RedditFuckingBlows ago

God fucking damn. Murdered with words.


Hey, that name is familiar.


It's 'faggot-American' c'mon this is 2017.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Isis is jealous of how that soy boy was murdured

Tallest_Skil ago

Wow, it’s so great that SELF-ADMITTED PAID SHILLS who are violating US law won’t have their accounts deleted, right? I mean, sure, there’s that report option for illegal activity, but it doesn’t really mean anything, after all. Violating the law? Sure! Do that here.

Way to fucking virtue signal, you stupid fucking cowards.

Amphiprion ago

Tell me, what would a brave person do?

Tallest_Skil ago

Uh… ban illegal activity. The literate should be capable of understanding this.

Amphiprion ago

On what proof?

Tallest_Skil ago

The fuck do you mean what proof? We have FBI documents showing that leftist groups pay people to lie about them all across the Internet.

Amphiprion ago

Which then allows you to ban an individual?

How is that any different than the feminist witch hunt?

"We have proof of men raping women every day! This guy right here should pay, because I said so!"

I hope you realize you are an idiot.

Tallest_Skil ago

Which then allows you to ban an individual?

How’s about you keep your leaps of “logic” to yourself.

How is that any different than the feminist witch hunt?

Because it’s legitimate.

I hope you realize you are an idiot.

Said the fucking dipshit who thinks paid shills should be allowed to exist.

Amphiprion ago

Leaps of logic perfectly describes your dumbfuckery.

Ah well, happy go fuck yourself.

Tallest_Skil ago

HURR DURR u dum because i can’t refute you

Holy fuck, paid shill, just kill yourself if you’re that bad at your job.

Amphiprion ago

"Everyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill!"

When you refute yourself, why the fuck would I need to?

Tallest_Skil ago

truth is a matter of disagreement

THANKS FOR CONFIRMING YOU’RE PAID TO POST HERE. No sane person would have a problem with banning paid shills.

Amphiprion ago

Makes perfect sense. Someone obviously pays me to post based on my post history. Yeah, I definitely make money for the stuff I say. That's got to be it.

Makes perfect sense.


Cheesebooger ago

In all honesty, I think that dude is a local troll and just fucks with people. I think he's funnier than shit. If he is for real then that is one sad sumbitch

Fuckyounigger ago

It is funny because he's one of us but he just doesn't know it yet because his anger shows that he is willing to abandon his principles of being nice.

Crensch ago

There's zero anger there. That dude was burned with pure class.

Fuckyounigger ago

Wasn't speaking of putt

Crensch ago

Ooohhh, gotcha.

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

That guy is a champion downvotes farmer. He got around -6000 points on his main account JohnCStevenson and now managed to farm around 2000 downvotes on his new account.

THEx1138 ago

Comment Contribution Points: -1936

FuckmyStupidass ago

"boo hoo I've been called names." lol these cowards. I can't wait til I can shoot them.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago


cthulian_axioms ago

Putt is a class act. His response is precisely how you deal with a screeching harpy.

Womb_Raider ago

This account is just a troll to make any dissent against voat's operation look outlandish and ignorant.

It's worth asking how voat is funded and why we're not more included in the process.

RoBatten ago

On one of his posts a few days ago, "Paul" said, "I don't get paid enough for this." No kidding.

monkeytoe101 ago

Paulbsmith is nothing but a low effort troll. Not even worth acknowledging in general because he's never even said anything interesting.

THEx1138 ago

Comment Contribution Points -1936

boekanier ago

That so-called 'garbage' is just great. Keep up the good work Putt!

Pawn ago

(((PaulBSmit))) every single single time.

Antiseed117 ago

I've seen shit from that @paulbsmith kid before. What an angry, sad, and clearly brainwashed individual he is. Also kike. He's a kike.

boekanier ago

Only kikes are 'reasoning' like this.

heygeorge ago

Merry Christmas, Crensch!

worthlesshope ago

I always thought that guy was just a bad troll who doesn't actually believe what he's saying. Since he always links obvious propaganda instead of halfway acceptable propaganda.. But I guess I was wrong...

RoBatten ago

Poster soyboy for the brainwashed masses . . .

Cirzatkog5 ago

and the world views our once-great country as a complete joke

Increasingly so. But not because of Donald Trump. Actually because of the JSW maniacs and "everything is racist let's get sex change!" hysteria.

Donald Trump is a gust of fresh wind hopefully to blow that garbage away.

8_billion_eaters ago

Voat Motto: I will defend your right to speak freely, but anything you say can and will be openly disputed if it is stupid.

Tallest_Skil ago

Truth is more important than freedom. Voat virtue signals and allows paid shills to violate the law.

tomyhawk ago

As it should be.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

The only way open discourse can operate.

Wargasm ago

I have been called a nigger, a kike, a tranny...

But have you been called all three at the same time, Kigganny?

repoman ago

He didn't deny it either.

HillBoulder ago


truthwoke33 ago

Pretty sure literally everyone on this website has been calldd a "niggerfaggotkike" at least once. Hes not used to not being in a safe space like reddit.

lucifirius ago

What a cunt. He's probably an angry shill.

Metanoiac ago

Burning faggots are a time honored christmas tradition similar to the Yule Log.

"The Traditional Christmas. Burning of the Ashen Faggot. The Ashen Faggotis a very old Westcountry tradition that was widely practised in Devon and Somerset. The custom is considered to date back to Saxon times."

captainstrange ago

It's unkind to make fun of people who legitimately are suffering from actual mental retardation.

It's unkind but never stops being fun.

MillstoneNecklace ago


Nonsense. Mentally ill people should be able to get all the help they need.

Eualos ago

But they probably shouldn't be in the military, so I don't have to pay for them to mutilate themselves.

Secretly_psycho ago

hey if they want to die for our freedoms are you really going to stop them?

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Yes, I’m going to stop our military from not being as efficient as possible.
  2. Stop shilling your fucking kikery. “Dying for our freedoms” is code for “dying for israel”.

Secretly_psycho ago

Ok, let me rephrase that. When I said dying for our freedoms, I meant dying. As in, a trap will happily sign up to go die in a desert and be remembered as a hero, rather than try to rape someone here or fag up the streets.

Gunfreak ago

But hardly any of them ever actually wind up doing anything to serve our country at all. They simply take up tax dollars to mutilate themselves for free and so often even a procedure done well it will be years before they will be deemed medically fit enough to serve again and by that time their 4 years is up, they got their free surgery, $75k from our government, plus housing and food and everything that comes with serving without having to work during any of it, and of course their 10% veterans discount.

Eualos ago

I'm more worried about paying them to mutilate themselves and take expensive medicines when there isn't a war or a shortage of manpower. I guess I'm also worried about the fact that they are approximately 50% suicidal regardless of whether or not they mutilate themselves, which is pretty bad for the safety of the men who would be fighting beside them

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Mentally ill people should be able to get all the help they need.

No. If they cant behave, physicall remove them. Fuck help. Evolution by natural selection now.

TheInevitableHulk ago

Wouldn't just sterilization be enough?

ExpertShitposter ago

Thats nice, but its a n obvious troll account.

CRKT_M16Z ago

Remember Sanegoat? If I'm not mistaken, he didn't start out as a troll. He just went off the deep end. Wouldn't be surprised this guy is either a paid shill or just a true to form psycho.

ExpertShitposter ago

true to form psycho.

Well you just described sanegoat and his discord friends.

Eualos ago

It's kind of a funny Trolling concept when you think about it

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah, because its so hardcore.

Eualos ago

Yup, takes a whole lot of effort. Plus you have to watch a bunch of fake news bs which makes it even more hilarious and difficult

yarbellsm8 ago

He does use Nazi, and fascist. If he was shariablue, he would have some better talking points by now I would hope. It’s probably just some borderline college professor, capitulating, before he really gets redpill fever.

Eualos ago

If you say so

truthwoke33 ago

Not sure about that, hes been here for over a month now, spamming the same shit everu day hours. This is going too far, troll or not, he seems mentally unstable.

Tallest_Skil ago

not sure

It’s proven. He has dozens of accounts.

Grospoliner ago

Did you forget Amalek?

common_sense ago

Or sanegoat.

tarnished_spoons ago

Amalek is definitely mentally unstable

ExpertShitposter ago

Could be, but how could he be so persistent when he is obviously not blue pilling anybody but just getting laughed at?

I say:

10% chance he is a mentally ill idiot.

10% chance a paid shill who doesn't actually care if he gets anything done, just screen caps proof of work to get his paycheck.

80% chance he is a troll.

IheartSwimming ago

An autistic troll.

RoBatten ago

He may be an alt to @JohnCStevenson . . .

ExpertShitposter ago

Its certainly the same guy.

maxoverdrive ago

What a nigger-faggot. Tomorrow I'll be celebrating CHRISTMAS, because I'm not a liberal loser - what is this asshole going to be doing? Jacking off into his fleshlight over pics of 12-year-olds?

PraiseIPU ago

You act like these things are mutually exclusive.

What if jacking off is my definition of a perfect Xmas?

maxoverdrive ago

If you're coming inside of your Fleshlight to pics of 12-year-old girls then either you're a pedophile or a Jew. In either case all you deserve is to be hanged, and pronto, before your fucking pedophile ass actually gets up the guts to rape a real 12-year-old girl....fuck you pedo swine, I hope you all die in a fire, screaming......

Tipman79 ago

What if jacking off is my definition of a perfect Xmas?

Preach brother! I know how I started MY morning.

Salicaz ago

I do lol right there at the bottom :)

KoKansei ago

That is one sad fucking troll. Does he have nothing better to do on Christmas? Jesus fuck, man.

Shumway ago

Here's a little wisdom from a guy that has been admin or mod of various forums for 12+ years that seems to be lost on the newer generations. Unless there is a link to a virus or it's an obvious viagra selling bot, you never ever delete(or edit) a comment or post! If you have to ban someone, and you occasionally will have to, you want it dead front and center exactly what they said that earned them a one way ticket out the door. The moment you start removing the evidence of their "crime" you put yourself in the spotlight as the power tripping asshole. Unsurprisingly, it's not exactly fun having a 1000+ member community questioning your motives.

SamGamgee2 ago

Take notes, /u/OwnYourActions.

BB-3 ago

I see you didn't use the @ symbol. Don't want to ping him?

SamGamgee2 ago

I just completely forgot that’s how it worked.

jerry ago

1 day old telling some one to take notes interesting take a seat and listen for more than 3 days first at least

Eualos ago


skruf ago

Just looks like a troll after some quick reading... also, his/its name

Monkeyblaine ago

If you read his posts, trump went from a 32% approval rating to a 31% approval rating in just two hours. Definitely not just making up statistics though!!!

The_Red_Kraken ago

Yeah I'll go for deranged, stupid and brainwashed. He even links articles to shariablue? Yeah, that's a pretty shitty shill indeed.

HeavyBrain ago

Is it a troll or are they really so stupid to get the post limit for new fags?

dooob ago

Go see his profile, definitly a troll.

truthwoke33 ago

Expert troll here: this guy aint trollin' hes mentally unstable.

germanshepherd ago


dooob ago

Putt dealing bantz