg with you to your own personal gas chambers that are conveniently located at the Vatican. Writh in it all. My popcorn is tasty while you smash down all that meth. Tsk. LOL. Sucks to be you.

draaaak ago

I was never really trolling. I've been serious this whole time.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Of course you were. Shills act like trolls but are so serious. All the time, working endlessly for that evil witch. Still I know, it sucks to be you.

draaaak ago

Shills act like trolls but are so serious

This helps explain your behavior.

it sucks to be you.

Still projecting, I see. Typical Jew.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I do love trolling you Clintonite Soros sore ass losers. And since you bring up projection, you seem to do that all over the place. Your hatred for women and all these other people who've actually gotten away from you slimes, knows no end. So tell me, how does it feel knowing that your queen will never be president? Oh wait, you still think she will! You still think she will somehow win when all the people have been taken out. You think she'll be sooner put in office once your gangs have killed many and gotten to the cameras with a pre-planned announcement on how she'll be placed in power since the power was hers and it was "stolen" from her. The announcement that will start off, ominously enough, "my fellow surviving Americans" yeah that. Oh you didn't think I knew about that one, did you?

draaaak ago

^^Delusional cunt status confirmed.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Projection again. You really should try to get a better job. Oh and this is more like you 8=D But thanks for the welcome anyway. I wouldn't touch you to scratch you.

draaaak ago

Nope. Not projection, statement of fact. You're being a cunt, and you, for no reason at all, claim to think that I support Hillary, making you delusional. Therefore, you are a delusional cunt. Or you're just a really obnovious shill, which would still make you a delusional cunt.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

More projection. Tell you what, cunt, when you're exposed for what you really are, others can fight you like I do. When we're no longer divided because none of us will give any power to your tactics, you'll lose all those weapons of war that you use to be able to call others racists, or cunts or whatever and then turn around and pretend to be all savior-like. The words cunt, nigger, jew, gook, and all of that have no more power anymore. We the people is the only power and that kung-fu is strong. Yours is just recycled weak sauce. You've already lost. You just haven't realized it yet, SorAss with the little 8=D

draaaak ago

You Qlarping boomers are so stupid, you never cease to entertain. You've made zero sense this entire time you've been running your mouth. Enjoy the Qlaid, you silly delusional cunt.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You Hildatards are so censor-happy. If you can't silence people, you abuse the voting system because how dare you not get your 4 year old way! You fucked in the head nigger jew! Who licks Clinton's ass! Wow I really triggered you into censoring me, Soros Shill CONFIRMED! I was right, you are a complete hysterical emotional wreck to the point of crying to the mods to censor me. Wow. Little 4 year old, you are a cunt! You are the very scum you profess to hate. Soon your Soros money will be no more and what you've done here will be known as the divide and conquer work of a slimebag you worship; HRC You're so triggered that you even posted a dumb pic of the people you killed with your ugly Scrotum Face. But keep projecting, you Hildebeast cunt! I know who and what you are. And now, I figure I won't be allowed to post anymore because of your wild and hysterical outrage with your abuse of the voting machines here. I will say goodbye to my friends here but I will capture all this to show how you targeted me when I spoke the truth and you went apeshit. You're a violent little shill, shilling for the violent Soros. Your life has no meaning other than to punish those who use free speech. But no free speech here where you can control who speaks and who doesn't. Fuck off shill. I know what you are. And I'm not from the 1960s you fuckwit.

Now go to one of your other accounts here and upvote your own posts like you've been doing and abusing the voting with downvotes. Just like your master Soros who rigs voting machines. Two peas in a pod; you and Soros.

draaaak ago

Looks like m'lady bought a new box of merlot...

you are a complete hysterical emotional wreck

you went apeshit.

There you go projecting again. Have you no self awareness?

crying to the mods to censor me

That's not how this site works. Voat is not reddit.

But no free speech here where you can control who speaks and who doesn't.

Looks like you can speak here all you want.

Was any part of this rant supposed to make you appear like less of a silly delusional cunt?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Hey delusional cunt, in case you missed it, I was never on fucking reddit! Delusional Hildabeasttard! And you went ape shit with your down voting on every_single_post of mine showing how fragile you are! Abusing the voting system - like all libtards! Yeah I'm able to post after the huge time quota because of your enraged ass!

draaaak ago

lol think w/e you want you fucking lunatic. Everything's a conspiracy with you brainless qultists. Keep flailing and pointing fingers, Q predicted this! Lmfao

bezobrazan ago

Well that escalated quickly.

draaaak ago

Escalation comes easy when (((people))) are following a script...

Sarevok ago

The further down I read the more my jewdar kept going off.

gazillions ago

Hmmmm. Seems more like the women of America have been burning her shit to the ground for two years and they're going to keep doing it.

Runwithscissors ago

Until I punch your titties.

Silencedmajor ago

I hope everything she fears for, happens. Because if entitled whores like her burn anything to the ground to just get free abortions and birth control it will literally create her opposition for decades.

Do it. Please.

StanTheTRex ago

Contraceptives aren't a right. It's not my responsibility to finance your whoring around.

Cat-hax ago

Exactly, you take them away they would have to actually think about who they whore with.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

It's not my responsibility to finance your whoring around.

If you let her vote, she will make it your responsibility.

Time to end female suffrage.

eronburr ago

But I need them and pay a lot for them and I don't understand why you all can't just buy them for us. These women can't tell you the difference in definition between government and coop.

lord_nougat ago

Indeed... but on the other hand, I sure don't want those substandard creatures to breed successfully!

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Let’s go the eugenics route and give away free sterilizations, no? You want free shit? Sign this line and we’ll take care of the rest.

lord_nougat ago


Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Are you kidding me?! How absolutely dare you agree with me!? This isn’t a forum for concurrence of opinions! For shame! Shame! Shame!

lord_nougat ago

Fuck you, faggot, for being agreeable!

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Call me a faggot as oft as you choose, but call me a niggerfaggot and we will have to meet at noon. Even if we no argument.

lord_nougat ago

Agreed, niggerfaggot!

We shall have a delicious lunch!

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Italian or pho? Tmro or Tuesday?

lord_nougat ago

Yes! Sounds perfect!

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Both! Perfecto. Lemme FTN and then check my koshertified calandar.

lord_nougat ago

Oh vey!

I mean... right on. You Fuck The Niggers, and get back to me when the most kosher date is chosen!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You have a point!

irelandLost ago

Nothing that somebody else must provide can ever be a right.

GapingAnus ago

This is playing with definitions and soon you're in a petty squabble over semantics.

It's much better to talk about what kind of society we want to live in and, to which degree, you have a right to the fruits of your own labor. Do we have taxes at all? If yes, how much? What can they be spent on? What role should government play etc. These are much more interesting discussions than hitting each other with dictionaries when that's not what the source of disagreement is.

This is a way I've had good success talking to lefties about the issue. We may or may not agree about the state of healthcare as a public service but it's much easier to present the differences between, say, cancer therapy as a public service and birth control. They are categorically different and everyone, lefties included, see it.

Schreiber ago

Hmm idk man.

I think liberals have a right to be flayed in public. It is our duty to provide them with their due rights.

Deplorablepoetry ago

must provide space for other goats or suffer the horns

Goats do not appreciate being cornered, nor do they desire to be alone

Home is where the goat finds comfort..., sleeping sometimes with one eye open

Hoping, goat dreams of utopia.......

Every goat has many kids and a happy wife

Prrovided with such this goat would be less a lush

Retiring impaired......


MDEneverdies1488 ago

At least it's not Rupi Kaur

curbstompfun ago

Women are too fucking stupid to understand how responsibility works. It's not by accident that single mothers produce the vast majority of criminals in society.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Not all women are like that stupid bitch. Just like not all men are cuckified beardnecked slobbering Clinton ass suckers. Just sayin'

curbstompfun ago

Women are definitely too fucking stupid to be participating in the political process when they can't even do their own jobs correctly. Just sayin'

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That Clinton is one fucking stupid bitch. Like you. Working for her must be a miserable life for you.

curbstompfun ago

You sound like a stupid cunt. Just like Hillary Clinton. Now go put your head back up your fronthole you stupid cunt

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Your skills at combat are so pathetic that your Hillary school of cuntery is still stuck in the Stone Age of infantile screams. I would pity you but I'd rather just mock you.

XSS1337 ago

Wood 2024

Got wood ?

HerbanGardener ago

He cracks me up! I'm glad to see that he's back at it!

con77 ago

her attitude is birth control

Maroonsaint ago

Why doesn’t she try swallowing? Dumb bitch. See how stupid women are? I solved this problem in like 2.4 seconds. Jk ladies you’re better at some stuff like

performance ago

What is this "GOP don't take my contraception" crap? Is this the latest marxist talking point?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

It's the bedrock of the women's revolution. Have you noticed that white women don't have five kids, or even one?

Birth control changed everything. They legalized abortion to clean up after the 8% failure rate of the pill. Women fashion their lives on the assumption they won't get pregnant. All this shit is the result of women's liberation from basic life and responsibility.

spaceman84 ago

You don't remember the Hobby Lobby bullshit? It was only a couple years ago.

Durm ago

What were they saying before?

If you make us pay our own money for birth control you should make men pay for razors? I cant remember exactly.

MrPim ago

Boner pills

Conspirologist ago

Was he allowed to post again, or is this a fake?

lord_nougat ago


rage_ELITE ago

Glenn007 ago

His 'real' account has been restored

NobleEagle853 ago

James Woods is second greatest troll.

TheTrigger ago

Fine, I'll bite. Who's the first?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Trump. LOL