Octocopter ago

You posted a fetish rape video of a real child to a porn sub and you want to be treated equally? I hope who ever finally gets their hands on you takes it real slow.

Octocopter ago

@puttitout Why has he not been banned for violating USA law yet?

fuark_auf ago

You posted a fetish rape video of a real child to a porn sub

stop calling it a "FETISH RAPE VIDEO". because it was not that. it was a scene from the movie Bastard out of Carolina, a mainstream movie hollywood movie.

you want to be treated equally?

no i didn't wanted it to be treated equally that is why I DELETED THAT POST MYSELF. I wasn't aware of the sub rules (because it wasn't listed) and when i found that it was not allowed I DELETED THAT POST MYSELF. end of fucking story.

repeated violations of the user agreement

repeated? this is the only one case and even in this one case I DIDN'T VIOLATE ANY USER AGREEMENT. THAT VIDEO IS COMPLETELY 100% LEGAL. the subs rules didn't allowed it and i respected that and deleted the post myself.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Octocopter ago

You posted a clip of child rape to a porn sub without ANY of the context for the rest of the movie of what the connect belonged to a location filled with hardcore porn. By USA law what you posted was sexually explicit content involving a minor in a pornographic context, AKA you posted child porn to Voat. The fact you are not banned already is amazing.

You can be guaranteed if you are USA citizen the authorities are attempting to track you or already are. It was not a sub rule you violated, you violated Voat user agreement, USA law which Voat is under, and basic human and moral decency involving how we should treat the most vulnerable among us. You really need to educate your self on what obscenity laws are or started melting your hard-drives because you clearly don't know what is legal action, distribution and possession is.

You should be worried about what will happen to you when you get caught.

fuark_auf ago

that gif/webm can easily be found on 4chan or heck even reddit of all places.

was a real girl hurt in any way shape or form during its production -> no
does it features underage nudity -> no

what it features is simulated sex and that too not even with the same actress (a double). if you still consider it child porn or child abuse then god help you. there is a lot of actual abuse going on but instead of focusing on that we are arguing on this of all things. (and with some people i even have to argue over drawings ffs)

Octocopter ago

Context of possession along with every other bit of media you have as well as intent of possession and distribution. You can keep lying to yourself all you want, but when you get Vanned they all ready have all they need to lock you up.

Go ahead and head down to your local police station and ask if you can legally keep upskirt pictures of little girls. I all ready warned you about Obscenity laws and there are even more options for prosecution just based on the links you shared here.

fuark_auf ago

Go ahead and head down to your local police station and ask if you can legally keep upskirt pictures of little girls.

dude what is problem? when did i say suggestive material about minors is ok? i am just talking about THAT scene in particular.

and as far as intent is concerned that's legally bullshit. so you are telling me if someone has this clip with the intent of jacking off he can to jail. BULL fucking SHIT.

Octocopter ago

So what in your "totally not" sick fucked up head drove you to not only posses a specifically cut segment of a movie depicting only the rape of a little girl and then post it to a pornographic board?

Do you even know what Mens Reas is? Do you understand that pedos are currently rotting in jail not because feds cracked their encrypted folders but because they stored and shared lolicon porn in the same places they shared photos of real girls "stretching, dancing, and modeling". You are already on a list and Voat like every other USA based site passes on information about violations of said laws to the relevant authorities.

You would be better of deleting your account and destroying your computer before everyone you have ever known finds out just what kind of monster you are during court proceedings.

fuark_auf ago

they shared photos of real girls "stretching, dancing, and modeling"

that is wrong because they stalk girls and click such creepshots. this is wrong.

the scene i shared can even be found on youtube. it's a movie scene. and you still havent answered my question so i'll ask it again and don't dodge it this time or make baseless claims like "Go ahead and head down to your local police station and ask if you can legally keep upskirt pictures of little girls.":

if someone has this clip with the intent of jacking off, you're saying it is illegal and he can go to jail. I ASK WHY. I didn't stalk some little girl for filming this clip and later jacking off to it (like in the example you mentioned of girls dancing etc). So yeah answer this

Octocopter ago

OBSCENITY LAWS you dense pedo fucktard. I said it twice, three times now.

Even if media itself is not illegal the ways in which it is used and the media with which it is stored and shared can change the way it is classified, by posting what you did to a porn board it would be easy for any prosecutor to pass it to the court as child porn. You pedos forget its not some emotionless robot that enforces the law.

Possessing or distributing (including receiving) images of children in revealing poses or attire in the same channels (internet connection) that one is storing or distributing obscene media aka lolicon or hardcore porn makes all the media of children be classified as obscene.

You clearly know nothing about law and that makes me happy knowing how easy you make the job of the people watching you waiting to throw as many charges as possible at you.

fuark_auf ago

You clearly know nothing about law

oh the irony.

i just checked it on US Gov's website and they define Child Porn as "Federal law defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (persons less than 18 years old). Images". There is no talk about intent of non pornographic content. So, if someone is using that clip from Interstellar to jack off, they are not breaking the law. I won't be replying any more to your stupid shit.

Octocopter ago

I will repeat this. "You can keep lying to yourself all you want, but when you get Vanned they already have all they need to lock you up." Go ahead and make it easier for them to lock you up for a long time while you live in fear behind bars.

They are coming for you. Pedos who share fetish rape videos of children on social media make good publicity for them when they take em down.

larryhuston ago

Wah! Stop bullying me!
