Laurentius_the_pyro ago

/u/RonaldTheDuck is one of the shill alt accounts abusing an exploit to farm infinite CCP from deleted comments, look at his comment history.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

downvoated because offtopic.

it's a good video but it's not /v/funny material

ChronicMathDebater ago

It is much more sinister than that. This is targeted propaganda from the right. They use real world problems as catalysts to popularise their own insane rhetoric. This is what makes their propaganda so dangerous in the first place: it usually contains elements of truth.

We can agree that this doesn't belong here, but given Voat's userbase, it's more likely that this is just a typical Republican who has posted his content in the wrong place. Look, for example, at /r/the_donald; this is exactly what you'd see there. Moreover, we have a lot of (funny) political cartoons on /v/funny. It's understandable to mix the two up when Voat is so heavily right-wing.

Between malice and stupidity, I'm far more inclined to argue that this is a case of honest stupidity rather than a right-wing conspiracy to get Voat to hate muslims more than it hates muslims already.

eulogyjones ago

Hitler leaned much more left than you fags wanna admit. Dude was disenfranchised and blamed all of societies problems on a race he viewed as privileged, read Marx, got inspired af and eventually instituted National Socialism.

But keep pushing the agenda that everyone with a right leaning opinion on anything is "literally Hitler"

eulogyjones ago

I also find it highly offensive

No one here cares what you find offensive


markrod420 ago

lol nah I'll just wait for a muslim to rape your wife while you watch and then cut her head off for being a whore. then I'll laugh and you. because that's what your actions will bring you. aggressive angry people who don't respect your culture or your ideas no matter how much you welcome theirs. then after its all said and done me and the rest of the rational people will begins the crusades 2.0 after the muslims have killed all of their non-muslims supporters and you morons are no longer standing in our way because your beloved muslims raped and killed you all.

Behuvius ago

Ronaldtheduck is another new account with shill-only comments.

Must be tiggergurlies other account!


eulogyjones ago

It's the return of amalek

Behuvius ago

"Putting a stop to your targeted spam and/or systematic vote manipulation is called doing the right thing."

Nice! You just self admitted what you are doing here!

1.You have a new account, 2. Only posting shill material, AND 3. You accuse me of voat manipulation. With a whole -2 downvoats, while your post gets an immediate +17 upvoat.

That's some liberal logic for you right there.

I'll give you props for recruiting 17 of your buddies getting in here and upvoating your shills!

Fibbideh ago

>implying those aren't 17 alts

markrod420 ago

when Christians start killing non-believers the way muslims do I'll start caring. but Christians killing muslims? A. that's just rational and B. it's probably some form of preemptive self defense because all muslims do is try to destroy everything that isn't them.

markrod420 ago

did you even finish reading my statement you fucking downsyndrome having monkey? also I find it very unlikely that that is the case. but even if it is the case. Muslims refuse to mature as a culture and I'm already at the point where I don't care if they get wiped off the planet. so I don't blame that violence on Christianity because it doesn't take a Christian to want to kill muslims. I'm an atheist and I hope they all die because atheists know what common decensy is. Muslims seem to be the only really largr group that is still struggling on that issue.

eulogyjones ago

Don't even bother, this thread has been infiltrated by Muslim apologists

I'm an antitheist personally but it is absurd to me that people can't see that Islam is the worst of the abrahamic bunch.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

it's clear that this thread is brigaded as fuck, must've been linked in reddit's /r/atheism or something.

no way the voat I know would upvoat "muh religion of peace".

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Shocked and amazed, it's not funny, and things that are funny get buried around here if there's the slightest bit "too much" political element to it....

markrod420 ago

no. Christianity isn't a problem because Christians aren't blowing themselves up or running over crowds of people every week. and I don't give a fuck about 1000 years ago. I care about what's happening in the world right now. and right now the only religion causing mass death around the world is Islam

Totenglocke ago

Wow, I didn't realize reddit snowflakes had taken over /v/funny.

eulogyjones ago

It's because someone spoke some truth about Muslims which causes them to go into cognitive dissonance coverup overdrive

Behuvius ago

I think tiggergurlies registered about 17 fake accounts just for downvoating and shilling lol

eulogyjones ago

Yeah this whole thread reeks of leftist shill.

Behuvius ago

Yup. I contacted the mods. Recommend doing the same.

eulogyjones ago

Yeah I reported and will let them know. The votes in this thread are definitely manipulated especially compared to the number of people commenting

Behuvius ago

I think Ronaldtheduck is another fake account!

Check it out. It's new and has only a few shill comments.

eulogyjones ago

Yeah this dude is putting a lot of effort into shilling. It's pretty funny imo

Behuvius ago

LOL I know.

Here is the list of spam accounts so far. I'll try to update them going forward:

tiggergurlies Ronaldtheduck art-of-xxx

eulogyjones ago

Nice. I already posted to /v/whatever to give users a heads up. I'll update the list as it grows

Behuvius ago

Your posts clearly indicate you are here on a liberal vendetta.

Enjoy being a brainwashed libtard shill.

Try not to cry as America becomes Great again under Trump.

Tzitzimitl ago

this is your brain on talmud

eddit: triggered lots of faggots with that one, kek

Behuvius ago

Hey America-first, check out tiggergurlies other comments on other posts. This is clearly a libtard shill here on voat with a personal vendetta.

art-of-xxx ago

?! holy fuck !?
( yes you!, behuvius and america-first and others of their ilk)

and y'all are clearly shills with personal vendettas also,

I get it, voat was created for intelligent conversation, but you weird as fuck "righties" (lets just call lefties/righties the extremes for now) hate yourselves sooo much that you cannot help your spitefull, mean-spirited selves and spew insults like a baby-brained child when ever someone says something you do not agree with... instead of having an intelligent conversation backed up with facts, aaaaand try leaving your emotional opinions for your echo-chamber livingrooms... but do not create another echo-chamber here!

(isn't that what voat always boo-hoo's about?* waa-a-a-a baaa-a-a-a, we do not want another echo chamber*)

I honestly figured that voat was trying to prove itself as a free speech platform, but I just hear more echos ... I do like to hear your opinions, I like to share mine sometimes, but I am not going to insult you because you do not agree with me, I am going to insult you because as an adult you should be furthering the conversation/cause and not on purposely throwing up barriers to progress just to further an obviously failing agenda, failing because you have to shill and lie so hard to keep it up and current.

(~sigh~ However, to assume makes an ass out of me and you, and I am an ASS for assuming that they may be adults of sound mind)

Where is the intelligent conversation? Also, this wan't funny but I fell into the conversation because tiggergirlies is making sense and I wanted to second the motion of their response to america-first,

heh heh, I imagine i could hear tiggergirlies eyes rolling waay back!, sharks! hope it wasn't caught on film, er video, no one uses film anymoar.

eulogyjones ago

Hey you forgot to log onto your tiggergurlies account before commenting faggot

art-of-xxx ago

thankyou!, for proving me right with your knee-jerk baby-brained response,

did I hurt your feelings with facts?

or do my opinions strike a chord of truth in you?

or are you unhinged?

and why-o-why am I trying to hold an intelligent conversation with a child? run along now, and chime in when you grow up as this comment does not further the conversation but gives you your shillgasm as you try to distract from the facts you don't like... you're probably not even a real goat!ha! (ooops, mybad, didn't mean to say that out loud)

eulogyjones ago

You're certainly new around here if you think we care what you say. It's the obvious voat manipulation and shilling with multiple accounts that pisses people off


art-of-xxx ago

HA! BUSTED!, when you say "we" you are busted for betraying yourself as a multiple account user! Silly kids, triX are for rabbits.

boo hoo baa, did I get under yer thin skin?

and you needed to call in reinforcements because you cannot and will not fight your own battles based in reality, as you live in a fantasy, creating multiple accounts to make you feel big, gosh you all sound like babies for trying so hard to derail the conversation with your baaa baaa baaa reeeeeeeeeee-ing and not sticking to the facts...

(why do I fall for "conversations" with these children? for this is no longer a conversation, it feels like a bunch of inbred hicks that see "them fancy folks which have them there brain cells that actually work" move into the village and having a happy life being human-kind and these baby-brained, spiteful, resentful shells, mere echos of a human, mean-spirited, animal-pack-mentality fuglies, get all jealous and saunter over sayin' "you're new here, aint'chew?", all threateningly and suddenly someone shouts, "let's get'em!")(bird-brained turkey-boy)

killing in the name of_____ is bad M'kay...

love, light and laughter, either way, my fine feathered fiend, turkeys taste just as good as goats

Behuvius ago

Are you logging into Ronaldtheduck or tiggergurlies next?

The list keeps growing!!

eulogyjones ago

I think you replied to the wrong person

Behuvius ago

Yrah i may have hit the reply on yours and not the other one.....sorry

smokratez ago

They are hitting all the known conservatives. They have been for months. Where's the response from the board owner?

Behuvius ago

Yeah its pretty obvious. Recommend contacting the mods. Hopefully they aren't in on it.

cyks ago

And they have multiple accounts to downvote with

Behuvius ago

I noticed that! Just reported it to the mods.

tiggergurlies also admitted to systematic vote manipulation on another comment post below.

Check it out. It's hilarious.

Behuvius ago

You could replace the word "righties" with "lefties" and this argument would be equally true.

eulogyjones ago

Islam is a problem because it is the antithesis to western values and has yet to have a reformation in roughly 1400 years.

Have you read the plan laid out by the Muslim Brotherhood on how they will take over the western world?

Keep apologizing for Muslims and soon you will find yourself ruled by the most conservative fascists out there.

Edit: Holy fuck the shariablue shills are out in force today

theMETA ago

As valid as this point is, it's not funny, and it doesn't belong in this sub. You're using a high-traffic sub to get views on unrelated media, and that's tantamount to spam, in my book.

aztek ago

/v/funny is highly abused to push political agendas and it really needs to stop. Unless it contains an actual humorous element it shouldn't be here. To be clear, political jokes are fine no matter who it's making fun of; but it has to be funny and not just there to be self-serving political trash.

This isn't a bad video - there's a lot of thoughtful discussion in it and people actually speak without talking over each other and screaming like idiots. There's emotion but it's reserved and respectful. OTOH it doesn't change the fact that there are better places to post this content. It should be treated as spam. It's time to take back the sub so we can get back to laughing instead of cloning the politics/news subs.