Cheesebooger ago

The US military should steamroll Israel for many reasons. The US gov is under occupation by jews/zionists

heywoodnj ago

That's the point.

Just how fast would a jew fuck truck if a jew fuck could truck through?

Yup day drinking again.

search4truth ago

I always point out that it was Israel that committed many deceitful acts of Terror against the US or Britain i.e.: King David hotel bombing (they dressed like Arabs), the Lavon affair (tried to bomb US/European offices, etc. in Egypt and blame it on Nasser's weakness), the USS Liberty (that one required some real Presidential collusion), and then mix in the theft of nuclear secrets or training mujahedin.

dan_k ago

Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

Hahaha the (((Romans)))

iusedtobeonreddit ago

well that wasnt funny, fuck off back to 4chan you lazy fat bitch

dan_k ago


iusedtobeonreddit ago

well youve help no one. bet you cant wait to not show that one the loved one you dont have

dan_k ago

Truth burns your ass don't it.

[–] AmericanOG 2 points (+2|-0) 6 hours ago

Well shit TIL something new.

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iusedtobeonreddit ago

what ever virgin

dan_k ago

How did you learn my secret?!

8_billion_eaters ago

"Sir, We are under attack from Israeli jets." ...."what jets???"...

CAPTAIN!! ISRAELI JETS OFF THE STARBOARD 117!!! They're coming in hot and heavy!"

"Call Them Off!" "Don't They See We are American?"

"Raise the Flag!"

"Sir! We already have the flag flying. They must know we're American."


Captain? Captain? ....

.....why are they continuing to shoot at us? Don't they know that we are friendly?

..are they trying to sink us so that they can blame the Egyptians and thereby involve America in this 1967 War?

Why is the Israeli air force using those French jets to try to sink our ship?

Why is Israel sending torpedo boats against the USS LIBERTY? Don't they see the American flag?

Why are they killing so many Americans? Are they just killing Americans in order to bring us into their war?

The XO is dead.... the gunner, my friend, is dead. The Israelis are still attacking. We've changed course and run. The destroyer USS Sullivan is coming to assist.

Why did the Israelis attack us? Why did they keep on attacking us after they knew we were Americans?

Why do the Jews hate us so much?

GuannaRue ago

Very informative. A thousand upvoats to you, my g!

ShineShooter ago

Who killed Jesus?

ShineShooter ago

The power of Christ compels you

The power of Christ compels you

The power of Christ compels you

ShineShooter ago


Motoko ago

Nobody else is going to read this far down, I'm not appealing to anybody and was just seeing if you actually had anything to say. You don't. Goodbye

Motoko ago

You you you want want want. I I I I I am not wrong wrong wrong. It's one thing to call this place conservative reddit, it's another to call this place to have discussion on the inner working of politics and power without being shut down by 30 people who gobble propaganda 24/7. I don't get why you think that's a bad thing.

Motoko ago

Fox News was garbage during Obama's presidency, then they realised there was more profit in somewhat telling the truth over being controlled opposition. This place was a pressure release valve for reddit's poor decisions, if you don't like that it supports a different perspective then leave.

Voat is the only place besides the Chans where there's any free speech and they're both conservative. Makes your almonds quiver huh?

WinstonQSmith ago

Notice how you asked what motive Israel would have had to do this intentionally and notice that not a single word in the reply goes to motive. It's like they have a complete inability to think coherently. The first question you ask when trying to solve a crime or mystery is "cui bono," who gains. Not here. You get, "Google it." "Look it up." "Shill." The most basic reasoning is completely absent here.

I used to ask why, because this is another conspiracy theory of theirs, the Jews would want to destroy Europe by importing millions of Muslims when the Jews are successful, wealthy and powerful in Europe. Again, crickets. None of their conspiracy theories make any sense. "Jew, bad," is the extent of their reasoning.

Octoclops ago

not a single word in the reply goes to motive

Israel was trying to get America to join the war with Egypt at the time

It's right there. Can you actually read or is your reply just copied and pasted from a list?

Motoko ago

How can you be here for 1.8 years and be so far IP your own ass on Israel? They're behind everything.

DickHertz ago

Just Google USS Liberty. Is that too hard?

The cartoon on the other hand would only be posted by a hillbilly.

Cheesebooger ago

Hillbillies are great, hard-working, low crime people who have many inventions under their belt. Mothers Day, which just passed, as an example. don't believe the jewbaggery bullshit about "hillbillies" because its all bullshit. (((They're))) stealing natural resources from "hillbillies" and dehumanize them at every turn for a reason

DickHertz ago

Sure they invented Oxycontin and Meth abuse.

Cheesebooger ago

No. a jew invented Meth and jewish pharmaceutical companies make Oxy and flooded Appalachia with it, also by way of DEA and black peoples dealing it -to destroy the people(because we have an abundance of natural resources and guess who now owns them all). Its still one of the best and safest places to live in America. Trust me

CleatusMaximus ago

False Flag ! The kykes sterilized and then put out as Egyptians on the warplanes. Guess what the Kyke print, film or tv certainly weren't going to let the stupid goyim know about this. I believe a few of the remaining survivors made a DOC about this recently. "USS liberty dead in the water " is a kosher version of what happened.

EllenPaosEgo ago

First of all you are arguing the wrong point. It is not a theory that Israel did it, they even admit to it, and instead claim it was an accident. Israel was trying to get America to join the war with Egypt at the time, and this was a basic false flag.

Now let's argue the only point that is actually up for debate, was it an accident or not. Israel bombed the USS Liberty for 2 hours, and in those 2 hours one Israeli pilot refused to attack the ship and kept saying through the transmissions that it is a US ship and was begging for a ceasefire. He was arrested as soon as he landed his plane. The ship that Israel claims they mistook the USS Liberty for is half the length of the USS Liberty and looks much different. There were also 2 large and clear American flags on the ship, and they survived the missiles, torpedos, and machine gun fire. The USS Liberty had intelligence gathering as one of its main functions, and intercepted IAF communications and heard the pilots say that it was an American ship, and being ordered to keep bombing. This doesn't appear to be an accident to any rational person that looks at the facts.

Kal ago

Shills haven't learned that 'conspiritards' is only a tell at this point.

littul_kitton ago

Israel was trying to get America to join the war with Egypt at the time, and this was a basic false flag.

It was astonishingly inept if it was. It was not like the mighty (sarcasm) Egyptian Air Force could secretly attack any vessel that possessed a radio, let alone an NSA SIGINT vessel. Since I learned of the attack I have thought it was a ghastly error in judgement by a lower-ranked general officer. They were fortunate that the American people ignored it rather than perceive a Pearl Harbor-style attack. The vaunted intelligence and cunning of the Jews apparently has its limits.

The real question is whether it was worse or better than blowing up a Chinese embassy.

Fagtardicus ago

jewish intelligence is severely hampered by psychosis

FeLpZ187 ago

? What do you mean?

Fagtardicus ago

the are effectively only as smart as white people, even though they have a higher IQ

FeLpZ187 ago

they did, tho...

heywoodnj ago

Background OP is lazy

For any folks that don't know about it. No shame in that. It got swept under the rug faster then a jew on a bike drives though mecca.

8_billion_eaters ago

thanks Heywood.... was going to link the same.

MadWorld ago

(((Terrorists))) in sheep's dressing!

AmericanOG ago

Well shit TIL something new.