Doomking_Grimlock ago

I see a Mcdonald's Employee. Specifically a morbidly obese female that somehow mistook a one for a two and then had to ask her "elf" manager how much change to give me when I paid for a six dollar meal with a twenty. She also stared at her computer monitor like it was magic for half a minute while she tried to find the right buttons to press.

And these people wonder why they're being replaced with self serve kiosks every time they ask for fifteen dollars an hour. When a brain damaged child can do your job, you're not worth the hourly wage of someone who works a ten hour job in manufacturing. Sorry, not sorry.

Anson ago

You guys should post screen shots of cringy circle jerks of people talking about this news when it broke. I don't use msot social media platforms so I wouldn't have seen it.

thejewish3 ago

Then a Jew comes along, one who is much smarter than you, and you literally lose your minds and start goose stepping.

The_Last_Emperor ago

Shame on all these racists. If we just give these mortally challenged people free healthcare, food stamps, subsidized housing, and a basic universal income and stop discriminating against them they will rise to the occasion and truly enrich our society.

ginx2666 ago

I'd still shoot a lawyer. Just saying.

IDintDoNuthin ago

Lord of the Rings = Lord of Saturn

Holonomic ago

These are DOOM 4 characters, but I DO like LOTR. :)

capnflummox ago

I don't see the Oxford Comma.

FreedomPulyemot ago

Where's the Ordo Malleus when you need them?

Feldorai ago

It can't be only me that see's posts like this and think of a shrink asking a patient what he/ she see's on an ink-blot test.

XSS1337 ago

Holy shit.... (insert doom guy with a pope hat)

ProgNaziGator ago

Trump talks about closing the demon gate and hell portals, but that's only because hellboy Baron has already passed through.

Pulling Up The Ladder

ch3f4554551n ago

My butthole clenched whilst I chortled...good show!

Adam_Jensen_ ago

(((Spider Mastermind)))

truthbeloathed ago

all I see are Clintons

BrutusMaximus ago

Well the lawyer reference is on point.

BillyLuath ago

Herchel Lieberman seems Woke.

Weasel_Soup ago

Canadian here. They make pretty shitty doctors and engineers.

Homelessfuck ago

They make pretty shitty everything. That's why they left their homes in the first place. To get away from all the shit.

Weasel_Soup ago

No. I am a third worlder and I can confirm only the best get away. The worst stays there.

Homelessfuck ago

Like I said, they left to get away from all the shit.

Weasel_Soup ago

I read too quickly. You are right, people flee the shit neighbors.

One-Way_Bus ago

You're supposed to shut up and enjoy your cultural enrichment, goy!

paladin_kitty ago

Demons hate him

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I see a vampire trying to steal our memes.

WilliamCutting ago

Its a meme account, look at the profile.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Oh, duh. Thanks. I don't use twitter but I should have guessed.

RonBennington ago

Why is this weak shit upvoated so much? Seems like a slide

CowboyXero ago

That doctor will remove your head from your body misdiagnosing it as a malignant tumor, the attorney will argue that had he not performed the procedure, the malignancy would have spread, the engineer will explain how...the detail they'll leave out is that you were malignant. Just you. The philosopher will clear that up later and bring it into the modern thought pattern.

Mortifera ago

I see a jew talking shit.

Hagioupneumatos ago

Based Bethesda.

midnightblue1335 ago

All I see is lawyers.

Itsdone63 ago

The one with a rocket launcher might be a rocket scientist

Aged ago

I mean, there isn't some stories where evil bad people are turned into demons when they go to hell?

Javik2186 ago

"Welcome to the UAC. Bringing strides to our new HR department for the mortally challenged."

  1. Pain Elemental - Doctor

  2. Cacodemon - Engineer

  3. Imp - Lawyer

  4. Imp #2 - Physicist

  5. Arch-Vile - Rocket Scientist.

  6. Baron of Hell - Philosopher.

Killer_Werewolf ago

Pain Elemental - Doctor .

Arch-Vile - Rocket Scientist.

In a way, Arch-Viles are Doctors ( they have the ability to resurrect weaker demons)

CuriosityOnFire ago

couldnt find the tweeet

American-Patriot ago

Why did you post a Clinton family portrait?

Quicktor ago

I see a Roth, a Cohen, a Levy, a Weinberg, a Silverstein and a Friedman...

New York City during the holidays...ain't Brooklyn beautiful?....

Javik2186 ago

So, I guess that makes President Trump the Doom Slayer

Orfion ago

So...I played the original Doom and I think this is funny as hell but is that an actual Jew or part of the joke?

Samsquamch ago

Recently the company showcased their new Doom game and the in-game host AI made a few cracks like:

Remember: ‘Demon’ can be an offensive term, refer to them as ‘mortally challenged’.

“My brothers and sisters, let’s help to make our friends transition into our world a comfortable one.

“[…] Earth is the melting pot of the universe.”

As expected, SJW's who don't have a sense of humor took to Twitter and all the other regular outlets for expressing rage at mundane topics their rage over a few jokes.

Legit_Test_Booster ago

Hahaha makes me actually want to get back into gaming

matthew-- ago

Holy shit, that is excellent marketing. You just made me want to buy a new game for the first time in over 5 years. The last time I actually spent money on a game is when I bought "rise of nations".

Orfion ago

Thank you.

77777777777 ago

A lot of doctors are demons

QuickMafs ago

I don't care if Bethesda is garbage and I don't care if this game was published by a bunch of leftist executives I'm still buying it purely so I can support more video games and other mainstream entertainment pointing out how fucking retarded these phrases are in ANY context

Laserchalk ago

There were a few jokes in the jew doom trailer that made fun of SJWs. So I'm guessing that they aren't all leftists or at least have a brain.

Mylon ago


Pluviou5 ago


Captian_Awesome ago

I can't wait till they start porting doom memes into all society destroying behavior.

"My pronouns are: Hellspawne/Hellspawn/Hellspawns"

matthew-- ago

You forgot Xhellspawn, it's not a list of pronouns if there isn't at least one that starts with an 'X'.

CaldwellMadison ago

Look, the poor demons had their city destroyed by white people!

RockmanRaiden ago
