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SimonWest ago

Maybe because he's shit. On the same level as Adam Sandler or Ben stiller. Them not being in films is a blessing not a loss.

mattsixteen24 ago

He has no talent.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Rob Schneider is: Blacklisted!

Rated PG-13

basedmangod2015 ago

the dems didnt lose the senate in 2012. also rob schnieder isnt funny and never was

Gorillion ago

Rob Schneider is...The Conservative!

Schreiber ago

muh based jew amirite

bluntripkin ago

derp derp derp ...

NakedWarrior ago

Same reason why Crispin Glover wasn't in Back to the Future 2 and was basically blackballed from Hollywood, CG had the nerve to call Steven Spielberg out for his pedophilia on the set of BTTF (also why you never heard of Claudia Wells again after that movie). CG only survived by getting work from friends who weren't affiliated with Spielberg.

polkadottedhero ago

I thought it was cause he wanted more money. That alone could boil the Jew blood.

bagano1 ago

To be honest, his schtick got annoying. He got lazy and never would change his act. He really should try to get in a Coen Brothers movie or maybe Fargo, he'd be great in that.

Blueman216 ago

I don't think the (((Coens))) would take him, but I agree that he needs to take on some drama roles.

bagano1 ago

I wouldn't be shocked they call him everyday. He'd be perfect for one of their movies. Probably is just asking too much or something.

the_hidden_metric ago

Asking too much? That is retarded.

bagano1 ago

He's not exactly poor, he has money saved from his career, residuals, investments, he can afford to tell people to fuck off unless they pay him a certain amount. And that amount, studios probably don't want to pay.

knightwarrior41 ago

he is a pretty bad comedian too

Paul0451 ago

True and funny!

AinzOown ago

Love this tweet but really we've had enough movies with him. Also fuck Hollywood.

goblin_ghost ago

He's also objectively terrible.

con77 ago

The first Deuce Bigelow movie was pretty funny

undertheshills ago


Kleemin ago


edgelord666 ago

Honestly, what the fuck kind of faggot would say something like that? Did you actually watch that steaming pile of shit or are you just trying to suck Schneider's dick because of this quote?

Gorillion ago

Now this is a huge bitch.

con77 ago

well I havent seen it since it came out. Are you a bottom?

zyklon_b ago

xe is a bottom

con77 ago


edgelord666 ago

zyklon_bottom over here supporting the transgender community. How very jewish of you

zyklon_b ago

Hi edgy..

how are you?

Wrathfullyawakenedww ago

“Ball licker!!!!”

zyklon_b ago


wigson ago

He's right about Democrats but he's also an unfunny untalented douchebag who has been leeching off Adam Sandler for 2 decades.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

Who the FUCK thinks this stupid fuck Sandler is funny outside a cassette tape?

ThisIsntMe123 ago

He's funny. But I don't think he's hilarious on his own.

bluntripkin ago

its funny that i would rather see a new rob schneider movie than a new adam sandler movie now

Marijuana_Merlin ago

arnt those the same thing?

bagano1 ago

Adam Sandler got pretty lazy after the late nineties. He was always kind of a slob, but when you dress in your movies like you just came off the street every time, it didn't send a good message about your production values. He's probably still filthy rich but had he ventured out of his bubble every once in a while, he could still have had a viable career.

Zcybd ago

His movies are now just an excuse to bring his 70 closest friends on vacation for 4 months for filming.

Climhazzard ago

He went outside of his narrow bubble of comedy when he ever so slightly shifted to romantic comedies. Even though his earlier stuff had a romantic element, it wasn't as nose (I mean prominent), and the stories were mostly just stupid fun which I liked.

JJNova ago


Though, all your upvotes must mean I'm in the minority for preferring the opposite. I think they both suck, but can sit through Sandler. Schneider legitimately makes me leave the room. I guess taste really is subjective!

Conspirologist ago

Is this a real quote, or a fake? I'm asking this because he is a jew.

Gorillion ago

May have gone Catholic when he married his Mexican wife. His mother's Filipino...

Schneider was born in San Francisco, California, and grew up in the nearby suburb of Pacifica. His parents are Pilar (née Monroe), a former kindergarten teacher and ex-school board president, and Marvin Schneider, a real estate broker.[2] His father was Jewish and his mother was Catholic.[3] Schneider's maternal grandmother was a Filipina who met and married his grandfather, a white American army private, while he was stationed in the Philippines.[4][5] His mixed background is a common theme in his comedy acts. His older brother, John, is a producer. Schneider graduated from Terra Nova High School in 1982 and then attended San Francisco State University.[6]

Interesting. Mother is half goy, half Filipino. Father is jewish, but seems like he personally doubled up on the catholic thing.

Is an anti-vaxxer. (That alone will get your career killed in LA)

Political views

In 2013, Schneider switched political parties from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party, explaining: "The state of California is a mess, and the super majority of Democrats is not working. I've been a lifelong Democrat and I have to switch over because it no longer serves the people of this great state."[1]

Yeah, that'll do it.

Schreiber ago

Jewishness is passed matrilineally.

Jewish dad and goyim mom do not produce jews, they only produce shapeshifters, controlled oppositions, globalist henchmen, mossad agents, hook noses, etc. Meaning, they'll still probably fuck you, but they are technically not jews.

This brings up a good question. What if the goyim mom converted to judaism? Are Trump's grandchildren jews?