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Rotteuxx ago

Nword or Kword ?

The fuck is this faggot talk ?

Niggers and fucking kikes.

The fuck were these battered wife syndrome betas still doing over there ? Why the fuck would we want them here to nigger up the place like jew cock sucking faggots ?

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx the cuck.

Don't be scared off by the Jews on this site, frens! Join /v/GreatAwakening in telling /v/ProtectVoat and their clan of loli-porn-posting pedos to fuck off!

Rotteuxx ago

Says the tantrum throwing faggot adamantly white knighting for a jewish slut who fed him nudy pics to manipulate him.

Keep on projecting you narcissistic Incel

Crensch ago

Says the tantrum throwing faggot adamantly white knighting for a jewish slut who fed him nudy pics to manipulate him.

Sounds like how you were defending @Trigglypuff when she had her sketchy PMs revealed to show she was likely part of the zyklon crew.

Keep on projecting you narcissistic Incel

Back at you, cuck.

Rotteuxx ago

What's the matter, why so triggered ?

Has @Srayzie been paying too much attention to her husband instead of you ?

Crensch ago

What's the matter, why so triggered ?

Why the tone fallacy? Lack of content making you feel like the beta you are?

Has @Srayzie been paying too much attention to her husband instead of you ?

Why do you want to shut this conversation down so badly? Is it because all you have are character attacks on me, while I have a pattern of you white-knighting for your chosen frontholes/holeplugs while attacking anyone your main holeplug tells you to attack?

Rotteuxx ago

You're having a conversation, I'm laughing at you.

Just because you feel like throwing a tantrum doesn't mean I'll oblige.

Fuck you're self centered.

Crensch ago

You're having a conversation, I'm laughing at you.

You're a cuck, and everyone is laughing at you.

Just because you feel like throwing a tantrum doesn't mean I'll oblige.

Just because you have gotten away with not being called a cuck until recently, doesn't mean you're actually an alpha.

Fuck you're self centered.

And you have no support for any of your claims while holding me, srayzie, and shizy to standards you don't hold your SBBH cuck-buddies and frontholes to.


Rotteuxx ago

Yes it is !