Womb_Raider ago

Here's another downvote.

Witness the maturity of @Gabara, everyone.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm neither. Quit downvoating me you twat.

Womb_Raider ago

your* would be the proper grammar, lad.

I'm not Jewish, by the way. Sick reference though.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm going to take that "classy" bit as a massive compliment, because this is my only account and I concur with you, I consider myself a polite, learned man.

You, however, are a nuisance with a malevolent personality and too much free time. You either are exceedingly wealthy and don't work, you accept government gibs, or this is your full-time job.

Womb_Raider ago

I have never and will never endorse AntiFa. You behave exactly like them. It's hilarious that you essentially just said "I know you are, but what am I?"

Womb_Raider ago

I find it funny you're against AntiFa but SBBH seems to emulate them in some respects

Wahaha ago

It's still the Ctrl-Left.

Womb_Raider ago

Ctrl-Left is terribly clever. I say we try to make it go mainstream.

Chucknow22 ago

clever to a bunch of computer users... Neither alt-right or alt-left choose or identified themselves as such.

10396488? ago


brandon816 ago

Alt-left to force people to psychologically associate them with how they branded the alt-right; ctrl-left when they do something extra-ridiculous to try to control others. Some overlap will occur.

Browngaijin ago

Thanks. It makes much more sense now.

newhereandlost ago

does anyone have the original one? im confused

10397535? ago

So the weightlifter has a severe vitamin D deficiency and has terrible lifting form, the fascist is blatantly committing assault (although her muscles are so non-existent even in this "Political Contest" {does the author recognize how weak their own arguments are?} that I highly doubt she would even be able to lift up that half of the bar {which is still lower than the weightlifter had lifted the bar pre-assault} without some extra help), and the entire comic misses the entire truth of the narrative.

Damn, the Ctrl-Left really can't meme.

superAIDS ago

That's not even a competitive lift ffs.

cyks ago

"Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody [anti-fa] in such a way that someone won't mistake for the genuine [comic]"

Doorsopenm8 ago

She'd probably be fawning over his dick. Then he'd reject her and she'd go on plebbit and talk about how they're no gud mangs out dere.

Tzitzimitl ago

thats a female?

superAIDS ago

50/50 chance

10397455? ago

With the amount of cucks cutting their dicks off to become trannies and ultra-butch/bitchy women trying to act like a pompous arrogant asshole, I'd say the odds are 55/45 in real life, and 70/30 in their failed memes.

JohnCStevenson ago

Nice job smearing antifa.

Meanwhile, here's a real image of what Trump's Nazi supporters look like:


AndrewBlazeIt ago

Dude, teach me.

ZYX321 ago

Apparently identifying as an angry person (Antifa or White Supremacist) is not good for one's physique.