Holonomic ago


Holonomic ago

Your choice.

Holonomic ago

Insert a bacon strip in each one as a nice bookmark.

lmkevin ago

I shit you not.


Muslim / Arabic ethics are not so well defined.

If fact they are subject to change at the whim of any believer.

About as flexible as the situational ethics of the Clintons.

lmkevin ago

This is not being done, however many other tactics like it are being done. For instance, when they lane a helicopter or plane in enemy territories, US forces will place a bucket of mutilated pig in/on/beside it. It prevents suicide bombers from blowing themselves up because they fear they will get pig blood on themselves during the explosion. Meaning their efforts will only send them to hell.

And an even larger religious knife is that US soldiers make bullets with tiny chunks of pork in them. Which again is a Muslims worst fear.

Wedhro ago

It wouldn't work. A summary of Islam for you:

1) Here's a list of thousand things you're supposed not to do.

2) In case of Jihad, ignore point 1.

superAIDS ago

Evan, can we get a fact check on this?

Artofchoke ago

I acknowledge that possibility, baby. I really do. 💖

A-1 ago

They're not allowed to drink or be gay either but, Pakistan has proven that they will find a way around their own rules and call it piety. Might I also suggest hollowpoints filled with dog piss and pig fat shot by women snipers?

audiastrat ago

i don't get it

ex-redd ago

good thinking: a good tactic to get well-armed, poised, converts on the inside to realize the evils of the infidels.

MarkTheNerd ago

Better yet, cover every vehicle and soldier with pages from the qur'an.

HeavyBrain ago

Doesnt count if kuffar do it to prevent the jihad.

nieieieee ago

i saw this post that said why don't we print the qur'an with the image of mohamad on each page. paradoxical

nieieieee ago

haha poor babies

J20 ago

Shit, the math checks out. I can't argue against that.

Artofchoke ago

Note to self - SCRoberts1987 is crazier than a shithouse rat.

Driftcunt ago

Better yet get the military out of the middle east.

BB-3 ago

Kind of like how you're not supposed to burn the US flag, but the when we'd have a flag retirement ceremony in the Boy Scouts, we'd put them in a large campfire.

CosmicChrist ago

We should just mass produce giant robots or tanks that look like a Qur'an with heavy machine guns and rockets and send them in to clean house.

Just think of a 20ft tall sparkling iron Qur'an on tank treads rolling through towns in packs of 30+ and blaring "alluah akbar!" over loud speakers. Now that's psychological warfare!

Strange_Attractor ago

I smell a childrens tv series! Imagine something like Liberty Prime but it rambles about safe spaces, multiculteralism, carbon based life-form privilege, etc.

SmokeyMeadow ago

This would work perfectly, except for one little hitch: Islam is a phony political dogma masquerading as religion. As such, all their super strict rules go out the window if it helps the cause of killing infidels and spreading Islamic cancer across the globe. A jihadi fighter could eat a bacon sandwich with a side of pork rinds and bang a whole brothel of tranny hookers while drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon and holding a "draw the prophet Mohamed" contest, and he will still get his 72 virgins in heaven as long as he blows himself up in the end and kills a bunch of innocent people.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

reported as spam. i'm not talking to you. i'm talking to voat.

you are a shill

Ina_Pickle ago

Perhaps Our military should duct tape those suckers to their chests in plain view. Unholy Armor.

Sturmbringer ago

Yes exactly, cats do things on their own time. You can't tell them what to do.

Whitemail ago

Well, that's a lot simpler than loading up a cow in every vehicle when you're trying to invade India.

Fourletterexpletive ago

Wrap them in bacon so that they wouldn't dare remove them either

audiastrat ago

well it's not really a relevant second problem since the first problem is talking about defeating them and yours is just a personal satisfaction.

audiastrat ago

They don't use toilet paper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P372gzoxMeE

audiastrat ago

I always send a message through someone in contact with someone in charge of the boat bringing over the refugees that if they come here they're going to get shot because they're muslim

audiastrat ago

This is a good idea. Put signs on the vehicle that say it's in the vehicle or display it outside that vehicle in plain sight.

ObscureReference ago

That is a great idea. I am curious what mental gymnastics would be used to dismiss this by people on a violent jihad.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Religious extremists are supreme mental gymnastics. It would take about two second's thought.

PsyOp ago

Now that is the kind of out-of-the-box thinking that separates white people ('cause you know it was a white guy who dreamed it up!) from all the rest!

ObscureReference ago

It was a bored nerd having pathos about getting blown up in the Middle East in unarmored hummer and thought about putting a 'Koran on board' bumpersticker.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

You are naive if you think Muslims care about the Koran being burned. It's part of taqiyya. They don't give a fuck about their book outside of the fact it justifies "muh dick". To Islamists, feigning outrage over a burning Koran nothing but another excuse to attack westerners. It gives them a convenient false flag anytime they need to rally their hoards.

Stop thinking that Muslims have a consistent moral code.

0fsgivin ago

I don't think any religion has proven to have a consistent moral code...

Grospoliner ago

So what you're saying is someone already beat the Jew to the punch.

Chiefpacman ago

Good idea, until the soldiers start reading them too much. Tis' a hateful book.

Grospoliner ago

Offical copies are only in Arabic. Just use official copies

BB-3 ago

And not even Modern Arabic, the official version is in Classical Arabic.

Chiefpacman ago

Fair enough.

Tancred ago


Donbuster ago

So this is why their kin have a blood oath to kill all the humans

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Genuinely a fucking good idea...

RectalLeakage ago

Back in ancient Egypt, the Persian army went into battle with live cats strapped to the shields. As they were considered holy, they didn't dare fight.

ObscureReference ago

This is the funniest thing ever.

RectalLeakage ago

That's... actually not as stupid as it sounds. It worked on the Egyptians with cats...

SaneGoatiSwear ago




MarkTheNerd ago

@sanegoatiswear is actually an escaped mental patient!

weezkitty ago

Shut. Up.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

/|\ buthurt confirmed

zo34 ago

This also worked with dead pigs and pig fat soaked bullets.

pewpewpewmoon ago

Well they do have a clause that let's them do anything they want if they have reason to.


if you don't want to read through all that blah blah blah it comes down to them just rationalizing that its ok to do and getting at least one imam or whoever to give the thumbs up. And that gives rise to such amazing treasues as Sodomy for Jihad

Seriously watch it, greatest troll ever

0fsgivin ago

It's almost like religion is more about money and power then any moral code.