SunflowerSutra ago

I'm stuck on whether it's a tranny as well...

Dereliction ago

Seriously, what the fuck is happening here.

robocook ago


Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

No, it's Hillary supporters.

SaneGoatiSwear ago



MillenChillen ago


SunflowerSutra ago

Which ones are the boys and which ones are the girls?

ChanceofRain ago

Someone get Blue Shorts Girl a fuckin cheeseburger!

snackcercise ago

the one in the plaid shirt ate all her food.

8_billion_eaters ago

See those open spaces behind those cunt wads? See those oven-like shapes? All it would take is a few faggots of wood and maybe a chimney to get rid of these pieces of shit.

Their day is done.

2 weeks.

the_spectre ago

Hans, get the gas.

Redneck_Commandos ago

Unrelated, but what the hell was the beginning of this meme

the_spectre ago

Hans is a German name. Gas was used to kill 6 gorrilion chosenites and a bunch of fags and commies.

White_Phillip ago

Titus, get the cross.

the_spectre ago

Matias, get the helicopter.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Rev. Jones prepare the Kool Aid

voteforfreedom ago

Teenage Mutant Non-Gender Specific Suicidal SJW Psychiatric Squad

Coming to FOX in 2017

SoManyQuestions ago

This may be a joke but that will describe a 'super hero' eventually.

voteforfreedom ago

and the day it does, it will be a sign from the devil to string myself up, robin williams style...cause I have no hope

cointelpro_shill ago

If I were in that friend group, I would be very proud of the diversity. Maybe lose the tacky white male though...And the dyke just to be safe

bdmthrfkr ago

There's a man in that picture?

dt1 ago

The skinny black dude with long hair.

kneo24 ago

Yeah, it's the fat dude with the bitch tits on the far right.

bdmthrfkr ago

Oh, I'm sorry, I though that that was the bearded lady from the circus.

My mistake, I apologize.

kneo24 ago

Is there a difference?

bdmthrfkr ago

In which order do we shame and oppress them?

  1. Lard asses

  2. Niggers and Jews

  3. Shiftless millenials

  4. Being dorks, the kind that when I was a kid we would have TC'ed (trash can'ed, as in thrown their asses into a trash can and laugh while they tried to get out,)

These "people" are only going to fuck up your culture and never be able to pay off their student debt, leaving you to hold the bag for them. Losers.

cointelpro_shill ago

Your culture belongs in a trash can, oppressor

10001011 ago

Looks like a successful photoshoot to me.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Go to the gym and see a psychiatrist. That's the best advice I can give these people. We mustn't encourage them.

Totenglocke ago

Eh, I personally encourage them to chug bleach and play Russian roulette.