its all covered how rude.. halal is not how it is wrapped but how they kill and what utensils/prepare the food. they use.. such as not using a lamb knife and use it on pork. same goes for chicken you dont use chicken knife then slice lamb. jews do it to they dont use the same oven they have several ovens for different food cooked and jewish woman dont wear a scarf they wear YES a wig. later that day that pork and the rest went on sale 70% of .. yep I bet the halal food they didnt buy they sure did after it went on sale.
Evolutionary inferior? Could you elaborate to what you are referring to?
If you come back with "Animal proteins are what made primitive man evolve" I would like to point out that there are a shit ton of animals like wild cats that have been eating meat as long as humans and their ancestors yet they have not evolved past their current form.
Also I would argue that a "modern diet" consisting of fried foods, processed foods, and sugar laden beverages is a far cry from "superior".
Soooo lemme get this straight. The shelf needs cleaned off if unclean meat is placed on it buuuuuuut the Muzzy is going to take their Holy Halal meat and place it in the cart that ten other people have pushed around with unclean meat in all day?
"Show some respect"
How about you go fuck yourself. Corporations are starting to get on my nerves, the number one pushers of globalism just so another market can be opened to get people to buy their shit that no one needs.
Its like god jizzed in your mouth. Google that shit. Or candy bacon, that shit at xmas with some nog or applepie moonshine is why i look foward to xmas.
Damn, now i want some bacon for breakfast.....thanks
Not on loaf yet, will have to. I buy it by the precooked lb at Costco, 3-4 min at 350 on a baking sheet and u are set. Real nice on fillet that you want rare but with crispy bacon. Sometimes I just make a bacon toast, cheese and egg sandwich by puttin a egg on a buttered piece of toast with the middle pushed in with a spoon at 350 with cheddar around the edges then cover in the precooked bacon and you are in breakfast heaven.
Yep, my friend smokes them and they are delicious. He always smokes some chicken and puts them under the bacon bomb, that way the grease drips on the chicken.
There is a halal butcher near me next to some train tracks. From what I heard they had like 25 goats get out on the tracks and the good ole Amtrak was on time for once. I heard it made a hell of a mess. Probably a better way to die than by the hands of a sand nigger.
SOFA KING awesome!
Now I'd just like to hear a good story (even if it's fake, I don't really care at this point) about a mudslime grave yard with a pig farm on top of it.
Simple solution. Go the fuck home, shit on your own house, ruin your own country. Any senator, congressman, any federal employee pandering to these violent cultists should be sent with them. They're ruining our civilized world, bribing our officials because they are corrupt and can be simply paid to go against their ethics for pennies, the greedy fucks. The morons that keep electing these demon scum are turning our beautiful homeland into a toilet. People like Pelosi and Schumer should be hung from the neck on the front lawn of the White House for treason, let their bodies rot along with the Clintons and Podestas as a message to anyone else who wants to get rich by fucking over America. Throw Soros into a wood chipper feet first and turn it off 1/4 way in, spraying their lifeless corpses so it attracts vultures to feast on their own kind. I'm so tired of these garbage destroying our andnour children's futures, while they plan on scurrying away like the roaches they are when the lights shine on them.
The problem is that the stupid supermarket employees will probably just throw out all the halal meat because a plastic-wrapped piece of pork was on a nearby shelf, and pay for it by raising all prices on non-Mudslim products.
The employers I worked for were cheap skinflints who would never waste inventory like that, but once scary men with beards are involved they become cowering wimps.
Nope... we dont go around telling everyone we meet "yea im non-vegan" no one cares what you eat or what i eat unless its shit and we're recording it for 4chan
That was pretty cruel, all for stupid fucking reasons too. Shoot the damn camel in the head for christ sake. That thing had a pretty brutal last few seconds of life.
Yes the video is horrible and it is very brutal but, take some comfort in the fact that this camel probably only felt so much... the body doesnt really send much pain to the brain with an injury like that... camel may have felt some pain but that feeling was probably dwarfed by the other weird feelings it got from all the chemicals being dumped into its brain. Hopefully
Right. In American slaughterhouse factories they use a metal rod that shoots out and scrambles the brain quick. Mudslimes just do it a little different, substantially more retarded
Damn you're dumb on the biological matter of life. Did you read your comment? damn son, don't follow this dumb dumb.
Edit: to clarify the retardation this dumb dumb @jerry is feeling. Do you have any Idea what a soul is? if you can regulate with yourself and my self at a simultaneous time in life with signifying what a soul is and what you do with yours and what a possible soul residing within that camel is doing, then maybe you understand, it's not just mechanisms, it's actions that are happening. and that's where I leave you because regardless of what I say you're going to call me a " liberal for understanding Earth" and not being copacetic with whoever taught you bull shit. I had to teach my parents that animals have souls. If you don't believe in souls. Then I hope you sell yours for a rich yacht.
Edit 2: for the science folk. The body sends a certain chemical to the brain to release a certain "instance morphine" to regulate pain. In extreme cases he says hopefully because he's never had a serious injury, because he lives comfortably. Fuck Jerry and Fuck Jerry's across the globe. You pass butter now Jerry, Nobody likes you Jerry. You're just summer's dad's husband who should've married someone better.
Lol you do realize that dualism is bullshit right? The self is nothing more than an illusion. You don't have a special area in your brain that an ego is just hiding out in.
I made my comment based on my knowledge (albeit limited, I know that what you wrote in that comment isn't scientific WHATSOEVER) ... mammals have advanced body systems that automate responses when the mammal is put into situations. Pain is a response to keep us alive. Pain isn't actually a real thing, it is a sensation that is put together by our brain and other body senses. Neither of us actually know what the fuck that camel was feeling. But if I had to guess, pain was low on the list. When that much blood is suddenly outside of your circulatory tract, lots of your body stops working how it did when it had the full amount of blood being sent to it. Your brain needs blood in order to function properly.. all I am saying is the camel was not flopping around on the ground thinking in camel speak "oh my god the pain the humanity how could this have happened if only humans only ate salad all day" it was probably a little more like "this is a new sensation unlike anything I've ever experienced And it's not good it's warm and slippery and everything is getting darker and quieter..." I doubt it felt good, I don't mean to say the camel didn't feel it. It definitely felt something the way it cried out. But it had no clue what happened or why it was feeling that feeling
Does every human have a soul? The Bible says there's something around 600,000. I dunno how accurate that is, I'd estimate there is actually less souls than that, let alone that all the fucking animals in the world have SOULS too. There's a lot of soulless motherfuckers out there... like the one that convinced you that animals have souls and all this other nonsense you spout... you don't have to be "copacetic" with me or what I know or who I know... you don't have to be copacetic dumbass... your opinion does not matter. You can control your own goals and aspirations and other aspects about your own mental being... you cannot control anything beyond that, but some things you may influence. You can't influence an animal to have a soul, same as you can't influence a human to have a soul. I have already accepted these and other key truths about life. You usually only feel the pain if you are going to live. And even if it does hurt, who gives a fuck? Seriously? You are already dead . The argument here should be why the fuck are these people killing camels ... not "omg wat if dat hurt da camels nek for a few secunds doe..."
Rules, rules for this, rules for that. Thats Islam. Lot of the same kind of rules apply for Judaism too, most of Catholicism too but the mainstream kind form has moved past this mandatory enforcement of rules but there is plenty of die hard followers who are generally ridiculed for being insane people with insane lifestyles.
See to be a good ist or ismist you have to follow these rules, hard set rules that dictate your life from cradle to grave and allow for plenty of exceptions in times of strife, war, and general need when you need it cause like l'oreal "you're worth it" when youre a believer but still the core rules magically apply and you'll get into eternal paradise if you follow the main utterly irrefutable yet commutable conditions for these rules when its convenient.
It isn't the same though. Jews don't have their animals put down in such a ridiculously savage way. Kosher just means they only eat animals with split hooves and cud. Halal is killing it by cutting the jugular and watching it bleed out in agonizing pain for a few seconds. The Muslims definitely win on the brutality part.
Not true, you need to watch some videos of Kosher slaughter, they put the cow in a tight cage, roll it upside down to terrify the cow, then slit the throat. Cruel and unusual for zero reason.
My buddy, who took some meat science classes in college where they had to learn the rules for halal and kosher meat, described the difference as "a slightly sharper knife."
Why vegetarian vs vegan? A lot of animal cruelty is perpetrated by animal husbandry to start with. I am thinking of the milk and egg industries in particular.
I would think if causing animals to suffer you would back away from dairy also. I think eggs are debateable since chickens are stupid as hell and no exploitation is needed. At least ducks have some intelligence.
Being a vegetarian or vegan is a lifestyle choice that usually revolves around nutritional education and a desire to be healthy for a longer period of your life. It's not that meat is bad, it is the quantity that we consume that is bad. Having a 4 oz serving of a lean meat per day is not a big deal but having bacon, sausage, and eggs with butter fried potatoes for breakfast, meat and cheese pizza/sandwich for lunch, followed by steak and potatoes for dinner is far too many animal products which leads to serious health issues later in life.
I switched to a vegetarian diet almost 3 years ago and I went full vegan a year and a half ago. The hardest part about veggies is trying to cleanse your palette of meat flavors. Once you stop eating the meat the other things taste much much better. Try the experiment with sugar.
I respect what you do if you don't call me a faggot and slam me down because of my specific choices. Just try to eat more veggies and fruit dude, shit's good for you. Maybe do a meat-less monday every now and then?
I disagree, no reason to be this immature and give them more reasons to hate. Respect peoples diet beliefs, vegetarians, halal, kosher, glutton-free. If they don't want to eat something or feel a certain way towards something respect it. Because if you aren't showing them the respect you want then you are no better than them.
Blasphemy and vandalism are two different things, bub. Blaspheming doesn't cause real damage. I'm not afraid of blaspheming myself. Islam, like all Abrahamic religions, has roots in barbarism. It'd be best if we did away with all the old religions and moved onto a more secular society. There's a difference, however, between criticism of an ideology and outright hatred of a people. Fascists like to get on their high horse, but really they are no different than the Islamists. A culture infected by it is as dangerous to liberty and humane society as Islamism.
But you're right that it's an overbroad statement to say that people have the right to be stupid.
People have the right to their beliefs, and to buy or sell whatever they want. If someone wants to pay more for specially blessed/slaughtered meat that's their business, and as long as they don't interfere with my ability to get meat I have no qualms with it.
If you do, you are welcome to boycott the market and tell them why, but you have no right to intentionally damage their product when that product harms no-one.
Rights are things you have by law. If someone violates your rights, you can sue them. If people had a right to be stupid, they could sue educators that are teaching them for violating their right to be stupid.
Having a right to their belief makes no sense, since nobody could violate that right anyway. What're you're going to do, prove them wrong? Like that ever stopped someone believing in shit. Kids don't have the right to believe in Santa Claus and people don't have a right to believe in whatever, since such a right makes no sense.
Also, people are not allowed to buy or sell whatever they want. Slave trade is illegal and so are a bunch of other things. Specially blessed meat could be outlawed. Just like human meat is outlawed. There's crazier shit that was made into a law.
Yes. Rights are something that are granted to you by people in power. If you want rights you do not have, you have to fight for them. Rights aren't magical things you just have and other people have to enforce because you just have them. If government doesn't enforce your rights and you lack power than you do not have any rights anymore.
Having a right to their belief makes no sense, since nobody could violate that right anyway. What're you're going to do, prove them wrong?
That's part of why I think they have the "right" to be stupid, because you can't really prove it, they can make decisions for whatever reasoning they want.
If you want to call rights those things protected by law, then the muslims have all kinds of rights granted to them by government as a result of religious freedom and discrimination laws.
Entitlement comes to mind as a word to describe things people think should be rights, but aren't. Maybe your just confusing needs with rights. People have a need to eat, they don't have the right to eat. Except if someone gives them this right. Like parents. Rights are something that you can give and take away or take for yourself and be stripped away of. Needs are something you fundamentally have. They can be denied, though.
But I wouldn't quite say that people have the need to be stupid. That's just silly.
Yes, Muslims have all kinds of rights. Those rights can be stripped away, though. Rights aren't set in stone.
. . . . You're not doing it right.
The pork product needs to be placed in such a way that it's hidden; we're talking tucked in the middle maybe closer to the top, that way other people grab stuff and then, boom! Muddies freaking out. They'd tell their friends and family, their families friends; and none of them would trust that place or ever want to go there again.
Hopefully all they do is move it around keep the same stuff on the shelves. These are the same fucks that pushed to get rid of people saying Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.
I've never seen a halal meat section and I live in hippy land. Crazy. I would definitely do this for shits and giggles. And I bet you 100% they just take the ham out. No one is going to waste their time cleaning out the section.
Businesses who support Female Genital Mutilation, child brides, rape, human trafficking, and honor killings by making Islamists feel welcome deserve what they get.
Those people have no problem with ham on the shelf next to the product they are buying. Don't back out now. You came in here with the "hey, guys.. let's be nice to the people who want us dead." statement. Either retract it or go down with the ship.
This is beyond boycott, this is actionable protest. It just happens to be funny as a bonus.
Stores which push Islamist culture deserve what they get at the hands of their customers. They are quietly consenting to rape, murder, mutilation, and the invasion of an entire continent.
It's vandalism. Just admit it. Admit that you're a card carrying communist who rejects property rights and thinks grocery stores should be communally owned and operated.
Which means that you either support more severe restrictions on the free market than most leftists or you're a hypocritical idiot who doesn't think about the logical consequences of his actions. Which is it? Those are logically the only two options.
It means none of these things. Assuming it does is illogical. And Oprahesque. (Theatricality of emotions used to sway conversations outside of reason) It's cute, but ineffective.
Yes, it means those things. But then again right wing stooges are indoctrinated into a cult of anti-intellectualism, so I can see how you might not be able to see it.
Well it can't be both, now can it. π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄ this is me right now. π΄π΄π΄waiting for you to make senseπ΄π΄π΄never mind, I'm over it. (The waiting part)
We need more Muslims and less Christians in America.. i want whites to be an extreme minority by 2030. America is for ALL people of ALL races and religions. If you don't like it, too bad. Nothing can stop the power of Love and Peace. Whites will be confined to reservations in rural America. Only liberal whites and hippies allowed.
Back to Reddit with that globalist bs. You muslim loving twats should spent some time with them and then preach about love and kindness. Lifeprotip; they hate everyone that isn't a sheep fucking, Allu akhbar screaming nutter.
You're a retard. Less religions period. Do you even know what a True American was? Native American... You're tied into the earth, everything you've learned was from fucking Earth, go back to your safe space you POS.
Edit: Getting me all heated over the internet and shit...
Every once in a while, I'll stick a bottle of sex lubricant or a jar of petroleum jelly in the cucumber stall of the produce area and just leave it there for the lulz.
I wouldn't, normally. But this is different. This insults people of a very specific, and damaging, following - pissing off the stockboys, that's collateral damage. Regrettable, sure, but necessary.
Not at all. I don't work at a grocery store. As a customer, I can get away with a simple "Oh, WHOOPSIE DAISY!" and, at worst, just have to leave the store.
Life is good as a non-muslim, non-grocery store employee.
fairytisya ago
its all covered how rude.. halal is not how it is wrapped but how they kill and what utensils/prepare the food. they use.. such as not using a lamb knife and use it on pork. same goes for chicken you dont use chicken knife then slice lamb. jews do it to they dont use the same oven they have several ovens for different food cooked and jewish woman dont wear a scarf they wear YES a wig. later that day that pork and the rest went on sale 70% of .. yep I bet the halal food they didnt buy they sure did after it went on sale.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
Based trucker.
It only works with devote moslems, most wouldnt care because getting a ride would be more important
minusco2 ago
Rancidus Latin, meaning stinking. LOL
nosam ago
Oh so you don't want to eat?
Fuck em Ahaha
Gigglestick ago
(Man) Thanks pal, I just hate the argument that we're the evolutionary pinnacle of life so we need to eat the lesser beings.
Mechanicalmechanic ago
Evolutionary inferior? Could you elaborate to what you are referring to?
If you come back with "Animal proteins are what made primitive man evolve" I would like to point out that there are a shit ton of animals like wild cats that have been eating meat as long as humans and their ancestors yet they have not evolved past their current form.
Also I would argue that a "modern diet" consisting of fried foods, processed foods, and sugar laden beverages is a far cry from "superior".
Scablifter ago
But, but... it's halal pork!
ScreaminMime ago
Soooo lemme get this straight. The shelf needs cleaned off if unclean meat is placed on it buuuuuuut the Muzzy is going to take their Holy Halal meat and place it in the cart that ten other people have pushed around with unclean meat in all day?
bluedeath ago
You just don't understand Muslim SCIENCE
Sword-and-Shield ago
"Show some respect" How about you go fuck yourself. Corporations are starting to get on my nerves, the number one pushers of globalism just so another market can be opened to get people to buy their shit that no one needs.
doodlegum ago
Why not fight real evil, instead of this childish behaviour?
This is jew propaganda shit. I hope you get split up, that's the intention with a post like this.
It looks like JTRIG are aiming at voat these days. Fuck them and their lies.
BloatedVoatGoat ago
Bacon wrap the world
Alois_sticklgruber ago
Ever had bacon wrapped meatloaf smoked?
Its like god jizzed in your mouth. Google that shit. Or candy bacon, that shit at xmas with some nog or applepie moonshine is why i look foward to xmas.
Damn, now i want some bacon for breakfast.....thanks
BloatedVoatGoat ago
Not on loaf yet, will have to. I buy it by the precooked lb at Costco, 3-4 min at 350 on a baking sheet and u are set. Real nice on fillet that you want rare but with crispy bacon. Sometimes I just make a bacon toast, cheese and egg sandwich by puttin a egg on a buttered piece of toast with the middle pushed in with a spoon at 350 with cheddar around the edges then cover in the precooked bacon and you are in breakfast heaven.
SkepticalMartian ago
You mean like this?
Yes. Hell yes. Fuck yes.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
Yep, my friend smokes them and they are delicious. He always smokes some chicken and puts them under the bacon bomb, that way the grease drips on the chicken.
Ill probably be dead at
SkepticalMartian ago
Good tip, I'll keep it in mind for next time.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
Kosher is a huge scheme by jews to make shit loads of money
kreepyasskraker ago
There is a halal butcher near me next to some train tracks. From what I heard they had like 25 goats get out on the tracks and the good ole Amtrak was on time for once. I heard it made a hell of a mess. Probably a better way to die than by the hands of a sand nigger.
prairie ago
Better not tell them that all the meat is stacked together in the freezer.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
Lol, yea i highly doubt moslems get their own refer truck to deliver meats. If thats true, ill just throw some bacon in the truck
ObscureReference ago
It is the Kosher ham.
GuyRomaine ago
But what if that pork was tasted by a cat? Then it would be clean pork.
Halal means they torture the animal for a while before decapitating it?
OricaTonithos ago
SOFA KING awesome! Now I'd just like to hear a good story (even if it's fake, I don't really care at this point) about a mudslime grave yard with a pig farm on top of it.
dontmindthemess ago
Simple solution. Go the fuck home, shit on your own house, ruin your own country. Any senator, congressman, any federal employee pandering to these violent cultists should be sent with them. They're ruining our civilized world, bribing our officials because they are corrupt and can be simply paid to go against their ethics for pennies, the greedy fucks. The morons that keep electing these demon scum are turning our beautiful homeland into a toilet. People like Pelosi and Schumer should be hung from the neck on the front lawn of the White House for treason, let their bodies rot along with the Clintons and Podestas as a message to anyone else who wants to get rich by fucking over America. Throw Soros into a wood chipper feet first and turn it off 1/4 way in, spraying their lifeless corpses so it attracts vultures to feast on their own kind. I'm so tired of these garbage destroying our andnour children's futures, while they plan on scurrying away like the roaches they are when the lights shine on them.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
I like you, lets put you in power.
Ill be your toadie
dontmindthemess ago
Ok. I got one real vote. 112 million to go. Thanks VP Alios_sticklgruber!
Goathole ago
Who's gonna stop me?
tamb ago
The problem is that the stupid supermarket employees will probably just throw out all the halal meat because a plastic-wrapped piece of pork was on a nearby shelf, and pay for it by raising all prices on non-Mudslim products.
The employers I worked for were cheap skinflints who would never waste inventory like that, but once scary men with beards are involved they become cowering wimps.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
Good, let them throw it away. Eventually loses will rise, and the halal section will go bye bye.
Then without a spot to acquire tortured animal meat they'll go elsewhere, and maybe thats home
minusco2 ago
I have an idea, everyone stop eating rancid flesh LOL
smifft ago
We eat pork, ya sheep fucking weirdos. Assimilate or GTFO.
chrisb_beats ago
Repost but I'll upvoat this every time.
Gigglestick ago
I don't know, I don't live how you do.
jerry ago
Nope... we dont go around telling everyone we meet "yea im non-vegan" no one cares what you eat or what i eat unless its shit and we're recording it for 4chan
Gigglestick ago
Was drunk last night, but i also said vegetarian, not vegan.
Gigglestick ago
Found the faggot.
jerry ago
Okey.. that's why your first comment in this thread was how you are a vegan
HarveyHarveyJones ago
You're both faggots.
mamwad ago
When have I ever attacked the religious freedoms of Christians?
When have I ever supported anti-consumer policies? Capitalism is anti-consumer, not socialism.
turd_pilot ago
Fuck those goat fuckers. Ham is delicious and if they wont eat it then they can go back to fuckoffistan.
0rion ago
I live in Minneapolis. Needless to say, going to start doing this every time I go to the grocery store. Top kek.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
You are the true hero.
If anyone ask, just say i wanted something else and act shocked.....
mamwad ago
Where have a defended Islam? I defend religious and consumer freedom. There's a difference.
jeffwingersballs ago
I wonder if vegans would do this.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
I bet it is, not right wingers but those dirty liberal vegans.
jeffwingersballs ago
I could see both doing it. The motives would be different though.
killyurmaster ago
Mayor_Wang ago
I'm off to Dearborn lads, time to add some diversity to the mudslime's meat selection!
Alois_sticklgruber ago
God speed anon
Jimmycog ago
That really is a good idea.
shitstartercarter ago
That was pretty cruel, all for stupid fucking reasons too. Shoot the damn camel in the head for christ sake. That thing had a pretty brutal last few seconds of life.
jerry ago
Yes the video is horrible and it is very brutal but, take some comfort in the fact that this camel probably only felt so much... the body doesnt really send much pain to the brain with an injury like that... camel may have felt some pain but that feeling was probably dwarfed by the other weird feelings it got from all the chemicals being dumped into its brain. Hopefully
kreepyasskraker ago
That's fucking dumb dude that fucker damn near decapitated that thing and you are telling me it didn't feel it. Shot to the head is best.
jerry ago
Thats not what isaid but whatever fuck you too hippy animal funk soul brotha
kreepyasskraker ago
Hippy that's a first haha I shoot groundhogs with big rifles for fun. just don't see a need for an inefficient kill when there are better ways.
jerry ago
Right. In American slaughterhouse factories they use a metal rod that shoots out and scrambles the brain quick. Mudslimes just do it a little different, substantially more retarded
kreepyasskraker ago
Pretty much
Gigglestick ago
Damn you're dumb on the biological matter of life. Did you read your comment? damn son, don't follow this dumb dumb.
Edit: to clarify the retardation this dumb dumb @jerry is feeling. Do you have any Idea what a soul is? if you can regulate with yourself and my self at a simultaneous time in life with signifying what a soul is and what you do with yours and what a possible soul residing within that camel is doing, then maybe you understand, it's not just mechanisms, it's actions that are happening. and that's where I leave you because regardless of what I say you're going to call me a " liberal for understanding Earth" and not being copacetic with whoever taught you bull shit. I had to teach my parents that animals have souls. If you don't believe in souls. Then I hope you sell yours for a rich yacht.
Edit 2: for the science folk. The body sends a certain chemical to the brain to release a certain "instance morphine" to regulate pain. In extreme cases he says hopefully because he's never had a serious injury, because he lives comfortably. Fuck Jerry and Fuck Jerry's across the globe. You pass butter now Jerry, Nobody likes you Jerry. You're just summer's dad's husband who should've married someone better.
eulogyjones ago
Lol you do realize that dualism is bullshit right? The self is nothing more than an illusion. You don't have a special area in your brain that an ego is just hiding out in.
jerry ago
I made my comment based on my knowledge (albeit limited, I know that what you wrote in that comment isn't scientific WHATSOEVER) ... mammals have advanced body systems that automate responses when the mammal is put into situations. Pain is a response to keep us alive. Pain isn't actually a real thing, it is a sensation that is put together by our brain and other body senses. Neither of us actually know what the fuck that camel was feeling. But if I had to guess, pain was low on the list. When that much blood is suddenly outside of your circulatory tract, lots of your body stops working how it did when it had the full amount of blood being sent to it. Your brain needs blood in order to function properly.. all I am saying is the camel was not flopping around on the ground thinking in camel speak "oh my god the pain the humanity how could this have happened if only humans only ate salad all day" it was probably a little more like "this is a new sensation unlike anything I've ever experienced And it's not good it's warm and slippery and everything is getting darker and quieter..." I doubt it felt good, I don't mean to say the camel didn't feel it. It definitely felt something the way it cried out. But it had no clue what happened or why it was feeling that feeling
Does every human have a soul? The Bible says there's something around 600,000. I dunno how accurate that is, I'd estimate there is actually less souls than that, let alone that all the fucking animals in the world have SOULS too. There's a lot of soulless motherfuckers out there... like the one that convinced you that animals have souls and all this other nonsense you spout... you don't have to be "copacetic" with me or what I know or who I know... you don't have to be copacetic dumbass... your opinion does not matter. You can control your own goals and aspirations and other aspects about your own mental being... you cannot control anything beyond that, but some things you may influence. You can't influence an animal to have a soul, same as you can't influence a human to have a soul. I have already accepted these and other key truths about life. You usually only feel the pain if you are going to live. And even if it does hurt, who gives a fuck? Seriously? You are already dead . The argument here should be why the fuck are these people killing camels ... not "omg wat if dat hurt da camels nek for a few secunds doe..."
Gamio ago
Rules, rules for this, rules for that. Thats Islam. Lot of the same kind of rules apply for Judaism too, most of Catholicism too but the mainstream kind form has moved past this mandatory enforcement of rules but there is plenty of die hard followers who are generally ridiculed for being insane people with insane lifestyles.
See to be a good ist or ismist you have to follow these rules, hard set rules that dictate your life from cradle to grave and allow for plenty of exceptions in times of strife, war, and general need when you need it cause like l'oreal "you're worth it" when youre a believer but still the core rules magically apply and you'll get into eternal paradise if you follow the main utterly irrefutable yet commutable conditions for these rules when its convenient.
shitstartercarter ago
It isn't the same though. Jews don't have their animals put down in such a ridiculously savage way. Kosher just means they only eat animals with split hooves and cud. Halal is killing it by cutting the jugular and watching it bleed out in agonizing pain for a few seconds. The Muslims definitely win on the brutality part.
JastheMace ago
Not true, you need to watch some videos of Kosher slaughter, they put the cow in a tight cage, roll it upside down to terrify the cow, then slit the throat. Cruel and unusual for zero reason.
NotPolice ago
My buddy, who took some meat science classes in college where they had to learn the rules for halal and kosher meat, described the difference as "a slightly sharper knife."
Gigglestick ago
"Cost too much, waste of ammunition." Take a fucking nail and hammer it in the head jesus christ, That was despicable.
This is why I'm a vegetarian.
Mechanicalmechanic ago
Why vegetarian vs vegan? A lot of animal cruelty is perpetrated by animal husbandry to start with. I am thinking of the milk and egg industries in particular.
I would think if causing animals to suffer you would back away from dairy also. I think eggs are debateable since chickens are stupid as hell and no exploitation is needed. At least ducks have some intelligence.
superAIDS ago
This is why captive bolt guns were invented.
Gigglestick ago
Yup, muslims being douche bags. What's new?
shitstartercarter ago
Ehh meat tastes too good and is filling. I could never do the vegetarian gig, I just can't stand them.
Mechanicalmechanic ago
Being a vegetarian or vegan is a lifestyle choice that usually revolves around nutritional education and a desire to be healthy for a longer period of your life. It's not that meat is bad, it is the quantity that we consume that is bad. Having a 4 oz serving of a lean meat per day is not a big deal but having bacon, sausage, and eggs with butter fried potatoes for breakfast, meat and cheese pizza/sandwich for lunch, followed by steak and potatoes for dinner is far too many animal products which leads to serious health issues later in life.
I switched to a vegetarian diet almost 3 years ago and I went full vegan a year and a half ago. The hardest part about veggies is trying to cleanse your palette of meat flavors. Once you stop eating the meat the other things taste much much better. Try the experiment with sugar.
Gigglestick ago
I respect what you do if you don't call me a faggot and slam me down because of my specific choices. Just try to eat more veggies and fruit dude, shit's good for you. Maybe do a meat-less monday every now and then?
Maeglor ago
I've seen lots of animal slaughter, and this was the cruelest yet.
Even the factory pig farms that keep them in shit with open wounds still ends the misery quicker than that.
WanderingMitten ago
I disagree, no reason to be this immature and give them more reasons to hate. Respect peoples diet beliefs, vegetarians, halal, kosher, glutton-free. If they don't want to eat something or feel a certain way towards something respect it. Because if you aren't showing them the respect you want then you are no better than them.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
Good plan, let me know how that works when you're a slave for some imam in 50 years.
GGBVanix ago
They're not going to respect us anyway.
Slab_SquatThrust ago
If they want to come here, they can respect us and our culture. If not, fuck off back to the desert.
Wahaha ago
I don't want respect, I want them out of my country.
mamwad ago
You own your own country?
Wahaha ago
I'm not a Jew, so yes, I have my own country.
0rion ago
LEGENDARY. @mamwad, give up, you've just been eternally BTFO.
mamwad ago
since when is cliched edgelord bullshit legendary?
0rion ago
Since the moment it caused you to get so upset over a stranger's comment on the internet.
mamwad ago
Since when does asking whether he owns a country mean I'm "getting so upset"?
0rion ago
You tell me, you're the one who can't let it go.
mamwad ago
I'm not the one who gets triggered by people buying Halaal...
I like to comment on stupid comments. It's what I do here. It entertains me.
0rion ago
You're right, you're actually the one who gets triggered by the people who dare to blasphemize your precious Islam.
mamwad ago
Blasphemy and vandalism are two different things, bub. Blaspheming doesn't cause real damage. I'm not afraid of blaspheming myself. Islam, like all Abrahamic religions, has roots in barbarism. It'd be best if we did away with all the old religions and moved onto a more secular society. There's a difference, however, between criticism of an ideology and outright hatred of a people. Fascists like to get on their high horse, but really they are no different than the Islamists. A culture infected by it is as dangerous to liberty and humane society as Islamism.
0rion ago
Have an upvote, I don't disagree with a word you just said.
mamwad ago
It's yours? You own it?
Wahaha ago
Before you ask, no, you can't have it. It's mine.
mamwad ago
mamwad ago
Welcome to the mind of the alt right. Always blaming left wingers for being immature and then doing this kind of shit FOR TEH LULZ.
mamwad ago
ITT: Voat thinks the grocery store isn't private property, thinks they live in a communist country where they get to decide what other people consume.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
Yes shlomo, i agree.
Best make sure these goyim know the rulez!
RectalLeakage ago
Pickled sausage makes for a great jew food contribution.
SubspaceDistortion ago
So bring your own pork.
ohnoitsaninja ago
The hole shelf doesn't have to be thrown out, just rip off all the halal stickers and put the meat in the meat section.
Slab_SquatThrust ago
You want someone to give a fuck? Go back to the fucking desert, asshole.
go1dfish ago
So? I'm not saying they are smart. People have the right to be stupid.
Wahaha ago
That's not a right,...
go1dfish ago
Depends on how you think about rights.
But you're right that it's an overbroad statement to say that people have the right to be stupid.
People have the right to their beliefs, and to buy or sell whatever they want. If someone wants to pay more for specially blessed/slaughtered meat that's their business, and as long as they don't interfere with my ability to get meat I have no qualms with it.
If you do, you are welcome to boycott the market and tell them why, but you have no right to intentionally damage their product when that product harms no-one.
Wahaha ago
Rights are things you have by law. If someone violates your rights, you can sue them. If people had a right to be stupid, they could sue educators that are teaching them for violating their right to be stupid.
Having a right to their belief makes no sense, since nobody could violate that right anyway. What're you're going to do, prove them wrong? Like that ever stopped someone believing in shit. Kids don't have the right to believe in Santa Claus and people don't have a right to believe in whatever, since such a right makes no sense.
Also, people are not allowed to buy or sell whatever they want. Slave trade is illegal and so are a bunch of other things. Specially blessed meat could be outlawed. Just like human meat is outlawed. There's crazier shit that was made into a law.
go1dfish ago
So how do governments violate people's rights? Did slaves have no right to be free until government decreed it?
Wahaha ago
Yes. Rights are something that are granted to you by people in power. If you want rights you do not have, you have to fight for them. Rights aren't magical things you just have and other people have to enforce because you just have them. If government doesn't enforce your rights and you lack power than you do not have any rights anymore.
go1dfish ago
Then what would you call those things you think you should be rights but aren't?
When I refer to rights, I usually refer to natural/human rights:
That's part of why I think they have the "right" to be stupid, because you can't really prove it, they can make decisions for whatever reasoning they want.
If you want to call rights those things protected by law, then the muslims have all kinds of rights granted to them by government as a result of religious freedom and discrimination laws.
Wahaha ago
Entitlement comes to mind as a word to describe things people think should be rights, but aren't. Maybe your just confusing needs with rights. People have a need to eat, they don't have the right to eat. Except if someone gives them this right. Like parents. Rights are something that you can give and take away or take for yourself and be stripped away of. Needs are something you fundamentally have. They can be denied, though.
But I wouldn't quite say that people have the need to be stupid. That's just silly.
Yes, Muslims have all kinds of rights. Those rights can be stripped away, though. Rights aren't set in stone.
Reddit_is_shitty ago
I'm totally doing this if I'm ever in a store and I notice a "Halal" section.
Stupid fucking religious idiots.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
Its your right as a citizen, use the right or lose the right
aria_taint ago
LOL!!!! Keep this up. I wish my market had a hahahahahaahhhlll section, I would load it with ham and pork chops!
The_Duke_of_Dabs ago
. . . . You're not doing it right. The pork product needs to be placed in such a way that it's hidden; we're talking tucked in the middle maybe closer to the top, that way other people grab stuff and then, boom! Muddies freaking out. They'd tell their friends and family, their families friends; and none of them would trust that place or ever want to go there again.
svipbo ago
I like the way you think.
Mr_Wolf ago
Hopefully all they do is move it around keep the same stuff on the shelves. These are the same fucks that pushed to get rid of people saying Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.
superAIDS ago
Wtf is wrong with happy new year? Do people not believe in time?
monkeytoe101 ago
Needs to be done more often, far and wide.
hypercat ago
I've never seen a halal meat section and I live in hippy land. Crazy. I would definitely do this for shits and giggles. And I bet you 100% they just take the ham out. No one is going to waste their time cleaning out the section.
0fsgivin ago
They probably put it in a freshly changed garbagw bag. Wheel it back into the cooler and "restock" it an hour later.
go1dfish ago
This is vandalism, hurts the business owner and accomplishes nothing other than lols.
At least the BLM protestors buy the pigs they use to make their political statements.
Alois_sticklgruber ago
Spoken like a true butt hurt liberal.
Maybe yell "i hate white people" louder at your next protest.
Fucking hippies
Shepherdess ago
Businesses who support Female Genital Mutilation, child brides, rape, human trafficking, and honor killings by making Islamists feel welcome deserve what they get.
go1dfish ago
Not everyone who buys halal/kosher does so out of religious belief.
Many do so because they trust the private regulatory bodies for those standards more than the government.
Shepherdess ago
Those people have no problem with ham on the shelf next to the product they are buying. Don't back out now. You came in here with the "hey, guys.. let's be nice to the people who want us dead." statement. Either retract it or go down with the ship.
go1dfish ago
That's not what I was saying at all, if you want to go buy pork and halal meat and put it on display on your property go for it.
If you want to wear bacon to piss off muslims go for it.
If you want to boycott the store owner for having a halal section in the first place go for it.
But vandalism is wrong and you are hurting the store owner who may or may not be muslim purely because he is satisfying a market demand.
Shepherdess ago
This is beyond boycott, this is actionable protest. It just happens to be funny as a bonus.
Stores which push Islamist culture deserve what they get at the hands of their customers. They are quietly consenting to rape, murder, mutilation, and the invasion of an entire continent.
mamwad ago
It's vandalism. Just admit it. Admit that you're a card carrying communist who rejects property rights and thinks grocery stores should be communally owned and operated.
Shepherdess ago
We'll go as far as it is vandalism that I whole heartedly support.
mamwad ago
Which means that you either support more severe restrictions on the free market than most leftists or you're a hypocritical idiot who doesn't think about the logical consequences of his actions. Which is it? Those are logically the only two options.
Shepherdess ago
It means none of these things. Assuming it does is illogical. And Oprahesque. (Theatricality of emotions used to sway conversations outside of reason) It's cute, but ineffective.
mamwad ago
Yes, it means those things. But then again right wing stooges are indoctrinated into a cult of anti-intellectualism, so I can see how you might not be able to see it.
Shepherdess ago
Oh now I'm right wing? Pick a strawman before you grow tedious.
mamwad ago
Certainly act like it.
Shepherdess ago
Well it can't be both, now can it. π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄ this is me right now. π΄π΄π΄waiting for you to make senseπ΄π΄π΄never mind, I'm over it. (The waiting part)
mamwad ago
nice emojis, retard.
Shepherdess ago
Oh name calling now. (Well, again) yup.. boring. You bore me π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄π΄
Boyakasha ago
We know it's not funny. We want these goat-fucking idiots to go home.
TrueAmerican ago
We need more Muslims and less Christians in America.. i want whites to be an extreme minority by 2030. America is for ALL people of ALL races and religions. If you don't like it, too bad. Nothing can stop the power of Love and Peace. Whites will be confined to reservations in rural America. Only liberal whites and hippies allowed.
Rainy-Day-Dream ago
but why tho?
kreepyasskraker ago
Troll harder loser faggot
voNIKONov ago
1/10 troll. Sad.
Octoclops ago
Low quality b8 3/10
smifft ago
Back to Reddit with that globalist bs. You muslim loving twats should spent some time with them and then preach about love and kindness. Lifeprotip; they hate everyone that isn't a sheep fucking, Allu akhbar screaming nutter.
Gigglestick ago
You're a retard. Less religions period. Do you even know what a True American was? Native American... You're tied into the earth, everything you've learned was from fucking Earth, go back to your safe space you POS.
Edit: Getting me all heated over the internet and shit...
InnatelyAcidic ago
If you're white; put a pistol in your mouth, cuck.
If you're a nigger, lynch yourself.
A sand nigger, get fucked to death by goats..
Otherwise, kill yourself generically.
SelfReferenceParadox ago
gr8 b8 m8
Boyakasha ago
You're not even good at trolling. Just give up.
mamwad ago
Wow. A voater actually spotted a troll. Amazing.
Slab_SquatThrust ago
We need more Muslims like we need more liberal retards.
Freaktheswamp ago
Moron. They will kill the liberal whites. I am a hippie. Trust me because I have traveled more than you have.
TrueAmerican ago
See you at the burn this year?
aria_taint ago
massiveprivilege ago
This... this is fucking brilliant. Go you crazy robots. Do it for the lols.
the store will just end up taking pork away from the locals
DickHertz ago
I seriously doubt that.
london is majority Muslim itf you don't think they have the audacity to take food away from Brits at this point you haven't been paying attention
DickHertz ago
My bad - I thought this was in US.
BTW is that actually true about Muslims being in the majority in London?
IDK about muslim dune coons, but sadly whites are definitely a minority
twee ago
I have better things to do with my time.
all this does is make more work for the employees.
edit... i am in no way shape or form defending the islam.
SubspaceDistortion ago
So I'm helping out the poor man? I fail to see the problem with that.
NoBS ago
Job security is a civil duty. Have some respect man.
goatsshadow ago
they're paid hourly, and I'm sure it's better than degreasing a deli oven or cleaning a meat grinder... :D plus it's pretty fucking funny
good point. i'll just start putting shit in the wrong place because theyr'e paid hourly and its funny
vandilx ago
Every once in a while, I'll stick a bottle of sex lubricant or a jar of petroleum jelly in the cucumber stall of the produce area and just leave it there for the lulz.
goatsshadow ago
I'm glad you've been straightened out, carry on.
how about you carry off
DabbaDan ago
I wouldn't, normally. But this is different. This insults people of a very specific, and damaging, following - pissing off the stockboys, that's collateral damage. Regrettable, sure, but necessary.
greyhunter4 ago
If I was a stock boy I'd be slipping in the ham and pork myself.
then the store gets sued. y'all are some dumb mother fuckers huh?
DabbaDan ago
Not at all. I don't work at a grocery store. As a customer, I can get away with a simple "Oh, WHOOPSIE DAISY!" and, at worst, just have to leave the store.
Life is good as a non-muslim, non-grocery store employee.